Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation

The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Gun confiscations begin in New York, aided by existing firearms registry

Kit Daniels
November 27, 2013

In the wake of New York’s latest gun control law, the New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun


Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation

The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Gun confiscations begin in New York, aided by existing firearms registry

Kit Daniels
November 27, 2013

In the wake of New York’s latest gun control law, the New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun



Benjamin Franklin: “Never trust a government that doesn’t trust its own citizens with guns.”

Suffolk County has hardened against the SAFE act, the sheriff refuses to enforce it. Not to mention the Suffolk County Militia has revealed themselves to the local politicians to defend the county from a tidal wave of eminent domain seizures of over 6,000 homes. We have left and right organizations, ACLU, Tea Party, CSA, Code Pink, Libertarian Party and Green party forming a massive coalition to peacefully resist these eminent domain seizures as well.

There’s already been a failed thread on this myth:

And this thread fails for the same reason:

There’s nothing in the OP citing a case where a citizen’s gun was ‘confiscated’ and a hearing conducted subsequently to determine if the taking was warranted, and if warranted what the just compensation would be in accordance with the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause.

Such a case would be part of the public record and available to the OP to document.

Absent a sample case as proof, no ‘confiscation’ has taken place.

In this thread, as with the other, the OP is either ignorant or a liar.

There’s already been a failed thread on this myth:

And this thread fails for the same reason:

There’s nothing in the OP citing a case where a citizen’s gun was ‘confiscated’ and a hearing conducted subsequently to determine if the taking was warranted, and if warranted what the just compensation would be in accordance with the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause.

Such a case would be part of the public record and available to the OP to document.

Absent a sample case as proof, no ‘confiscation’ has taken place.

In this thread, as with the other, the OP is either ignorant or a liar.


There’s already been a failed thread on this myth:

And this thread fails for the same reason:

There’s nothing in the OP citing a case where a citizen’s gun was ‘confiscated’ and a hearing conducted subsequently to determine if the taking was warranted, and if warranted what the just compensation would be in accordance with the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause.

Such a case would be part of the public record and available to the OP to document.

Absent a sample case as proof, no ‘confiscation’ has taken place.

In this thread, as with the other, the OP is either ignorant or a liar.


The problem is that the right to bear arms , the right to defend our lives is supposed to be UNalienable, not subject to majority rule.

Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation

The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Gun confiscations begin in New York, aided by existing firearms registry

Kit Daniels
November 27, 2013

In the wake of New York’s latest gun control law, the New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun



Registration Will Lead to Confiscation

Last year Canada ended its national long gun registry, a national database of every rifle and shotgun in the country that was supposed to help police track the movement of and sale of weapons. When it was introduced twenty years ago critics said the registration of firearms would eventually lead to confiscation, a criticism dismissed as ridiculous, yet that’s what happened and more right up until its dismantling.

As recently as last winter law abiding gun owners who had complied with the registry were having their rifles confiscated. In late 2011 hundreds if not thousands of people who had legally purchased the Armi Jager AP80, a .22 calibre variant of the AK47, were informed that their rifles had been deemed illegal and must be surrendered ."

Registration Will Lead to Confiscation

Last year Canada ended its national long gun registry, a national database of every rifle and shotgun in the country that was supposed to help police track the movement of and sale of weapons. When it was introduced twenty years ago critics said the registration of firearms would eventually lead to confiscation, a criticism dismissed as ridiculous, yet that’s what happened and more right up until its dismantling.

As recently as last winter law abiding gun owners who had complied with the registry were having their rifles confiscated. In late 2011 hundreds if not thousands of people who had legally purchased the Armi Jager AP80, a .22 calibre variant of the AK47, were informed that their rifles had been deemed illegal and must be surrendered ."


Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

See C_Clayton_Jones for proof.
Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation

The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Gun confiscations begin in New York, aided by existing firearms registry

Kit Daniels
November 27, 2013

In the wake of New York’s latest gun control law, the New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun


3rd thread on this. But, please share with us how many guns Obama or any government agency has grabbed from you. We just need the number, no whiny crap.

There’s already been a failed thread on this myth:

And this thread fails for the same reason:

There’s nothing in the OP citing a case where a citizen’s gun was ‘confiscated’ and a hearing conducted subsequently to determine if the taking was warranted, and if warranted what the just compensation would be in accordance with the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause.

Such a case would be part of the public record and available to the OP to document.

Absent a sample case as proof, no ‘confiscation’ has taken place.

In this thread, as with the other, the OP is either ignorant or a liar.

Or you are ignorant and a liar.

The OP brings evidence to the table – a letter from NY demanding guns that do not conform to a new law be confiscated, moved or altered. You have provided us with liberal whines that you don’t like the information provided.

Tough shit. It falls on you to provide something other than sniveling to disprove the original claim. If you can – good on you. If you can’t then the initial claim stands.
No he's not lying. there is a 19 page thread on it. And your own post confirms no one is confiscating anything.
Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation

The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Gun confiscations begin in New York, aided by existing firearms registry

Kit Daniels
November 27, 2013

In the wake of New York’s latest gun control law, the New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun




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