“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

You don’t have anything to back up your claims. Just bullshit.

Well, that and 150 years of voter suppression by racists since the 15th Amendment was passed.

So be honest for a minute, Joey...do you think Joe Biden and the Democrats are keeping the border wide open because they want illegals to come here to do jobs American don't want to do...or are they keeping it open because they see it as a way to keep themselves in power?

Your premise is faulty. Most of the people caught at the border are sent back.

47% of people are sent back when they are caught. 70% are sent back within a week.

There's a big difference between "border wide open" and "sending detainees to concentration camps" like Trump was doing.
No, Cubans are on their "naughty list" because they don't tend to vote Democrat because they come from a country where they understand what "progressive" policies lead to!

Quite the contrary... we've been rewarding Cubans for coming here since Castro took power. If we had the same policy towards Mexico we have towards Cuba, Mexico would be empty.
Your premise is faulty. Most of the people caught at the border are sent back.

47% of people are sent back when they are caught. 70% are sent back within a week.

There's a big difference between "border wide open" and "sending detainees to concentration camps" like Trump was doing.

Then why did the BP state at the end of the year we had 2 million more illegals than last year?
How would the BP know that? They could say they CAUGHT 2 million more people, but they have no idea how many got in.

Sure they do since Dementia brought back catch and release. Trump ended that which is why people stopped coming. They knew they wouldn't be released into the country even if they were applying for asylum.
This is rich….. seeing in action what I suspected long a go. Privileged liberal white elites believe in their heart of hearts that Blacks are too stupid and incapable to get state-issued IDs. If you are Black and vote Democrat, this is what your party thinks of you or at least perpetuates the myth of Blacks not being able to get IDs simply because Democrats don’t like IDs to be used in voter verification. You are being used.
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
All of the GOP voter id bills that the corrupt dims have shot down HAVE A CLAUSE FOR FREE IDS FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT AFFORD ONE.

Dems want no voter rolls reconciled and they want no ID…….SO THEY CAN FUCKING CHEAT. THERE IS NO OTHER REASON.
Well, that and 150 years of voter suppression by racists since the 15th Amendment was passed.

Your premise is faulty. Most of the people caught at the border are sent back.

47% of people are sent back when they are caught. 70% are sent back within a week.

There's a big difference between "border wide open" and "sending detainees to concentration camps" like Trump was doing.
Care to share where you pulled those numbers from, Joey?
Sure they do since Dementia brought back catch and release. Trump ended that which is why people stopped coming. They knew they wouldn't be released into the country even if they were applying for asylum.

Except people didn't stop coming. And only a very few have been granted asylum under Biden, most are sent back.

The problem was Trump violated our own laws when he refused to grant asylum.
Except people didn't stop coming. And only a very few have been granted asylum under Biden, most are sent back.

The problem was Trump violated our own laws when he refused to grant asylum.

No, he just changed policy. Our previous policy is that all asylum applicants had to apply in the US. Trump changed that to nobody applying in the US and it had to be done at your embassy in your country. People used to be offered asylum by Mexico and other countries which they declined to hold out for US asylum. Trump changed that too by stating you must accept asylums from any other country that offers it to apply for our asylum.

So people came here with their phony asylum claims, had to be let into the US, and while awaiting their court date, never attending. It was a loophole into crossing into our country legally to eventually become an illegal. So they quit coming because it was fruitless. Even if their asylum claim sounded somewhat legitimate, they still had to wait in Mexico for their court date, escorted to it, and escorted back over the border if ruled illegitimate.
No, he just changed policy. Our previous policy is that all asylum applicants had to apply in the US. Trump changed that to nobody applying in the US and it had to be done at your embassy in your country. People used to be offered asylum by Mexico and other countries which they declined to hold out for US asylum. Trump changed that too by stating you must accept asylums from any other country that offers it to apply for our asylum.

Are you fucking retarded? You are trying to get asylum from a government that is a threat to your life, and all you have to do is walk up to the US Embassy where the government can see you do it.

You don't see the flaw in that plan?
Are you fucking retarded? You are trying to get asylum from a government that is a threat to your life, and all you have to do is walk up to the US Embassy where the government can see you do it.

You don't see the flaw in that plan?

No I don't because most of their stories are bullshit. If their countries cared so much about people leaving they would be guarding their borders to make sure nobody leaves. Yes, they live in shitholes (as Trump supposedly said one time) and are just looking for a better country to go to. They are third worlders who will eventually turn us into the same once there are enough of them. They can't do anything to improve their country, so they come here, look around, and say "I like what you've done to this place with wars that cost millions of American lives, money from capitalism, freedom from your founders and government, so I think I'll take advantage of everything you people created and stay for a while! It beats us trying to improve our countries!"
No I don't because most of their stories are bullshit. If their countries cared so much about people leaving they would be guarding their borders to make sure nobody leaves. Yes, they live in shitholes (as Trump supposedly said one time) and are just looking for a better country to go to. They are third worlders who will eventually turn us into the same once there are enough of them. They can't do anything to improve their country, so they come here, look around, and say "I like what you've done to this place with wars that cost millions of American lives, money from capitalism, freedom from your founders and government, so I think I'll take advantage of everything you people created and stay for a while! It beats us trying to improve our countries!"

If America is great, it was because it was built on the backs of people of color... and now you are afraid of more of them as you live in your slum, putting cameras on your house, collecting your disability check.

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who have come here from "third world countries" who have great jobs and work very hard to better themselves.

I'd trade a 100 of you for one of them.
If America is great, it was because it was built on the backs of people of color... and now you are afraid of more of them as you live in your slum, putting cameras on your house, collecting your disability check.

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who have come here from "third world countries" who have great jobs and work very hard to better themselves.

I'd trade a 100 of you for one of them.

I'm sure you would. Most leftists are anti-American sellouts. Yes I'm afraid of people of color because they vote Democrat. The ultimate goal of the left is to make whites a minority which is why the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Every other group of people vote Democrat outside of whites. Once they accomplish making whites the minority, they will have a single-party government forever, and that will be the end of the great experiment. Our country will turn into another Socialist shithole, and not too far down the road total Communist.

You see, that's why we on the right welcome the idea of having two countries. You can destroy yours with these third worlders, and we get to keep the America our founders had hoped for in our future.

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