“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

I'm sure you would. Most leftists are anti-American sellouts. Yes I'm afraid of people of color because they vote Democrat. The ultimate goal of the left is to make whites a minority which is why the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Every other group of people vote Democrat outside of whites. Once they accomplish making whites the minority, they will have a single-party government forever, and that will be the end of the great experiment. Our country will turn into another Socialist shithole, and not too far down the road total Communist.

Hey, funny thing, when I was in the service for 11 years, most of the people I served with were people of color. What I didn't see was your lily-white ass making a contribution.

Yes, every other group votes mostly Democrats... because Republicans realized that becoming the white grievance party was the only way to get votes. Because if you take away the racial shit, all you have is "I want you to work harder for less money to make the rich richer."

You see, that's why we on the right welcome the idea of having two countries. You can destroy yours with these third worlders, and we get to keep the America our founders had hoped for in our future.

You see, here's the thing. The only reason why this place is a decent place to live for white people is because of Democrats. 60% of the population in the 1920's lived below the poverty line, then FDR came along and created the middle class. The Good Old Days you long for happened because a string of progressive Democrats from FDR to LBJ made them happen.

Then Republicans realized that stupid people like you are happy with less as long as you have more than the darkies.

The reality is, we need immigrants. We don't have enough working class white people to sustain the country, especially with the Boomers all aging out.
Hey, funny thing, when I was in the service for 11 years, most of the people I served with were people of color. What I didn't see was your lily-white ass making a contribution.

Yes, every other group votes mostly Democrats... because Republicans realized that becoming the white grievance party was the only way to get votes. Because if you take away the racial shit, all you have is "I want you to work harder for less money to make the rich richer."

You see, here's the thing. The only reason why this place is a decent place to live for white people is because of Democrats. 60% of the population in the 1920's lived below the poverty line, then FDR came along and created the middle class. The Good Old Days you long for happened because a string of progressive Democrats from FDR to LBJ made them happen.

Then Republicans realized that stupid people like you are happy with less as long as you have more than the darkies.

The reality is, we need immigrants. We don't have enough working class white people to sustain the country, especially with the Boomers all aging out.

As I said, your boomers argument is bullshit. Why did we have so many working people of all levels when we were younger? Welfare didn't pay anything. You couldn't go on your computer and fill out a form online. You had to go downtown and be interviewed. It was a lot of work.

Today if you don't make enough money, the government will give you food stamps for the asking. If you don't make enough to keep a roof over your head, HUD will get you a house in the suburbs. If you don't like living on a main street, they will find you a better one on a nice side street. If you can't afford to take care of your kids, government will help you take care of them. School lunches, Medicaid, free daycare, whatever you need. Years ago when you didn't have enough, you learned a trade, worked 60 hours or more a week, didn't get married and have kids until you could afford them. But we don't want to return back to those days, now do we?

The leftists took the motivation out of Americans. I say we get rid you leftists and go back in time to make this a better country once again. Your solution is keep Americans lazy and have third worlders come in and do their jobs.

We have 350 million people in this country. We did fine with 300 million, better with 280 million, even better with 250 million.
Show ID to vote, proving you are a resident of that municipality and you are registered.


No one is being disenfranchised...other than Republican voters because the Dems are rigging counts.


NOTHING SUSPICIOUS HERE! Just Republican count auditors being prevented from auditing the count. :hyper:

You communists....pretend this was done to DEMS by PUBS....now you see the fraud, don't you? :rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::eusa_clap:
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Any citizen who wants to vote can do so...This fantasy of so called "voter suppression" is a lie....And it should be extremely insulting of Black people that you think so poorly of them...

Dems claim black people can't afford or figure out how to get an ID.


Dems are racist as shit.


Hey, funny thing, when I was in the service for 11 years, most of the people I served with were people of color. What I didn't see was your lily-white ass making a contribution.

Yes, every other group votes mostly Democrats... because Republicans realized that becoming the white grievance party was the only way to get votes. Because if you take away the racial shit, all you have is "I want you to work harder for less money to make the rich richer."

You see, here's the thing. The only reason why this place is a decent place to live for white people is because of Democrats. 60% of the population in the 1920's lived below the poverty line, then FDR came along and created the middle class. The Good Old Days you long for happened because a string of progressive Democrats from FDR to LBJ made them happen.

Then Republicans realized that stupid people like you are happy with less as long as you have more than the darkies.

The reality is, we need immigrants. We don't have enough working class white people to sustain the country, especially with the Boomers all aging out.
Hey, funny thing, when I was in the service for 11 years, most of the people I served with were people of color. What I didn't see was your lily-white ass making a contribution.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on your claim of being in the military since 65% of the military is white, and 13% is black. But you lie about everything else, so why not this too?


Hey, funny thing, when I was in the service for 11 years, most of the people I served with were people of color. What I didn't see was your lily-white ass making a contribution.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on your claim of being in the military since 65% of the military is white, and 13% is black. But you lie about everything else, so why not this too?


I told him the same thing the summer before last. He always talks about his military service. My next door neighbor shot at his wife in the middle of the night and of course, it woke everybody up. It's summer, the shooting took place about 150 feet from my open window in the bedroom.

His claim was that I stay up all night watching my HUD neighbors for any stupid thing they do and that's why I was up because a gun shot would not do that. How could somebody that claimed to be in the military never shot a gun in his life? You either never shot a gun or are stupid because anybody who shot a gun knows how loud a gun is, especially in the dead of night damn near next to where you're sleeping. Hell, if you go to the gun range with your headphones on you can hear the people shooting at a booth farther than that!

That comment doesn't align with his claim of military service, but it does align with his anti-gun stance that he loves to discuss here.
If America is great, it was because it was built on the backs of people of color... and now you are afraid of more of them as you live in your slum, putting cameras on your house, collecting your disability check.

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who have come here from "third world countries" who have great jobs and work very hard to better themselves.

I'd trade a 100 of you for one of them.
I'd trade a single Hong Konger who wants to be free for a million of you.
Or we sensibly realize the same people who are hot for "voter ID" are the same ones who supported Poll Taxes and literacy tests.

Poll taxes? Nah. But yes, I would absolutely support a literacy test for voting. People who can't even tell me how many stars are on the American flag have no fucking business in a voting booth.

Sorry not sorry.
Poll taxes? Nah. But yes, I would absolutely support a literacy test for voting. People who can't even tell me how many stars are on the American flag have no fucking business in a voting booth.

Sorry not sorry.

And anybody that can't pass a literacy test today is because they didn't even give a shit about anything in school. Years ago people had to quit school to help raise the family. The father died and the mother had to stay home with the kids. Many women didn't drive back then and blacks were not welcome in many schools.

Joe lives in yesterdays world and thinks it's todays.
And anybody that can't pass a literacy test today is because they didn't even give a shit about anything in school. Years ago people had to quit school to help raise the family. The father died and the mother had to stay home with the kids. Many women didn't drive back then and blacks were not welcome in many schools.

Joe lives in yesterdays world and thinks it's todays.

When literacy tests were first introduced right after the Civil War, most black people in this country had previously been slaves, and it was actually illegal to teach slaves to read and write. That knowledge is the reason the Democrats went with literacy tests to keep blacks from voting.

Now, of course, black Americans have not been slaves and have not been prevented from becoming literate at all, except possibly by the shitty leftist-run public schools.
When literacy tests were first introduced right after the Civil War, most black people in this country had previously been slaves, and it was actually illegal to teach slaves to read and write. That knowledge is the reason the Democrats went with literacy tests to keep blacks from voting.

Now, of course, black Americans have not been slaves and have not been prevented from becoming literate at all, except possibly by the shitty leftist-run public schools.

This literacy test debate started when I suggested that the best thing for our country would be to have a simple easy to pass test about politics and policies in our country to be allowed to vote. Not partisan issues and nothing about opinions, just questions like who is the VP, what party do they belong to, who is the speaker of the House, what party leads the Senate, is the United states in debt, if so how much?

Joe compared such a test with literacy tests of years ago. We know it's a mile long difference.

The Democrats are scared to death of losing the stupid vote because stupid people and politically ignorant vote Democrat; Obama money people. They are trying to get more of them going as far as letting kids vote and bringing in more third worlders which they currently want to give amnesty to in order to get them on the path to voting.
As I said, your boomers argument is bullshit. Why did we have so many working people of all levels when we were younger? Welfare didn't pay anything. You couldn't go on your computer and fill out a form online. You had to go downtown and be interviewed. It was a lot of work.

Actually, that's not true.... The percent of Americans on assistance has remained relatively flat since 1980.


This is about the same time the GOP started busting unions and dismantling the middle class.

Today if you don't make enough money, the government will give you food stamps for the asking. If you don't make enough to keep a roof over your head, HUD will get you a house in the suburbs. If you don't like living on a main street, they will find you a better one on a nice side street. If you can't afford to take care of your kids, government will help you take care of them. School lunches, Medicaid, free daycare, whatever you need. Years ago when you didn't have enough, you learned a trade, worked 60 hours or more a week, didn't get married and have kids until you could afford them. But we don't want to return back to those days, now do we?

Actually, back in the "good old days", as you call them people had children in their 20's. You graduated High School, got a good union job and if you knocked up Sally, you married her. Today, we don't get a good job until we get out of college, it takes years to pay off student loans, women put off kids until their 30's and hope to God they don't produce a retard because they are scraping the bottom of the ovary.

The leftists took the motivation out of Americans. I say we get rid you leftists and go back in time to make this a better country once again. Your solution is keep Americans lazy and have third worlders come in and do their jobs.

What took the motivation out of Americans was Republicans destroying the Middle Class, starting with Nixon.

'm gonna have to call bullshit on your claim of being in the military since 65% of the military is white, and 13% is black. But you lie about everything else, so why not this too?

I told him the same thing the summer before last. He always talks about his military service. My next door neighbor shot at his wife in the middle of the night and of course, it woke everybody up. It's summer, the shooting took place about 150 feet from my open window in the bedroom.

His claim was that I stay up all night watching my HUD neighbors for any stupid thing they do and that's why I was up because a gun shot would not do that. How could somebody that claimed to be in the military never shot a gun in his life? You either never shot a gun or are stupid because anybody who shot a gun knows how loud a gun is, especially in the dead of night damn near next to where you're sleeping. Hell, if you go to the gun range with your headphones on you can hear the people shooting at a booth farther than that!
Picture of me, 1990. I miss being thin and having hair.


Sorry, man, what I remember from the range is guns sounded more like "pops" than "Bangs". Also, most of your stories about your welfare neighbors being awful I take with a grain of salt, Mrs. Kravitz.
Sorry, man, what I remember from the range is guns sounded more like "pops" than "Bangs". Also, most of your stories about your welfare neighbors being awful I take with a grain of salt, Mrs. Kravitz.

What you remember from the range you saw on television. Nobody who ever shot a gun before would ever say something that stupid. What did they use for firearms in your outfit, .22's?

There must be a lot of Ms Kravit's in my neighborhood. By the time I got my phone off the charger and called the police, the dispatcher told me they already received three calls on the shooting already.
This literacy test debate started when I suggested that the best thing for our country would be to have a simple easy to pass test about politics and policies in our country to be allowed to vote. Not partisan issues and nothing about opinions, just questions like who is the VP, what party do they belong to, who is the speaker of the House, what party leads the Senate, is the United states in debt, if so how much?

Joe compared such a test with literacy tests of years ago. We know it's a mile long difference.

The Democrats are scared to death of losing the stupid vote because stupid people and politically ignorant vote Democrat; Obama money people. They are trying to get more of them going as far as letting kids vote and bringing in more third worlders which they currently want to give amnesty to in order to get them on the path to voting.

Doesn't sound to me like you're requiring anyone to prove they can read the test. Just that they know the answers to the questions. And the questions you've mentioned are all easy enough that my 13-year-old knows the answers. I certainly think that if someone doesn't know or care about politics as much as my kid does, that person has no business getting involved.
Actually, that's not true.... The percent of Americans on assistance has remained relatively flat since 1980.

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This is about the same time the GOP started busting unions and dismantling the middle class.

Actually, back in the "good old days", as you call them people had children in their 20's. You graduated High School, got a good union job and if you knocked up Sally, you married her. Today, we don't get a good job until we get out of college, it takes years to pay off student loans, women put off kids until their 30's and hope to God they don't produce a retard because they are scraping the bottom of the ovary.

What took the motivation out of Americans was Republicans destroying the Middle Class, starting with Nixon.


That means some 10 million Americans—or a total of about 161 million—are now getting government subsidies (though the final number might be somewhat lower since some may have been receiving benefits already).

Thus, perhaps 52 percent of U.S. households—more than half—now receive benefits from the government, thanks to President Obama. And Mr. Entitlement is just getting started. If Obamacare is not repealed millions more will join the swelling rolls of those dependent on government handouts.

Conservatives have long dreaded the day when the U.S. crossed the halfway mark because of all the implications for individual and fiscal responsibility. As Benjamin Franklin reportedly said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” They learned that from the 2008 election and turned out in big numbers again in 2012.

Commie Care passed in March of 2010 and people didn't start going on it until nearly a year later because their site was so Fd up and nobody could get through the phone lines.

Yes, some people did get married and have kids in their 20's. My parents not until their early 30's after my father secured a trade as a bricklayer. But today they can't find anybody not on dope to take these jobs. My father was over earlier in the week. He told me they're still looking, and with benefits, it pays about $50.00 an hour. Training is free by the union, and all you have to do is pass a drug test and remain drug free throughout your career.

And as I stated so many times, my industry is looking for hundreds of thousands of drivers. The job pays pretty good, and up to six figures depending on what you are willing to do. Companies offer free training for those willing to sign a contract with them for a year, and truck driving school is only a few thousand bucks plus they too will guarantee you a job. Recruits are waiting outside the door of the DMV when they get their license.

The days of making (in today's money) 50K a year to turn nuts onto bolts or ride around on a floor sweeping machine are long over and they're not coming back. Automation took over those jobs and what jobs couldn't be moved to another country pay low wages because they can find a bunch of people to take them.

You can't live in the past. It's not coming back. If you want to make livable money, you need to learn a trade. If you want to go to college so you don't have to do any physical work, then yes you will go into debt and not get out of it until your 30's or 40's. But you chose not to work hard.
What you remember from the range you saw on television. Nobody who ever shot a gun before would ever say something that stupid. What did they use for firearms in your outfit, .22's?

There must be a lot of Ms Kravit's in my neighborhood. By the time I got my phone off the charger and called the police, the dispatcher told me they already received three calls on the shooting already.

Nope. Ft. Sill, OK< 1981. Where I took my basic. I was actually surprised guns weren't loud like they were on TV. Now they did make us wear ear protection, and today I am slightly deaf in one ear due to my time in service.

Yes, some people did get married and have kids in their 20's. My parents not until their early 30's after my father secured a trade as a bricklayer. But today they can't find anybody not on dope to take these jobs. My father was over earlier in the week. He told me they're still looking, and with benefits, it pays about $50.00 an hour. Training is free by the union, and all you have to do is pass a drug test and remain drug free throughout your career.
Who'd want to lay bricks?

And as I stated so many times, my industry is looking for hundreds of thousands of drivers. The job pays pretty good, and up to six figures depending on what you are willing to do. Companies offer free training for those willing to sign a contract with them for a year, and truck driving school is only a few thousand bucks plus they too will guarantee you a job. Recruits are waiting outside the door of the DMV when they get their license.
Who wants to drive a truck?

You can't live in the past. It's not coming back. If you want to make livable money, you need to learn a trade. If you want to go to college so you don't have to do any physical work, then yes you will go into debt and not get out of it until your 30's or 40's. But you chose not to work hard.

Funny, it seems you want to live in an imaginary past... where minorities knew their place

Most of my siblings in the trades... but none of their kids are.

That means some 10 million Americans—or a total of about 161 million—are now getting government subsidies (though the final number might be somewhat lower since some may have been receiving benefits already).

Thus, perhaps 52 percent of U.S. households—more than half—now receive benefits from the government, thanks to President Obama. And Mr. Entitlement is just getting started. If Obamacare is not repealed millions more will join the swelling rolls of those dependent on government handouts.

Conservatives have long dreaded the day when the U.S. crossed the halfway mark because of all the implications for individual and fiscal responsibility. As Benjamin Franklin reportedly said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” They learned that from the 2008 election and turned out in big numbers again in 2012.

Again, you only get there because of the White People Welfare... oh, sorry, middle class entitlements.

Here's the thing. A lot of those entitlements you whine about are for people who work. 40% of families on Food stamps have at least one family member with a job. Same with section 8, etc.

You guys let the GOP wreck the middle class, and then wonder why people are collecting benefits.

Fucking Poor People. they need to fucking starve. Except you, Welfare Ray, you keep getting your bennies.

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