“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Except that it's really not. Same purpose, to put one more obstacle to keep people of color from voting.

People of color showed up to vote in 2020, and they threw Trump out on his ass. That's why you guys are so hot on voter ID. Not because there was any "fraud" going on. Even Trump's people admit there wasn't.

But that's the thing. They won't be making every last person show their ID.

When a liquor store sells me my favorite adult beverage, they never card me. Why not? Because at this point, absolutely no one is going to mistake me for a 20 year old. They are going to card young people.

Same thing with voter ID. They aren't going to card white granny. They are going to card people of color. You know it and I know it.
People of color showed up to vote in 2020, and they threw Trump out on his ass.

Trump got a higher percentage of the black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016, Dumbass.

Same thing with voter ID. They aren't going to card white granny. They are going to card people of color.

You have been asked by several to back this up. So far you have nothing.
Except that it's really not. Same purpose, to put one more obstacle to keep people of color from voting.

People of color showed up to vote in 2020, and they threw Trump out on his ass. That's why you guys are so hot on voter ID. Not because there was any "fraud" going on. Even Trump's people admit there wasn't.

But that's the thing. They won't be making every last person show their ID.

When a liquor store sells me my favorite adult beverage, they never card me. Why not? Because at this point, absolutely no one is going to mistake me for a 20 year old. They are going to card young people.

Same thing with voter ID. They aren't going to card white granny. They are going to card people of color. You know it and I know it.
But that's the thing. They won't be making every last person show their ID.

They do in my state. They look at your ID, match the address to what they have on record, and scan it. You don't vote if they don't do that first.

You are a lying sack of shit.
But that's the thing. They won't be making every last person show their ID.

When a liquor store sells me my favorite adult beverage, they never card me. Why not? Because at this point, absolutely no one is going to mistake me for a 20 year old. They are going to card young people.

Same thing with voter ID. They aren't going to card white granny. They are going to card people of color. You know it and I know it.
I call that bullshit, Joe. I'm white and I have to show an ID each time I vote. Stop with your identity politics,
it makes you weak in your argument, as it's old worn out and everyone knows it just isn't true.
Same thing with voter ID. They aren't going to card white granny. They are going to card people of color. You know it and I know it.

They card me and I'm a white grampa. When a law is passed it is supposed to be followed, not ignored. Whether some people ignore it is not a reason to prevent that law from taking place if it's a good one. And BTW, do you think in some black precincts some black people will not be carded?

When almost half of the voters have doubts about the accuracy and integrity of a presidential election it behooves the legislatures in each state to review their laws and procedures to ensure there are no loopholes for fraud. Whether fraud is proved or not, got that? It's enough to require that review and any steps to be taken to make the election process more trustworthy. I have seen NOTHING in any state that suppresses anybody's vote based on race or any other discriminator.
Nope, people have been wanting voter IDs for a long time, you just haven't been paying attention. Let's just say it this way, no one seems to have trouble getting an ID to collect government benefits, drive cars or use credit cards, do they? Or are you going to try to claim that people are able to get an ID for that but can't to vote? No, getting an ID is pretty much required to function in society, so requiring a free ID to vote isn't racist to sane people.

Oh, I've been paying attention, it's the same bunch of people who have been making these baseless claims since 2000 when Bush stole the election. "Sure we're getting less votes because our ideas are stupid, but there's poor people voting! I mean voter fraud, yeah, that's the ticket."

If you guys put half the effort into giving people of color a reason to vote for you that you put into suppressing their votes, you might make some progress.

How many politicians switched parties?
You think political attitudes are the politicians... that's adorable.

haha that never happened. LBJ never threw anyone out…and joey xiden was fighting to stop enforcement of Brown v Board of Education along with his mentors Eastland and company long into the 70s…

He opposed court ordered busing at a time when everyone realized it was a bad idea, including blacks. Stop lying.
Trump got a higher percentage of the black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016, Dumbass.

Well, yean, but he still lost it by a lopsided margin, and higher voter participation is what tipped it for Biden... (Also people not pissing away their votes on third parties).

Wow, we got 10% instead of 8% We are special.

Forget that Geo. W. Bush and Ronnie Reagan got higher percentages of the black vote by not being racist douchenoodles.
Oh, I've been paying attention, it's the same bunch of people who have been making these baseless claims since 2000 when Bush stole the election. "Sure we're getting less votes because our ideas are stupid, but there's poor people voting! I mean voter fraud, yeah, that's the ticket."

If you guys put half the effort into giving people of color a reason to vote for you that you put into suppressing their votes, you might make some progress.

You think political attitudes are the politicians... that's adorable.

He opposed court ordered busing at a time when everyone realized it was a bad idea, including blacks. Stop lying.
haha stole the election ! haha talk about baseless claims
hahaha you dembots simply can’t accept a free and fair election…you all tried to violate the constitutional rights of florida voters to win…and were stopped.

It wasn't a free election. Jeb purged the voter rolls of hundreds of thousands of poor people before the election, then stopped any recounts that would have shown Gore won, after all.
But that's the thing. They won't be making every last person show their ID.

They do in my state. They look at your ID, match the address to what they have on record, and scan it. You don't vote if they don't do that first.

You are a lying sack of shit.

First the left acts like it's SUCH a hardship to show ID, now they act like it's such a time-consuming ordeal to check it. It's like they've never had to show their ID for something.
Really? I've never had my ID checked once to vote.

Maybe they don’t check in commie states because they want everyone, legal or not, to vote. They know that the vast majority of people in states like yours are lemmings and will vote as they have been told.

You know damned well that they won't be asking white folks to show ID.

Weird. They match the name from my picture ID to the name on the voting roll, in fact, they have even questioned why my address on my license didn’t match what they had on the roll. Yes, I am a white male. You have been duped by the Democratic establishment into believe that EVERYTHING is about race.
It wasn't a free election. Jeb purged the voter rolls of hundreds of thousands of poor people before the election, then stopped any recounts that would have shown Gore won, after all.
haha the SCOTUS stopped the count because the dems were trying to do it illegally
In no first world country in the world, do you have to prove citizenship when you vote, unless you are not registered to vote. NONE. Citizenship is proven when you REGISTER to vote. In sane first world countries, ANY government issued ID is acceptable. There are no special "voter ID's".

Furthermore, conservative Americans are absolutely rabid about the idea of non citizens voting, the bald truth is that is simply does not happen. But what "special voter ID's" will accomplish, is to allow Republicans to deny the special voter ID's to people they don't want to vote. That is the ONLY purpose of a "voter ID".

Only in America is ONE PARTY, looking to restrict who can vote in elections, and that is the party that cannot win elections if all Americans vote.
If it isn't happening, then showing and ID at the polling house shouldn't be a problem.

We have to show our ID and undergo a background check to excercised out 2nd Amendment rights, so there's nothing outrageous about proving your identity when you vote.
It wasn't a free election. Jeb purged the voter rolls of hundreds of thousands of poor people before the election, then stopped any recounts that would have shown Gore won, after all.

You have a bad memory. First off people who haven't voted in a long time get a notice their names are about to get removed if they don't respond to one of three warning letters. Secondly, it was the commie Florida federal judge that decided to use judicial legislation to make laws on the bench. All votes had to be certified in five days, no if's, and's or but's about it. If you want a recount, fine, recount and have the ballots certified in five days. When the judge ruled that it was his buddy Al Gore, and he can take all the time he wants to have a recount, the Supreme Court asked this clown WTF he thought he was doing.
Only proof I see is they don't hold voting as the holy institution it's supposed to be.

Democrat or republican, everyone should be screaming for an ID to vote to insure that every AMERICAN gets to vote and it's fair and equal.

If you can't even manager to get a state ID you shouldn't be voting anyway.

How anybody thinks that if you're too stupid and lazy to get a voter-ID, you should be voting is beyond me. The problem with our election system is we have way too many stupid and politically ignorant people voting in the first place. That's why the commies are pushing for mail-in ballots so hard.
Nope, people have been wanting voter IDs for a long time, you just haven't been paying attention. Let's just say it this way, no one seems to have trouble getting an ID to collect government benefits, drive cars or use credit cards, do they? Or are you going to try to claim that people are able to get an ID for that but can't to vote? No, getting an ID is pretty much required to function in society, so requiring a free ID to vote isn't racist to sane people.

If you tell any of these poor people of color they had a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they had to do is get there and present a legitimate ID to claim it, they would be there in less than 24 hours with a state ID.
Same thing with voter ID. They aren't going to card white granny. They are going to card people of color. You know it and I know it.

You make up these stories in your head. But let's go with your delusions for a moment: Poll workers generally work in their own district or one very near by. That would mean black poll workers would be asking other blacks for their ID. So let's say they were only asking blacks to show ID, what difference would it make if they legitimately had one?
If you tell any of these poor people of color they had a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they had to do is get there and present a legitimate ID to claim it, they would be there in less than 24 hours with a state ID.
Since it takes a state ID to get HUD housing, welfare, and food stamps, you can bet they already have one...

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