Proof from NPR reporter... the MSM BIAS is REAL!

If trump doesn't like negative things being reported about him, he should quit doing so many negative things
Throughout history people never learn. They get into the super central state until it eats itself out.
I think this day and age any funding by the taxpayer for government-run media (NPR, PBS) is a waste. Those dollars could be better spent elsewhere. What is worse, the content and views coming out of those organizations are dominated by the Left.

One can only imagine if the situation were reversed and tax payer funds were used for Conservative content. Don’t forget, the Left lost its shit when AM Talk Radio was so successful with market-driven Conservative content that the Leftists tried to shut it down with an antiquated law called “The Fairness Doctrine.” Irony is not lost.
How is this proof . . . of ANYTHING? :laugh:
For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"! Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
What they found was, "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."
Tell me which is a bigger number: 2,372,184 illegal crossings VS 13,012,721 under Biden?
I know, I know... big numbers are hard for people with IQs under 70 which you have demonstrated time and again.
Or how about these numbers: Gas prices: Trump for 4 years average of $2.678 or Biden $3.558 or nearly 33% higher.




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For further proof of the BIASED MSM that in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary and Biden 90%...see the attached also.
All the while ABC,CBS,NBC proof of the biased MSM, donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"! Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20)
Something unplanned has happened to the left this time around though. All of these scam court cases and democrat hate-driven attacks on Trump are keeping him in the news 24/7 FOR NOTHING. The end result is that the populace is seeing these democrat tactics for exactly what they are---DEMOCRAT DIRTY TRICKS.
Corrupt Dem scum corrupt everything they touch. I'm old enough to remember NPR before the Dems corrupted it into a taxpayer funded Dem propaganda mouthpiece. The difference is night and day.
Something unplanned has happened to the left this time around though. All of these scam court cases and democrat hate-driven attacks on Trump are keeping him in the news 24/7 FOR NOTHING. The end result is that the populace is seeing these democrat tactics for exactly what they are---DEMOCRAT DIRTY TRICKS.
Democrats have never been more NASTY!
File this one under 'disgruntled wingnut, angry that facts don't go his way'.

How my NPR colleague failed at “viewpoint diversity”
Uri Berliner gave a perfect example of the kind of journalism he says he’s against.

APR 16, 2024


If Uri wanted to start a discussion about journalism at NPR, he succeeded, though maybe not in the way he intended. His colleagues have had a rich dialogue about his mistakes. The errors do make NPR look bad, because it’s embarrassing that an NPR journalist would make so many. NPR correspondent Eyder Peralta wrote on Facebook, “There are a few bits of truth in this… but it mostly suffers from the same thing it accuses NPR of doing. It is myopic and uses a selective reading to serve the author’s world views.”

The errors are so numerous that his defenders—and he has some!—have taken to admitting them, then adding words to the effect of: I hope this doesn’t obscure his “larger point”!

If Uri’s “larger point” is that journalists should seek wider perspectives, and not just write stories that confirm their prior opinions, his article is useful as an example of what to avoid.

This article needed a better editor. I don’t know who, if anyone, edited Uri’s story, but they let him publish an article that discredited itself.

I discussed one example on stage in San Antonio. The article made headlines for Uri’s claim that he “looked at voter registration for our newsroom” in Washington, D.C., and found his “editorial” colleagues were unanimously registered Democrats—87 Democrats, 0 Republicans.

I am a prominent member of the newsroom in Washington. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a registered Democrat. I held up a screenshot of my voter registration showing I am registered with “no party.” Some in the crowd gasped. Uri had misled them.

NPR says its content division has 662 people around the world, including far more than 87 in Washington. The article never disclosed this context. (NPR doesn’t ask employees about their voter registration; I don’t know how Uri learned the 87 registrations he says he found.)

When I asked Uri, he said he “couldn’t care less” that I am not a Democrat. He said the important thing was the “aggregate”—exactly what his 87-0 misrepresented by leaving out people like me. While it’s widely believed that most mainstream journalists are Democrats, I’ve had colleagues that I was pretty sure were conservative (I don’t ask), and I’ve learned just since Uri’s article that I am one of several NPR hosts of “no party” registration.

Simple question for you... with regards to BIASED MSM....Who said: "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay"
Now under the BIASED MSM... you and believers that MSM is honest would say "TRUMP" !
Wrong! Search and find out this is the exact transcript of the day Trump was presented by the majority of MSM as
telling people to drink bleach!
I am quoting Trump exactly..
During Thursday's White House coronavirus task force briefing,
An official presented the results of US government research that indicated coronavirus appeared to weaken more quickly when exposed to sunlight and heat. The study also showed bleach could kill the virus in saliva or respiratory fluids within five minutes and isopropyl alcohol could kill it even more quickly.
(NOW TRUMP after the above comment...) and no where in Trump's statement was the word "bleach" used!
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.
"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
Now this is what Biden said: "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay,"
Google search About 1,930,000 results (0.39 seconds) for "How many times did Trump say drink bleach"
It’s been exactly one year since Trump suggested injecting bleach. We’ve never been the same

AGAIN... READ EXACTLY what Trump said and the word BLEACH was never ever used!
YOU and your BIASED MSM "INJECTED" that word.
BUT Biden used the word..maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay, but you say he was joking! How many people heard just that phrase "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay" and weren't OK!
See words have meanings right folks... just as these words do...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Net results of telling illegals to "surge to the border, "

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The Dem's corruption of NPR reached critical mass during the Bush presidency. As a response to counter Rush Limbaugh's 3 hour a day radio program. In fact there were many Dem attempts to both silence Limbaugh and fund with taxpayer money a Dem radio show to counter conservative talk radio. Some of you may remember Dem legislation that would require radio stations to gift the same amount of radio time to Dem leaning programs.

So here we are many years later, NPR is staffed 100% with shills loyal only to the Dem party.
That comment also applies to Biden. In fact the klan of Bidens gets really angry when stories similar to the stories told about Trump are told on the Biden crime family.
Of course, the Biden bunch gets upset when they are falsely accused of what trump has done.
Of course, the Biden bunch gets upset when they are falsely accused of what trump has done.
So does Trump over being falsely accused. And this despite Biden having more liability for documents he kept at his home in the open.
File this one under 'disgruntled wingnut, angry that facts don't go his way'.

How my NPR colleague failed at “viewpoint diversity”
Uri Berliner gave a perfect example of the kind of journalism he says he’s against.

APR 16, 2024


If Uri wanted to start a discussion about journalism at NPR, he succeeded, though maybe not in the way he intended. His colleagues have had a rich dialogue about his mistakes. The errors do make NPR look bad, because it’s embarrassing that an NPR journalist would make so many. NPR correspondent Eyder Peralta wrote on Facebook, “There are a few bits of truth in this… but it mostly suffers from the same thing it accuses NPR of doing. It is myopic and uses a selective reading to serve the author’s world views.”

The errors are so numerous that his defenders—and he has some!—have taken to admitting them, then adding words to the effect of: I hope this doesn’t obscure his “larger point”!

If Uri’s “larger point” is that journalists should seek wider perspectives, and not just write stories that confirm their prior opinions, his article is useful as an example of what to avoid.

This article needed a better editor. I don’t know who, if anyone, edited Uri’s story, but they let him publish an article that discredited itself.

I discussed one example on stage in San Antonio. The article made headlines for Uri’s claim that he “looked at voter registration for our newsroom” in Washington, D.C., and found his “editorial” colleagues were unanimously registered Democrats—87 Democrats, 0 Republicans.

I am a prominent member of the newsroom in Washington. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a registered Democrat. I held up a screenshot of my voter registration showing I am registered with “no party.” Some in the crowd gasped. Uri had misled them.

NPR says its content division has 662 people around the world, including far more than 87 in Washington. The article never disclosed this context. (NPR doesn’t ask employees about their voter registration; I don’t know how Uri learned the 87 registrations he says he found.)

When I asked Uri, he said he “couldn’t care less” that I am not a Democrat. He said the important thing was the “aggregate”—exactly what his 87-0 misrepresented by leaving out people like me. While it’s widely believed that most mainstream journalists are Democrats, I’ve had colleagues that I was pretty sure were conservative (I don’t ask), and I’ve learned just since Uri’s article that I am one of several NPR hosts of “no party” registration.

O.K. so prove he's a wingnut.

I thought the article said he was a business editor.

This toad brain quit and said what he said because he sees the money is more easily made with right wing hate media . The left expects facts the right wants lies , hate and stupidity , which one do you think is easier to write for,
You want to see the most stupid comment in history, look up Trumps comment on disinfectants and light curing Covid.
So does Trump over being falsely accused. And this despite Biden having more liability for documents he kept at his home in the open.
You keep trying bubba. At least the crazies agree with you.
You keep trying bubba. At least the crazies agree with you.
What about the driver of the Limousine. He was driving the car. Did he lie?

Citing the transcripts, Republicans said they also found it peculiar that the Jan. 6 panel did not question the Secret Service agent driving Trump's SUV about Hutchinson's testimony until the agent's attorney broached the subject.

The driver testified to the Jan. 6 committee "that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson," the report says. "The driver of the SUV testified that he 'did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.'"
File this one under 'disgruntled wingnut, angry that facts don't go his way'.

How my NPR colleague failed at “viewpoint diversity”
Uri Berliner gave a perfect example of the kind of journalism he says he’s against.

APR 16, 2024


If Uri wanted to start a discussion about journalism at NPR, he succeeded, though maybe not in the way he intended. His colleagues have had a rich dialogue about his mistakes. The errors do make NPR look bad, because it’s embarrassing that an NPR journalist would make so many. NPR correspondent Eyder Peralta wrote on Facebook, “There are a few bits of truth in this… but it mostly suffers from the same thing it accuses NPR of doing. It is myopic and uses a selective reading to serve the author’s world views.”

The errors are so numerous that his defenders—and he has some!—have taken to admitting them, then adding words to the effect of: I hope this doesn’t obscure his “larger point”!

If Uri’s “larger point” is that journalists should seek wider perspectives, and not just write stories that confirm their prior opinions, his article is useful as an example of what to avoid.

This article needed a better editor. I don’t know who, if anyone, edited Uri’s story, but they let him publish an article that discredited itself.

I discussed one example on stage in San Antonio. The article made headlines for Uri’s claim that he “looked at voter registration for our newsroom” in Washington, D.C., and found his “editorial” colleagues were unanimously registered Democrats—87 Democrats, 0 Republicans.

I am a prominent member of the newsroom in Washington. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a registered Democrat. I held up a screenshot of my voter registration showing I am registered with “no party.” Some in the crowd gasped. Uri had misled them.

NPR says its content division has 662 people around the world, including far more than 87 in Washington. The article never disclosed this context. (NPR doesn’t ask employees about their voter registration; I don’t know how Uri learned the 87 registrations he says he found.)

When I asked Uri, he said he “couldn’t care less” that I am not a Democrat. He said the important thing was the “aggregate”—exactly what his 87-0 misrepresented by leaving out people like me. While it’s widely believed that most mainstream journalists are Democrats, I’ve had colleagues that I was pretty sure were conservative (I don’t ask), and I’ve learned just since Uri’s article that I am one of several NPR hosts of “no party” registration.

I always found the "87" number to be dubious myself in terms of the number of reporters they have. Mr. Berliner wrote:

In recent years I’ve struggled to answer that question. Concerned by the lack of viewpoint diversity, I looked at voter registration for our newsroom. In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans. None.

I thought maybe he was just talking about the on-air personalities or maybe the staff writers. It sounded low to me. I also think the idea that one could access the voter registration of a co-worker is a bit suspect. I thought maybe he just asked them???

I think Mr. Berliner has a valid larger point though I would put the "divide" not between Republican and Democrat but between high minded and ordinary. I'm an average person...I listen to NPR. I like some things I hear, I don't like other things I hear. I find their news to be first rate reporting. The other shows (I almost always listen via podcast) I find to be more and more exclusive. Sometimes I'm in that group but more and more I'm not.
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What about the driver of the Limousine. He was driving the car. Did he lie?

Citing the transcripts, Republicans said they also found it peculiar that the Jan. 6 panel did not question the Secret Service agent driving Trump's SUV about Hutchinson's testimony until the agent's attorney broached the subject.

The driver testified to the Jan. 6 committee "that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson," the report says. "The driver of the SUV testified that he 'did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.'"
whats more believable someone saying Trump did something brain dead stupid or someone saying Trump didn't do something stupid. You people are idiots!

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