Promoting Islamophobia

Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------

No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.
No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

coyote is on a mission----as super liar ---to deny the fact that
more than 99% of FMG------are done as an adherence to the
Well natch - any source that disagrees with you is going to be labled "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES" (and really now - what kind of silly point are you trying to make with the all caps?).

That's a matter of opinion.

You do know if a child is raped and murdered by a Christian all he needs to do is "get saved" and he is absolved of any crime. He doesn't even have to pay restitution. And the Doctrine of Mental Reservation allows them to cover it up.

And now the dictates of the Catholic church is that all serious crime must be reported and no absolution given. They are still guilty even after absolution and all the Catholic church does is free the soul of the criminal so they will be tested on their lifes work. Under islam the muslim need only reaffirm their commitment to allah and Mohamed and they are absolved of all blame, they even have a get out of jail clause for it Insh Allah or it is the will of god.

After years and years of abuse and cover up - finally. But that does not extend to other Christian denominations - if you reaffirm your commitment to Jesus, all crimes go poof. Really Phoenall, you're trying to extract a difference that isn't there.

No it is purely a Catholic thing, something the muslims latched onto and made it easier to do. For a Catholic to do it they need to go to church, then go to confession, then take the penance to wash their soul clean. The body/person is not absolved of any crime and can still be arrested and charged by the Catholic authorities . Under islam once the criminal has proclaimed that allah is the only god then he can not be arrested in an Islamic state as he has invoked sharia law and absolved himself of any wrongdoing.

You should really research islam more compared to Christianity and Judaism

Uh. No. It's not "purely a Catholic thing". Why do you think Christian conversions are so popular in prisons. They give themselves to Jesus (and there is no limit on the number of times) and they are absolved. Of course in states with secular systems of law that doesn't mean they can't be arrested but from a religious point of view they are innocent again.

Now as to your statement on criminal law in Islamic states - that isn't actually true or the prisons would be empty. But they aren't.

There is no absolution in the Anglican faith, no confessions and no penances to perform. That is purely a Catholic practise and is peculiar to them. The vast majority of conversions in prison are too the Islamic faith were they are given better food and treatment under Human Rights laws, then find they cant get out of their clutches when they are released. Under protestant rules if you commit a crime you can not be absolved of blame by the church and be seen as innocent, you are guilty of the crime and must face mans punishment first, and then Gods

YOu are addressing an islamo Nazi libel-----Libels are the galvanizing forces in virtually all progroms, lynchings, and
terrorist attacks--------do not expect the persons who support the program to give them up
No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?
visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law. (rosie YES YOU DID, LIAR----you waxed
vulgar regarding my mother-in-law----so disappointed that she, at age 11---
was not splayed out and raped--------you got your link and never had
the decency to apologize for your FILTH)

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

In her incessant mendacity and filth of character---Coyote lied
AGAIN ------and again. The facts are that FGM is
mentioned in the Koran------easy to find. and the facts are FGM is a practice which exists in almost every muslim poplation even in places that never harbored that custom
(or in the view of many Islamic clerics---a religious imperative)
prior to the time 'ISLAM GOT THERE' The overwhelming
majority of acts of FGM----even today ----after muslim clerics
(recently) have been considering doing away with it are done
amongs muslims It is also a custom in some African non
muslim communities. This is not the first time that the very vulgar Coyote has demonstrated her filth and resorted to the typical islamo Nazi pig "PROVE IT"-------the demand "PROVE IT" are very typical islamo Nazi pig lingo.
I began hearing it as soon as I encountered large numbers of

Anyone interested in FGM----employ google and better
yet visit a large medical library if you can get in. Coyote is
an apologist for lots of filth and a liar and is vulgar. In the
past I did sometimes go to the trouble of coming up with
links to demonstrate her mendacity-----but anyone can
do it and I have no interest in wasting my time on islamo Nazi
propagandaists-------even if she is in mourning for yet
another of here heroes ALOIS BRUNNER----

more coyo-bullshit

I was even told that it was the MOSSAD that created
the civil war between east Pakistan and West Pakistan
in 1971-----"-PROVE IT NOT TRUE."


Some of the stuff that I got treated to over the years is
funny----but if I recount those incidents----the MOST
VULGAR has a tendency to use the same vulgar
inuenendos that it employed above-----I did warn
about the child confiscation customs of islam a few
years ago----the sow
laughed------and is till laughing as kids are being
raped and enslaved in the HOLY CALIPHATE
---Child confiscation is growing in scope right now
to her depraved delight. For those who do not know---muslims
and their apologists DEFEND that act as being one that
; provides a home to the children of the men they murder
(however orphans of any cause are considered enslavable
under the filth of the shariah that Coyote so adores---keep in
mind----slave means legal sex object (male or female) in
Islamic law-----thousands of Sudanese Christians remain
enslaved to the filth coyote supports
Last edited:
Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

In her incessant mendacity and filth of character---Coyote lied
AGAIN ------and again. The facts are that FGM is
mentioned in the Koran------easy to find. and the facts are FGM is a practice which exists in almost every muslim poplation even in places that never harbored that custom
(or in the view of many Islamic clerics---a religious imperative)
prior to the time 'ISLAM GOT THERE' The overwhelming
majority of acts of FGM----even today ----after muslim clerics
(recently) have been considering doing away with it are done
amongs muslims It is also a custom in some African non
muslim communities. This is not the first time that they very vulgar Coyote has demonstrated her filth and resorted to the typical islamo Nazi pig "PROVE IT"-------the demand "PROVE IT" are very typical islamo Nazi pig lingo.
I began hearing it as soon as I encountered large numbers of

Anyone interested in FGM----employ google and better
yet visit a large medical library if you can get in. Coyote is
an apologist for lots of filth and a liar and is vulgar. In the
past I did sometimes go to the trouble of coming up with
links to demonstrate her mendacity-----but anyone can
do it and I have no interest in wasting my time on islamo Nazi
propagandaists-------even if she is in mourning for yet
another of here heroes ALOIS BRUNNER----


I was even told that it was the MOSSAD that created
the civil war between east Pakistan and West Pakistan
in 1971------PROVE IT NOT TRUE.


Some of the stuff that I got treated to over the years is
funny----but if I recount those incidents----the MOST
VULGAR has a tendency to use the same vulgar
inuenendos that it employed above-----I did warn
about the child confiscation customs of islam----the sow
laughed---------its growing in scope right now to her

Goodness. That's a meltdown indeed.

If it's mentioned in the Koran, it should be easy for you to provide a link to your claim.
I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

In her incessant mendacity and filth of character---Coyote lied
AGAIN ------and again. The facts are that FGM is
mentioned in the Koran------easy to find. and the facts are FGM is a practice which exists in almost every muslim poplation even in places that never harbored that custom
(or in the view of many Islamic clerics---a religious imperative)
prior to the time 'ISLAM GOT THERE' The overwhelming
majority of acts of FGM----even today ----after muslim clerics
(recently) have been considering doing away with it are done
amongs muslims It is also a custom in some African non
muslim communities. This is not the first time that they very vulgar Coyote has demonstrated her filth and resorted to the typical islamo Nazi pig "PROVE IT"-------the demand "PROVE IT" are very typical islamo Nazi pig lingo.
I began hearing it as soon as I encountered large numbers of

Anyone interested in FGM----employ google and better
yet visit a large medical library if you can get in. Coyote is
an apologist for lots of filth and a liar and is vulgar. In the
past I did sometimes go to the trouble of coming up with
links to demonstrate her mendacity-----but anyone can
do it and I have no interest in wasting my time on islamo Nazi
propagandaists-------even if she is in mourning for yet
another of here heroes ALOIS BRUNNER----


I was even told that it was the MOSSAD that created
the civil war between east Pakistan and West Pakistan
in 1971------PROVE IT NOT TRUE.


Some of the stuff that I got treated to over the years is
funny----but if I recount those incidents----the MOST
VULGAR has a tendency to use the same vulgar
inuenendos that it employed above-----I did warn
about the child confiscation customs of islam----the sow
laughed---------its growing in scope right now to her

Goodness. That's a meltdown indeed.

If it's mentioned in the Koran, it should be easy for you to provide a link to your claim.

more filth from Coyote -------when I come up with a link ----
expect---"that's not Koran-----that's HADITH"
So stop dancing around and come up with the link already.

And don't forget the claim about Turkey.
Coyote---in her incessant defense of filth----is quoting
the Islamic generated sophistry regarding FGM-----
I am a bit surprised that she does not defend the dhimmi
orphan law as to her fellows as a HUMANITARIAN
So stop dancing around and come up with the link already.

And don't forget the claim about Turkey.

Nope-----I do not take direction from islamo Nazi sows.
BTW-----the DHIMMI orphan law is the rationale for the
enslavement of tens of thousands of Sudanese Christian
children----an issue not resolved because there are people
like you in the world. Are you still mourning the fact that
my mother-in-law escaped the filth you so love?-----she did so
barely-----a few more years in Aden and she and her kids
might have been dead as a result of anther one of your
faves-----1947 pogroms Turkey? I do not recall mentioning Turkey and its growing filth-----but go right
ahead and look yourself-----your fellows are delighted
that the stink of shariah grows in Turkey
Anyone interested in the details of the ancient Egyptian custom
of Female genital "modification"-----which spread to various parts of Africa and into Arabia in ancient times and is now almost entirely an Islamic custom------feel free to ask.
There are
many different techniques employed by both muslims and
by the few African non muslims who still engage in the
custom. Today there is some attempt to stop it-----
even amongst muslims------but there is also some resistence
to that trend-----it has been mandated in the HOLY CALIPHATE
for the sake of allah.

Anyone interested in confiscation of orphans under
Islamic law----feel free to ask-----my very own mother-in-law--
escaped that horror----way back in the 1930s. Historically
it is an interesting issue-----ATATURK had outlawed it-----
in his bid to rid the Ottoman empire of the filth of shariah----
but backwoods shariah shit holes even in the Ottoman
empire fought to preserve it. Shariah is growing in appeal
in Turkey------in fact it's Erdogan's election platform.

FGM is not prevalent in Turkey right now----but it does exist---when I find the article which I read regarding its
RESURGENCE-----I will let you guys know.

for Koran-------check it yourselves----if someone says "that's not Koran , that's Hadith"-----understand that such responses are BS--------no matter---it's what muslims
consider "holy". The allusion in the Koran(or hadiths)
is small----but definitely present
Based on some Archaeological finds
in the Middle east ----it seems to have been something
going on in Canaan----not surprising since it was started
in Egypt (or so they say)
visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

No strawman at all it has spread into the M.E and Arabian peninsular and became a sign of Islamic religious traditions. It is more widespread in Islamic cultures than it is in any other due to the misogyny in islam. Wait until later and I will provide the evidence for you
Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

No strawman at all it has spread into the M.E and Arabian peninsular and became a sign of Islamic religious traditions. It is more widespread in Islamic cultures than it is in any other due to the misogyny in islam. Wait until later and I will provide the evidence for you

coyote lies - in the Islamic tradition-------most people know
that the turks lied about the fact that they brutally and barbarically murdered Armenians----simply beheading whole
families and hacking others to death for the GLORY OF ALLAH-----1915 - 17------but that filth is only the tip of the genocidal iceberg of the filth which coyote adores
Anyone interested in the details of the ancient Egyptian custom
of Female genital "modification"-----which spread to various parts of Africa and into Arabia in ancient times and is now almost entirely an Islamic custom------feel free to ask.
There are
many different techniques employed by both muslims and
by the few African non muslims who still engage in the
custom. Today there is some attempt to stop it-----
even amongst muslims------but there is also some resistence
to that trend-----it has been mandated in the HOLY CALIPHATE
for the sake of allah.

Anyone interested in confiscation of orphans under
Islamic law----feel free to ask-----my very own mother-in-law--
escaped that horror----way back in the 1930s. Historically
it is an interesting issue-----ATATURK had outlawed it-----
in his bid to rid the Ottoman empire of the filth of shariah----
but backwoods shariah shit holes even in the Ottoman
empire fought to preserve it. Shariah is growing in appeal
in Turkey------in fact it's Erdogan's election platform.

FGM is not prevalent in Turkey right now----but it does exist---when I find the article which I read regarding its
RESURGENCE-----I will let you guys know.

for Koran-------check it yourselves----if someone says "that's not Koran , that's Hadith"-----understand that such responses are BS--------no matter---it's what muslims
consider "holy". The allusion in the Koran(or hadiths)
is small----but definitely present
Based on some Archaeological finds
in the Middle east ----it seems to have been something
going on in Canaan----not surprising since it was started
in Egypt (or so they say)

You claimed it was in the Koran and it wasn't. It's in a few - very few Hadiths one of which is considered to be a poor source by Islamic scholars and the others are disputed by scholars as to their meaning. It should be stamped out, like Sati was but it's probably going to be harder in the rural/tribal areas and in Africa where it's culturally entrenched regardless of religion. What's sad is it is often women themselves demanding it for their daughters. Actually Rosie...I think we may be in agreement here.
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Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

No strawman at all it has spread into the M.E and Arabian peninsular and became a sign of Islamic religious traditions. It is more widespread in Islamic cultures than it is in any other due to the misogyny in islam. Wait until later and I will provide the evidence for you

The strawman was you claiming I said FGM was not a problem. It is. However it's a cultural tradition that predates Islam and was not a part of Islam originally though it's become associated with Islam probably through it's spread into Africa. It is most prevalent in a portion of Africa where both Christian and Muslim communities do it. It needs to be irradicated and in many countries it is now illegal or strictly curtailed. (Female genital mutilation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's a barbaric practice (yet it is often women who demand it) and it is decreasing in many areas fortunately.
In Kenya and Tanzania, women aged 45–49 years were three times more likely to have been cut than the 15–19 cohort. In Benin, Central African Republic, Iraq, Liberia and Nigeria the figure for the 15–19 group had dropped by about half.[97] Prevalence rates in Chad, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen remained roughly the same.[97] If the rate of decline continues, the number of women and girls affected by FGM in the key 29 countries will have increased by 2050 from 125 million to 196 million because of population growth.[96]
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I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

If FGM was not a problem as you claim then why has the UK passed a law making it illegal to remove a child from the UK for the purpose of FGM. The sentence is a mandatory prison term and removal of all children into care. This because the practise amongst muslims in the UK was on the rise and the NHS was refusing to do the operations. The back street practioners were bodging so many of the mutilations that the NHS were reporting 2 or 3 a week to the police. And yes it was predominantly a muslim thing, with a few African Christians carrying it out as well.

You've built a strawman here. Perhaps you have not read the entire exchange between Rosie and I.

First of all - I never claimed FGM was not a problem. What I said was:
FGM is an example of a CULTURAL tradition, not a RELIGIOUS tradition.
FGM is most prevalent in a stretch of Africa that includes Islamic and non-Islamic communities.

Rosie claimed that:
1) FGM is mentioned in the Koran
2) It is on the rise throught the Islamic world including Turkey

I asked her for proof of those two claims upon which she ducked, diverted and had a meltdown.

Now do you want to discard your strawman?

No strawman at all it has spread into the M.E and Arabian peninsular and became a sign of Islamic religious traditions. It is more widespread in Islamic cultures than it is in any other due to the misogyny in islam. Wait until later and I will provide the evidence for you

The strawman was you claiming I said FGM was not a problem. It is. However it's a cultural tradition that predates Islam and was not a part of Islam originally though it's become associated with Islam probably through it's spread into Africa. It is most prevalent in a portion of Africa where both Christian and Muslim communities do it. It needs to be irradicated and in many countries it is now illegal or strictly curtailed. (Female genital mutilation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's a barbaric practice (yet it is often women who demand it) and it is decreasing in many areas fortunately.
In Kenya and Tanzania, women aged 45–49 years were three times more likely to have been cut than the 15–19 cohort. In Benin, Central African Republic, Iraq, Liberia and Nigeria the figure for the 15–19 group had dropped by about half.[97] Prevalence rates in Chad, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen remained roughly the same.[97] If the rate of decline continues, the number of women and girls affected by FGM in the key 29 countries will have increased by 2050 from 125 million to 196 million because of population growth.[96]

Coyote is lying again-----FGM follows islam----not just to Africa --it is even done in Pakistan----since islam got there.
Until very recently----the largest percentage of FGM victims per population----was Egyptian muslims ----the practice was
probably started in Egypt----spread to various parts of Africa and to Arabia------and thence followed islam----it is mentioned in the Koran (or hadiths-----if you say "Koran"---because
you read it in the Koran------propagandaists GOT YOU

very few Coptic Christians are victims of FGM. Denial
of the facts that I presented is Islamic historic revisionism
on par with the current claim that Jesus spoke arabic
Anyone interested in the details of the ancient Egyptian custom
of Female genital "modification"-----which spread to various parts of Africa and into Arabia in ancient times and is now almost entirely an Islamic custom------feel free to ask.
There are
many different techniques employed by both muslims and
by the few African non muslims who still engage in the
custom. Today there is some attempt to stop it-----
even amongst muslims------but there is also some resistence
to that trend-----it has been mandated in the HOLY CALIPHATE
for the sake of allah.

Anyone interested in confiscation of orphans under
Islamic law----feel free to ask-----my very own mother-in-law--
escaped that horror----way back in the 1930s. Historically
it is an interesting issue-----ATATURK had outlawed it-----
in his bid to rid the Ottoman empire of the filth of shariah----
but backwoods shariah shit holes even in the Ottoman
empire fought to preserve it. Shariah is growing in appeal
in Turkey------in fact it's Erdogan's election platform.

FGM is not prevalent in Turkey right now----but it does exist---when I find the article which I read regarding its
RESURGENCE-----I will let you guys know.

for Koran-------check it yourselves----if someone says "that's not Koran , that's Hadith"-----understand that such responses are BS--------no matter---it's what muslims
consider "holy". The allusion in the Koran(or hadiths)
is small----but definitely present
Based on some Archaeological finds
in the Middle east ----it seems to have been something
going on in Canaan----not surprising since it was started
in Egypt (or so they say)

You claimed it was in the Koran and it wasn't. It's in a few - very few Hadiths one of which is considered to be a poor source by Islamic scholars and the others are disputed by scholars as to their meaning. It should be stamped out, like Sati was but it's probably going to be harder in the rural/tribal areas and in Africa where it's culturally entrenched regardless of religion. What's sad is it is often women themselves demanding it for their daughters. Actually Rosie...I think we may be in agreement here.

see? told ya----_HADITHS--------the typical islamo Nazi fart----"its not Koran its Hadiths------- ROFLMAO --------tantamount to saying "its not in jewish literature----just the Talmud". The over whelming majority of the millions of
FGM'ed girls living today are muslim and it was done
for the glory of allah. Try to live with reality, Coyote----there
are still muslim clerics who support it as a religious
obligation-------as well as some primitive black tribes---
fairly recent partial Christians who still practice it----along
with voodoo

anyone interested----just google FGM in Pakistan ------then Coyote will try to convince you that that Christian missionaries imposed it on muslims

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