“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Too bad we don't live in a democracy. The popular vote doesn't mean shit in a Republic.
Right, if we did, we wouldn't have 800,000 dead from TRUMP PLAGUE, 65 million jobs lost, etc. etc.

Please don't waste time with the "TOTALLY NOT TRUMP'S FAULT, DID YOU THINK HE WAS PRESIDENT OR SOMETHING" shit you normally engage in.

So what voter suppression do you speak of? Getting an ID is not voter suppression. It's the simplest thing anybody can do. But even as simple as it is, those lazy welfare people will not go through the trouble to get one. That's why the Communists want to have all mail-in voting. They depend on the politically ignorant and lazy to win. They even wanted voting for the most uninformed of the uninformed, kids in school.

Frankly, what' the problem with mail in voting? We trust mail to handle census taking and tax collection and dozens of other interactions between government and the people.

If you can't get an ID and drag your lazy ass to the polls to vote, then obviously it doesn't mean that much to you. And the reason it doesn't mean that much to them is because they are totally politically ignorant and have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place.

Really? Seems to me that the American people knew exactly what we were voting for when we threw Trump out on his ass.

So if they do what's the problem if they have an ID? All the poll workers here are black.

Trust us not to do voter suppression, say the people who've engaged in voter suppression in the past.
Right, if we did, we wouldn't have 800,000 dead from TRUMP PLAGUE, 65 million jobs lost, etc. etc.

Please don't waste time with the "TOTALLY NOT TRUMP'S FAULT, DID YOU THINK HE WAS PRESIDENT OR SOMETHING" shit you normally engage in.

Biden just admitted that there isn't much a president can do. It's a state issue.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Frankly, what' the problem with mail in voting? We trust mail to handle census taking and tax collection and dozens of other interactions between government and the people.
It's ripe for fraud, douchebag. Anyone who isn't brain damaged understands that. They also understand that facilitating fraud is exactly the reasons Dims want it.

Really? Seems to me that the American people knew exactly what we were voting for when we threw Trump out on his ass.

The why do most of them believe they made a mistake?

Trust us not to do voter suppression, say the people who've engaged in voter suppression in the past.

What you call "voter suppression" is just normal election integrity measures.
Don’t like laws and dont like work nor effort thus the effort of getting an ID is immoral
Lib 101
Right, if we did, we wouldn't have 800,000 dead from TRUMP PLAGUE, 65 million jobs lost, etc. etc.

Please don't waste time with the "TOTALLY NOT TRUMP'S FAULT, DID YOU THINK HE WAS PRESIDENT OR SOMETHING" shit you normally engage in.

Frankly, what' the problem with mail in voting? We trust mail to handle census taking and tax collection and dozens of other interactions between government and the people.

Really? Seems to me that the American people knew exactly what we were voting for when we threw Trump out on his ass.

Trust us not to do voter suppression, say the people who've engaged in voter suppression in the past.
More Biden deaths than Trump deaths, and Veggie Joe has had 3 Trump vaccines the entire time he has been in office.
Biden just admitted that there isn't much a president can do. It's a state issue.

Now don't you feel stupid?

It's ripe for fraud, douchebag. Anyone who isn't brain damaged understands that. They also understand that facilitating fraud is exactly the reasons Dims want it.

The why do most of them believe they made a mistake?

What you call "voter suppression" is just normal election integrity measures.

Yes, that would be the "voter suppression" they mean: suppressing the votes of people who shouldn't be voting.
Biden just admitted that there isn't much a president can do. It's a state issue.

Now don't you feel stupid?
He said no such thing... but never mind, you guys are stuck on stupid.

It's ripe for fraud, douchebag. Anyone who isn't brain damaged understands that. They also understand that facilitating fraud is exactly the reasons Dims want it.

Again, we collect taxes and census information by mail. Several states do all their voting by mail.

My former condo association just did an election by mail. It was fine.

The only reason Republicans are against it is they only do well when voter participation is low.

What you call "voter suppression" is just normal election integrity measures.

That's what the Racists said about Jim Crow poll taxes and literacy tests.
They've been doing it in Nevada for years!
Jan. 1, our new law went into effect making mail-in ballots permanent!!

Yes, you read right.

Not seeing a problem here. More people participating in the process is a good thing.

Lots of fraud possibilities due to mailing those?

I am sure it would be more lucrative to file fraudulent tax returns than fraudulent ballots.

The problem isn't that there is huge voter fraud, because there isn't. THe problem is that poor people are voting. Let's not pretend it is anything else.
Not seeing a problem here. More people participating in the process is a good thing.

I am sure it would be more lucrative to file fraudulent tax returns than fraudulent ballots.

The problem isn't that there is huge voter fraud, because there isn't. THe problem is that poor people are voting. Let's not pretend it is anything else.

I am sure it would be more lucrative to file fraudulent tax returns than fraudulent ballots.

No fraud possible if you hand deliver your return?

The problem isn't that there is huge voter fraud, because there isn't.

That's great news! How many mail-in ballots were rejected in 2020? More than in 2016?
Not seeing a problem here. More people participating in the process is a good thing.

Not if the voters are dumb and politically ignorant.

The MLB decides they will let the citizens pick out the players of their team in their city instead of management. In my city, anybody can vote on players. They can vote for players of their own national heritage, women can vote on the cutest players, pick players of their own race, pick players by how well they speak English, just any reason you want to pick them.

In your city only people that demonstrate they have an acute knowledge of baseball and the players can vote. Which one of our teams would be the most successful in your opinion?

What the Democrats support is picking players the way we do in Cleveland, and in fact, look for ways to get more uninformed people to vote on our players. The Republicans want to do things the way your city does. Make it harder on the uninformed to be able to vote on players so you get the best ones.

That's why I've said repeatedly that we need to have a test before you vote. Only people who understand politics and current issues vote. We would end up with a lot better leaders in this country.
Right, if we did, we wouldn't have 800,000 dead from TRUMP PLAGUE, 65 million jobs lost, etc. etc.

Please don't waste time with the "TOTALLY NOT TRUMP'S FAULT, DID YOU THINK HE WAS PRESIDENT OR SOMETHING" shit you normally engage in.

Frankly, what' the problem with mail in voting? We trust mail to handle census taking and tax collection and dozens of other interactions between government and the people.

Really? Seems to me that the American people knew exactly what we were voting for when we threw Trump out on his ass.

Trust us not to do voter suppression, say the people who've engaged in voter suppression in the past.

Voter suppression is a complete lie. It's what they tell you to call it to try and convince the rest of the country ID is the same as suppression. Yet nearly 3/4 of the people you claim are oppressed support voter Id as well. How does that happen?


[ suh-pres ]

verb (used with object)
to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist and certain left-leaning parties.
to do away with by or as by authority; abolish; stop (a practice, custom, etc.).
to keep in or repress (a feeling, smile, groan, etc.).
to withhold from disclosure or publication (truth, evidence, a book, names, etc.).

So which one of these definitions describe voter-ID? It's not the first one because nobody is putting an end to voting. It can't be the second definition because nobody is doing away or abolishing voting. It can't be withholding from public disclosure. So which one is it?
Not if the voters are dumb and politically ignorant.
You mean like Trump Supporters? They are the dumbest, most ignorant fucks I've ever met.

The MLB decides they will let the citizens pick out the players of their team i

This metaphor is so stupid, I am just going to ignore it.. Here's the main reason why it doesn't work. I haven't paid attention to baseball since 2016, when the Cubs beat the team that had to change it's name because it was dumb and racist. It really has no effect on my life, especially not since my sister, the diehard Cubs fan, passed away.

We ALL have a stake in what the government does.

That's why I've said repeatedly that we need to have a test before you vote. Only people who understand politics and current issues vote. We would end up with a lot better leaders in this country.

But who would decide what constitutes an "understanding"? Should we ask a question about Global Warming on that test, and if you say it isn't real, you don't get to vote?

If the majority doesn't understand the wisdom of your positions, then you aren't explaining it well.

Or they understand the idiocy of your position perfectly fine.

I for the life of me don't understand why ANYONE making less than six figures votes Republican. You are just one job loss or illness from being wiped out without the safety net to protect you.

Oh, that's right, you call your "safety net" an "entitlement".
She is right. it is voter suppression…it’s met to suppress the votes of non-citizens who aren’t allowed to vote in our elections

The outrage over that begs the question has to why the demafascist don’t want those votes suppressed…

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