“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

No, retarded is pretending that Biden is responsible for not fixing Trump's messes fast enough, while you guys do everything you can to keep him from doing so.

Of course, unemployment is down to 3.9%, which you guys would be claiming is the bestest thing ever if Trump were still around.
Poor Child-Sniffin' Joe. He's absolutely powerless.
He died because he took a lethal amount of drugs. When you OD on Fentanyl your lungs cease functioning. That "trial" was a foregone conclusion not because Derek Chauvin was a "thug" but because George Floyd had been turned into a symbol of police brutality by the left!

The left sure do pick some fucked-up heroes.
Showing proof that you are the person voting is ok, it did annoy me after voting for 50 years my state asked me to prove my self again. Not that big of a deal. Do believe that every effort should be made to allow every American citizen to vote.
No we wouldn't unless we could show polices Trump put in place that were responsible for it. What did Dementia do to take credit for the unemployment rate? He paid people to sit home until the end of September. Then when people had to go back to work, you are giving him credit? That's like giving a bank robber credit for returning the money he stole from the bank in the first place.

We gave Trump credit for the economy because he lowered business taxes to their lowest level in history. He not only removed costly regulation, but created policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of Commie Care fines and restrictions. He greatly reduced people invading our country and then getting jobs here. It eventually led to us having a million more jobs than Americans who could work them.

If Trump just sat his ass in the White House and took credit for an economy he had nothing to do with, then you'd have a point.

Bullshit. Once again Ray, you prove yourself to be an economic idiot, believing the lies and bullshit Donald Trump fed you. And denying that Biden did "nothing" to help unemployment after passage of the American Rescue Act, the Child Tax Credit, and the Infrastructure Bill is simply denial of reality.

You gave Trump credit for Obama's economy, which you claimed was the worst recovery in history when Obama was in office, despite Trump having done NOTHING to increase employment, GDP, or trade in his first year in office, prior to passing the tax cut. Trump spent his first year trying, and failing, to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and passing his tax cut.

Trump's tax cuts failed to produce any real jobs. 2018 had the highest pre-covid job creation of his Presidency, mostly on the back of Trump's outrageous spending, and it was still lower than Obama's job numbers from 2016. Obama managed to increase jobs and GDP, while the House and Senate did everything possible to stifle growth and spending.

As for cutting regulations, no jobs were created by doing so. Despite gutting regulations on coal mining and the pollution from coal fired plants, jobs in coal and in manufacturing continued to decline. The ONLY effect of Trump cutting environmental regulations was the degradation of air and water quality across the USA, and an increase in greenhouse gasses.

As for Trump's immigration policy, Trump INCREASED illegal immigration to its highest levels in 30 years. He declared a National Emergency on the Southern Border in 2019 as a result of this increase.

What President Biden did to take credit for the unemployment rate is to pass the American Rescue Plan and the Child Tax Benefit which put thousands of dollars into the hands of American taxpayers, allowing them to pay off debts, and begin to restock their homes with clothing, electronics and other consumer goods, with their household savings during the pandemic. Sales of all consumer goods, electronics, and cars are at an all time high was a result.

But keep pretending Trump wasn't a total disaster, and Biden isn't doing anything, Ray. It makes you look like a the gullible shill the Republican bullshit machine that you truly are.
If Trump just sat his ass in the White House and took credit for an economy he had nothing to do with, then you'd have a point.

But that's exactly what he did.

Actually, he kept people spending, which is what kept job creation going. If we had let people stay home without paying them (because they weren't going back to work unless their safety was guaranteed.) that would have created a cascade effect of lost jobs and lost business.

But I am glad you think paying people to sit home is a bad thing... when they aren't you.

Tax cuts don't create growth.... never have, never will. It's amazing how often Supply Side fails and you still drink the snake oil.
Deregulation is what brings us recessions, because when you leave the One Percenters to their own devices, they fuck it up. Or did you miss 2008. And 2001. And 1990?
Also, Trump really didn't reduce the number of undocumented people getting through or still here. Not that Americans want those jobs...

Tax cuts don't create growth.... never have, never will. It's amazing how often Supply Side fails and you still drink the snake oil.

Obviously. Only tax hikes and added regulations can create growth. DURR
Um, yeah, this has been established. Supply Side never works. It just runs up the deficit.

Obviously, because tax cuts and deregulation reduce tax revenues.
Just look at how much less revenue the Feds collect in 1988, compared to 1980. DURR

1. GOP/Conservatism if fine with any form of ID, so you're wrong/lying.
2. Non-citizens are identified as voting every election, so it does happen, and you're wrong/lying again.

Remember, you're the idiot who said Hillary Clinton never said Trump stole the 2016 election, I called you out, and you never returned to answer for your false claim. I provided the direct interviews and quotes of Hillary saying Trump stole the 2016 election. You're just a coward who does drive-by attacks over and over, and even if proven wrong on 1 you're quick to toss out 5 more.

Wrong asshole. In fact, every state should have the SAME requirements.

Beginning with the June 3, 2014 primary election, Act 2011-673 requires an Alabama voter to have a specific type of photo identification at the polls in order to vote.

Wrong asshole. In fact, every state should have the SAME requirements.

Until you fess up and admit that you were wrong when you said that Hillary Clinton never said Donald Trump was an illegitimate president... you have no credibility.

Care to admit you were wrong? You made the claim, got proven wrong, and then you ducked out like a coward.

I mean, it's important that we combat misinformation, isn't it?
Tax cuts don't create growth.... never have, never will. It's amazing how often Supply Side fails and you still drink the snake oil.

Obviously. Only tax hikes and added regulations can create growth. DURR

Tax cuts create jobs when the people getting the money are the lowest paid workers, but tax cuts for billionaires have failed to produce any meaningful supply side investments to produce jobs in any numbers. Supply side economics ignores demand. Demand in the USA has stagnated with worker wages failing to keep up with inflation.

Even Reagan's job growth was fuelled more by his defense spending than his tax cuts. Not to mentioned that every Republican tax cut in the past 30 years has lead directly to an economic crash.

Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money. The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates. There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there. Enough to fuel growth for the next 5 years.

Oh, that's right -- you want the Federal government running everything in the country.

What a good Democrat.

I don't "want" anything and I'm not a Democrat. I already have everything Americans don't have - fair elections, guaranteed income, health care. Everything you'd expect from the best country in the world to live in.

What I'm proposing is that every American be given an equal opportunity to vote, on the same basis, at the same times and dates, and in the same manner, using the same forms of identification, as every other American voter.

Equality of opportunity!!! What a concept!
Tax cuts create jobs when the people getting the money are the lowest paid workers, but tax cuts for billionaires have failed to produce any meaningful supply side investments to produce jobs in any numbers. Supply side economics ignores demand. Demand in the USA has stagnated with worker wages failing to keep up with inflation.

Even Reagan's job growth was fuelled more by his defense spending than his tax cuts. Not to mentioned that every Republican tax cut in the past 30 years has lead directly to an economic crash.

Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money. The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates. There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there. Enough to fuel growth for the next 5 years.
Trumps tax cuts were across the board, Moron. Every taxpayer got a cut.
I don't "want" anything and I'm not a Democrat. I already have everything Americans don't have - fair elections, guaranteed income, health care. Everything you'd expect from the best country in the world to live in.

What I'm proposing is that every American be given an equal opportunity to vote, on the same basis, at the same times and dates, and in the same manner, using the same forms of identification, as every other American voter.

Equality of opportunity!!! What a concept!
Any state-issued ID is fine for Voter ID requirements.

Have you ever wondered why Democrats oppose the idea so vehemently?
Tax cuts create jobs when the people getting the money are the lowest paid workers, but tax cuts for billionaires have failed to produce any meaningful supply side investments to produce jobs in any numbers. Supply side economics ignores demand. Demand in the USA has stagnated with worker wages failing to keep up with inflation.

Even Reagan's job growth was fuelled more by his defense spending than his tax cuts. Not to mentioned that every Republican tax cut in the past 30 years has lead directly to an economic crash.

Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money. The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates. There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there. Enough to fuel growth for the next 5 years.

Tax cuts create jobs when the people getting the money are the lowest paid workers,

The lowest paid workers already have a 0% or negative tax rate.

Supply side economics ignores demand.

Making it easier to supply a product doesn't grow the economy?

Not to mentioned that every Republican tax cut in the past 30 years has lead directly to an economic crash.

How does that work? Post the steps.

Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money.

Sounds awful!! So what did they do with the extra cash? Eat it? Burn it?

The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates.

That's awesome!!! So he cut their taxes?

There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there.

Yeah, because consumers weren't spending for the last 30 years. LOL!
I don't "want" anything and I'm not a Democrat. I already have everything Americans don't have - fair elections, guaranteed income, health care. Everything you'd expect from the best country in the world to live in.

What I'm proposing is that every American be given an equal opportunity to vote, on the same basis, at the same times and dates, and in the same manner, using the same forms of identification, as every other American voter.

Equality of opportunity!!! What a concept!

You have guaranteed income? Tell me more!!!
No, Stupid. Our system says they are 50 individual elections run by each state.

Once again you demonstrate your total and complete ignorance of the USA, Dumbass.

Once again you prove just how stupid you really are. If I didn't know there are 50 individual elections, why would I be proposing changes to provide a fair and equal platform across all 50 states. You total lack of critical thinking skills just never ceases to astound me.

The Founders put so much emphasis on States' rights because the economy, geography and climate of each state varied so much from New England to Georgia. There was little mobility. People were born, lived and died within a 50 mile radius. Just one of the many ways your 250 year old Constitution is out of date.

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