“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Picture of me, 1990. I miss being thin and having hair.

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Sorry, man, what I remember from the range is guns sounded more like "pops" than "Bangs". Also, most of your stories about your welfare neighbors being awful I take with a grain of salt, Mrs. Kravitz.
Tell us again how you didn't see any "whitey's" in the military during your 11 years there.
Nope. Ft. Sill, OK< 1981. Where I took my basic. I was actually surprised guns weren't loud like they were on TV. Now they did make us wear ear protection, and today I am slightly deaf in one ear due to my time in service.

Who'd want to lay bricks?

Who wants to drive a truck?

Funny, it seems you want to live in an imaginary past... where minorities knew their place

Most of my siblings in the trades... but none of their kids are.

Again, you only get there because of the White People Welfare... oh, sorry, middle class entitlements.

Here's the thing. A lot of those entitlements you whine about are for people who work. 40% of families on Food stamps have at least one family member with a job. Same with section 8, etc.

You guys let the GOP wreck the middle class, and then wonder why people are collecting benefits.

Fucking Poor People. they need to fucking starve. Except you, Welfare Ray, you keep getting your bennies.

You are such a stupid fuck. Is that what OCD does to people? How many times do I have to tell you federal programs outside of Medicare, SS and Disability are not funded by payroll tax? They are funded by income taxes which none of these people ever paid and never will. There is a vast difference between programs that people fund when they collect and programs they don't. So I caught you in another lie. You never went to private school, you went to public school obviously.

Oh, who wants to be this, who wants to be that? So if somebody doesn't "want" to be something, that's the reason they flip burgers the rest of their life and collect welfare? Well guess what, do you think I wanted to go out there and drive a tractor-trailer in a snow storm at 6:00 in the morning? Hell no. My sick old ass got out there and did it because I had to make a living to support the young physically fit HUD people next door to me. Sorry, but if you want to be anything in life, you have to go and do things you really don't want to do. So don't give me this shit that the only way to make a living is to go into college debt 70K. It's pure BS. There are plenty of ways to make a livable income but you have to work for it.
You are such a stupid fuck. Is that what OCD does to people? How many times do I have to tell you federal programs outside of Medicare, SS and Disability are not funded by payroll tax? They are funded by income taxes which none of these people ever paid and never will. There is a vast difference between programs that people fund when they collect and programs they don't. So I caught you in another lie. You never went to private school, you went to public school obviously.

Oh, who wants to be this, who wants to be that? So if somebody doesn't "want" to be something, that's the reason they flip burgers the rest of their life and collect welfare? Well guess what, do you think I wanted to go out there and drive a tractor-trailer in a snow storm at 6:00 in the morning? Hell no. My sick old ass got out there and did it because I had to make a living to support the young physically fit HUD people next door to me. Sorry, but if you want to be anything in life, you have to go and do things you really don't want to do. So don't give me this shit that the only way to make a living is to go into college debt 70K. It's pure BS. There are plenty of ways to make a livable income but you have to work for it.
im surprised the democrats havent shipped a few million mail in ballots to mexico already
... Well guess what, do you think I wanted to go out there and drive a tractor-trailer in a snow storm at 6:00 in the morning? Hell no. My sick old ass got out there and did it because I had to make a living to support the young physically fit HUD people next door to me. Sorry, but if you want to be anything in life, you have to go and do things you really don't want to do. .....

...says the welfare queen laying around all day waiting on his check from the government. ^^^^^^
So here is the basic question:

If a mandatory voter ID law results in fewer voters, and disproportionately fewer voters among African Americans, is that law:
  • Racist?
  • An attack against "democracy"?
  • Beneficial because it has likely reduced the number of bogus votes? or
  • Neutral?
One might note that even among Black voters, a voter ID requirement gets overwhelming support. And yet Democrats fight it, tooth and nail.

Why is that?

Why? First of all, the GOP wants voter-id so the Dems are against it, and they demagogue the repubs to death about the 'threat to democracy' and all that bullshit. Other 1st-world countries do it, why don't we? Right now, the trust in the integrity of our elections is in question and IMHO has to be reinforced. Making sure all votes are legal shouldn't be too high a price to pay, even if some people are inconvenienced. I believe they'll find a way to vote if the democrats run somebody like Obama, they certainly did in 2008 and 2012.

I don't think they're too confident in their agenda appealing to the people other than the hard-line Far Left or the idiots that always vote for a democrat no matter what. So, they're trying every which way to try to paint the GOP as racist, sexist, and every other -ist that's bad. Negative politics is all they have.
Why? First of all, the GOP wants voter-id so the Dems are against it, and they demagogue the repubs to death about the 'threat to democracy' and all that bullshit. Other 1st-world countries do it, why don't we? Right now, the trust in the integrity of our elections is in question and IMHO has to be reinforced. Making sure all votes are legal shouldn't be too high a price to pay, even if some people are inconvenienced. I believe they'll find a way to vote if the democrats run somebody like Obama, they certainly did in 2008 and 2012.

I don't think they're too confident in their agenda appealing to the people other than the hard-line Far Left or the idiots that always vote for a democrat no matter what. So, they're trying every which way to try to paint the GOP as racist, sexist, and every other -ist that's bad. Negative politics is all they have.

I'm no historian but I don't recall anytime in our history that a Congress opposite of the President would be investigating a former US President a year after he was out of office. In all my life I've never seen them so scared of one man before, not even Reagan.

I would say normally they will pull their cheating BS in the midterms, but since the last election the focus is on this election with a magnifying glass. Every move is going to be watched carefully. So they want to try and takeover our entire election system. If they could get away with it, of course it will be taken to court for it's unconstitutionality, but that can drag on until past the next election. If the last ruling before the election ends up in a lower court with a commie judge before the election, that ruling would stand. It's their only possible way of not losing both the House and Senate.
Your problems are real, but other peoples are not? Especially if they are the wrong color?

It's not my fault you hang around with lowlifes. How could that surprise anybody when you're one yourself. On ignore with you. I hope you meet my fate sometime soon.
You are such a stupid fuck. Is that what OCD does to people? How many times do I have to tell you federal programs outside of Medicare, SS and Disability are not funded by payroll tax? They are funded by income taxes which none of these people ever paid and never will. There is a vast difference between programs that people fund when they collect and programs they don't. So I caught you in another lie. You never went to private school, you went to public school obviously.

Guy, you are pretending that because there is a different tax mechanism, these White Welfare Programs aren't welfare, when they clearly are. For years, the government took that SS and Medicare money and converted it into bonds to buy bombers and bridges. Now they are going back with those bonds and getting money from General Fund to fund the shortfalls.

You are on welfare. Deal with it.

Oh, who wants to be this, who wants to be that? So if somebody doesn't "want" to be something, that's the reason they flip burgers the rest of their life and collect welfare? Well guess what, do you think I wanted to go out there and drive a tractor-trailer in a snow storm at 6:00 in the morning? Hell no. My sick old ass got out there and did it because I had to make a living to support the young physically fit HUD people next door to me. Sorry, but if you want to be anything in life, you have to go and do things you really don't want to do. So don't give me this shit that the only way to make a living is to go into college debt 70K. It's pure BS. There are plenty of ways to make a livable income but you have to work for it.

And if you are so unambitious that you don't want to gain any useful skills, other than driving in a straight line, that's on you, buddy.

Very little of the money you got taxed on went to paying for HUD people. Most of it went to buying Bombers and Bridges and paying for White People Welfare.

People who want to do useful things. You know, people without Liberal Arts degrees.
Ever notice being pig-ignorant and supporting Trump go hand-in-hand?

Guy, you are pretending that because there is a different tax mechanism, these White Welfare Programs aren't welfare, when they clearly are. For years, the government took that SS and Medicare money and converted it into bonds to buy bombers and bridges. Now they are going back with those bonds and getting money from General Fund to fund the shortfalls.

You are on welfare. Deal with it.

And if you are so unambitious that you don't want to gain any useful skills, other than driving in a straight line, that's on you, buddy.

Very little of the money you got taxed on went to paying for HUD people. Most of it went to buying Bombers and Bridges and paying for White People Welfare.

Ever notice being pig-ignorant and supporting Trump go hand-in-hand?

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Drop the welfare argument until you learn what welfare is. You lowlifes stick up for fellow lowlifes while degrading those who worked and made responsible decisions in life. Yes, I chose a career like other responsible people do. Yes, the government determined I was no longer capable of working due to medical problems. Yes I was 60 years old and besides age discrimination, I had no other skills that would get an employer to overlook my age and medical problems and would hire me over a young buck with some experience at the job offered. Yes, this was at the beginning of covid where it was highly recommended that people like myself stay home if anyway possible.

So then you create some phantom job that I could do making claim it would pay a livable wage, as if knowing how to operate a computer was some unique skill these days when just about everybody can do the same, like making french fries.

And yes, unlike welfare people, I paid into the disability program all of my life, and yes, I paid income taxes the last near 30 years of my life to support those programs I don't use.

Now go back to your lowlife club. They are waiting on you to tell your BS stories how you write for a living but can't answer a Fn post on a blog without breaking it up into a dozen sections. Oh, and don't forget to tell them about your military experience where you never shot a gun before too.
Drop the welfare argument until you learn what welfare is. You lowlifes stick up for fellow lowlifes.......
First of all, no one sticks up for that scumbag joeblow131. Second, you telling your tale of woe does not grant you a free pass to be a complete fucking hypocrite after years and years of you denigrating people doing what you are now doing because you disapprove of their skin color. You built your glass house, now it's time to put down the rocks.
Drop the welfare argument until you learn what welfare is. You lowlifes stick up for fellow lowlifes while degrading those who worked and made responsible decisions in life. Yes, I chose a career like other responsible people do. Yes, the government determined I was no longer capable of working due to medical problems. Yes I was 60 years old and besides age discrimination, I had no other skills that would get an employer to overlook my age and medical problems and would hire me over a young buck with some experience at the job offered. Yes, this was at the beginning of covid where it was highly recommended that people like myself stay home if anyway possible.

Yes, welfare Ray, you ALWAYS have an excuse. So do your HUD neighbors... Your biggest failure is your defeatist attitude...

And yes, unlike welfare people, I paid into the disability program all of my life, and yes, I paid income taxes the last near 30 years of my life to support those programs I don't use.

Poor people pay taxes, too.

Now go back to your lowlife club. They are waiting on you to tell your BS stories how you write for a living but can't answer a Fn post on a blog without breaking it up into a dozen sections. Oh, and don't forget to tell them about your military experience where you never shot a gun before too.

Hey, guy, I break up your stupid into smaller bits to that we can make fun of each stupid statement... your stupid is such a target rich environment.

Again- showed you pictures of myself in uniform from 30 years ago. And yes, your story that you heard a gunshot inside a house 150 feet away doesn't pass the laugh test.
Yes, welfare Ray, you ALWAYS have an excuse. So do your HUD neighbors... Your biggest failure is your defeatist attitude...

Poor people pay taxes, too.

Hey, guy, I break up your stupid into smaller bits to that we can make fun of each stupid statement... your stupid is such a target rich environment.

Again- showed you pictures of myself in uniform from 30 years ago. And yes, your story that you heard a gunshot inside a house 150 feet away doesn't pass the laugh test.

So tell us all, how were you in the military and never exposed to a firearm? Hey, here's a picture of me when I was younger in the military


Saying poor people pay taxes is like saying I paid my house insurance when I sent my auto insurance the money. It doesn't matter because there was no money going to my house insurance. But OCD Joe says it's the same thing; you paid insurance and that's all that counts. You claim you went to college? You are nothing but a total phony and liar all the way around.

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