“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

But you're okay with Biden doing it.

You're retarded.

No, retarded is pretending that Biden is responsible for not fixing Trump's messes fast enough, while you guys do everything you can to keep him from doing so.

Of course, unemployment is down to 3.9%, which you guys would be claiming is the bestest thing ever if Trump were still around.
No, retarded is pretending that Biden is responsible for not fixing Trump's messes fast enough, while you guys do everything you can to keep him from doing so.

Of course, unemployment is down to 3.9%, which you guys would be claiming is the bestest thing ever if Trump were still around.

No we wouldn't unless we could show polices Trump put in place that were responsible for it. What did Dementia do to take credit for the unemployment rate? He paid people to sit home until the end of September. Then when people had to go back to work, you are giving him credit? That's like giving a bank robber credit for returning the money he stole from the bank in the first place.

We gave Trump credit for the economy because he lowered business taxes to their lowest level in history. He not only removed costly regulation, but created policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of Commie Care fines and restrictions. He greatly reduced people invading our country and then getting jobs here. It eventually led to us having a million more jobs than Americans who could work them.

If Trump just sat his ass in the White House and took credit for an economy he had nothing to do with, then you'd have a point.
If Trump just sat his ass in the White House and took credit for an economy he had nothing to do with, then you'd have a point.

But that's exactly what he did.

No we wouldn't unless we could show polices Trump put in place that were responsible for it. What did Dementia do to take credit for the unemployment rate? He paid people to sit home until the end of September. Then when people had to go back to work, you are giving him credit? That's like giving a bank robber credit for returning the money he stole from the bank in the first place.

Actually, he kept people spending, which is what kept job creation going. If we had let people stay home without paying them (because they weren't going back to work unless their safety was guaranteed.) that would have created a cascade effect of lost jobs and lost business.

But I am glad you think paying people to sit home is a bad thing... when they aren't you.

We gave Trump credit for the economy because he lowered business taxes to their lowest level in history. He not only removed costly regulation, but created policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of Commie Care fines and restrictions. He greatly reduced people invading our country and then getting jobs here. It eventually led to us having a million more jobs than Americans who could work them.

Tax cuts don't create growth.... never have, never will. It's amazing how often Supply Side fails and you still drink the snake oil.
Deregulation is what brings us recessions, because when you leave the One Percenters to their own devices, they fuck it up. Or did you miss 2008. And 2001. And 1990?
Also, Trump really didn't reduce the number of undocumented people getting through or still here. Not that Americans want those jobs...
He didn't die of a drug overdose. He died because a thug cop kneeled on his neck for nine minutes. They had a trial and everything. Sorry you missed it.
He died because he took a lethal amount of drugs. When you OD on Fentanyl your lungs cease functioning. That "trial" was a foregone conclusion not because Derek Chauvin was a "thug" but because George Floyd had been turned into a symbol of police brutality by the left!
If Trump just sat his ass in the White House and took credit for an economy he had nothing to do with, then you'd have a point.

But that's exactly what he did.

Actually, he kept people spending, which is what kept job creation going. If we had let people stay home without paying them (because they weren't going back to work unless their safety was guaranteed.) that would have created a cascade effect of lost jobs and lost business.

But I am glad you think paying people to sit home is a bad thing... when they aren't you.

Tax cuts don't create growth.... never have, never will. It's amazing how often Supply Side fails and you still drink the snake oil.
Deregulation is what brings us recessions, because when you leave the One Percenters to their own devices, they fuck it up. Or did you miss 2008. And 2001. And 1990?
Also, Trump really didn't reduce the number of undocumented people getting through or still here. Not that Americans want those jobs...
Tax cuts don't create growth? Your ignorance of basic Economics is noted, Joey!
Tax cuts don't create growth? Your ignorance of basic Economics is noted, Joey!

Um, yeah, this has been established. Supply Side never works. It just runs up the deficit.

He died because he took a lethal amount of drugs. When you OD on Fentanyl your lungs cease functioning. That "trial" was a foregone conclusion not because Derek Chauvin was a "thug" but because George Floyd had been turned into a symbol of police brutality by the left!

Except lots of people take "lethal" amounts of drugs and survive. We have 10 million opioid abusers in this country and only 100K deaths a year. Not that I would recommend it, but you have 99% chance of surviving abusing opioids when people aren't putting a knee on your neck for 9 minutes.

Derek Chauvin was a thug, but he was a thug with a badge. We have too many thugs with badges.

Floyd became a symbol because unlike people who get shot in a second, he was slowly tortured to death for nine minutes while a crowd begged for his life. It was horrifying to decent people.
Actually, he kept people spending, which is what kept job creation going. If we had let people stay home without paying them (because they weren't going back to work unless their safety was guaranteed.) that would have created a cascade effect of lost jobs and lost business.

But I am glad you think paying people to sit home is a bad thing... when they aren't you.

If you pay people more (or the same) money to stay home instead of work, employers can't get help they need for the jobs they have. When the government money stops and people have no choice but to go back to work, you can't say it was because of anything Dementia did because the jobs have been there for months. That confused moron is not responsible for one job being created. He's responsible for the labor shortage, the supply chain shortage, and the high unemployment rate until the feds stopped paying people to stay home.

Tax cuts don't create growth.... never have, never will. It's amazing how often Supply Side fails and you still drink the snake oil.
Deregulation is what brings us recessions, because when you leave the One Percenters to their own devices, they fuck it up. Or did you miss 2008. And 2001. And 1990?
Also, Trump really didn't reduce the number of undocumented people getting through or still here. Not that Americans want those jobs...

Those jobs are in all fields of work, not just lettuce picking jobs. Those jobs the left loves to highlight because they want people to support their policies of letting these invaders in the country.

Yes, lowering taxes does create jobs because American products can compete better on the international market. They can also compete better in the country against foreign made products.

I know you won't read them. Showing a leftist absolute truth (especially from their own sources) is like showing Dracula a cross.
Um, yeah, this has been established. Supply Side never works. It just runs up the deficit.

Except lots of people take "lethal" amounts of drugs and survive. We have 10 million opioid abusers in this country and only 100K deaths a year. Not that I would recommend it, but you have 99% chance of surviving abusing opioids when people aren't putting a knee on your neck for 9 minutes.

Derek Chauvin was a thug, but he was a thug with a badge. We have too many thugs with badges.

Floyd became a symbol because unlike people who get shot in a second, he was slowly tortured to death for nine minutes while a crowd begged for his life. It was horrifying to decent people.
Chauvin was one of a small percentage of a PC, quota and diverse police department who actually does his job with all of his flaws. So if a department is one third female, why does 99% of the police killed, males. The argument between races is not as polarized in males, but there are issues. So we see lesbians and pur prog women heading these things while more men become impoverished.
Chauvin was one of a small percentage of a PC, quota and diverse police department who actually does his job with all of his flaws. So if a department is one third female, why does 99% of the police killed, males. The argument between races is not as polarized in males, but there are issues. So we see lesbians and pur prog women heading these things while more men become impoverished.

Chauvin was railroaded. Nobody would take the position of a juror unless their mind was made up before the trial even started. By ruling in favor of the officer, a person would be putting their safety and that of their family in jeopardy. They were dealing with animals here, and the press would do everything possible to identify those people.

Whether Chauvin was actually guilty or not, the trial was unconstitutionally conducted. The US Constitution guarantees all Americans a speedy trial with an "unbiased" jury which didn't happen in this case, or the prisoners that invaded the Capital. But then again, when have leftists ever given a shit about our Constitution?
If you pay people more (or the same) money to stay home instead of work, employers can't get help they need for the jobs they have. When the government money stops and people have no choice but to go back to work, you can't say it was because of anything Dementia did because the jobs have been there for months. That confused moron is not responsible for one job being created. He's responsible for the labor shortage, the supply chain shortage, and the high unemployment rate until the feds stopped paying people to stay home.

Again, says the guy who won't take a customer service job because it doesn't pay as much as his disability....

(And, yes, I know you are too sick now to do any job, but the hypocrisy is mind-bending.)

The point was, the people aren't going back to a lot of these jobs because they don't pay shit, compared to the risks. Unemployment under Biden dropped from 6.5 to 3.9, which coming off the economic disaster that was Trump, is kind of amazing. But what we are seeing is the working class starting to understand it's worth, and demanding better treatment. Frankly, I can't see that as a bad thing.

Now, there are a lot of other factors playing into the unemployment numbers. The fact that we have more Boomers retiring than Millennials to replace them, to start with. Trump's idiotic immigration policies have made it harder for companies to recruit foreign talent.

Those jobs are in all fields of work, not just lettuce picking jobs. Those jobs the left loves to highlight because they want people to support their policies of letting these invaders in the country.
Frankly, they are doing the jobs Americans don't want. If you are losing out on any job in any field to a guy with no money, no connections and a limited grasp of the English Language, that's kind of on you.

Yes, lowering taxes does create jobs because American products can compete better on the international market. They can also compete better in the country against foreign made products.

Not really. I mean, that would make sense if the wealthy were re-investing into more jobs, but they aren't.... we are just seeing a larger increase in the wealth gap.
Chauvin was railroaded. Nobody would take the position of a juror unless their mind was made up before the trial even started. By ruling in favor of the officer, a person would be putting their safety and that of their family in jeopardy. They were dealing with animals here, and the press would do everything possible to identify those people.

So can you cite a case where a juror was hunted down for finding someone not guilty when the public thought they were? I mean, your argument would make sense if Jurors are regularly hunted down, you know, instead of going on camera and trying for their 15 minutes of fame. Last I heard, all the Zimmerman Jurors were fine, all the Rittenhouse Jurors were fine.

(I actually bothered to do a google search on this one. While I found cases where jurors killed themselves because they were so wracked with guilt, not a single case of an angry public hunting down a juror who made an unpopular call.

Whether Chauvin was actually guilty or not, the trial was unconstitutionally conducted. The US Constitution guarantees all Americans a speedy trial with an "unbiased" jury which didn't happen in this case, or the prisoners that invaded the Capital. But then again, when have leftists ever given a shit about our Constitution?

Except where were you going to find an "unbiased" jury, Outer Mongolia? The whole world saw Chauvin Murder Floyd.

He committed his crime against the people of Minneapolis. He didn't get a jury of 12 cops, and he didn't get a jury of 12 drug addicts. He got a jury of 12 regular folks.
So can you cite a case where a juror was hunted down for finding someone not guilty when the public thought they were? I mean, your argument would make sense if Jurors are regularly hunted down, you know, instead of going on camera and trying for their 15 minutes of fame. Last I heard, all the Zimmerman Jurors were fine, all the Rittenhouse Jurors were fine.

(I actually bothered to do a google search on this one. While I found cases where jurors killed themselves because they were so wracked with guilt, not a single case of an angry public hunting down a juror who made an unpopular call.

I remember reading where jurors refused to hear the case because of those concerns. Even if you were brave enough to take on the mob, you won't put your family at risk by accepting the position.

Zimmerman didn't have nationwide riots or mobs of people protesting outside of the courtroom. Jurors had nothing to be scared of because it was a clear case of self-defense.

Except where were you going to find an "unbiased" jury, Outer Mongolia? The whole world saw Chauvin Murder Floyd.

He committed his crime against the people of Minneapolis. He didn't get a jury of 12 cops, and he didn't get a jury of 12 drug addicts. He got a jury of 12 regular folks.

You move the trial to a small town far away from the mob where they won't travel to and have the case heard there.
Again, says the guy who won't take a customer service job because it doesn't pay as much as his disability....

(And, yes, I know you are too sick now to do any job, but the hypocrisy is mind-bending.)

The point was, the people aren't going back to a lot of these jobs because they don't pay shit, compared to the risks. Unemployment under Biden dropped from 6.5 to 3.9, which coming off the economic disaster that was Trump, is kind of amazing. But what we are seeing is the working class starting to understand it's worth, and demanding better treatment. Frankly, I can't see that as a bad thing.

Now, there are a lot of other factors playing into the unemployment numbers. The fact that we have more Boomers retiring than Millennials to replace them, to start with. Trump's idiotic immigration policies have made it harder for companies to recruit foreign talent.

Frankly, they are doing the jobs Americans don't want. If you are losing out on any job in any field to a guy with no money, no connections and a limited grasp of the English Language, that's kind of on you.

Not really. I mean, that would make sense if the wealthy were re-investing into more jobs, but they aren't.... we are just seeing a larger increase in the wealth gap.

What the wealthy do is invest in their own industries. They can lower the price of products or services by paying less tax, or keep them stable when imports increase in price. So yes, that does create work for Americans.

If people have no money coming in they have no choice but to work. It's not an option for many. This is what we are seeing now in spite of your lie that President Trump created a worldwide pandemic. As for us baby boomers retiring, that's the same excuse you leftists used when DumBama was President. You know, he didn't have a magic wand? President Trump did nothing to immigration policies but slow down the flow of illegals. If you come here and apply for a green card so you can work here, nothing changed.

Americans don't want 10 people living in a 2 bedroom house or apartment like these illegals are willing to do. If anything, we want to see people do better so those coming here to work for nothing is not the fault of hard working Americans who need more money to live a middle-class lifestyle.

illegals and jobs they wiork.png
I remember reading where jurors refused to hear the case because of those concerns. Even if you were brave enough to take on the mob, you won't put your family at risk by accepting the position.

So you admit, no juror has ever been hunted down for passing an unpopular verdict.

Zimmerman didn't have nationwide riots or mobs of people protesting outside of the courtroom. Jurors had nothing to be scared of because it was a clear case of self-defense.

Trayvon's murder was Event One in Black Lives Matter. No one has hunted down the Klan Lady's Auxiliary Jury... or Zimmerman himself, for that matter.

You move the trial to a small town far away from the mob where they won't travel to and have the case heard there.

Or you have it in the city where he committed his crime...

The trial was perfectly fair... the problem Chauvin had was that he was caught doing exactly what he was accused of on video for 9 minutes.
What the wealthy do is invest in their own industries. They can lower the price of products or services by paying less tax, or keep them stable when imports increase in price. So yes, that does create work for Americans.

Or they can buy dressage horsies and mansions... We get a lot more benefit from infrastructure and public works, after making the rich pay their fair share. Our greatest prosperity was when the top bracket was 93%.

If people have no money coming in they have no choice but to work. It's not an option for many. This is what we are seeing now in spite of your lie that President Trump created a worldwide pandemic. As for us baby boomers retiring, that's the same excuse you leftists used when DumBama was President. You know, he didn't have a magic wand? President Trump did nothing to immigration policies but slow down the flow of illegals. If you come here and apply for a green card so you can work here, nothing changed.

Article from Commie Forbes magazine... FAKE NEWS!!!!

I know, even Forbes is against Trump.

Americans don't want 10 people living in a 2 bedroom house or apartment like these illegals are willing to do. If anything, we want to see people do better so those coming here to work for nothing is not the fault of hard working Americans who need more money to live a middle-class lifestyle.

So if Americans want a middle class lifestyle by joining a union, you are against it... but don't ask them to cohabitate or anything.
Or they can buy dressage horsies and mansions... We get a lot more benefit from infrastructure and public works, after making the rich pay their fair share. Our greatest prosperity was when the top bracket was 93%.

Article from Commie Forbes magazine... FAKE NEWS!!!!

I know, even Forbes is against Trump.

So if Americans want a middle class lifestyle by joining a union, you are against it... but don't ask them to cohabitate or anything.

Yes, I'm against organizations that demand employers must over pay their employees according to their wishes. I'm against unions deciding who gets promoted in a company and who doesn't, and against them telling companies who they can hire and who they can fire. You want unions and government minimum wages raised, yet have no problem when foreigners take us back 60 years or so standard of living.

This is our country, not theirs. That means American workers compete against each other insuring us the standard of living it took generations to build. Real Americans are not about to sit back and let invaders destroy everything we built, only Democrats are.

As for your Forbes article, Trump went against big business so that Americans are hired over talented foreigners for less money. Companies (like Disney) hired foreigners, had their American workers train them, and then got rid of the American workers because the H1-B people worked for less money.

So you admit, no juror has ever been hunted down for passing an unpopular verdict.

Trayvon's murder was Event One in Black Lives Matter. No one has hunted down the Klan Lady's Auxiliary Jury... or Zimmerman himself, for that matter.

Or you have it in the city where he committed his crime...

The trial was perfectly fair... the problem Chauvin had was that he was caught doing exactly what he was accused of on video for 9 minutes.

No, the Chauvin trial was unconstitutional because the mob forced the verdict. There was no unbiased jury as outlined in the Constitution. There really was no BLM at the time of the Zimmerman trial. If there was, they were no larger than the Black Panthers which is only a few people. Plus the fact Zimmerman was not a white person, he's a mixed Hispanic. Remember too it was Florida that didn't put up with criminal shit like they do in Minneapolis and other commie cities and states.
I doubt it. They are probably too busy just trying to survive in this racist country. At least I am fair enough to admit the racism is wrong. You seem to still be in denial, though.
So, in summary:

The United States has systemic racism, put in place and maintained by the government.

Therefore, we need to give the government more power to fight the systemic racism the government put in place and maintains.

Leftists are retarded.

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