Proof God Exists: Here is my 11-Step Logical Proof. Enjoy.

Go listen to a so called Christian explain how their religion requires help for the poor, children, travelers, and prisoners, but denies any of that can be done through taxes, and then explain about hardness of heart.
It's because Jesus called upon us to use our OWN time and talents to help others; not simply sit back and volunteer OTHER people's money.
If you notice, everything leftwingers recommend to "help" others involves them not lifting a finger themselves.

Jesus warned us against the leftwingers of His day. They were called Pharisees then.
"They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them." - Matthew 23:4
I've said this many times; If atheism were the correct way, then atheists would lead all belief categories in happiness, sobriety, and achievement, instead of being at the bottom in these categories.

Explain that, atheists. How is this so?
It's because Jesus called upon us to use our OWN time and talents to help others; not simply sit back and volunteer OTHER people's money.
If you notice, everything leftwingers recommend to "help" others involves them not lifting a finger themselves.

Jesus warned us against the leftwingers of His day. They were called Pharisees then.
"They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them." - Matthew 23:4
What an absurd excuse for ignoring what Jesus taught.
1. Forrest Gump was wise within his limited intelligence.
2 and 3 "Good" as i use it does not mean 'skillful'. It means virtuous as explained in my OP.
3. It is unlikely Buddha even existed.
4. It's much more than a popularity contest.
We’ll have fun. Your logic will never prove the existence of God. Never. I chose to believe in God because I like to but I have no illusions that God is a definitive fact and accept I could be wrong.

You can’t convince others though. That’s why it’s faith. My opinion. Shouldnt diminish your faith.
And when he is not found?
It is the same as any other thing that cannot be found. Two choices. Give up or keep looking.

First, think about what you expect to find because imagining what God will be like takes one off track. Dismiss all expectations.

Think about where you have looked and why you looked there. Seeking God starts with the understanding that we don't know God, but would like to come to know him. Having expectations of God distracts because we start seeking our own expectations instead of awaiting God to reveal Himself to us--what He wants us, wants you, to know about Himself.

Seeking...awaiting...sounds like opposites, but this combination is a good way to begin.
I've said this many times; If atheism were the correct way, then atheists would lead all belief categories in happiness, sobriety, and achievement, instead of being at the bottom in these categories.

Explain that, atheists. How is this so?
Less than 1% of prisoners in US are atheists. Tell me about your superior morality.
It is the same as any other thing that cannot be found. Two choices. Give up or keep looking.

First, think about what you expect to find because imagining what God will be like takes one off track. Dismiss all expectations.

Think about where you have looked and why you looked there. Seeking God starts with the understanding that we don't know God, but would like to come to know him. Having expectations of God distracts because we start seeking our own expectations instead of awaiting God to reveal Himself to us--what He wants us, wants you, to know about Himself.

Seeking...awaiting...sounds like opposites, but this combination is a good way to begin.
If god exists, all he has to do is let me know. I've looked everywhere I know to look, and no god. Do you think he might be hiding?
Less than 1% of prisoners in US are atheists. Tell me about your superior morality.
Prisoners check a box before they go in. I would guess 99% do not practice any religion as defined by regular church service. So that falls right in line with my claim.
So I'll ask you again. If atheists have the correct answers on the afterlife, why are they at the bottom of every list? Why are there no atheists esteemed by a large number of people for their exemplary lives like the canonized saints? If your view is correct, shouldn't it be the other way around?
Prisoners check a box before they go in. I would guess 99% do not practice any religion as defined by regular church service. So that falls right in line with my claim.
So I'll ask you again. If atheists have the correct answers on the afterlife, why are they at the bottom of every list? Why are there no atheists esteemed by a large number of people for their exemplary lives like the canonized saints? If your view is correct, shouldn't it be the other way around?
You religious nuts just make shit up all the time, don't you?
If god exists, all he has to do is let me know. I've looked everywhere I know to look, and no god. Do you think he might be hiding?
Do you see your expectation of God in your first sentence? Lose all expectations of God.

I think I have posted this song before. John Michael Talbot has obviously read the writings of St. John of the Cross. St. John of the Cross (1500s) was fond of saying things like to find light, one must go by the way of darkness and other things really hard to comprehend.

Sure, there will always be atheist cranks who try to disparage these great people. We've seen numerous attacks on Sts Mother Teresa and John Paul II. But we are talking the majority of reasonable people; not cranks with an anti-Catholic agenda.

I literally showed you one "Saint" who managed to do a miracle ONE HUNDRED YEARS after they died.

Nobody saw this person do this miracle. How could they, he was dead.

All that happened was the people saw something happen, said "oh, that's more positive than the usual, must be a miracle".

There was no miracle.

But you bring up Mother Teresa

First "Miracle"

"“On Sept. 5, the first anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death, the Sister Superior took a medal of Mary that had been touched directly to the body of Mother Teresa at the time of the funeral, placed it on Monica’s stomach and made a very simple prayer: ‘Mother, today’s your day. You love the poor. Do something for Monica.’”"

Again, Mother Teresa was DEAD.

No one saw her do this Miracle. In fact, not even the Catholic Church says that Mother Teresa did a miracle during her lifetime. She was famous, they wanted her to be a saint, so they made her a saint by bring up "miracles" that couldn't be disproven because the woman was dead.

Seems to be a pattern here.

You'll tell me that it's just people attacking, but you can't prove a single thing. You'll throw emotion at me, you'll throw anything BUT FACT.
Not sure what you're asking, but it is neither good nor wise to have sex outside marriage.

Dogs have sex outside of marriage, and cats. In fact the human linage is alive because for hundreds of thousands of years humans had sex without marriage even existing.
I literally showed you one "Saint" who managed to do a miracle ONE HUNDRED YEARS after they died.

Nobody saw this person do this miracle. How could they, he was dead.

All that happened was the people saw something happen, said "oh, that's more positive than the usual, must be a miracle".

There was no miracle.

But you bring up Mother Teresa

First "Miracle"

"“On Sept. 5, the first anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death, the Sister Superior took a medal of Mary that had been touched directly to the body of Mother Teresa at the time of the funeral, placed it on Monica’s stomach and made a very simple prayer: ‘Mother, today’s your day. You love the poor. Do something for Monica.’”"

Again, Mother Teresa was DEAD.

No one saw her do this Miracle. In fact, not even the Catholic Church says that Mother Teresa did a miracle during her lifetime. She was famous, they wanted her to be a saint, so they made her a saint by bring up "miracles" that couldn't be disproven because the woman was dead.

Seems to be a pattern here.

You'll tell me that it's just people attacking, but you can't prove a single thing. You'll throw emotion at me, you'll throw anything BUT FACT.
A blog entry from a nut site is your source?
Yes, as I said "good" is a human term from a human perspective. NOT from a God's perspective.

So your argument here is "people say this is good, and some people achieve this level of "goodness", therefore God exists".

That makes no sense.

You have to remember that some of those saints weren't people who "repented". They did what they had to do to get the power they wanted. They worked within the church. They became saints because people wanted to make them saints. Doesn't mean they were good or even lived extraordinary lives.

You could try and make me a saint, if you wanted. I don't need to have done anything special, you just lie about it.
The Emperor Constantine was made a Saint, at least by the Orthodox Church. I think it was for having his wife and son murdered.
It's one thing to argue for a First Cause. Something else entirely to prove it was your version of this First Cause was responsible for everything.

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