“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Oh please, who dumps more money into elections than the left? When was the last time we raised more money for a Presidential election than the Democrats? Where do they get that money from, the homeless? Zuckerburg, Soros, Gates, cook, you name the rich guy or gal and they're all on the left.

Yes, all the rich guys who normally sit on the sidelines realize that Trump was such a dangerous maniac that he had to go.

Same thing with gerrymandering, like the left doesn't do it at every opportunity they get. And see, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Because I'm politically knowledgeable, I can tell you you're full of shit on a consistent basis. A person not well versed in politics would just believe your bullshit.

Yup, you so smart... that's why you are living in a slum on disability... you certainly outsmarted us!!!

I have degrees in history and political science. So I win.

But here's how you can tell Gerrymandering helps Republicans.

Even in elections where Democrats got more votes, the Republicans still get majorities in the House.
Yes, all the rich guys who normally sit on the sidelines realize that Trump was such a dangerous maniac that he had to go.

Yup, you so smart... that's why you are living in a slum on disability... you certainly outsmarted us!!!

I have degrees in history and political science. So I win.

But here's how you can tell Gerrymandering helps Republicans.

Even in elections where Democrats got more votes, the Republicans still get majorities in the House.

If there was any truth to your gerrymandering brainwashing we'd be leading Congress today. Those rich never sat on the sidelines, they were involved even before the Kenyan Clown decided to run for office. They are leftist Democrats and always were. Where did you get your degrees from, BU like AOC? Because they don't seem like they are worth a shit when you lie constantly.
Corona actually has a mortality rate of 0.00085%.
It is estimated that 20-30 Million fraudulent votes were cast in the 2020 election thanks to Chi-Com-Soviet owned DemNazi Party in favor of China Joe.
Yes, all the rich guys who normally sit on the sidelines realize that Trump was such a dangerous maniac that he had to go.

Yup, you so smart... that's why you are living in a slum on disability... you certainly outsmarted us!!!

I have degrees in history and political science. So I win.

But here's how you can tell Gerrymandering helps Republicans.

Even in elections where Democrats got more votes, the Republicans still get majorities in the House.
You got it wrong turd burglar. Trump was leveling the economic playing field so China, The Globalists, and Corporatists who were benefitting from our Trade Imbalances, got together to install EmperorShitzHizPantz. The Senile Old Coot thinks he is a Senator. Best Puppet Putin and Xi ever hired to run this country.
Before I put you on ignore for being a fucking retard, are you fucking kidding me?

Here's the thing. YES you could reduce tax fraud by requiring every last person to walk their return to the IRS office. But the end result would be making it a lot more expensive to collect taxes and reducing participation.

Same thing with voting.... you make voting harder to reduce fraud, the less people want to do it. It's simply not a tradeoff that's worth it.

Now, try to come up with a smart answer or go on ignore. Those are your options.
Everyone except Illegal Aliens......right geighboy?
In no first world country in the world, do you have to prove citizenship when you vote, unless you are not registered to vote. NONE. Citizenship is proven when you REGISTER to vote. In sane first world countries, ANY government issued ID is acceptable. There are no special "voter ID's".

Furthermore, conservative Americans are absolutely rabid about the idea of non citizens voting, the bald truth is that is simply does not happen. But what "special voter ID's" will accomplish, is to allow Republicans to deny the special voter ID's to people they don't want to vote. That is the ONLY purpose of a "voter ID".

Only in America is ONE PARTY, looking to restrict who can vote in elections, and that is the party that cannot win elections if all Americans vote.
So when you register to vote? Are you required to prove citizenship then? What first world nations don't require any ID's to vote?
Corona actually has a mortality rate of 0.00085%.
It is estimated that 20-30 Million fraudulent votes were cast in the 2020 election thanks to Chi-Com-Soviet owned DemNazi Party in favor of China Joe.
youre still looking for those fraudulent votes?
youre still looking for those fraudulent votes?
Hey Chi-Com, why you work for China Joe, and why you eyes so slanty? You realize that everything being told to you on Main Stream Media comes straight from your pal Xi? China produces 80% of our medications through the Big Pharma plants located in China and they own about 90% of our media now.

youre still looking for those fraudulent votes?
Simple question for you, Dudmuck...since it's obvious that large segments of the population didn't trust the last election's results...don't you think we should be doing everything we can to protect valid votes and eliminate fraudulent ones? Or do you want another repeat of the riot at the Capital?
Simple question for you, Dudmuck...since it's obvious that large segments of the population didn't trust the last election's results...don't you think we should be doing everything we can to protect valid votes and eliminate fraudulent ones? Or do you want another repeat of the riot at the Capital?
There won't be any riots at the Capital any longer. The problem is less voter honesty than it is getting as many dumb people to vote as possible which the Democrats are trying to do. Mail-in ballots attract those people because they are lazy and don't even know WTF they're voting on; Obama phone ladies and like.

The only way to save this country is to somehow get rid of these mail-in ballots and make everybody vote in person unless they have a legitimate reason they can't. The commies even tried to suggest we lower the voting age to 16 so they can get a bunch of people who know little about what's going on to vote, which of course would be orchestrated by their leftist teachers.

It's not talked about very much but amnesty for all illegals is in this next pork bill. I don't think Manchin would agree to it, but it's just an example of what they are up to.
There won't be any riots at the Capital any longer. The problem is less voter honesty than it is getting as many dumb people to vote as possible which the Democrats are trying to do. Mail-in ballots attract those people because they are lazy and don't even know WTF they're voting on; Obama phone ladies and like.

The only way to save this country is to somehow get rid of these mail-in ballots and make everybody vote in person unless they have a legitimate reason they can't. The commies even tried to suggest we lower the voting age to 16 so they can get a bunch of people who know little about what's going on to vote, which of course would be orchestrated by their leftist teachers.

It's not talked about very much but amnesty for all illegals is in this next pork bill. I don't think Manchin would agree to it, but it's just an example of what they are up to.
I disagree, Ray. We'll continue to have riots following elections until election results are believed by both sides. This notion that requiring a valid ID to vote is racist...is in itself racist! Black and Brown people are just as able to get ID's as any other segment of the population. They do it every day. You want to vote? Get an ID! You're worried that some people won't be able to vote because they don't have an ID? Help them get an ID! We NEED secure elections and we need them now!
Ever notice how leftism degrades blacks down to non-standard humans, less than, and they're put in a segregated pool of low expectations?

Imagine raising your child under that scenario. My kid is an imbecile and I need to protect him, don't expect much, stated & printed.

Nothing like setting someone up to fail. Yet 90% of blacks vote Democrack's? HTF does that happen?
As I understand this crap, a white, yellow, red, or purple person has to provide proof of citizenship and residency to vote yet a black or brown person doesn't. All along I thought the word “all” was inclusive. The false narrative of voter suppression fails to pass muster.
Simple question for you, Dudmuck...since it's obvious that large segments of the population didn't trust the last election's results...don't you think we should be doing everything we can to protect valid votes and eliminate fraudulent ones? Or do you want another repeat of the riot at the Capital?
that was because of lies about voter fraud.

Ever notice how leftism degrades blacks down to non-standard humans, less than, and they're put in a segregated pool of low expectations?

Imagine raising your child under that scenario. My kid is an imbecile and I need to protect him, stated & printed.

Nothing like setting someone up to fail. Yet 90% of blacks vote Democrack's? HTF does that happen?

It happens because of lack of interest. Look at all the things the Democrats have done to blacks and they don't blink an eye. Joe Biden said the most racist things about blacks during his career than any other presidential candidate in our lifetime. Yet the percentage of blacks voting for him barely changed from any other candidate.

So how does this happen? Blacks don't pay attention to politics in general. It's just not an interest of theirs. How many blacks do we have on USMB, like four or five? Even most of them have no idea WTF they're talking about either.
I disagree, Ray. We'll continue to have riots following elections until election results are believed by both sides. This notion that requiring a valid ID to vote is racist...is in itself racist! Black and Brown people are just as able to get ID's as any other segment of the population. They do it every day. You want to vote? Get an ID! You're worried that some people won't be able to vote because they don't have an ID? Help them get an ID! We NEED secure elections and we need them now!

Yes but the only possible way to accomplish that is get rid of all these electronic voting machines. We need to go back in time to hand count all ballots. So we don't find out who is going to be President for a week or so. It doesn't matter because they won't be seated until over a month.
Yet 90% of blacks vote Democrack's? HTF does that happen?
It’s pretty obvious. African Americans are not fools. They know exactly what it means when some lowlife white Republican like your buddy Ray from Cleveland refers to an elected African-American President, Harvard graduate, and highly articulate & cultured American as “that Kenyan Clown.” Such insults, like Trump’s Birtherism, do not go unnoticed.

Most minorities usually vote for what they consider the lesser evil, like most Americans stuck in our winner-take-all two-party system. I have absolutely no objection to requiring Voter IDs. Simple voter ID laws — unlike a few other forms of voter suppression — are not today a serious voting barrier for citizens of any ethnic group.

The continuing hysteria about voting machines and voting fraud, however, is just laughable “Big Lie” Trump-encouraged demagogy, cynical pandering to old fears of the Republican base.
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It’s pretty obvious. African Americans are not fools. They know exactly what it means when some lowlife white Republican like your buddy Ray from Cleveland refers to an elected African-American President, Harvard graduate, and highly articulate & cultured American as “that Kenyan Clown.” Such insults, like Trump’s Birtherism, do not go unnoticed.

Most minorities usually vote for what they consider the lesser evil, like most Americans stuck in our winner-take-all two-party system. I have absolutely no objection to requiring Voter IDs. Simple voter ID laws — unlike a few other forms of voter suppression — is not today a serious voting barrier for citizens of any ethnic group.

The continuing hysteria about voting machines and voting fraud, however, is just laughable “Big Lie” Trump-encouraged demagogy, pandering to fear of the Republican base.

ILMAO............But it's okay to call Trump Hitler and such. You're trying to be an intellect and the effect is you're intellectually dishonest.

Don't dare call the Kenyan a name, you're racist if you do. Clown isn't quite right in my mind, how about the Kenyan con? If it fits wear it.

The rest of your post is shallow & parroting. Black lives in left run cities are the "lessor of two evils" :auiqs.jpg:Chicago is to the black community is like Disneyland.
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