“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Once again you prove just how stupid you really are. If I didn't know there are 50 individual elections, why would I be proposing changes to provide a fair and equal platform across all 50 states. You total lack of critical thinking skills just never ceases to astound me.

The Founders put so much emphasis on States' rights because the economy, geography and climate of each state varied so much from New England to Georgia. There was little mobility. People were born, lived and died within a 50 mile radius. Just one of the many ways your 250 year old Constitution is out of date.
STFU you stupid Canuck!

Nobody gives a shit what you think about anything, especially our Consttution.

They put an emphasis on States rights because they wanted a weak central govt, which is why they listed very few powers for the feds.
Tax cuts create jobs when the people getting the money are the lowest paid workers,

The lowest paid workers already have a 0% or negative tax rate.

Supply side economics ignores demand.

Making it easier to supply a product doesn't grow the economy?

Not to mentioned that every Republican tax cut in the past 30 years has lead directly to an economic crash.

How does that work? Post the steps.

Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money.

Sounds awful!! So what did they do with the extra cash? Eat it? Burn it?

The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates.

That's awesome!!! So he cut their taxes?

There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there.

Yeah, because consumers weren't spending for the last 30 years. LOL!
who would win dragonlady or econ for dummies.jpg
Tax cuts create jobs when the people getting the money are the lowest paid workers,

The lowest paid workers already have a 0% or negative tax rate.

Supply side economics ignores demand.

Making it easier to supply a product doesn't grow the economy?

Not to mentioned that every Republican tax cut in the past 30 years has lead directly to an economic crash.

How does that work? Post the steps.

Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money.

Sounds awful!! So what did they do with the extra cash? Eat it? Burn it?

The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates.

That's awesome!!! So he cut their taxes?

There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there.

Yeah, because consumers weren't spending for the last 30 years. LOL!

I'm going to ignore most of your economically ignorant bullshit because you can google the answers to the questions. You won't but you could.

What did they do with the extra cash - corporate stock buybacks. Increased stock value, but did nothing for the economy, jobs or GDP.

Whereas increasing wages, will create jobs, and boost the economy. Workers haven't had a real raise since the 1980's and they've seen the buying power of their wages decline. Their savings were exhausted years ago. Child Tax Credits and increased wages are allowing them to purchase things they couldn't previously afford - food, clothing, sports programs for their children, electronics and consumer goods.

Clinton raised taxes and the minimum wage. Unemployment went down and he balanced the budget. Reagan cut taxes and piled on the debt and crashed the economy. Every Republican tax cut has crashed the economy because it destabilized the markets, and increased deficits. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible and use "magical thinking" when it comes to taxes and growth.

How do tax cuts crash the economy? What happens when you spend more than you earn Todd? When you cut revenues AND increase spending, the spending increases temporarily goose employment, but spending money you don't have while cutting revenues, leads to a crash. That's WHY Reagan raised all kinds of taxes and user fees in his final term, because he realized his mistake and he corrected it.

But W and Trump just repeated Reagan's original mistake cutting revenues, spending like drunken sailors, and destroying the economy in the process.
STFU you stupid Canuck!

Nobody gives a shit what you think about anything, especially our Consttution.

They put an emphasis on States rights because they wanted a weak central govt, which is why they listed very few powers for the feds.

Oh FuckBoi. What do you think you're doing, other than giving me a good laugh? You have no power whatsoever to tell me what to do. None. You're just a pathetic little FuckBoi, pulling on your angry inch and flinging your monkey shit.

The Federal Government exists to enforce the rights granted to individuals under the Constitution. Each state has the right and the power to operate independently from the federal government as long they don't violate individual rights. A weak federal government couldn't possibly enforce the Constitution so that really puts the lie to your notion that the Founders wanted a "weak" Central government.

Also the "supremacy clause" was very clear that when there was a conflict between state's laws, and the Constitution, the federal Constitution was Supreme.

I'm going to ignore most of your economically ignorant bullshit because you can google the answers to the questions. You won't but you could.

What did they do with the extra cash - corporate stock buybacks. Increased stock value, but did nothing for the economy, jobs or GDP.

Whereas increasing wages, will create jobs, and boost the economy. Workers haven't had a real raise since the 1980's and they've seen the buying power of their wages decline. Their savings were exhausted years ago. Child Tax Credits and increased wages are allowing them to purchase things they couldn't previously afford - food, clothing, sports programs for their children, electronics and consumer goods.

Clinton raised taxes and the minimum wage. Unemployment went down and he balanced the budget. Reagan cut taxes and piled on the debt and crashed the economy. Every Republican tax cut has crashed the economy because it destabilized the markets, and increased deficits. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible and use "magical thinking" when it comes to taxes and growth.

How do tax cuts crash the economy? What happens when you spend more than you earn Todd? When you cut revenues AND increase spending, the spending increases temporarily goose employment, but spending money you don't have while cutting revenues, leads to a crash. That's WHY Reagan raised all kinds of taxes and user fees in his final term, because he realized his mistake and he corrected it.

But W and Trump just repeated Reagan's original mistake cutting revenues, spending like drunken sailors, and destroying the economy in the process.

What did they do with the extra cash - corporate stock buybacks. Increased stock value

Wait, the corporations didn't eat or burn their extra cash? LOL!

So they increased dividends and buybacks? That's awful!!!

What did the shareholders do with their extra cash? Did they eat it? Burn it?
Yes, I'm against organizations that demand employers must over pay their employees according to their wishes. I'm against unions deciding who gets promoted in a company and who doesn't, and against them telling companies who they can hire and who they can fire. You want unions and government minimum wages raised, yet have no problem when foreigners take us back 60 years or so standard of living.

Except foreigners do no such thing. You blame people of color for what rich white people do to you... it's sad...

This is our country, not theirs. That means American workers compete against each other insuring us the standard of living it took generations to build. Real Americans are not about to sit back and let invaders destroy everything we built, only Democrats are.

Again, some racist said the same thing 150 years ago about the Irish
100 years ago about the Germans and Italians
and 50 years ago about the Poles.

Now it's the Mexicans and Indians that have you upset.

We only have the standard of living we have BECAUSE Democrats got out there and fought for it.


As for your Forbes article, Trump went against big business so that Americans are hired over talented foreigners for less money. Companies (like Disney) hired foreigners, had their American workers train them, and then got rid of the American workers because the H1-B people worked for less money.

And what's your point? if you think that a company has a God-given right to just pay what the one percenters want to pay, you should be fine with this. Or is your racism greater than your subservience to the wealthy.

Working Guy - "They took away all our good union jobs."
Ray - "Good. You guys were making too much money"
Working Guy - "Then they hired a bunch of Mexicans and Indians!"
Ray - "Why, those no good bastards. Let's get them!"

No, the Chauvin trial was unconstitutional because the mob forced the verdict. There was no unbiased jury as outlined in the Constitution. There really was no BLM at the time of the Zimmerman trial. If there was, they were no larger than the Black Panthers which is only a few people. Plus the fact Zimmerman was not a white person, he's a mixed Hispanic. Remember too it was Florida that didn't put up with criminal shit like they do in Minneapolis and other commie cities and states.

Wow, you have excuses for everything. If excuses paid the bills, you might even live in a nice neighborhood.

Point is, you couldn't find one case where a juror was hunted down for rendering a verdict that BLM was unhappy with, and frankly, there have been a lot of them.

Chauvin's problem, of course, is that he was obviously guilty. That's why he plead guilty in his Federal Case, and he probably would have plead guilty in the state case if the State didn't feel the need to have a trial for public consumption.
Clinton raised taxes and the minimum wage. Unemployment went down and he balanced the budget. Reagan cut taxes and piled on the debt and crashed the economy. Every Republican tax cut has crashed the economy because it destabilized the markets, and increased deficits. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible and use "magical thinking" when it comes to taxes and growth.

How do tax cuts crash the economy? What happens when you spend more than you earn Todd? When you cut revenues AND increase spending, the spending increases temporarily goose employment, but spending money you don't have while cutting revenues, leads to a crash. That's WHY Reagan raised all kinds of taxes and user fees in his final term, because he realized his mistake and he corrected it.

But W and Trump just repeated Reagan's original mistake cutting revenues, spending like drunken sailors, and destroying the economy in the process.

Bill Clinton presided during the tech era which was the key to any financial success. When Reagan cut taxes it pulled us out of a recession and we had a great economy for years afterwards. After he raised them is when unemployment shifted upwards.

The irony of you complaining about taxes and spending is humorous given who's in charge now, wanting to spend trillions of dollars for an unproven myth of climate change. Oh yes, and let's not forget the 80 billion to hire more IRS agents to spy on Americans making transactions over $600.00. Do we really need that? Of course not. But government employees often vote Democrat to insure they have a job. 83,000 likely Democrat voters using our tax dollars and increasing our debt for vote buying.
I don't "want" anything and I'm not a Democrat. I already have everything Americans don't have - fair elections, guaranteed income, health care. Everything you'd expect from the best country in the world to live in.

What I'm proposing is that every American be given an equal opportunity to vote, on the same basis, at the same times and dates, and in the same manner, using the same forms of identification, as every other American voter.

Equality of opportunity!!! What a concept!

That's what we want. Everybody get a voter ID and vote on the same day instead of this mail-in nonsense, voter harvesting, multiple day voting and late hours. We did it for many years and had less of a problem that way. It's the commies that are trying to change our election system to the point they can never lose again. But that's how Nazis think.
Donald Trump cut taxes when American corporations were already awash in cash. They didn't need the money. The American worker needed the money. Biden got the money to the workers, and the result is an economy growing at record rates. There's 30 years of pent up consumer demand there. Enough to fuel growth for the next 5 years.

Dementia got money to the American worker? No he didn't. He got money to the people that didn't want to work, that's why we are in such bad shape today. It led to out of control inflation, a labor shortage, and a supply chain problem. How did Dementia get money to the worker? I don't recall any tax cuts he instituted. Oh yeah, he increased food stamps by the largest increase in history. Yeah, that always works well for an economy.
Bullshit. Once again Ray, you prove yourself to be an economic idiot, believing the lies and bullshit Donald Trump fed you. And denying that Biden did "nothing" to help unemployment after passage of the American Rescue Act, the Child Tax Credit, and the Infrastructure Bill is simply denial of reality.

You gave Trump credit for Obama's economy, which you claimed was the worst recovery in history when Obama was in office, despite Trump having done NOTHING to increase employment, GDP, or trade in his first year in office, prior to passing the tax cut. Trump spent his first year trying, and failing, to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and passing his tax cut.

Trump's tax cuts failed to produce any real jobs. 2018 had the highest pre-covid job creation of his Presidency, mostly on the back of Trump's outrageous spending, and it was still lower than Obama's job numbers from 2016. Obama managed to increase jobs and GDP, while the House and Senate did everything possible to stifle growth and spending.

As for cutting regulations, no jobs were created by doing so. Despite gutting regulations on coal mining and the pollution from coal fired plants, jobs in coal and in manufacturing continued to decline. The ONLY effect of Trump cutting environmental regulations was the degradation of air and water quality across the USA, and an increase in greenhouse gasses.

As for Trump's immigration policy, Trump INCREASED illegal immigration to its highest levels in 30 years. He declared a National Emergency on the Southern Border in 2019 as a result of this increase.

What President Biden did to take credit for the unemployment rate is to pass the American Rescue Plan and the Child Tax Benefit which put thousands of dollars into the hands of American taxpayers, allowing them to pay off debts, and begin to restock their homes with clothing, electronics and other consumer goods, with their household savings during the pandemic. Sales of all consumer goods, electronics, and cars are at an all time high was a result.

But keep pretending Trump wasn't a total disaster, and Biden isn't doing anything, Ray. It makes you look like a the gullible shill the Republican bullshit machine that you truly are.

You make up bullshit stories as you go along. It was the commies in the House and in the courts that stopped Trump from getting a hold of the immigration problem. After he got past those morons illegal immigration decreased by 90%. Even leftists sites had to report it that way as I posted time and time again on the subject.

The child tax credit only helped to keep even more people at home. Unless you can show me how government dependency ever helped an economy, then let's make everybody government dependents and see what happens next. The new welfare role passed in July, and we seen no unemployment results until recently. You fail again. The truth (which I know you hate) is that the jobs people are taking now have been there for months. After the Trump vaccines came out, more jobs became open but the problem was industry couldn't compete against the federal government for workers. When that gravy train stopped in late September, people had no choice but to go back to work. You can't give credit to the person for jobs he didn't create when he's the one that caused the problem in the first place.

As for Trump's tax cuts and regulation removal, we ended up with a million more jobs than Americans who could work them which never happened in my life. Yes, some companies shared their new money with workers while others expanded their industry. We had the best economy in 50 years until Joe's buddies in China sent us their virus.
Oh FuckBoi. What do you think you're doing, other than giving me a good laugh? You have no power whatsoever to tell me what to do. None. You're just a pathetic little FuckBoi, pulling on your angry inch and flinging your monkey shit.

The Federal Government exists to enforce the rights granted to individuals under the Constitution. Each state has the right and the power to operate independently from the federal government as long they don't violate individual rights. A weak federal government couldn't possibly enforce the Constitution so that really puts the lie to your notion that the Founders wanted a "weak" Central government.

Also the "supremacy clause" was very clear that when there was a conflict between state's laws, and the Constitution, the federal Constitution was Supreme.

The first Construction had a much weaker central govt, so I am correct about the Founding Fathers.

Here Stupid, get educated on why I am right and you are still a KKKanadian Halfwit.

You know absolutely nothing about the US. Nothing.
Until you fess up and admit that you were wrong when you said that Hillary Clinton never said Donald Trump was an illegitimate president... you have no credibility.

Care to admit you were wrong? You made the claim, got proven wrong, and then you ducked out like a coward.

I mean, it's important that we combat misinformation, isn't it?

Hillary called Trump an "illegitimate President" in the Fall 2019. Three years after he was elected. After he had been proven to have been heavily involved with the Russian efforts to discredit her. She didn't run around the country after she lost refusing to concede and calling the election stolen. She did the opposite.

Trump still hasn't conceded and is still falsely claiming the election was stolen and that he's the rightful President. Something Hillary never did.
Um, yeah, this has been established. Supply Side never works. It just runs up the deficit.

Except lots of people take "lethal" amounts of drugs and survive. We have 10 million opioid abusers in this country and only 100K deaths a year. Not that I would recommend it, but you have 99% chance of surviving abusing opioids when people aren't putting a knee on your neck for 9 minutes.

Derek Chauvin was a thug, but he was a thug with a badge. We have too many thugs with badges.

Floyd became a symbol because unlike people who get shot in a second, he was slowly tortured to death for nine minutes while a crowd begged for his life. It was horrifying to decent people.
You have a 99% chance of surviving a lethal dose of Fentanyl? Where did you pull that number out of, Joey? Or is this just you trying to show how many things you know nothing about in as short a period of time as possible?

George Floyd was horrifying to "decent people"! When you do home invasions and threaten to shoot a woman's baby in her womb then you're a scum bag of EPIC proportions! I didn't lose a second of sleep over that guy not being with us anymore. He was garbage.
Bullshit. Once again Ray, you prove yourself to be an economic idiot, believing the lies and bullshit Donald Trump fed you. And denying that Biden did "nothing" to help unemployment after passage of the American Rescue Act, the Child Tax Credit, and the Infrastructure Bill is simply denial of reality.

You gave Trump credit for Obama's economy, which you claimed was the worst recovery in history when Obama was in office, despite Trump having done NOTHING to increase employment, GDP, or trade in his first year in office, prior to passing the tax cut. Trump spent his first year trying, and failing, to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and passing his tax cut.

Trump's tax cuts failed to produce any real jobs. 2018 had the highest pre-covid job creation of his Presidency, mostly on the back of Trump's outrageous spending, and it was still lower than Obama's job numbers from 2016. Obama managed to increase jobs and GDP, while the House and Senate did everything possible to stifle growth and spending.

As for cutting regulations, no jobs were created by doing so. Despite gutting regulations on coal mining and the pollution from coal fired plants, jobs in coal and in manufacturing continued to decline. The ONLY effect of Trump cutting environmental regulations was the degradation of air and water quality across the USA, and an increase in greenhouse gasses.

As for Trump's immigration policy, Trump INCREASED illegal immigration to its highest levels in 30 years. He declared a National Emergency on the Southern Border in 2019 as a result of this increase.

What President Biden did to take credit for the unemployment rate is to pass the American Rescue Plan and the Child Tax Benefit which put thousands of dollars into the hands of American taxpayers, allowing them to pay off debts, and begin to restock their homes with clothing, electronics and other consumer goods, with their household savings during the pandemic. Sales of all consumer goods, electronics, and cars are at an all time high was a result.

But keep pretending Trump wasn't a total disaster, and Biden isn't doing anything, Ray. It makes you look like a the gullible shill the Republican bullshit machine that you truly are.
Wow talk about someone who's living in an alternate universe! Trump's economic policies gave this country historically good numbers before Covid crushed everything! Joe Biden took office at a time when the economy was set up to come roaring back but as usual Joe fucked it up! It's what happens when you let people run the country that don't have enough smarts to run a lemonade stand!
Hillary called Trump an "illegitimate President" in the Fall 2019. Three years after he was elected. After he had been proven to have been heavily involved with the Russian efforts to discredit her. She didn't run around the country after she lost refusing to concede and calling the election stolen. She did the opposite.

Trump still hasn't conceded and is still falsely claiming the election was stolen and that he's the rightful President. Something Hillary never did.
So you admit you are a lying sack of KKKanadian dogsshit for claiming Hitlery NEVER said Trump was an illegitimate President.
I'm going to ignore most of your economically ignorant bullshit because you can google the answers to the questions. You won't but you could.

What did they do with the extra cash - corporate stock buybacks. Increased stock value, but did nothing for the economy, jobs or GDP.

Whereas increasing wages, will create jobs, and boost the economy. Workers haven't had a real raise since the 1980's and they've seen the buying power of their wages decline. Their savings were exhausted years ago. Child Tax Credits and increased wages are allowing them to purchase things they couldn't previously afford - food, clothing, sports programs for their children, electronics and consumer goods.

Clinton raised taxes and the minimum wage. Unemployment went down and he balanced the budget. Reagan cut taxes and piled on the debt and crashed the economy. Every Republican tax cut has crashed the economy because it destabilized the markets, and increased deficits. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible and use "magical thinking" when it comes to taxes and growth.

How do tax cuts crash the economy? What happens when you spend more than you earn Todd? When you cut revenues AND increase spending, the spending increases temporarily goose employment, but spending money you don't have while cutting revenues, leads to a crash. That's WHY Reagan raised all kinds of taxes and user fees in his final term, because he realized his mistake and he corrected it.

But W and Trump just repeated Reagan's original mistake cutting revenues, spending like drunken sailors, and destroying the economy in the process.
So raising wages will create jobs? How does that work exactly, Dragonlady? I've never seen an economic model that shows something like that. Would you care to show me one that does?
The first Construction had a much weaker central govt, so I am correct about the Founding Fathers.

Here Stupid, get educated on why I am right and you are still a KKKanadian Halfwit.

You know absolutely nothing about the US. Nothing.

The First Constitution wasn't written by the Founding Fathers. It was written by the states' representatives at the First Congress . Madison, Washington, Hamilton and others federalist were working to strengthed it the moment it was passed. Fighting between some of the states and local rebellions in other showed the need to strengthen the federal structure and it's the reason why the states failed to ratify it.

The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution that was ratified, fool.

Madison, who actually wrote the Constitution, was a strong federalist.

Care to try again, FuckBoi?
So you admit you are a lying sack of KKKanadian dogsshit for claiming Hitlery NEVER said Trump was an illegitimate President.

No, you stupid ass. I said it BEFORE 2019. I made that statement BEFORE Hillary gave that interview. I make factual errors from time to time, and I admit to them but I have NEVER lied.

Lying is knowing the truth, and intentionally setting out to mislead people. Something you do every day. You lie, twist, deceive and set out to mislead people. That's why you're a FuckBoi, and no one believes you.

You hate me because I dismantled your lies. Every single time. You keep making a fool of your self with personal attacks, which reveal you to be little know nothing FuckBoi.
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