Proof That Obama Aided Drug-Traffickers Comes To Light...Media Ignores It


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Why did Obama have an open-border policy?
Why did he pull ICE 50 miles back from our Southern Border?
Why did Obama release thousands of drug dealers into our streets?

Because he was behind the massive influx of drugs we're suffering from today.


What if a president used his power to interfere with a federal investigation involving foreign powers committing serious crimes in the United States as well as elsewhere? Such a thing would be considered a terrible scandal and, no doubt, lead to a federal probe by a special counsel who would be expected to get to the bottom of such a mess.

see also

Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal

But if you think this is a reference to the investigation led by Robert Mueller into possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign and obstruction of justice once President Trump took office, youā€™re wrong. While proof that the Trump campaign actually plotted with Russia still has yet to be presented, evidence of another scandal involving President Barack Obama and Hezbollah, Iran and the Russians has just been uncovered in an investigative story by Politico. The tale involves an administration decision to spike Project Cassandra, a federal probe into international drug smuggling, money laundering and terrorism by Hezbollah.

The motive for interference with the justice system was to appease both Moscow and Tehran during Obamaā€™s quest for a nuclear deal with Iran. It happened because, as Politicoā€™s sources made clear, a decision was made at the highest levels of the Obama administration to prioritize making nice with Iran and Russia over the federal governmentā€™s obligation to protect US citizens.

Itā€™s the sort of thing that ought to rock Washington. An actual plot that placed the interests of foreign powers over those of the US by Obama.

Project Cassandra was built upon previous efforts by the Drug Enforcement Agency and US intelligence agencies to deal with the growing reach of Hezbollah around the globe. By the time Obama took office, Hezbollahā€™s crimes financed terrorism to the tune of more than $1ā€‰billion while also furthering the interests of the ayatollahs pulling their strings in Tehran.

More On:
barack obama
How Trump can repair the damage from Obama's narcoterror fail
Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal
Obama and Prince Harry have a budding bromance
Sessions needs to stop the misuse of intelligence for politics

But the Obama administration wasnā€™t interested. By the time Obamaā€™s second term began, he had in place CIA Director John Brennan, who had long advocated better relations with Hezbollah ā€œmoderates,ā€ and Secretary of State John Kerry, who was determined to make every conceivable concession to Iran ā€” including legalizing their nuclear program and allowing restrictions on it to eventually lapse ā€” in order to get an agreement. That was the beginning of the end for Project Cassandra.

Orders from on high precluded indictments and operations designed to hinder Hezbollah. Ali Fayad, a Lebanese arms dealer who was indicted on charges of planning the murders of US government workers, had been captured in the Czech Republic. But, bowing to Russian pressure, the US made no effort to extradite him and Fayad was allowed to evade justice and go back into business in Lebanon.

Another top Hezbollah operative involved in chemical weapons also got a pass. Possible indictments of Hezbollah personnel were quashed. A top operative involved in trafficking chemical weapons also got a pass and requests to lure others involved in this mafia-style group to countries where they could be apprehended were denied.

Those US agents who protested this were told not to ā€œrock the boat.ā€ While the CIA was leery of DEA efforts to prosecute a group they sought to influence, the Obama administration was interested in neither law enforcement nor covert operations against Hezbollah as their push for an agreement with Tehran became more serious. Meanwhile, the terrorists were sending planeloads worth of cash from Latin America drug trafficking and even the proceeds from Islamist-run used-car companies in the US back to Lebanon. Cash reserves in a Beirut account that was awash in Hezbollah drug money doubled. A regular shuttle flew from Venezuela to Iran, with illegal drugs and cash flowing one way and Hezbollah and Iranian agents (who were then supplied with fake identities by Venezuela) the other. But to the frustration of those involved in Cassandra, the US didnā€™t act when it could to capture those in the scheme.

The message the task force received was that their work could not interfere with a diplomatic charm offensive directed at Iran and Russia. By the time Trump took office, US efforts to stop Hezbollah had been derailed. Worse than that, as it became clear that Obama had zero leverage in the negotiations, there was little he wouldnā€™t do to keep the ayatollahs happy.

In order to win the release of US citizens being held hostage by Tehran after the nuclear deal had been concluded, the United States was no longer just turning a blind eye to Hezbollah transferring criminal profits there. In 2016, Obama sent $400 million packed onto wooden pallets as part of a ransom payment to Iran of unfrozen assets.

These gifts to Iran and Russia had far-reaching consequences. It doesnā€™t just make a nuclear deal that was already a disaster, that didnā€™t fulfill any US objectives, look even worse. It also highlights the way the US stood by as Iranā€™s quest for regional hegemony became a reality, endangering American allies as well as making the world safer for Islamist narcoterrorists.​


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Obama is not president and he's not running for anything. You need new material.
The media is totally involved in this criminal conspiracy........

Nets Cover for Obama, Omit ā€˜Sabotageā€™ of Anti-Terror Efforts for Iran Deal

Nets Cover for Obama, Omit ā€˜Sabotageā€™ of Anti-Terror Efforts for Iran Deal

By Nicholas Fondacaro | December 18, 2017 10:05 PM EST
In a demonstration of their unwavering devotion to the former president on Monday, all three of the major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC), and the Spanish-language networks (Univision and Telemundo), had a blackout on the revelations uncovered by Politico: The Obama administration sabotaged efforts to damage the financial operations of the Hezbollah terrorist group all so he could have his precious Iran nuclear deal.

ā€œA very serious charge tonight against the Obama administration. A bombshell report alleges the government deliberately sabotaged its own efforts to fight terrorist drug and money laundering operations,ā€ announced Fox News anchor Bret Baier during Special Report before handing the report off to Doug McKelway.

At the beginning of his report, McKelway rhetorically asked: ā€œAt what cost was the nuclear deal with Iran reached?ā€ ā€œIn an effort to reach the agreement, [the Obama administration] drastically curtailed efforts to interdict cocaine shipments in the U.S. by Hezbollah, a terrorist organization closely allied with Iran,ā€ he answered himself.

According to the Politico report, the federal and international effort to root out Hezbollahā€™s crime network predated the Obama administration:

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

ā€œIn 2016, a DEA official told a congressional panel that Operation Cassandra, a massive law-enforcement effort to stop the Hezbollah drug trade, was inextricably curtailed,ā€ McKelway noted in his report.

In a clip played by McKelway, former DEA Chief of Operations Michael Braun testified before Congress that ā€œfor some unknown reason, we seem to have missed out on one opportunity after another. We seem to have forgotten about the importance of disrupting the supply chain.ā€

Politico spoke with a former CIA officer who confirmed that the Obama administrationā€™s efforts to stifle their investigation were tied to directly to the nuclear deal with Iran:

DEA operations in the Middle East were shut down repeatedly due to political sensitivities, especially in Lebanon, according to one former CIA officer working in the region. He said pressure from the White House also prompted the CIA to declare ā€œa moratoriumā€ on covert operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon, too, for a time, after the administration received complaints from Iranian negotiators.

ā€œ[Obama] really, really, really wanted the deal,ā€ the CIA officer added.

The dead silence by the networks on this issue is made even more concerning when their fawning coverage of Iran is taken into account. They all refuse to report when Iran threatens U.S. Navy vessels in the Strait of Hormuz and ignored the sentencing of an American citizen jailed on trumped-up charges. CBS acted like their state ran TV while NBC sat down and sympathized with their radical president against Trump. And NBCā€™s Andrea Mitchell recently suggested claims that Iran is an international threat were just a ploy made up by Trump.
WTF a President of the United States directing drug trafficking, gun running and all cash shipments to Terrorist States? Did Obama study El Chapo to get his leadership style?
WTF a President of the United States directing drug trafficking, gun running and all cash shipments to Terrorist States? Did Obama study El Chapo to get his leadership style?
Damn, the way you worded that makes him sound like Reagan 2.0
Obama is not president and he's not running for anything. You need new material.
And of course you feel that that simple fact erases all of his criminal acts.

I think you are a very sick individual.

Obama is as we speak conducting a criminal conspiracy to oust the duly elected president, and proof of his criminality in the past only reinforces my claims.

You simply want to ignore them.

A person that does that doesn't have the right to complain about corruption in the White House in my opinion.
Obama should be investigated...write Trump and tell him to shake up Obama's deep state by cutting the head of the snake off...
The Democratic Party has become a full fledged criminal organization and Obama is their godfather. He's the John Gotti of politics.
Obama is not president and he's not running for anything. You need new material.
Lol right? History is off limits. Even if it just came to light.

By all means, bring up all the history you want. It's pretty obvious that the flurry of all these previously settled stories is a desperate attempt to keep RWNJs stirred up so they won't notice how ridiculous our current president is, and how close he is to total collapse from the investigation and his sheer incompetence. After so many years of relying on nothing more than "but Obama" or "but Clinton" to support your political goals, it must be scary to realize that does't work any more, and you have nothing else.
Obama is not president and he's not running for anything. You need new material.
And of course you feel that that simple fact erases all of his criminal acts.

I think you are a very sick individual.

Obama is as we speak conducting a criminal conspiracy to oust the duly elected president, and proof of his criminality in the past only reinforces my claims.

You simply want to ignore them.

A person that does that doesn't have the right to complain about corruption in the White House in my opinion.

Really? A criminal conspiracy? when you come up with these crazy ideas, do you imagine him with a black mask and costume, like some sort of evil super hero?
Obama is not president and he's not running for anything. You need new material.
Lol right? History is off limits. Even if it just came to light.

By all means, bring up all the history you want. It's pretty obvious that the flurry of all these previously settled stories is a desperate attempt to keep RWNJs stirred up so they won't notice how ridiculous our current president is, and how close he is to total collapse from the investigation and his sheer incompetence. After so many years of relying on nothing more than "but Obama" or "but Clinton" to support your political goals, it must be scary to realize that does't work any more, and you have nothing else.
That's what you want everyone to think, but in fact, none of this would have come to light if Hillary had won the election.
The FBI colluded with Obama to attempt to stop Trump from being elected.
They allowed Hillary to skate on her crimes and they began an investigation on Trump based off of perjured evidence.
Now the truth about the Obama Administration is slowly coming out.
You simply refuse to admit to it.
Obama is not president and he's not running for anything. You need new material.
And of course you feel that that simple fact erases all of his criminal acts.

I think you are a very sick individual.

Obama is as we speak conducting a criminal conspiracy to oust the duly elected president, and proof of his criminality in the past only reinforces my claims.

You simply want to ignore them.

A person that does that doesn't have the right to complain about corruption in the White House in my opinion.

Really? A criminal conspiracy? when you come up with these crazy ideas, do you imagine him with a black mask and costume, like some sort of evil super hero?
STFU you pathetic hack!!!

Before all of this I felt you were just misinformed.
Now it's obvious you're willfully-ignorant.
You are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human-being.

Why did Obama have an open-border policy?
Why did he pull ICE 50 miles back from our Southern Border?
Why did Obama release thousands of drug dealers into our streets?

Because he was behind the massive influx of drugs we're suffering from today.


What if a president used his power to interfere with a federal investigation involving foreign powers committing serious crimes in the United States as well as elsewhere? Such a thing would be considered a terrible scandal and, no doubt, lead to a federal probe by a special counsel who would be expected to get to the bottom of such a mess.

see also
View attachment 166761

Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal

But if you think this is a reference to the investigation led by Robert Mueller into possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign and obstruction of justice once President Trump took office, youā€™re wrong. While proof that the Trump campaign actually plotted with Russia still has yet to be presented, evidence of another scandal involving President Barack Obama and Hezbollah, Iran and the Russians has just been uncovered in an investigative story by Politico. The tale involves an administration decision to spike Project Cassandra, a federal probe into international drug smuggling, money laundering and terrorism by Hezbollah.

The motive for interference with the justice system was to appease both Moscow and Tehran during Obamaā€™s quest for a nuclear deal with Iran. It happened because, as Politicoā€™s sources made clear, a decision was made at the highest levels of the Obama administration to prioritize making nice with Iran and Russia over the federal governmentā€™s obligation to protect US citizens.

Itā€™s the sort of thing that ought to rock Washington. An actual plot that placed the interests of foreign powers over those of the US by Obama.

Project Cassandra was built upon previous efforts by the Drug Enforcement Agency and US intelligence agencies to deal with the growing reach of Hezbollah around the globe. By the time Obama took office, Hezbollahā€™s crimes financed terrorism to the tune of more than $1ā€‰billion while also furthering the interests of the ayatollahs pulling their strings in Tehran.

More On:
barack obama
How Trump can repair the damage from Obama's narcoterror fail
Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal
Obama and Prince Harry have a budding bromance
Sessions needs to stop the misuse of intelligence for politics

But the Obama administration wasnā€™t interested. By the time Obamaā€™s second term began, he had in place CIA Director John Brennan, who had long advocated better relations with Hezbollah ā€œmoderates,ā€ and Secretary of State John Kerry, who was determined to make every conceivable concession to Iran ā€” including legalizing their nuclear program and allowing restrictions on it to eventually lapse ā€” in order to get an agreement. That was the beginning of the end for Project Cassandra.

Orders from on high precluded indictments and operations designed to hinder Hezbollah. Ali Fayad, a Lebanese arms dealer who was indicted on charges of planning the murders of US government workers, had been captured in the Czech Republic. But, bowing to Russian pressure, the US made no effort to extradite him and Fayad was allowed to evade justice and go back into business in Lebanon.

Another top Hezbollah operative involved in chemical weapons also got a pass. Possible indictments of Hezbollah personnel were quashed. A top operative involved in trafficking chemical weapons also got a pass and requests to lure others involved in this mafia-style group to countries where they could be apprehended were denied.

Those US agents who protested this were told not to ā€œrock the boat.ā€ While the CIA was leery of DEA efforts to prosecute a group they sought to influence, the Obama administration was interested in neither law enforcement nor covert operations against Hezbollah as their push for an agreement with Tehran became more serious. Meanwhile, the terrorists were sending planeloads worth of cash from Latin America drug trafficking and even the proceeds from Islamist-run used-car companies in the US back to Lebanon. Cash reserves in a Beirut account that was awash in Hezbollah drug money doubled. A regular shuttle flew from Venezuela to Iran, with illegal drugs and cash flowing one way and Hezbollah and Iranian agents (who were then supplied with fake identities by Venezuela) the other. But to the frustration of those involved in Cassandra, the US didnā€™t act when it could to capture those in the scheme.

The message the task force received was that their work could not interfere with a diplomatic charm offensive directed at Iran and Russia. By the time Trump took office, US efforts to stop Hezbollah had been derailed. Worse than that, as it became clear that Obama had zero leverage in the negotiations, there was little he wouldnā€™t do to keep the ayatollahs happy.

In order to win the release of US citizens being held hostage by Tehran after the nuclear deal had been concluded, the United States was no longer just turning a blind eye to Hezbollah transferring criminal profits there. In 2016, Obama sent $400 million packed onto wooden pallets as part of a ransom payment to Iran of unfrozen assets.

These gifts to Iran and Russia had far-reaching consequences. It doesnā€™t just make a nuclear deal that was already a disaster, that didnā€™t fulfill any US objectives, look even worse. It also highlights the way the US stood by as Iranā€™s quest for regional hegemony became a reality, endangering American allies as well as making the world safer for Islamist narcoterrorists.​
The NY Post is a conservative, populist tabloid. It is not a credible source of information.
The media is totally involved in this criminal conspiracy........

Nets Cover for Obama, Omit ā€˜Sabotageā€™ of Anti-Terror Efforts for Iran Deal

Nets Cover for Obama, Omit ā€˜Sabotageā€™ of Anti-Terror Efforts for Iran Deal

By Nicholas Fondacaro | December 18, 2017 10:05 PM EST
In a demonstration of their unwavering devotion to the former president on Monday, all three of the major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC), and the Spanish-language networks (Univision and Telemundo), had a blackout on the revelations uncovered by Politico: The Obama administration sabotaged efforts to damage the financial operations of the Hezbollah terrorist group all so he could have his precious Iran nuclear deal.

ā€œA very serious charge tonight against the Obama administration. A bombshell report alleges the government deliberately sabotaged its own efforts to fight terrorist drug and money laundering operations,ā€ announced Fox News anchor Bret Baier during Special Report before handing the report off to Doug McKelway.

At the beginning of his report, McKelway rhetorically asked: ā€œAt what cost was the nuclear deal with Iran reached?ā€ ā€œIn an effort to reach the agreement, [the Obama administration] drastically curtailed efforts to interdict cocaine shipments in the U.S. by Hezbollah, a terrorist organization closely allied with Iran,ā€ he answered himself.

According to the Politico report, the federal and international effort to root out Hezbollahā€™s crime network predated the Obama administration:

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

ā€œIn 2016, a DEA official told a congressional panel that Operation Cassandra, a massive law-enforcement effort to stop the Hezbollah drug trade, was inextricably curtailed,ā€ McKelway noted in his report.

In a clip played by McKelway, former DEA Chief of Operations Michael Braun testified before Congress that ā€œfor some unknown reason, we seem to have missed out on one opportunity after another. We seem to have forgotten about the importance of disrupting the supply chain.ā€

Politico spoke with a former CIA officer who confirmed that the Obama administrationā€™s efforts to stifle their investigation were tied to directly to the nuclear deal with Iran:

DEA operations in the Middle East were shut down repeatedly due to political sensitivities, especially in Lebanon, according to one former CIA officer working in the region. He said pressure from the White House also prompted the CIA to declare ā€œa moratoriumā€ on covert operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon, too, for a time, after the administration received complaints from Iranian negotiators.

ā€œ[Obama] really, really, really wanted the deal,ā€ the CIA officer added.

The dead silence by the networks on this issue is made even more concerning when their fawning coverage of Iran is taken into account. They all refuse to report when Iran threatens U.S. Navy vessels in the Strait of Hormuz and ignored the sentencing of an American citizen jailed on trumped-up charges. CBS acted like their state ran TV while NBC sat down and sympathized with their radical president against Trump. And NBCā€™s Andrea Mitchell recently suggested claims that Iran is an international threat were just a ploy made up by Trump.
"The media is totally involved in this criminal conspiracy........"

You're funny.

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