PROOF progs are intellectually dishonest

Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.
Let me guess, you hate god, too. Right libtard?

God created me this way so fat girls would have someone to dance with.
This one girl was at the dance but didn't want to dance so her sister told her if she was asked to dance say, "i'm contemplating matrimony and looking for a place to sit". So I asked her to dance and she got the phrase wrong and said, "I'm constipated on macaroni and looking for a place to sh*t".
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Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.
Let me guess, you hate god, too. Right libtard?

god hates trump

You talk to him?

no, but can tell from his book...
You never read the bible.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.
Let me guess, you hate god, too. Right libtard?

god hates trump

You talk to him?

no, but can tell from his book...
Trump certainly is an abomination. Going by the bible anyways..

he's a walking billboard for the 7 deadly sins.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.
Let me guess, you hate god, too. Right libtard?

god hates trump

You talk to him?

no, but can tell from his book...
You never read the bible.

why do you say that?
Liberalism: Progs aren't "liberal", they've destroyed liberalism. They've infiltrated the internet, Hollywood, comedy, schools and TV with propaganda aimed at thought control and censorship. That sound liberal to you? Liberalism was a major component building some of these industries, and progs destroyed them.

how do progs destroy liberalism provide examples and for every example it goes both ways (repubs or demos)

how does it destroy the internet, hollywood, comedy, schools and TV when there very nature is expressing an idea or thought

its not thought control when you agree with the idea, yet certain things have to be censored to protect the innocent

Liberalism means a wide range of things and not easily defined

Equal rights

Internet allows many people to express there voices, still that doesn't mean that you can be an idiot and post ridiculous comments, well you can but you will be quickly be called out

Is it free, it is not free because someone is getting paid and someone is making money

if you believe progs are destroying liberalism what do repubs do for liberalism?

Sounds like your making a call for the wild wild west here where anything goes

Anarchy at its best

Thought control and censorship that sounds like a repub thing

Liberalism - protection of individual rights

yet does that mean people have the right to take away other peoples right

who is right or who is wrong? if you go around telling people the sky is yellow, then someone will tell you your wrong

it boils down to choice

Democracy grants certain rights but at the same time limits some rights but that what is agreed upon when becoming part of a democracy. You give up certain rights otherwise it would be Anarchy.

Our people really free in a democracy/socialist state/communism
or is it an illusion

Still it is all relative and you can't destroy what you don't have
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Gay marriage is fair. The govt got involved.. i dont believe in any form of discrimination from the govt. Do you?
Abortion is subjective.
Most self branded progs and liberals are nothing more than regressive totalitarians. Freedom is progress!

By measure it wasn't discrimination to begin with. Gay people had the same rights as everyone else, marry the opposite sex. If that doesn't work for some, oh well, we're individuals, make our own decisions. If they're not heterosexual, then cool, don't act out the part by "getting married, having kids".

For perspective, those involved in CONSENSUAL incest have a bigger gripe than gay people. And there's not a single argument for gay marriage that can't be applied to them.

Nothing against gay people, I have gay friends with great character, and they're even genuine. I say genuine, because to those working their flamboyancy and dialect, get a grip. Unless they're actually funny mind you, some really are. The rest just look tarded and desperate.

By most measures gays should be afforded the same "marriage rights". Call it something else, because it is something else.
Gay marriage is fair. The govt got involved.. i dont believe in any form of discrimination from the govt. Do you?
Abortion is subjective.
Most self branded progs and liberals are nothing more than regressive totalitarians. Freedom is progress!

By measure it wasn't discrimination to begin with. Gay people had the same rights as everyone else, marry the opposite sex. If that doesn't work for some, oh well, we're individuals, make our own decisions. If they're not heterosexual, then cool, don't act out the part by "getting married, having kids".

For perspective, those involved in CONSENSUAL incest have a bigger gripe than gay people. And there's not a single argument for gay marriage that can't be applied to them.

Nothing against gay people, I have gay friends with great character, and they're even genuine. I say genuine, because to those working their flamboyancy and dialect, get a grip. Unless they're actually funny mind you, some really are. The rest just look tarded and desperate.

By most measures gays should be afforded the same "marriage rights". Call it something else, because it is something else.
I still support gays getting married and having the same bullshit tax credits strait marriages do.. but you make a decent point.
I saw a dictionary from the 70s that said the definition of marriage was a woman and man.. so i understand your argument.
I often bitch about terminology getting raped. Lol
Feel free to add, and be objective.

Many a prog were denying this over the last few days. What would you expect from intellectually dishonest people? The purpose of this thread is to make the case clear. I don't suppose many progs will chime in, they're cowards as well as dishonest. Here's 10 to start:

1. Liberalism: Progs aren't "liberal", they've destroyed liberalism. They've infiltrated the internet, Hollywood, comedy, schools and TV with propaganda aimed at thought control and censorship. That sound liberal to you? Liberalism was a major component building some of these industries, and progs destroyed them.

2. Dudes are chicks: Its the desire of feminists and LGBT to female the male. Dudes are TOXIC after all, stuff like that. Matter of fact, dudes are always culprits and women are always victims. You must take the woman's word at face value. Ah, and me fucking too. Hillary lost cuz white men are evil and bias.

3. Gay marriage is "fair": Sure right, having labor through your bung-hole is fair too. Marriage supported families, nature, basic survival instincts, reproduction. It's wholesome and adds stability. Progs have made a mockery of all of this in the "name of fairness". Meanwhile the family institution in the USA is in serious decline. Millennials are not having babies, they're not even investing in homes. Coincidence? Course not, progs poisoned their minds. Nature dictates progs are full of shit.

4. Trump colluded with RUSSIA: Oh sure. Meanwhile we have evidence the Democrats did exactly that. Do progs care? Course not.

5. A fetus is not human: Right, right. They become human when the umbilical cord is cut. Until then they're more like eggplants.

6. Progs are for human rights: So shut the fuck up and do what you're told or be declared the enemy of moral thought. Then you're prevented from participating, and destroyed economically and personally. But remember, its conservatives who mirror "THE GASTAPO", just cuz.

7. A wall costs too much, and its immoral: Progs enjoy symbols (walls are immoral) because they cannot rationalize their ideologies. So they point to inanimate objects and declare them naughty, similar historic objects they're actively destroying. That and they're mathematically challenged. A wall costs about 10 billion amortized over 100 years or so, while illegals cost us 50-70 billion annually.

8. Trump said white supremacists are good people: No he didn't, progs did.

9. Republicans only care about the wealthy: Interesting considering the wealthiest zip codes are primarily prog districts and the super rich are primarily progs as well. That super rich BTW are those who control your brains with 24-7 propaganda, and as monopolies they're consuming businesses.

10. White people are racist: The world will be a better place when white is consumed by brown. Just take a prog's word for it.......SMH.

hold on a second

we needed more proof?
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.

Only you and your spouse have the power to mock your marriage. Not the married queens down the street. If they have that power than perhaps you should focus more on your own marriage.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.

Only you and your spouse have the power to mock your marriage. Not the married queens down the street. If they have that power than perhaps you should focus more on your own marriage.

Neat talking point.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.

Only you and your spouse have the power to mock your marriage. Not the married queens down the street. If they have that power than perhaps you should focus more on your own marriage.

Neat talking point.

I am sorry that your marriage is so weak that total strangers have the power to mock and dumb it down.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.

Only you and your spouse have the power to mock your marriage. Not the married queens down the street. If they have that power than perhaps you should focus more on your own marriage.

Neat talking point.

I am sorry that your marriage is so weak that total strangers have the power to mock and dumb it down.

What about I'm a closet gay? That's a cool talking point too.
Millennials are not having children and it’s all thanks to the married dykes down the street.

Good Christ some of you people are mind- numbingly stupid.

There are a number of reasons why and every one of them is a direct result of prog ideology and behavior, gay marriage included.

Species, hmm, fucking species. What do species do? Eat, drink, shelter, breathe and procreate. Basic laws of nature for survival. Genuine, essential, normal and wholesome stuff. Marriage was intended to support all of these things. As for homosexuality, it's a contradiction to some of these qualities. Progs made a mockery of marriage, past generations, nature and common sense. They dumbed marriage down, and they dumbed the population down as well.

Only you and your spouse have the power to mock your marriage. Not the married queens down the street. If they have that power than perhaps you should focus more on your own marriage.

Neat talking point.

I am sorry that your marriage is so weak that total strangers have the power to mock and dumb it down.

What about I'm a closet gay? That's a cool talking point too.

Who said you’re a closet gay? Not I.

I pray that your marriage gets strong enough to not allow total strangers marrying to dumb down it down any further.

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