Proof Obama is a Muslim

crazy thing is libs support islam who would wipe out the gays in a heart beat. They would also ban abortion.
What scenario do you see where jesus would support locking up innocent people?
NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING that would cause a logical, intelligent person to believe Jesus would ever support locking up innocent people.
So if the political winds shifted, and we began internment camps for all muslims, it's clear to you that jesus would not support that and would instead stand with the muslims against the oppressors, right?
How many ways are you going to try to work internment camps into the discussion? No one but you has suggested that as a solution. To continue with your obsession like this is pointless. I see no further point in trying to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Nobody but me and the president in his quote are discussing internment camps.

The president was saying that if we had not learned the lessons from our past and began to discard the rights of muslim americans similar to how we discarded the rights of japanese americans during wwii that he would stand in opposition to such measures.

Seems like a christian statement to me. Kinda like loving thy neighbor. Do you disagree?

Also pretty stupid.

A Kawaiti Intel officer once told me "Your freedoms will be your undoing!"

He meant that our bill of rights would be applied to our enemies and they will bring us down with it.

BTW, since when was Jesus in charge of national security.
What scenario do you see where jesus would support locking up innocent people?
NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING that would cause a logical, intelligent person to believe Jesus would ever support locking up innocent people.
So if the political winds shifted, and we began internment camps for all muslims, it's clear to you that jesus would not support that and would instead stand with the muslims against the oppressors, right?
How many ways are you going to try to work internment camps into the discussion? No one but you has suggested that as a solution. To continue with your obsession like this is pointless. I see no further point in trying to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Nobody but me and the president in his quote are discussing internment camps.

The president was saying that if we had not learned the lessons from our past and began to discard the rights of muslim americans similar to how we discarded the rights of japanese americans during wwii that he would stand in opposition to such measures.

Seems like a christian statement to me. Kinda like loving thy neighbor. Do you disagree?

Also pretty stupid.

A Kawaiti Intel officer once told me "Your freedoms will be your undoing!"

He meant that our bill of rights would be applied to our enemies and they will bring us down with it.

BTW, since when was Jesus in charge of national security.
so you disagree with the sentiment, you are all for denying innocent people their freedoms based on the actions of other people- or am i misunderstanding your position?

and it's not that you disagree that it's a christian and american sentiment, you just disagree with it, correct?
Damn right no muslim has any business being involved in our government at any level. The cult of anti freedom does not mesh with the freedoms we enjoy. Anyone who disagrees is simply insane. I am sure there are many progress tards who would disagree, but that is a mental disorder.
Ironic that you should cite "the freedoms we enjoy" while denying that same freedom to Muslims.

Which freedoms do you think muslims would grant you if they were majority? They hate our freedoms, unless it aides them in gaining a foothold.
So you think we should mirror the Muslims in spite of our traditions and laws? We should let the radical Islamists set the bar for ethical deportment?

Here's what's funny to me. There is no political difference between Jihadists and the bigoted Christians calling for a ban on Muslim presidents. Both groups disdain culture, either popular culture and high culture. Both groups use a stilted interpretation of their faith to justify fear hate and suspicion. Both groups think they have a Holy Mandate to carry out their plans for what they think would be a better world. Politically, both groups are identical.
So you think we should mirror the Muslims in spite of our traditions and laws? We should let the radical Islamists set the bar for ethical deportment?

Here's what's funny to me. There is no political difference between Jihadists and the bigoted Christians calling for a ban on Muslim presidents. Both groups disdain culture, either popular culture and high culture. Both groups use a stilted interpretation of their faith to justify fear hate and suspicion. Both groups think they have a Holy Mandate to carry out their plans for what they think would be a better world. Politically, both groups are identical.

So we should just act like cute little bunnies towards them, while they have declared war against us and our traditions and religions? A caveat to that is, I am not religious. But I would stand with those who are vs the cult of blood should I need to.

The meek will inherit 6 feet of earth!
So you think we should mirror the Muslims in spite of our traditions and laws? We should let the radical Islamists set the bar for ethical deportment?

Here's what's funny to me. There is no political difference between Jihadists and the bigoted Christians calling for a ban on Muslim presidents. Both groups disdain culture, either popular culture and high culture. Both groups use a stilted interpretation of their faith to justify fear hate and suspicion. Both groups think they have a Holy Mandate to carry out their plans for what they think would be a better world. Politically, both groups are identical.

So we should just act like cute little bunnies towards them, while they have declared war against us and our traditions and religions? A caveat to that is, I am not religious. But I would stand with those who are vs the cult of blood should I need to.

The meek will inherit 6 feet of earth!
Is that the extent of your imagination? Option one: we 'act like cute little bunnies'


Option two: we adopt the Middle Eastern Jihadist mindset and indiscrimiately kill anyone wearing a turbin and sandals.

As I said before, those who would combat radical Islam in the name of our culture have more in common with Jihadists than any thinking American. The tactics, the morality, the righteousness never changes in the Fundamentalist mind.
Damn right no muslim has any business being involved in our government at any level. The cult of anti freedom does not mesh with the freedoms we enjoy. Anyone who disagrees is simply insane. I am sure there are many progress tards who would disagree, but that is a mental disorder.
Ironic that you should cite "the freedoms we enjoy" while denying that same freedom to Muslims.

Which freedoms do you think muslims would grant you if they were majority? They hate our freedoms, unless it aides them in gaining a foothold.

Do you know any Muslim Americans?

I don't know of any Muslim Americans that want anything other than to be treated like Americans- they often have seen first hand what it is like to live in countries where religious freedom is not protected.

The reality is that lots of people around the world- including lots and lots of Muslims- but also Russians and Chinese and various other nationalities are shocked by our freedoms and do not understand why we have them.

But those who come here come here for those freedoms.
So you think we should mirror the Muslims in spite of our traditions and laws? We should let the radical Islamists set the bar for ethical deportment?

Here's what's funny to me. There is no political difference between Jihadists and the bigoted Christians calling for a ban on Muslim presidents. Both groups disdain culture, either popular culture and high culture. Both groups use a stilted interpretation of their faith to justify fear hate and suspicion. Both groups think they have a Holy Mandate to carry out their plans for what they think would be a better world. Politically, both groups are identical.

So we should just act like cute little bunnies towards them, while they have declared war against us and our traditions and religions? A caveat to that is, I am not religious. But I would stand with those who are vs the cult of blood should I need to.

The meek will inherit 6 feet of earth!

1 billion people have not declared war against us- no more than Japanese Americans ever declared war against us.

We fight those who actually want to- and are trying to harm us.

Not every person who happens to be a Muslim.

Not unless you just want an excuse for mass murder.
Do you know any Muslim Americans?

I don't know of any Muslim Americans that want anything other than to be treated like Americans- they often have seen first hand what it is like to live in countries where religious freedom is not protected.

The reality is that lots of people around the world- including lots and lots of Muslims- but also Russians and Chinese and various other nationalities are shocked by our freedoms and do not understand why we have them.

But those who come here come here for those freedoms.

Oh really?

The first thing they did when they all settled here in Minnesota was to change our freedoms. We had a music and beer festival called Cedar Fest, it had ran since 1969. They decided after they took over the neighborhood in the area, that they now didn't want this in "their" neighborhood.

And if they just want to assimilate, why is it that they set up sharia only zones in countries they migrate to?

They come here to use our freedoms to gain a foothold. Are you familiar with taqiyya and kitman?
Do you know any Muslim Americans?

I don't know of any Muslim Americans that want anything other than to be treated like Americans- they often have seen first hand what it is like to live in countries where religious freedom is not protected.

The reality is that lots of people around the world- including lots and lots of Muslims- but also Russians and Chinese and various other nationalities are shocked by our freedoms and do not understand why we have them.

But those who come here come here for those freedoms.

Oh really?

The first thing they did when they all settled here in Minnesota was to change our freedoms. We had a music and beer festival called Cedar Fest, it had ran since 1969. They decided after they took over the neighborhood in the area, that they now didn't want this in "their" neighborhood.

And if they just want to assimilate, why is it that they set up sharia only zones in countries they migrate to?

They come here to use our freedoms to gain a foothold. Are you familiar with taqiyya and kitman?
worst. example. ever.

and there are no 'sharia only zones' here
Is that the extent of your imagination? Option one: we 'act like cute little bunnies'


Option two: we adopt the Middle Eastern Jihadist mindset and indiscrimiately kill anyone wearing a turbin and sandals.

As I said before, those who would combat radical Islam in the name of our culture have more in common with Jihadists than any thinking American. The tactics, the morality, the righteousness never changes in the Fundamentalist mind.

I just love that term "radical islam"! Makes it seem like only a small handful are ruining it for all the rest. Or is that why our moronic media and so called leaders are trying to tell the sheep that all this bloodshed has nothing to do with islam.

Truth is, these so called radicals are going right by the book of blood aka the koran.
Oh really?

The first thing they did when they all settled here in Minnesota was to change our freedoms. We had a music and beer festival called Cedar Fest, it had ran since 1969. They decided after they took over the neighborhood in the area, that they now didn't want this in "their" neighborhood.

And if they just want to assimilate, why is it that they set up sharia only zones in countries they migrate to?

They come here to use our freedoms to gain a foothold. Are you familiar with taqiyya and kitman?
worst. example. ever.

and there are no 'sharia only zones' here

Been in Deerborn Michigan lately?

And there are sharia only zones in France, England, Sweden, Norway, Germany.
Oh really?

The first thing they did when they all settled here in Minnesota was to change our freedoms. We had a music and beer festival called Cedar Fest, it had ran since 1969. They decided after they took over the neighborhood in the area, that they now didn't want this in "their" neighborhood.

And if they just want to assimilate, why is it that they set up sharia only zones in countries they migrate to?

They come here to use our freedoms to gain a foothold. Are you familiar with taqiyya and kitman?
worst. example. ever.

and there are no 'sharia only zones' here

Been in Deerborn Michigan lately?
doesn't matter if i have or not, there are no shaia only zones there.

of course, you think cancelling a festival is an infringement on your rights, so you've already proved your disconnect from reality
doesn't matter if i have or not, there are no shaia only zones there.

of course, you think cancelling a festival is an infringement on your rights, so you've already proved your disconnect from reality

Yes I do think canceling a festival we have had for decades is an infringement on my rights. That is what muslims do, they take away your rights to suit themselves.

When Muslims form a small minority of a population, the message of Islam is "peace and tolerance" (Stealth Jihad). As numbers rise, so do complaints, as well as retaliatory attacks for perceived affronts (Defensive Jihad). When Muslims eventually establish a majority, all non-Muslims are violently subjugated (Offensive Jihad).

Sorry you can't see this.
doesn't matter if i have or not, there are no shaia only zones there.

of course, you think cancelling a festival is an infringement on your rights, so you've already proved your disconnect from reality

Yes I do think canceling a festival we have had for decades is an infringement on my rights. That is what muslims do, they take away your rights to suit themselves.

When Muslims form a small minority of a population, the message of Islam is "peace and tolerance" (Stealth Jihad). As numbers rise, so do complaints, as well as retaliatory attacks for perceived affronts (Defensive Jihad). When Muslims eventually establish a majority, all non-Muslims are violently subjugated (Offensive Jihad).

Sorry you can't see this.
You have a very odd definition of rights.
doesn't matter if i have or not, there are no shaia only zones there.

of course, you think cancelling a festival is an infringement on your rights, so you've already proved your disconnect from reality

Yes I do think canceling a festival we have had for decades is an infringement on my rights. That is what muslims do, they take away your rights to suit themselves.

When Muslims form a small minority of a population, the message of Islam is "peace and tolerance" (Stealth Jihad). As numbers rise, so do complaints, as well as retaliatory attacks for perceived affronts (Defensive Jihad). When Muslims eventually establish a majority, all non-Muslims are violently subjugated (Offensive Jihad).

Sorry you can't see this.
You have a very odd definition of rights.

Well what would you say rights are? And what entity are rights granted by?
Is that the extent of your imagination? Option one: we 'act like cute little bunnies'


Option two: we adopt the Middle Eastern Jihadist mindset and indiscrimiately kill anyone wearing a turbin and sandals.

As I said before, those who would combat radical Islam in the name of our culture have more in common with Jihadists than any thinking American. The tactics, the morality, the righteousness never changes in the Fundamentalist mind.

I just love that term "radical islam"! Makes it seem like only a small handful are ruining it for all the rest. Or is that why our moronic media and so called leaders are trying to tell the sheep that all this bloodshed has nothing to do with islam.

Truth is, these so called radicals are going right by the book of blood aka the koran.
The Jihadists and radical Islam are to Islam as the KKK is to Christianity. They are both motivated by hate. They both use a twisted interpretation of their faith as both rationale and motivation for their violence. They both invoke icons and graphics of their faith. They are both intolerant of culture, both popular and higher cultural pursuits. They are both claiming intrusion of their faith and culture as their motivation. They hold extreme conservative outlooks on how society should be structured.

Now, if you want to indict all Musims for the actions of a few zealots, you have to draw the same conclusion about all Christians. But only if you want to make a fair judgment. If you want to take the easy way out, keep thinking that each Muslim holds the radical point of view.
doesn't matter if i have or not, there are no shaia only zones there.

of course, you think cancelling a festival is an infringement on your rights, so you've already proved your disconnect from reality

Yes I do think canceling a festival we have had for decades is an infringement on my rights. That is what muslims do, they take away your rights to suit themselves.

When Muslims form a small minority of a population, the message of Islam is "peace and tolerance" (Stealth Jihad). As numbers rise, so do complaints, as well as retaliatory attacks for perceived affronts (Defensive Jihad). When Muslims eventually establish a majority, all non-Muslims are violently subjugated (Offensive Jihad).

Sorry you can't see this.
You have a very odd definition of rights.

Well what would you say rights are? And what entity are rights granted by?
Special legal or social privileges recognized by society.

Some people believe in natural rights, those inherent in all people. I do not, since i beloeve that a right has to be recognized by society to exist.

That said, i doubt you'd find many people that think you have a right to have other people throw you a beer festival.
The first thing they did when they all settled here in Minnesota was to change our freedoms. We had a music and beer festival called Cedar Fest, it had ran since 1969. They decided after they took over the neighborhood in the area, that they now didn't want this in "their" neighborhood.
You can prove this, right?
The first thing they did when they all settled here in Minnesota was to change our freedoms. We had a music and beer festival called Cedar Fest, it had ran since 1969. They decided after they took over the neighborhood in the area, that they now didn't want this in "their" neighborhood.
You can prove this, right?

I don't have to prove anything, it happened. It was on the news, it happened in the 90s. I am not sure where I am supposed to get proof now. Why would I make it up?

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