Promoting Islamophobia

I've brought multiple facts supported by data and sources "to the table" in a number of threads. The fact that you choose to ignore them does not mean I have to keep reposting them on demand.

I can bring - to the table - atrocities committed by Muslims, Jews,, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Athiests. I can also bring to the table good things brought about by Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Athiests. There are plenty of examples of each.

Never seen any facts from a non partisan source from you or any other team Palestine member, what I have seen is ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES.

Well natch - any source that disagrees with you is going to be labled "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES" (and really now - what kind of silly point are you trying to make with the all caps?).

Your good things will be in the minority compared to the bad things done by muslims to even their own. They will issue fatwahs that make other muslims apostates so they can mass murder them with impunity and a clear conscience. that is how they work on a system of self absolution so that their sins are forgiven, a good example would be a child raped and murdered by a muslim, all he need do is utter the prayer to allah and he is innocent of any crime again. Then he pays the family a set amount for the life of the child. This is why when they are engaging in terrorist acts they cry out allahu Akbar so they will go to paradise if they are killed.

That's a matter of opinion.

You do know if a child is raped and murdered by a Christian all he needs to do is "get saved" and he is absolved of any crime. He doesn't even have to pay restitution. And the Doctrine of Mental Reservation allows them to cover it up.

And now the dictates of the Catholic church is that all serious crime must be reported and no absolution given. They are still guilty even after absolution and all the Catholic church does is free the soul of the criminal so they will be tested on their lifes work. Under islam the muslim need only reaffirm their commitment to allah and Mohamed and they are absolved of all blame, they even have a get out of jail clause for it Insh Allah or it is the will of god.

After years and years of abuse and cover up - finally. But that does not extend to other Christian denominations - if you reaffirm your commitment to Jesus, all crimes go poof. Really Phoenall, you're trying to extract a difference that isn't there.

No it is purely a Catholic thing, something the muslims latched onto and made it easier to do. For a Catholic to do it they need to go to church, then go to confession, then take the penance to wash their soul clean. The body/person is not absolved of any crime and can still be arrested and charged by the Catholic authorities . Under islam once the criminal has proclaimed that allah is the only god then he can not be arrested in an Islamic state as he has invoked sharia law and absolved himself of any wrongdoing.

You should really research islam more compared to Christianity and Judaism

Uh. No. It's not "purely a Catholic thing". Why do you think Christian conversions are so popular in prisons. They give themselves to Jesus (and there is no limit on the number of times) and they are absolved. Of course in states with secular systems of law that doesn't mean they can't be arrested but from a religious point of view they are innocent again.

Now as to your statement on criminal law in Islamic states - that isn't actually true or the prisons would be empty. But they aren't.
Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------
Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------

No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"
for the record----coyote's claim that the way to get out of jail for murder is "FIND CHRIST" is sheer nonsense-------never happened She is a liar. Conversion to islam is very
common in jail-------it allows the criminal ---on release---for
murder people. One of my clients described his time in jail
to me-----HE CONVERTED TO ISLAM------I asked "why"? his answer was "I WANTED TO SURVIVE"
Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------

No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:
for the record----coyote's claim that the way to get out of jail for murder is "FIND CHRIST" is sheer nonsense-------never happened She is a liar. Conversion to islam is very
common in jail-------it allows the criminal ---on release---for
murder people. One of my clients described his time in jail
to me-----HE CONVERTED TO ISLAM------I asked "why"? his answer was "I WANTED TO SURVIVE"

Religion in Prisons 8211 A 50-State Survey of Prison Chaplains Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project
Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------

No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS
Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------

No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.
for the record----coyote's claim that the way to get out of jail for murder is "FIND CHRIST" is sheer nonsense-------never happened She is a liar. Conversion to islam is very
common in jail-------it allows the criminal ---on release---for
murder people. One of my clients described his time in jail
to me-----HE CONVERTED TO ISLAM------I asked "why"? his answer was "I WANTED TO SURVIVE"

Religion in Prisons 8211 A 50-State Survey of Prison Chaplains Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project

How UTTERLY impressive-----a whole bunch of white protestant ministers -----prison chaplains by vocation---
state that religious education is important in prison-----
you got anything on that islamo Nazi libel that for a Christian
criminal to get out of jail all he has to do is "FIND CHRIST"??

I am a jew-----short----darkhaired and very fair complexion-----
I worked with hundreds of young educated muslims in the course of my life------long ago when I was young---and RIGHT THERE at the front desk of a large hospital------the young docs talked to me-------they actually thought that I could tell
them stuff like "where to buy beer" (nope) As long as
they thought me a Christian-----I did not get the Islamic take
on Christianity------but I did hear all about JOOOOOOS

well---I was young and chock full of ethics----so always ----
corrected the misapprenhension-----"I am a jew"----ok ----
now I got the Islamic take on Christianity--------
in the Islamic school system CHRISTIANITY IS DISGUSTING-------"you can do any crime and make the guilt go away by confessing to a priest". Coyote is parroting
islamo Nazi propaganda as taught to muslims in Pakistan---India, Indonesia-----and---now Iran (but not back then---
back then Teheran muslims still knew lots of jews and had
not yet been so fully hit with the filth of islamo Nazi propaganda.-----in fact-----back then even Egyptians had not
yet been so thoroughly brainwashed)

BTW-----having a 'POPE" is a big libel too-----(the eastern orthos have "patriarchs" ------another "libel" ---used
by islamo Nazis as if it is a sure sign of Christian depravity)

keep up the holy jihad, coyote
Coyote continues to spew her filth into cyberspace----in
support of the murder of millions and the rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of children-------

No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

ROFLMAO exactly how you tried to discount the fact of the dhimmi orphan law as you happily danced on the broken bodies of thousands of enslaved Sudanese Christian kids
PS----I am the source-------decades of reading the medical literature-------remember professional journals? REAL SOURCES
No link then Rosie?

visit a nice big medical library-----and do a search on
FGM------your "god" in Iraq------bigbad-daddy has
mandated the filth you are so eager to deny even exists.

In fact------some time ago you insisted I am a liar for
citing the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW (that galvanized the
escape of my mother-in-law from a shariah shit hole.)----
now you can go on dancing on the broken bodies of the kids
who are being raped and enslaved in PIOUS OBSERVANCE
of that very "HOLY SHARIAH" law. You are disgusting

for those who do not know-----"you tell stories" from the mouths and keyboards of the intensely vulgar is a shitty little
slur suggesting "lies"

Ok...Readers Digest have no link to back up your "story" :lol:

I did not give you a link for the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW EITHER------- your point?---------you did manage to find
it yourself--------by easy google-------but never had the decency to apologize for your filthy vulgar "LIAR" fart.

More kids are being subjected to both forms of filth -----that YOU DEFEND with your disgusting DENIALS

I didn't ask for a link for the orphan law.

You make claims, and then you can't support them so you lash out.

If you can't support your claim on genital mutilation, then admit you made it up. Or provide a source.

ROFLMAO exactly how you tried to discount the fact of the dhimmi orphan law as you happily danced on the broken bodies of thousands of enslaved Sudanese Christian kids

Once again, I have no idea what you are talking about.
PS----I am the source-------decades of reading the medical literature-------remember professional journals? REAL SOURCES
Ah...ok. We finally arrive at the truth. The claim is another one of your "stories".
PS----I am the source-------decades of reading the medical literature-------remember professional journals? REAL SOURCES
Ah...ok. We finally arrive at the truth. The claim is another one of your "stories".

yes---we arrived at the truth-----millions of dead bodies----millions raped -----kids enslaved---for rape and abuse purposes-------their lives trivialized by filth like you who insist----
"THERE WAS A CASE OF A BUDDHIST KILLING A MUSLIM IN BURMA----thus proving everyone is just as
depraved as are the islamo Nazis coyote adores"
PS----I am the source-------decades of reading the medical literature-------remember professional journals? REAL SOURCES
Ah...ok. We finally arrive at the truth. The claim is another one of your "stories".

yes---we arrived at the truth-----millions of dead bodies----millions raped -----kids enslaved---for rape and abuse purposes-------their lives trivialized by filth like you who insist----
"THERE WAS A CASE OF A BUDDHIST KILLING A MUSLIM IN BURMA----thus proving everyone is just as
depraved as are the islamo Nazis coyote adores"

We were talking about female genital mutilation and whether it is a cultural tradition or Islamic. You claimed it was mentioned in the Koran (but provided no link) and you claimed it was on the increase through out the Islamic world including Turkey (but provided no link). The rest - I have no idea what you are talking about.
Your dear friends are still murdering Buddhists in Thailand. Close your eyes to it because it hasn't seemed to faze you in the past, and I doubt it will faze you in the future.

Now a good idea for me, since Coyote is emulating her Muslim convert potential boyfriend, is for me to call her Crazy Coyote.

Not my friends Sallie. Now you're getting even sillier. But Crazy Coyote is ok. I don't mind that.

What makes you think I'm closing my eyes to it? There's conflict and human-driven atrocities occurring world wide.

Do you care?

I like to think you do. You do seem fundamentally decent. Even if you can't make yourself see beyond Muslim.

I will reiterate, Miss Pazzo, we all read newspapers and other sources to see what is going on these days. However, the big thing going on in many locations is what your Muslim friends are doing. You can't stand to see anyone report on what is happening because of them. Now I am meeting with a friend. You just keeping on playing around on forums instead of actually doing the work you are paid to do, unless you happen to work for Muslim bosses and they are A OK with what you are doing.

Well cool Sally - I think everyone should extract their bums from their chairs and take a gander around the block once in a while. I've done my five mile run, and if you are undully concerned about my personal and professional life, don't be though I appreciate your concern. :)

Yes, you have a great professional life -- on the forums all day long instead of doing the work you are paid to do (unless this is what you are paid to do).

No idea what you are talking about Sally....yet here you are....again :)
Your dear friends are still murdering Buddhists in Thailand. Close your eyes to it because it hasn't seemed to faze you in the past, and I doubt it will faze you in the future.

Now a good idea for me, since Coyote is emulating her Muslim convert potential boyfriend, is for me to call her Crazy Coyote.

Not my friends Sallie. Now you're getting even sillier. But Crazy Coyote is ok. I don't mind that.

What makes you think I'm closing my eyes to it? There's conflict and human-driven atrocities occurring world wide.

Do you care?

I like to think you do. You do seem fundamentally decent. Even if you can't make yourself see beyond Muslim.

I will reiterate, Miss Pazzo, we all read newspapers and other sources to see what is going on these days. However, the big thing going on in many locations is what your Muslim friends are doing. You can't stand to see anyone report on what is happening because of them. Now I am meeting with a friend. You just keeping on playing around on forums instead of actually doing the work you are paid to do, unless you happen to work for Muslim bosses and they are A OK with what you are doing.

Well cool Sally - I think everyone should extract their bums from their chairs and take a gander around the block once in a while. I've done my five mile run, and if you are undully concerned about my personal and professional life, don't be though I appreciate your concern. :)

Yes, you have a great professional life -- on the forums all day long instead of doing the work you are paid to do (unless this is what you are paid to do).

No idea what you are talking about Sally....yet here you are....again :)

Yippie ki yay -- it's Friday again. Bosses and staff get off but one loyal hard worker is left to hold down the fort and she is true to form every Friday. Meanwhile, while she is trying to defend Islam, no matter what many Muslims do, there are many Muslims who are showing us just what they are about, even when it comes to the usual car and suicide bombings where they kill each other. Do the innocent Muslims really deserve to have to live like that, and do all the non-Muslim victims of Muslims have to do same? However, the world goes on, and there is always something happening.

Pakistan Christian Post

Bangladesh Awami League men swoop on Hindus vandalise temple Blazing Cat Fur

Al-Shabab claims responsibility for killing 36 quarry workers in Kenya La Prensa America in English

Iran A dozen women stabbed and injured by Basij in southern city - Updated

Churches in Azerbaijan Told to 8220 Liquidate 8221 Themselves Persecution News
Never seen any facts from a non partisan source from you or any other team Palestine member, what I have seen is ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES.

Well natch - any source that disagrees with you is going to be labled "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES" (and really now - what kind of silly point are you trying to make with the all caps?).

Your good things will be in the minority compared to the bad things done by muslims to even their own. They will issue fatwahs that make other muslims apostates so they can mass murder them with impunity and a clear conscience. that is how they work on a system of self absolution so that their sins are forgiven, a good example would be a child raped and murdered by a muslim, all he need do is utter the prayer to allah and he is innocent of any crime again. Then he pays the family a set amount for the life of the child. This is why when they are engaging in terrorist acts they cry out allahu Akbar so they will go to paradise if they are killed.

That's a matter of opinion.

You do know if a child is raped and murdered by a Christian all he needs to do is "get saved" and he is absolved of any crime. He doesn't even have to pay restitution. And the Doctrine of Mental Reservation allows them to cover it up.

And now the dictates of the Catholic church is that all serious crime must be reported and no absolution given. They are still guilty even after absolution and all the Catholic church does is free the soul of the criminal so they will be tested on their lifes work. Under islam the muslim need only reaffirm their commitment to allah and Mohamed and they are absolved of all blame, they even have a get out of jail clause for it Insh Allah or it is the will of god.

After years and years of abuse and cover up - finally. But that does not extend to other Christian denominations - if you reaffirm your commitment to Jesus, all crimes go poof. Really Phoenall, you're trying to extract a difference that isn't there.

No it is purely a Catholic thing, something the muslims latched onto and made it easier to do. For a Catholic to do it they need to go to church, then go to confession, then take the penance to wash their soul clean. The body/person is not absolved of any crime and can still be arrested and charged by the Catholic authorities . Under islam once the criminal has proclaimed that allah is the only god then he can not be arrested in an Islamic state as he has invoked sharia law and absolved himself of any wrongdoing.

You should really research islam more compared to Christianity and Judaism

Uh. No. It's not "purely a Catholic thing". Why do you think Christian conversions are so popular in prisons. They give themselves to Jesus (and there is no limit on the number of times) and they are absolved. Of course in states with secular systems of law that doesn't mean they can't be arrested but from a religious point of view they are innocent again.

Now as to your statement on criminal law in Islamic states - that isn't actually true or the prisons would be empty. But they aren't.

There is no absolution in the Anglican faith, no confessions and no penances to perform. That is purely a Catholic practise and is peculiar to them. The vast majority of conversions in prison are too the Islamic faith were they are given better food and treatment under Human Rights laws, then find they cant get out of their clutches when they are released. Under protestant rules if you commit a crime you can not be absolved of blame by the church and be seen as innocent, you are guilty of the crime and must face mans punishment first, and then Gods

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