“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

JoeB131 and his ilk think blacks are too stupid and lazy to get a free ID. They are racist Assflaps

That's exactly what they are worried about. It's why they get so upset about it.

Republicans would crawl naked over a huge ant hill covered in honey to get to the polls. Democrat voters will only vote if it's convenient enough: multiple day voting, rides to the polls, late night voting, no lines to stand in, mail-in voting. If they have to put any effort into it, they'd sooner say to hell with voting. I'm staying home. It's just not that important to them because they have no idea WTF they're voting on anyway.
So here is the basic question:

If a mandatory voter ID law results in fewer voters, and disproportionately fewer voters among African Americans, is that law:
  • Racist?
  • An attack against "democracy"?
  • Beneficial because it has likely reduced the number of bogus votes? or
  • Neutral?
One might note that even among Black voters, a voter ID requirement gets overwhelming support. And yet Democrats fight it, tooth and nail.

Why is that?
Republicans want to make it harder to vote because they know Democrats aren't as likely to jump through the hoops to vote and there will be less Democrats voting.

Democrats want to make voting easier so that more Democrats will vote.

It's been this way for decades.

There are places in America where Republicans only win if it rains on election day.

So what you are saying is that if there are difficulties voting, only those who's vote is important to them will vote. That's a bad thing?
The left in their infinite need to prove their racism believe that people of color are not able to obtain or continue to keep in their possession any document. So they are against having to prove citizenship simply because that requires some form of documentation that those of color are incapable of getting or maintaining possession of

Except for the fact the people they claim are disenfranchised are the ones who support Voter-ID.

Again, the Southern Racists found a happy home in the GOP after LBJ threw them out.
it had more to do with Lee Atwater's southern strategy, but LBJ's civil rights act (in '64) was a big turning point.
it had more to do with Lee Atwater's southern strategy, but LBJ's civil rights act (in '64) was a big turning point.
The so-called "southern strategy" supposedly occurred during the Nixon election, dumbass. Lee Atwater had nothing to do with it.
How anybody thinks that if you're too stupid and lazy to get a voter-ID, you should be voting is beyond me. The problem with our election system is we have way too many stupid and politically ignorant people voting in the first place. That's why the commies are pushing for mail-in ballots so hard.

I don't even think we should have a voter ID specifically for voting, it adds more confusion to things. A state issued id or a driver's license should be required though. If you can't even get a state issue id then you shouldn't be voting.

Mail in ballots are fine though but should only be available to people over a certain age, someone with a handicap, or someone that doesn't live within X amount of miles of a polling station.

I would even go as far as to say you have to register in your state for a mail in ballot for a window of 90 days before an election and verify your information. And then mail in ballots should be counted completely and then closed out before they begin counting in person ballots. No more "oh we found more mail in ballots" later on.
You make up these stories in your head. But let's go with your delusions for a moment: Poll workers generally work in their own district or one very near by. That would mean black poll workers would be asking other blacks for their ID. So let's say they were only asking blacks to show ID, what difference would it make if they legitimately had one?

Aren't you the one who whines Section 8 Families are moving into your lily-white neighborhood? That's who's going to get carded under the new Jim Crow.
That's exactly what they are worried about. It's why they get so upset about it.

Republicans would crawl naked over a huge ant hill covered in honey to get to the polls. Democrat voters will only vote if it's convenient enough: multiple day voting, rides to the polls, late night voting, no lines to stand in, mail-in voting. If they have to put any effort into it, they'd sooner say to hell with voting. I'm staying home. It's just not that important to them because they have no idea WTF they're voting on anyway.

If that were the case, you guys wouldn't be involved in so much voter suppression.

Why should voting be difficult?

The real problem is your side has only won the popular vote ONCE since 1988, and you had to scare the hell out of the country to do it.
If a mandatory voter ID law results in fewer voters, and disproportionately fewer voters among African Americans, is that law:
  • Racist?
  • An attack against "democracy"?
  • Beneficial because it has likely reduced the number of bogus votes? or
  • Neutral?
One might note that even among Black voters, a voter ID requirement gets overwhelming support. And yet Democrats fight it, tooth and nail.

Why is that?

Same reason why they fought Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests...
Aren't you the one who whines Section 8 Families are moving into your lily-white neighborhood? That's who's going to get carded under the new Jim Crow.
I demand that pure Prog men and women have those live within their areas. There are many of those who have left areas changing for their fears to move to other areas. This is the same with states.
I demand that pure Prog men and women have those live within their areas. There are many of those who have left areas changing for their fears to move to other areas. This is the same with states.

I demand your doctor make you take your medications so your posts sound less crazy.
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I demand that pure Prog men and women have those live within their areas. There are many of those who have left areas changing for their fears to move to other areas. This is the same with states.
Let me stick my prog foot up your bigot ass.
I don't even think we should have a voter ID specifically for voting, it adds more confusion to things. A state issued id or a driver's license should be required though. If you can't even get a state issue id then you shouldn't be voting.

Mail in ballots are fine though but should only be available to people over a certain age, someone with a handicap, or someone that doesn't live within X amount of miles of a polling station.

I would even go as far as to say you have to register in your state for a mail in ballot for a window of 90 days before an election and verify your information. And then mail in ballots should be counted completely and then closed out before they begin counting in person ballots. No more "oh we found more mail in ballots" later on.

Off the top of my head, I don't know anywhere that doesn't just accept state-issued ID as voter ID. I mean, the state of Arizona sends you a Voter Identification Card when you register to vote, but the polls usually have a short list of acceptable identifications they'll take. Driver's license, military ID, and passport, for example. I usually use my driver's license, simply because it's usually easier to put my hand on.
If that were the case, you guys wouldn't be involved in so much voter suppression.

Why should voting be difficult?

The real problem is your side has only won the popular vote ONCE since 1988, and you had to scare the hell out of the country to do it.

Too bad we don't live in a democracy. The popular vote doesn't mean shit in a Republic.

So what voter suppression do you speak of? Getting an ID is not voter suppression. It's the simplest thing anybody can do. But even as simple as it is, those lazy welfare people will not go through the trouble to get one. That's why the Communists want to have all mail-in voting. They depend on the politically ignorant and lazy to win. They even wanted voting for the most uninformed of the uninformed, kids in school.

If you can't get an ID and drag your lazy ass to the polls to vote, then obviously it doesn't mean that much to you. And the reason it doesn't mean that much to them is because they are totally politically ignorant and have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place.
Aren't you the one who whines Section 8 Families are moving into your lily-white neighborhood? That's who's going to get carded under the new Jim Crow.

So if they do what's the problem if they have an ID? All the poll workers here are black.

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