“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Go LYAO if it makes you feel somehow superior …

Every word I said was true, sincerely meant, and thoughtfully expressed.

YOU are the one who talks about … “Democracks.”

Whatever complaints you have about people who talk about Trump as “Hitler,” however you want to characterize Trump’s demagogy — all this has nothing to do with me, or with African Americans who decide to vote for Democrats as “the lesser evil.”
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It happens because of lack of interest. Look at all the things the Democrats have done to blacks and they don't blink an eye. Joe Biden said the most racist things about blacks during his career than any other presidential candidate in our lifetime. Yet the percentage of blacks voting for him barely changed from any other candidate.

So how does this happen? Blacks don't pay attention to politics in general. It's just not an interest of theirs. How many blacks do we have on USMB, like four or five? Even most of them have no idea WTF they're talking about either.

I think like all left indoctrinated they're intellectually lazy and targeted audiences to pick up what lays on top, via TV, web & such, miseducation too. Then they simply parrot and it's the same as listening to the news first hand or close.

The left sells black victimization, so they let that shit soak in, only to riot inside left-run districts, it's not by accident. The black community is the primary target of propaganda, it's a shame they're too emotionally involved to see it.

Leftists are hip and dependent, so whatever someone else says must be right, especially if it's popular. It's why the left loves (to manipulate) polls so much, to swing votes toward what others stink.

Irony defined, party of slavery favored 9-1 by blacks for no other reason than buying a racist narrative.
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All the more reason for more secure voting...wouldn't you agree?
since 2020 was the most secure, they already did pretty good, but no reason they cant do better.
But the bigger problem is voter suppression, to keep security without disenfranchising voters.

Go LYAO if it makes you feel somehow superior …

Every word I said was true, sincerely meant, and thoughtfully expressed.

YOU are the one who talks about … “Democracks.”

Whatever complaints you have about people who talk about Trump as “Hitler,” however you want to characterize Trump’s demagogy — all this has nothing to do with me, or with African Americans who decide to vote for Democrats as “the lesser evil.”

You're my hero. I meant Demonicrats. If it helps you sleep nights it's because I'm racist.

Neat how you changed the game. If you call O'bummer "The Kenyan" then THAT"S RACIST, but if you call Trump a traitor for a Russian scandal routine it's.......................

How dare someone criticize O'bama, haven't you seen, the guy is black.
since 2020 was the most secure, they already did pretty good, but no reason they cant do better.
But the bigger problem is voter suppression, to keep security without disenfranchising voters.

What do you base the claim that the 2020 election was the most secure on?
since 2020 was the most secure, they already did pretty good, but no reason they cant do better.
But the bigger problem is voter suppression, to keep security without disenfranchising voters.

Voter suppression is nothing but a left-wing lie. Telling somebody they need to have an ID to vote is not suppression in any way since it applies to everybody wanting to vote. Suppression is when you target one group of people over another. Voter-Id doesn't do that.

If you're a white person and get three notices that you haven't voted for a while and will be removed from the voter role unless you mail in the postage paid card, that's not suppression because people of all races were mailed the same thing. All rules apply equally to every American.
It’s pretty obvious. African Americans are not fools. They know exactly what it means when some lowlife white Republican like your buddy Ray from Cleveland refers to an elected African-American President, Harvard graduate, and highly articulate & cultured American as “that Kenyan Clown.” Such insults, like Trump’s Birtherism, do not go unnoticed.

Most minorities usually vote for what they consider the lesser evil, like most Americans stuck in our winner-take-all two-party system. I have absolutely no objection to requiring Voter IDs. Simple voter ID laws — unlike a few other forms of voter suppression — are not today a serious voting barrier for citizens of any ethnic group.

The continuing hysteria about voting machines and voting fraud, however, is just laughable “Big Lie” Trump-encouraged demagogy, cynical pandering to old fears of the Republican base.

Fears like punch card ballots were responsible for the Bush win, or the Supreme Court handed GW the presidency? Fears like Diebold machines were rigged for GW to win? Fears like Russia had any influence in our election system?

The father of your hero was Kenyan. There are people (like his late grandmother) that claims he was born in Kenya. He spoke very fondly of Islamic ways. And blacks were voting for Democrats in the 90+% range long before he came along.
since 2020 was the most secure, they already did pretty good, but no reason they cant do better.
But the bigger problem is voter suppression, to keep security without disenfranchising voters.

List every person, or any person, who has been disenfranchised dudmuck

This is always fun. :banana:
I meant Demonicrats. If it helps you sleep nights it's because I'm racist.

Neat how you changed the game. If you call O'bummer "The Kenyan" then THAT"S RACIST, but if you call Trump a traitor for a Russian scandal routine it's.......................

How dare someone criticize O'bama, haven't you seen, the guy is black.
LOL. Your being racist does not effect my sleep one way or another!

Trump’s “Birtherism” was indeed a play for the racist vote, and it worked out very well for him — it practically launched his political career. The fact that later he retracted the charge (sort of) did not lose him a single racist vote, but does explain why most African Americans (and whites with a lick of consciousness) came to despise him. Common Sense.

Trump may not have been a “traitor,” but he sure did go out of his way to express his personal affection for authoritarian assholes like the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, Hungary, etc.

Yes, Obama is African American. He was also elected two times. Or do you think he was really Kenyan and those elections were … also fraudulent?
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In no first world country in the world, do you have to prove citizenship when you vote, unless you are not registered to vote. NONE. Citizenship is proven when you REGISTER to vote. In sane first world countries, ANY government issued ID is acceptable. There are no special "voter ID's".

Furthermore, conservative Americans are absolutely rabid about the idea of non citizens voting, the bald truth is that is simply does not happen. But what "special voter ID's" will accomplish, is to allow Republicans to deny the special voter ID's to people they don't want to vote. That is the ONLY purpose of a "voter ID".

Only in America is ONE PARTY, looking to restrict who can vote in elections, and that is the party that cannot win elections if all Americans vote.
dragan lady.jpeg
LOL. Your being racist does not effect my sleep one way or another!

Trump’s “Birtherism” was indeed a play for the racist vote, and it worked out very well for him — it practically launched his political career. The fact that later he retracted the charge (sort of) did not lose him a single racist vote, but does explain why most African Americans (and whites with a lick of consciousness) came to despise him. Common Sense.

Trump may not have been a “traitor,” but he sure did go out of his way to express his personal affection for authoritarian assholes like the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, Hungary, etc.

Yes, Obama is African American. He was also elected two times. Or do you think he was really Kenyan and those elections were … also fraudulent?

It wouldn't matter one way or another because as long as at least one parent is American, you are automatically an American citizen no matter where you were born.

DumBama (gee, I hope that wasn't racist :badgrin:) is not an African American. He is a Mulatto. Of course you on the left conveniently forget that part. You also forget the part that the possibility of him being born somewhere else was due to questions on how he or his family could have afforded such a prestigious education. After all he was raised by a middle-class grandma that worked at a bank. So the suspicion that he may have received foreign aid was a good possibility. After all, it's not like Democrats are not known for lying to get ahead. Just ask Squaw Elizabeth Warren.

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