“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Here is a post by you in August of 2021
Not once ever did Hillary Clinton say the election was "stolen", and not once EVER did she say Trump was an "illegitimate President". This asshole is lying through his teeth.
No one has ever suggested that the Russians changed the outcome of the election.
This guy is a total liar, and all he has done here is lie.

So, you claimed to have never said such a thing since 2019, and now I provide you saying it in August of 2021.

Care to fess up to your BS?

I see you haven't been very active since you joined this service, so let me give you a heads up right now: Dragon lady does nothing but lie. Never take anything she says as Gospel. If she makes a claim, look it up and you'll find out it's usually bullshit.
I see you haven't been very active since you joined this service, so let me give you a heads up right now: Dragon lady does nothing but lie. Never take anything she says as Gospel. If she makes a claim, look it up and you'll find out it's usually bullshit.
Dragonlady is allowed to lie, but when she lies about her lies, i just thought I'd show her that she lied.

"I SAID THAT IN 2019!!!"

and I showed her saying it in 2021.
Dragonlady is allowed to lie, but when she lies about her lies, i just thought I'd show her that she lied.

"I SAID THAT IN 2019!!!"

and I showed her saying it in 2021.
Dragonlady is a Canuck moron who insists on trying to tell Americans how America should be run. The problem is, she is completely ignorant regarding anything and everything about America.

If her IQ is higher than her shoe size it’s only because her legs have been amputated at the hips.
We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong ?
there are three separate groups involved.
* Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
* National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS)
* National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)

The CISA is federal, and the other two have members from the states, and the private sector (of which i assume makes the equipment). They all work together to plan and exercise security tests. These separate entities try to find security holes in election infrastructure. Also appears the DHS is involved as well. Since each state has their own election officials involved, if there is anything amiss, one or more of them would raise the alarm.
Here is a post by you in August of 2021
Not once ever did Hillary Clinton say the election was "stolen", and not once EVER did she say Trump was an "illegitimate President". This asshole is lying through his teeth.
No one has ever suggested that the Russians changed the outcome of the election.
This guy is a total liar, and all he has done here is lie.

So, you claimed to have never said such a thing since 2019, and now I provide you saying it in August of 2021.

Care to fess up to your BS?

I did. Have you? And I didn't say that I never said it AFTER 2019. I said I made the statement BEFORE she gave that interview when it was true. I was not even aware of the 2019 interview, and I have, on more than one occasion, acknowledged my subsequent error. Not that you noticed or acknowledged it.

I guess you obsessed with this because it's the ONLY instance you've found where I've posted something that was subsequently found to be wrong. You, on the other hand, have never acknowledged your errors, and you continue to repeat things you know to be lies.
Who actually created those jobs, Joey? If you really examine the numbers the vast bulk of new jobs were created in States like Florida, Tennessee and Texas...all run by Republicans who fought back against Biden policies so that their States COULD prosper! Joe's economic polices have given us rampant inflation...not jobs. Jobs were created despite the idiot in the White House!

I guess you can argue there are a lot of vacancies in the Red States, given how many people you are killing off with TRUMP PLAGUE now.

The level of buffoonery in the red states would be sad to behold.
I guess you can argue there are a lot of vacancies in the Red States, given how many people you are killing off with TRUMP PLAGUE now.

The level of buffoonery in the red states would be sad to behold.
You're almost comical in how you totally ignore what's happening right in front of your nose, Joey! People are pouring into "Red States" because the people running them actually care about the businesses who support everything with their taxes.

Trump Plague? Interesting how more people have died on Joe Biden's watch than died under Trump and that's after Trump handed Biden the vaccines he fast tracked. The fact of the matter is that every thing Joe Biden touches turns to shit. The Covid response just like every thing else!

Buffoonery? You mean like the way New York is these days? People are leaving the Big Apple by the thousands because liberals like you have made the city unlivable. You've got a Mayor who promises to crack down on crime but you've got a DA who promises not to put criminals in jail. People aren't hanging around to see how that cluster fuck plays out. They're getting while the getting is good!
I did. Have you? And I didn't say that I never said it AFTER 2019. I said I made the statement BEFORE she gave that interview when it was true. I was not even aware of the 2019 interview, and I have, on more than one occasion, acknowledged my subsequent error. Not that you noticed or acknowledged it.

I guess you obsessed with this because it's the ONLY instance you've found where I've posted something that was subsequently found to be wrong. You, on the other hand, have never acknowledged your errors, and you continue to repeat things you know to be lies.
Did you really just claim to have only posted one thing EVER that was wrong?
You should do stand up comedy, Dragonlady! You're THAT funny!
I guess you can argue there are a lot of vacancies in the Red States, given how many people you are killing off with TRUMP PLAGUE now.

The level of buffoonery in the red states would be sad to behold.
Racism, I tell you! Racism!
Dragonlady is a Canuck moron who insists on trying to tell Americans how America should be run. The problem is, she is completely ignorant regarding anything and everything about America.

If her IQ is higher than her shoe size it’s only because her legs have been amputated at the hips.

If I'm a moron, it doesn't say much for your intellect that I regularly hand you your ass on a plate. And I'm able to do it so easily.

You don't ever try to refute what I've posted. You just call me names proving to everyone you've got nothing. When are you going to get a job and quit being a lazy little prick? It's not like that aren't millions of jobs waiting to be filled. Won't anyone hire a bright boy like you? Why aren't you working, FuckBoi|?

Did you really just claim to have only posted one thing EVER that was wrong?
You should do stand up comedy, Dragonlady! You're THAT funny!

No I didn't. I said they were obsessing over this thing because they can't find anything else I've posted that they can attack. I apologized the other day, for something I posted that was incorrect.

It happens, but not very often, and when I do, I acknowledge when something I post is incorrect. I'm a retired law clerk who basically did "due diligence" for a living - verify the facts, make a record. I didn't get to work for the best law firms in Canada by being sloppy or doing my job badly.
You make up bullshit stories as you go along. It was the commies in the House and in the courts that stopped Trump from getting a hold of the immigration problem. After he got past those morons illegal immigration decreased by 90%. Even leftists sites had to report it that way as I posted time and time again on the subject.

The child tax credit only helped to keep even more people at home. Unless you can show me how government dependency ever helped an economy, then let's make everybody government dependents and see what happens next. The new welfare role passed in July, and we seen no unemployment results until recently. You fail again. The truth (which I know you hate) is that the jobs people are taking now have been there for months. After the Trump vaccines came out, more jobs became open but the problem was industry couldn't compete against the federal government for workers. When that gravy train stopped in late September, people had no choice but to go back to work. You can't give credit to the person for jobs he didn't create when he's the one that caused the problem in the first place.

As for Trump's tax cuts and regulation removal, we ended up with a million more jobs than Americans who could work them which never happened in my life. Yes, some companies shared their new money with workers while others expanded their industry. We had the best economy in 50 years until Joe's buddies in China sent us their virus.

You said Trump solved the problem "He greatly reduced people invading our country and then getting jobs here. It eventually led to us having a million more jobs than Americans who could work them." When Trump took office, you had the lowest illegal immigration in 50 years. And that's with the same judges and courts you're now blaming the courts the increase in illegal immigration under Trump. Once again, you're trying to suck and blow at the same.

Trump stopped prosecuting corporations who employed illegal immigrants. He prosecuted one employer in 4 years. Obama was getting 400 convictions per year, and collecting millions of dollars in fines, and levies against the employers. Obama had 300,000 Mexicans self-deport when he was President, because they couldn't find jobs. No one would hire them and risk getting charged. The moment Trump was elected, he stopped these prosecutions.

This is from the fact check on Obama's final numbers. Those statistics put the lie to EVERYTHING you've ever posted about Obama and Trump's economic record. And so much for Trump creating the worker shortage.

"With relatively fewer people seeking employment, a job shortage changed to a worker shortage under Obama. The Department of Labor reported that the number of unfilled job openings more than doubled during Obama’s time, hitting 6.1 million in July 2015. That was at the time the highest in the more than 16 years that Labor Department statisticians had tracked this number."

  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.

This is their overall conclusion:

But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.

These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
If I'm a moron, it doesn't say much for your intellect that I regularly hand you your ass on a plate. And I'm able to do it so easily.

You don't ever try to refute what I've posted. You just call me names proving to everyone you've got nothing. When are you going to get a job and quit being a lazy little prick? It's not like that aren't millions of jobs waiting to be filled. Won't anyone hire a bright boy like you? Why aren't you working, FuckBoi|?

No I didn't. I said they were obsessing over this thing because they can't find anything else I've posted that they can attack. I apologized the other day, for something I posted that was incorrect.

It happens, but not very often, and when I do, I acknowledge when something I post is incorrect. I'm a retired law clerk who basically did "due diligence" for a living - verify the facts, make a record. I didn't get to work for the best law firms in Canada by being sloppy or doing my job badly.
You claimed that increasing wages created jobs, Dragonlady and when I challenged you on that you avoided my request to show an economic model where that actually takes place. To be quite blunt...I don't think you DID due diligence on that! I think you just made it up as you went. Did you want to walk that claim back? Or are you going to show us all that you're NOT sloppy by backing up your claim?
You're almost comical in how you totally ignore what's happening right in front of your nose, Joey! People are pouring into "Red States" because the people running them actually care about the businesses who support everything with their taxes.

Trump Plague? Interesting how more people have died on Joe Biden's watch than died under Trump and that's after Trump handed Biden the vaccines he fast tracked. The fact of the matter is that every thing Joe Biden touches turns to shit. The Covid response just like every thing else!

Buffoonery? You mean like the way New York is these days? People are leaving the Big Apple by the thousands because liberals like you have made the city unlivable. You've got a Mayor who promises to crack down on crime but you've got a DA who promises not to put criminals in jail. People aren't hanging around to see how that cluster fuck plays out. They're getting while the getting is good!

Liberalism is a mental disease.
You said Trump solved the problem "He greatly reduced people invading our country and then getting jobs here. It eventually led to us having a million more jobs than Americans who could work them." When Trump took office, you had the lowest illegal immigration in 50 years. And that's with the same judges and courts you're now blaming the courts the increase in illegal immigration under Trump. Once again, you're trying to suck and blow at the same.

Trump stopped prosecuting corporations who employed illegal immigrants. He prosecuted one employer in 4 years. Obama was getting 400 convictions per year, and collecting millions of dollars in fines, and levies against the employers. Obama had 300,000 Mexicans self-deport when he was President, because they couldn't find jobs. No one would hire them and risk getting charged. The moment Trump was elected, he stopped these prosecutions.

This is from the fact check on Obama's final numbers. Those statistics put the lie to EVERYTHING you've ever posted about Obama and Trump's economic record. And so much for Trump creating the worker shortage.

"With relatively fewer people seeking employment, a job shortage changed to a worker shortage under Obama. The Department of Labor reported that the number of unfilled job openings more than doubled during Obama’s time, hitting 6.1 million in July 2015. That was at the time the highest in the more than 16 years that Labor Department statisticians had tracked this number."

This is their overall conclusion:

Their overall conclusion omitted the change in definition of what a deportation was. GW changed it towards the end of his second term. Deportation used to be when the courts heard a case and got rid of the immigrant. That was changed to a BP officer finding a newly border crosser and driving them back over the border.

As for my other claims, take your pick. You can't complain about the sources because some are very left leaning.

Mind you the policies that made it to the Supreme Court had to undergo all the lower courts rulings which delayed Trump from taking action much earlier.
You're almost comical in how you totally ignore what's happening right in front of your nose, Joey! People are pouring into "Red States" because the people running them actually care about the businesses who support everything with their taxes.

Trump Plague? Interesting how more people have died on Joe Biden's watch than died under Trump and that's after Trump handed Biden the vaccines he fast tracked. The fact of the matter is that every thing Joe Biden touches turns to shit. The Covid response just like every thing else!

Buffoonery? You mean like the way New York is these days? People are leaving the Big Apple by the thousands because liberals like you have made the city unlivable. You've got a Mayor who promises to crack down on crime but you've got a DA who promises not to put criminals in jail. People aren't hanging around to see how that cluster fuck plays out. They're getting while the getting is good!

People are also leaving his very own state for the same reasons.
You're almost comical in how you totally ignore what's happening right in front of your nose, Joey! People are pouring into "Red States" because the people running them actually care about the businesses who support everything with their taxes.

Right... by pouring you mean a few old people moving for warmer weather... but you guys need your fantasies.

Trump Plague? Interesting how more people have died on Joe Biden's watch than died under Trump and that's after Trump handed Biden the vaccines he fast tracked. The fact of the matter is that every thing Joe Biden touches turns to shit. The Covid response just like every thing else!

You mean the vaccines your side all refuse to take because you don't want Biden to succeed? While we aren't losing 4000 people a day like we did under Trump, we are losing too many because Republicans are refusing to do vaccine mandates.

Buffoonery? You mean like the way New York is these days? People are leaving the Big Apple by the thousands because liberals like you have made the city unlivable. You've got a Mayor who promises to crack down on crime but you've got a DA who promises not to put criminals in jail. People aren't hanging around to see how that cluster fuck plays out. They're getting while the getting is good!

Yes, I've been hearing this shit for years, yet NYC is still the biggest city. Let me guess, you went to NYC once and a scary negro made you wet yourself.
If I'm a moron, it doesn't say much for your intellect that I regularly hand you your ass on a plate. And I'm able to do it so easily.

You don't ever try to refute what I've posted. You just call me names proving to everyone you've got nothing. When are you going to get a job and quit being a lazy little prick? It's not like that aren't millions of jobs waiting to be filled. Won't anyone hire a bright boy like you? Why aren't you working, FuckBoi|?

No I didn't. I said they were obsessing over this thing because they can't find anything else I've posted that they can attack. I apologized the other day, for something I posted that was incorrect.

It happens, but not very often, and when I do, I acknowledge when something I post is incorrect. I'm a retired law clerk who basically did "due diligence" for a living - verify the facts, make a record. I didn't get to work for the best law firms in Canada by being sloppy or doing my job badly.
You don't ever try to refute what I've posted.

Yes, I clearly did you fucking lying idiot. You claimed she never said Trump was illegitimate when she clearly did a full year before you posted that. Her quote with date has been posted, and I quoted your post where you lied.

Why don't you go find a forum more your style..............something geared for retards who have also been dropped on their head about ten thousand times.

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