“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Dragonlady here is what you claimed:

I made that statement BEFORE Hillary gave that interview.

She gave the interview in 2019. This is you on Aug 9, 2021 Let me know if you need help with the math here.
Not once ever did Hillary Clinton say the election was "stolen", and not once EVER did she say Trump was an "illegitimate President". This asshole is lying through his teeth.

No one has ever suggested that the Russians changed the outcome of the election.

This guy is a total liar, and all he has done here is lie.
there are three separate groups involved.
* Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
* National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS)
* National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)

The CISA is federal, and the other two have members from the states, and the private sector (of which i assume makes the equipment). They all work together to plan and exercise security tests. These separate entities try to find security holes in election infrastructure. Also appears the DHS is involved as well. Since each state has their own election officials involved, if there is anything amiss, one or more of them would raise the alarm.
“I’ve always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
President Ronald Reagan, August 12, 1986
I did. Have you? And I didn't say that I never said it AFTER 2019. I said I made the statement BEFORE she gave that interview when it was true. I was not even aware of the 2019 interview, and I have, on more than one occasion, acknowledged my subsequent error. Not that you noticed or acknowledged it.

I guess you obsessed with this because it's the ONLY instance you've found where I've posted something that was subsequently found to be wrong. You, on the other hand, have never acknowledged your errors, and you continue to repeat things you know to be lies.
I guess you obsessed with this because it's the ONLY instance you've found where I've posted something that was subsequently found to be wrong.

That right there is your biggest lie to date.............and you throw out multiple whoppers every day. :auiqs.jpg:
Right... by pouring you mean a few old people moving for warmer weather... but you guys need your fantasies.

You mean the vaccines your side all refuse to take because you don't want Biden to succeed? While we aren't losing 4000 people a day like we did under Trump, we are losing too many because Republicans are refusing to do vaccine mandates.

Yes, I've been hearing this shit for years, yet NYC is still the biggest city. Let me guess, you went to NYC once and a scary negro made you wet yourself.
As usual, Joey...you don't have a clue. Lee County, Florida was rated the fastest growing metro area in the nation. The number of jobs being created there is double the national average. That isn't "a few old people moving for warmer weather"...that's a literal flood of transplants especially among younger demographics.

Would those be the same vaccine "mandates" that Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci both promised Americans that they'd never impose? The fact is, Joey...your clueless namesake has no more idea how to deal with Covid than he does about dealing with inflation. Joe Biden's answer is to blame someone else while he hopes a problem somehow goes away by itself.

As for New York? I've been many times. I remember what the city was like prior to Rudy G turning things around. I remember when Times Square was a dangerous area. I remember when that all changed and New York became one of the safest big cities in the world. "Scary negro"? Leave it to you to play the race card to try and hide how progressive policy has taken a safe city and brought it back to the dangerous place it was before common sense police and justice system policies MADE it safe! Mayor de Blasio and liberals have screwed up New York City and it's going to take another conservative Mayor to fix things. That has nothing to do with "scary negros".
A whopping 0.1%. Wow.

And that is if you believe the Trump Census, which was already kind of a clusterfuck between his attempts to deliberately intimidate immigrants and the low follow up rate due to Covid.

Covid has killed a whopping not quite 0.5 of our population. Feel stupid, you should.

Remember the numbers of deaths are inflated.
Remember the numbers of deaths are inflated.

And that's being reported all across the country. I had it happen in my family and I have two pissed off cousins because of it. I don't blame them either. Both are very conservative, both own their own business, and both had a very conservative father.

My Uncle was a WWII vet. The man didn't die with dignity, he died with guilt. He kept telling his sons to please beg forgiveness of the family that was with him before he was hauled off to the hospital because he believed at the time he may have given them this deadly virus. It's a damn shame too.
Um, yeah, but only because not everyone has been exposed yet... I'm not even sure how this even matters, that IL recorded a .1 population shift in a FLAWED census.
Considering we destroyed our country using it as a weapon, it has a lot to do with everything.
A whopping 0.1%. Wow.

And that is if you believe the Trump Census, which was already kind of a clusterfuck between his attempts to deliberately intimidate immigrants and the low follow up rate due to Covid.

LOL...did you really just claim it was a "Trump Census"? You're getting more pathetic by the post, Joey!
Democratically controlled States are seeing an exodus of people and they're headed to States run by Republicans. You know it...you just can't admit it!
They probably undercounted a lot of people.... but then again, if Trump didn't fuck it up... he wouldn't be Trump.
Can you imagine what the numbers would be if illegals WEREN'T counted in the Census, Joey?

States like California would lose multiple members from the House!

That's the real reason that Joe Biden is letting hundreds of thousands of illegals pour across our border! They need to replace everyone that's leaving Democratically controlled States for Republican ones or they would lose control of Congress.
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Can you imagine what the numbers would be if illegals WEREN'T counted in the Census, Joey?

States like California would lose multiple members from the House!

That's the real reason that Joe Biden is letting hundreds of thousands of illegals pour across our border! They need to replace everyone that's leaving Democratically controlled States for Republican ones or they would lose control of Congress.

It's also why in this new pork bill, they want amnesty for all illegals in this country. Some estimates state we have 40 million of these invaders here already, and that includes the 2 million they allowed in last year.
LOL...did you really just claim it was a "Trump Census"? You're getting more pathetic by the post, Joey!
Democratically controlled States are seeing an exodus of people and they're headed to States run by Republicans. You know it...you just can't admit it!

And one of those states are his very own.
LOL...did you really just claim it was a "Trump Census"? You're getting more pathetic by the post, Joey!
Democratically controlled States are seeing an exodus of people and they're headed to States run by Republicans. You know it...you just can't admit it!
Except not really. Nearly every state saw an increase in population in the last 10 years. In fact, the only states that saw a loss in population were IL, WV and MS.

And again, I suspect the Census itself was flawed, due to Trump's intimidation of immigrants and Trump Plague. We didn't count everyone. I participated in censuses in 2000 and 2010, and the hardest people to count were Mexican and Polish immigrants.


Can you imagine what the numbers would be if illegals WEREN'T counted in the Census, Joey?

States like California would lose multiple members from the House!

That's the real reason that Joe Biden is letting hundreds of thousands of illegals pour across our border! They need to replace everyone that's leaving Democratically controlled States for Republican ones or they would lose control of Congress.

The Constitution says to count everyone. And that's CLEARLY stated, unlike using the Militia Amendment to let crazies own machine guns.

Of course, the reason why we have undocumented immigration is because there are jobs that Americans plain old don't want to do.

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