Proof God Exists: Here is my 11-Step Logical Proof. Enjoy.

Ladies and gentlemen, a couple of years ago, I devised a logical proof God exists in response to many requests that I do so. It is based on the Good Fruits argument, using canonized saints of the Catholic Church, who are universally recognized as great people because they lived among the people they served, and usually endured harsh situations at some point in life. All had strong prayer lives, and daily prayer interaction with God. There are five postulates which must be accepted on their face. Here is my proof. I am a former math teacher, so logic is may game. I hope this proof will lead a few atheists to conversion back to God.

1. Postulate #1: A wise person is a good (virtuous) person and a good person is a wise person.
2. Postulate #2: If a person is good (virtuous) in one area, he is good across the board.
3 Therefore, if a person is wise in one area, he is wise across the board.
4. Postulate: #3 Wisdom is Truth.
5 Postulate #4: A canonized saint of the Catholic Church is a person who is universally recognized by the majority to have been a very good person in life.
6 Postulate #5: Canonized saints by definition, were very devout believers in God.
7 Since canonized saints are universally recognized as very good people, then by postulate #1, they are very wise people.
8. Since canonized saints are very wise people, by Postulate #2, they are very wise people in all areas, across the board.
9 Therefore, it is very wise to believe in God, since canonized saints were devout believers in God.
10. And since wisdom is truth by Postulate #3 believing in God is wise and therefore the truth
11. Therefore it is true God exists.

What an absolute pile of steaming horseshit...
By now I figured there would be at least ONE atheist who would try to challenge any part of my proof. So far none have come forth. Can you say 'Grand Slam Home Run"?
I am not an atheist, but I do challenge your postulates. Let's take one at a time:

A wise person is a good (virtuous) person and a good person is a wise person.

Is it possible for a wise person to make an evil choice? I say yes.
Even more likely is that a good person can sometimes make a foolish choice.

Therefore not all wise people are good (at least not all the time); and good people can make foolish choices. One example that leaps to mind is that sometimes very good people make a foolish choice of whom to marry.

Is a wise person wise one hundred percent of the time? Does a good person make good decisions on hundred percent of the time? Remember, it only takes one example of prove no one can be wise all of the time. I offer Socrates as an example.
I am not an atheist, but I do challenge your postulates. Let's take one at a time:

A wise person is a good (virtuous) person and a good person is a wise person.

Is it possible for a wise person to make an evil choice? I say yes.
Even more likely is that a good person can sometimes make a foolish choice.

Therefore not all wise people are good (at least not all the time); and good people can make foolish choices. One example that leaps to mind is that sometimes very good people make a foolish choice of whom to marry.

Is a wise person wise one hundred percent of the time? Does a good person make good decisions on hundred percent of the time? Remember, it only takes one example of prove no one can be wise all of the time. I offer Socrates as an example.
I didn't say a wise person makes wise decisions 100% of the time. But generally he does. And I say he does so on the big decisions such as marriage. I think people who screw up in choosing a marriage partner probably aren't wise because they didn't look as closely or as long as they should have on such an important decision.
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Does God have a penis?
If he does, is there a Mrs God?

Does God have a mouth and teeth?
If so, what does he eat?

Does God have a rectum?
Why would he have one if he doesn’t need a digestive system?

If God “Looks like us”
Why would he have all these human features that he doesn’t need?
I believe Jesus had all those things, except a physical wife.
What I'm seeing here from atheists is long on negative emotional generalizations, short on logical specifics. If you disagree with my proof, what part and why?

I'm looking for intelligent replies here. I just finished up with Fun in Indiana who said he could prove atheism, but then predictably couldn't do it, and he blamed his inability/unwillingness on me and my 'insincerity'.
If you can't accept a person's word that they are not convinced that a god exists, you got problems. Atheism is nothing more than saying. " I haven't been convinced of a god" nothing more, nothing less.
I believe Jesus had all those things, except a physical wife.
We were not made in Jesus’s image

Supposedly we were made in Gods image
I dont know what God would be doing with reproductive organs or a digestive tract
If you can't accept a person's word that they are not convinced that a god exists, you got problems. Atheism is nothing more than saying. " I haven't been convinced of a god" nothing more, nothing less.

I am perfectly willing to accept that God exists if he would sit down and have a beer with me
I look at a beautiful sunset and there I see proof that GOD exists.....I see proof of GOD all around me in fact.

I don't need to intellectualize the concept.
If you can't accept a person's word that they are not convinced that a god exists, you got problems. Atheism is nothing more than saying. " I haven't been convinced of a god" nothing more, nothing less.
No, actually atheism involves a whole host of accompanying issues and agendas, mostly of the leftwing Marxist variety.
Check out the schedule for this year's atheist national convention. Sounds like a leftwing wish list.
No, actually atheism involves a whole host of accompanying issues and agendas, mostly of the leftwing Marxist variety.
Check out the schedule for this year's atheist national convention. Sounds like a leftwing wish list.

Actually, it is much more simple than that

We have heard all the stories about the existence of God and they do not make sense to us

So we choose not to believe them
I look at a beautiful sunset and there I see proof that GOD exists.....I see proof of GOD all around me in fact.

I don't need to intellectualize the concept.
I feel the exact same way when I look up at the stars at night. Those vast distances we can't even comprehend. Only God could have done that.
Are you the sixth or seventh atheist who has failed to point out specifically what was wrong with any of them?
Good and wise are two different things. We have both seen good people do horrably dumb things. Likewise, we have both seen wise people do horrendously bad things. I'm sure you are familiar with "be ye therefore wise as serpents but harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:15). Is a serpent known to be good?
I look at a beautiful sunset and there I see proof that GOD exists.....I see proof of GOD all around me in fact.

I don't need to intellectualize the concept.
You do if you want to prove god exists.
No, actually atheism involves a whole host of accompanying issues and agendas, mostly of the leftwing Marxist variety.
Check out the schedule for this year's atheist national convention. Sounds like a leftwing wish list.
Atheism is nothing more or less than not being convinced of the existance of any god. There are lots of atheiests with lots of different beliefs. but those other beliefs don't define them as atheiests. Lack of belief in a god is the one and only defining factor for atheism.
Ladies and gentlemen, a couple of years ago, I devised a logical proof God exists in response to many requests that I do so. It is based on the Good Fruits argument, using canonized saints of the Catholic Church, who are universally recognized as great people because they lived among the people they served, and usually endured harsh situations at some point in life. All had strong prayer lives, and daily prayer interaction with God. There are five postulates which must be accepted on their face. Here is my proof. I am a former math teacher, so logic is may game. I hope this proof will lead a few atheists to conversion back to God.

1. Postulate #1: A wise person is a good (virtuous) person and a good person is a wise person.
2. Postulate #2: If a person is good (virtuous) in one area, he is good across the board.
3 Therefore, if a person is wise in one area, he is wise across the board.
4. Postulate: #3 Wisdom is Truth.
5 Postulate #4: A canonized saint of the Catholic Church is a person who is universally recognized by the majority to have been a very good person in life.
6 Postulate #5: Canonized saints by definition, were very devout believers in God.
7 Since canonized saints are universally recognized as very good people, then by postulate #1, they are very wise people.
8. Since canonized saints are very wise people, by Postulate #2, they are very wise people in all areas, across the board.
9 Therefore, it is very wise to believe in God, since canonized saints were devout believers in God.
10. And since wisdom is truth by Postulate #3 believing in God is wise and therefore the truth
11. Therefore it is true God exists.
It's valid logic. But dubious premises can be used to argue anything, via valid logic.

The obvious reason to ignore your argument will be that your argument is circular by design, have been backwards fabricated with dubious premises to get a prescribed conclusion.
Atheism is nothing more or less than not being convinced of the existance of any god. There are lots of atheiests with lots of different beliefs. but those other beliefs don't define them as atheiests. Lack of belief in a god is the one and only defining factor for atheism.
And as I said, disbelief in God is accompanied by so many other beliefs and practices. One isn't atheist in a vacuum. Every other aspect of their personality is affected, quite often negatively. The main accompanying feature I observe in atheists is hardness of heart.

Then there are the accompanying beliefs. For example, I have never met a single atheist who believes sex outside marriage is morally wrong. And those who practice it exhibit negative personality qualities resulting from or correlating with that sin.
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You do if you want to prove god exists.

IMO we can not find GOD with our intellect, GOD trascends the intellect..... but rather try to find Him within our hearts/spirit.

But that's just my opinion.:)

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