“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

White liberals take their White Man's Burden very seriously. Black people just aren't smart enough to take care of themselves, you know.

White liberals are racist as hell, thinking black people can't succeed without their help.

The really pathetic and disgusting part is the black people who agree with them...then have the nerve to call conservatives, who believe black people don't need any help, "racist".

It's not a matter of black folks being "smart enough"... if they are only 13% of the population and the 69% of population who are white decide to keep them down, there isn't much any of them could do about it.

Look who is calling for Voter ID Suppression. It's a bunch of white people who are upset that black folks tipped the election to Biden. Not because there was ANY actual voter fraud going on, but because they got a result they didn't like.
It's not a matter of black folks being "smart enough"... if they are only 13% of the population and the 69% of population who are white decide to keep them down, there isn't much any of them could do about it.

Look who is calling for Voter ID Suppression. It's a bunch of white people who are upset that black folks tipped the election to Biden. Not because there was ANY actual voter fraud going on, but because they got a result they didn't like.
Trump got more black votes in his second election than he did in his first! The black vote isn't what tipped the last election to Biden. Biden won that election because soccer moms from the suburbs voted for him over Trump. The Democrats are going to LOSE in the mid terms because those same soccer moms are pissed off over what a year of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have done to the country! That will have ZERO to do with voter suppression! That will be ALL about liberals having a far left agenda that the country as a whole doesn't like!
No because a lot of people couldn't read or get an education back then. Everybody can get an ID. Why don't you try to make comparisons between two same things instead of two completely different things.
To people like Joey...Bull Conners is still in charge and blacks are still getting lynched in the South! This isn't the 1960's and sensible voting laws that prevent the questioning of election results isn't "Jim Crow"! That's nothing but hyperbole being put out by the Democrats that are trying to keep power.
To people like Joey...Bull Conners is still in charge and blacks are still getting lynched in the South! This isn't the 1960's and sensible voting laws that prevent the questioning of election results isn't "Jim Crow"! That's nothing but hyperbole being put out by the Democrats that are trying to keep power.

It's like when they try to compare Pearl Harbor or 911 to January 6th. They have no idea how stupid their comparisons are.
How are they keeping them down from voting?
You mean other than demanding ID's, purging voter rolls, rolling back restoration of voting rights after the voters approved them...
No because a lot of people couldn't read or get an education back then. Everybody can get an ID. Why don't you try to make comparisons between two same things instead of two completely different things.
but that was the point. A lot of people WERE illiterate back then. Yet literacy tests were specifically designed to roll back the 15th Amendment.

You guys know darned well poor people are less likely to have ID and less likely to keep them up to date. Come on, Ray, at least you are honest enough to admit you don't want "those people" voting... unlike your compatriots who are pretending they are going after imaginary voter fraud.
To people like Joey...Bull Conners is still in charge and blacks are still getting lynched in the South! This isn't the 1960's and sensible voting laws that prevent the questioning of election results isn't "Jim Crow"! That's nothing but hyperbole being put out by the Democrats that are trying to keep power.

Hmmmm... Are black people still getting lynched?




The only reason why voting results are being "questioned" is because you guys just can't accept Trump lost, fair and square. That's what happens when you wreck the economy and get hundreds of thousands of people killed.
Trump got more black votes in his second election than he did in his first! The black vote isn't what tipped the last election to Biden. Biden won that election because soccer moms from the suburbs voted for him over Trump.
Actually, not really. Trump got a larger percentage (but not as large as Bush or Reagan), but more black people showed up, unlike 2016, when they stayed home. That's what put Biden over the top in GA, PA and MI. (WI, AZ and the country at large you can make the argument about suburban moms.

The Democrats are going to LOSE in the mid terms because those same soccer moms are pissed off over what a year of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have done to the country!

They will lose because the out of office party always gains. This is what you guys always do. You make gains in midterms (largely because people don't show up for midterms), you think that people really like your crazy ideas, and then you remind the country how crazy you are.

This is what Newt did in 1995 and the Teabaggers did in 2011. Clinton and Obama skated easily to re-election. It's like you people never learned.

If you guys really, really thought you won hearts and minds, you'd be all for more voting.
Hmmmm... Are black people still getting lynched?

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The only reason why voting results are being "questioned" is because you guys just can't accept Trump lost, fair and square. That's what happens when you wreck the economy and get hundreds of thousands of people killed.

Now it's your guy killing hundreds of thousands of people and you make excuses for him. That's what the voters are seeing now. Without mail-in voting and states changing voting laws last minute, Trump would have buried the dementia patient. Why do you suppose they are so scared to death of him now?
You mean other than demanding ID's, purging voter rolls, rolling back restoration of voting rights after the voters approved them...

So what are you saying, that only Republicans are smart enough to get an ID and Democrats too stupid? Because that's the only way it could be disenfranchising anybody when you have one law for all people.

Yes, purging voter rolls is part of cleaning up the system. People don't have to report when they move or a family member dies to the election commission. When people don't vote for a while, don't respond to several snail mail warnings about being removed if they don't reply, it's assumed they are no longer living or living in the same area and are removed. It's the only possible way to do it.

but that was the point. A lot of people WERE illiterate back then. Yet literacy tests were specifically designed to roll back the 15th Amendment.

You guys know darned well poor people are less likely to have ID and less likely to keep them up to date. Come on, Ray, at least you are honest enough to admit you don't want "those people" voting... unlike your compatriots who are pretending they are going after imaginary voter fraud.

Poor people are generally politically ignorant. That's why they're poor in the first place; didn't pay attention in school or read the news papers. Of course I don't want those people to vote. I don't want anybody voting that doesn't know WTF they are voting on because those are the people that vote Democrat without knowing why. They are less likely to get an ID because they are lazy fucks, not because it's any more difficult for them.
Brennan center is a bit on the left, but all their stuff is factual.

Youre not going to get actual names, since that would be a privacy violation. but there is data on disenfranchisement.
For example, they have found that 1 out of 16 black have been disenfranchised. And in a few states, around 8% of the adult population is disenfranchised. There is alot more, see here...

they have a map showing the variation across states. They also graph how the number of disenfranchised changes over years.
So your list is still zero.
It's not a matter of black folks being "smart enough"... if they are only 13% of the population and the 69% of population who are white decide to keep them down, there isn't much any of them could do about it.

Look who is calling for Voter ID Suppression. It's a bunch of white people who are upset that black folks tipped the election to Biden. Not because there was ANY actual voter fraud going on, but because they got a result they didn't like.
You're stupid enough you believe all that bullshit.

I'm sure all the black people are thankful you take a little time to think about them.
You mean other than demanding ID's, purging voter rolls, rolling back restoration of voting rights after the voters approved them...

but that was the point. A lot of people WERE illiterate back then. Yet literacy tests were specifically designed to roll back the 15th Amendment.

You guys know darned well poor people are less likely to have ID and less likely to keep them up to date. Come on, Ray, at least you are honest enough to admit you don't want "those people" voting... unlike your compatriots who are pretending they are going after imaginary voter fraud.
wont somebody please poor black people.jpg

Meanwhile, black people themselves show you're lying about them:

Hmmmm... Are black people still getting lynched?

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The only reason why voting results are being "questioned" is because you guys just can't accept Trump lost, fair and square. That's what happens when you wreck the economy and get hundreds of thousands of people killed.
You think someone who dies of a drug overdose is the same as an innocent person who's lynched? You're an IDIOT!
Now it's your guy killing hundreds of thousands of people and you make excuses for him. That's what the voters are seeing now. Without mail-in voting and states changing voting laws last minute, Trump would have buried the dementia patient. Why do you suppose they are so scared to death of him now?

Uh, no. Trump didn't win a majority in 2016 and he really didn't do much in four years to ingratiate himself with people. That Biden hasn't put out the fires Trump started (mostly because his followers refuse to mask or get vaccinated) isn't really his fault...it's yours.

So what are you saying, that only Republicans are smart enough to get an ID and Democrats too stupid? Because that's the only way it could be disenfranchising anybody when you have one law for all people.

I'm saying that when you are poor and working a minimum wage job and $50.00 is a real expense, yes, getting up to date ID can be an issue.

Yes, purging voter rolls is part of cleaning up the system. People don't have to report when they move or a family member dies to the election commission. When people don't vote for a while, don't respond to several snail mail warnings about being removed if they don't reply, it's assumed they are no longer living or living in the same area and are removed. It's the only possible way to do it.

Except we know that's NOT what happened in Florida. In Florida in 2000, Jeb purged hundreds of thousands of people who were eligible to vote.

Poor people are generally politically ignorant. That's why they're poor in the first place; didn't pay attention in school or read the news papers. Of course I don't want those people to vote. I don't want anybody voting that doesn't know WTF they are voting on because those are the people that vote Democrat without knowing why. They are less likely to get an ID because they are lazy fucks, not because it's any more difficult for them.

Ray "Poor People" Means "Darkies". Ray lives in a slum and collects disability. By any definition, you are "poor" buddy.

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