PROOF progs are intellectually dishonest

Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.

marriage does not mandate procreation. nor does every hetero marriage result in procreation because one or both partners may be sterile - does that mean their marriage isn't valid?

' Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down...'

you mean like trump traipsing all over NYC with his whore, marla - whilst still married to wife #1 ivana & shoving his affair in his kids' faces? or when he screwed a porn star bareback, when wife #3 had just given birth to his spawn #5?

trump only had 3 'traditional' marriages compared to oh .... let's say.... oxyboy.... he's on 'traditional' marriage # 4...

what were you saying about mockery, again?
Here's some fun OBJECTIVE

College retardation begins at 24.05:

Here's your a prog "comic", though he's tamed compared to many. It's not comedy. It's a lesson on why whites are racist and others cannot be. On a side, have you watched SNL lately? Politics has replaced comedy and talent:

Men are toxic:
What is toxic masculinity?

Here's Hollywood. They've substituted politics for creativity. You know it's in the toilet when "Shape of the Water" is best picture, simply because you could check everything off the prog-list.

This is a fetus. It's not human until a prog declares so:

This shows how the wealthiest zip codes are primarily progs. And do you really fucking need proof Bezos and the like are progs? That's a clear sign of intellectual dishonesty, while you fuckers claim I cannot back-up the OP....IRONY DEFINED:
22 of the top 30 WEALTHIEST counties in U.S. are Democratic strongolds. (polls, statistics) - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum

Here's an idea what a wall costs. Also included is the estimate of what illegals cost us annually. It's short-sighted and under-estimated, but regardless, point made. Progs are just slow is all.
Trump now says border wall could cost as little as $15 billion, pay for itself

Analysis: Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $116 billion annually

Prog-morons suggest I cannot prove "Trump didn't collude with Russia"......That's a good one. Here's some incite on how Democrats DID collude with Russia:
The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats

And of course progs suggested Trump said white supremacists are good people. And of course he didn't:
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

Internet censorship:. And BTW, it's progs. who invade your privacy and sell you out throughout the web.
Big tech's censorship of conservative users is alive and well

Ah me too:
Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump

The REAL Gastapo:

You dumbshits really need proof progs have destroyed the media? How about that Russian collusion thing? So there's your objective dumb-asses. I didn't have to provide it. You're just easy targets and were being INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST.
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