proof that the right does not "tolerate" sexual misconduct

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Just look at the implosion of Cains candidacy. No matter if YOU believe the accusations to be true or not just look at the results. His support certainly didn't come from the left yet it has left him in mass. It's clear the right doesn't support such behavior. He was riding the top of the polls until the stories began to surface.

While he still has "minimal" support its clear that most on the right find the possibility of this behavior to be repulsive and unworthy of support.

So just stop already. Your mantra that the gop looks the other way is clearly busted.
nonsense, otherwise gingrich would be polling at 1%......

gingrich is a multiple adulter and even tried to justify it by claiming he cheated because he loved his country so much........

Say WHAT???
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nonsense, otherwise gingrich would be polling at 1%......

gingrich is a multiple adulter and even tried to justify it by claiming he cheated because he loved his country so much........

Because having an affair with a consenting partner is the same as taking advantage of women through power is totally the same.
Just look at the implosion of Cains candidacy. No matter if YOU believe the accusations to be true or not just look at the results. His support certainly didn't come from the left yet it has left him in mass. It's clear the right doesn't support such behavior. He was riding the top of the polls until the stories began to surface.

While he still has "minimal" support its clear that most on the right find the possibility of this behavior to be repulsive and unworthy of support.

So just stop already. Your mantra that the gop looks the other way is clearly busted.

Really? Is this something "new" that the GOP is trying out?

•, Senator John Ensign (R-NV.) confessed to serious cheating on his wife with a staffer and caught paying hush money to the husband, his chief of staff.
•Gov. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), confessed to serious cheating on his wife after leaving his state unsupervised for a week.
•Senator Larry Craig (R-ID.), caught in a gay sex sting operation in a Minn. bathroom.
•Senator David Vitter (R-LA), found to have been a client of prostitutes in D.C. & Louisiana.
•Rep. Mark Foley, (R-Fl.) forced to resign when he was found to be having inappropriate communications with male pages.
•In Connecticut, the holier-than-thou Republican party chose the mayor of one of the state's largest cities as its candidate for the U.S. Senate. If Joe Lieberman had caved in to Republican demands in the year 2000 that he not run for relection to the senate at the same time that he was running for the vice presidency, then our nation would have had a Republican Senator from Conn., named Philip Giordano at least until he was sentenced to serve his 37 year sentence in Federal prison as a result of the FBI investigating him for financial shenanigans and discovering in the process that this crooked, disgusting Republican office holder had been repeatedly molesting two pre-teen little girls related to his prostitute-mistress (in the mayor's office among other places).
There was more on this disgusting Republican office holder at :, but it has since been removed.

•Bob Packwood, Senator (R-Ore.), resigned in 1995 under a threat of public senate hearings related to 10 female ex-staffers accusing him of sexual harassment.

William "Wild Bill" Janklow was promoted to many high offices in very conservative South Dakota, including the 27th and 30th Governor, 25th Attorney General, and the United States Congress. He was only removed from office when he was forced to after being convicted of killing someone with his car while speedy through a stop sign. ( The superintendent of the state highway patrol, reported at his trial that Janklow had 16 traffic stops by troopers during his last term as governor, but was not ticketed due to "respect for his authority" and out of a "fear of retribution.")
But why did the Republican Party select this man to run for so many high offices in its name? In 1955, at the age of 16, he was convicted of the sexual assault of a 17-year old woman. As a juvenile offense, this conviction carried little weight under U.S. law. However, in 1966, while working as the tribal attorney for the Rosebud Sioux, Janklow–aged 27–was accused of raping his children's 15-year-old babysitter, Jancita Eagle Deer. Adult sexual offenses being more grave than this earlier recorded exploit, Janklow used his capacity as head of reservation legal services to stave off the (illegible) of formal, federal charges. He then resigned his position and left tribal jurisdiction." . . .
(Janklow may be the only known sex offender and accused rapist in living memory to have occupied a U. S. governor's office).
"Had it not been for the intervention of the FBI in the form of its undercover agent, Douglass Durham, it seems possible that Janklow would have gone to the state prison rather than to the state capitol. Conversely, had it not been for the unabashed cooperation of Attorney General William Janklow, the reign of terror perpetrated by the FBI against the American Indian Movement would have been much more difficult to pull off."
[ from ...

and now many MORE Republican Congressmen & women :
•According to L. H. Carter, reported to be one of Newt Gingrich's closest friends until a falling-out in 1979, "Newt is amoral. There isn't any right or wrong, there isn't any conservative or liberal. There's only what will work best for Newt Gingrich."
Mary Kahn, wife of Mr. Gingrich's Congressional campaign manager during the 1970s said, "Newt uses people and then discards them as useless. He really is a man with no conscience. He just doesn't seem to care who he hurts or why." Keep those to quotes in mind as you read what Mr. Gingrich told the Washington Post on January 3, 1995: "I have an enormous personal ambition. I want to shift the entire planet. And I am doing it."
•Bob Livingston (R-LA) was about to replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House until he resigned in disgrace when it was revealed that he admitted to had been involved in several adulterous affairs, (while attempting to crucify Democratic President Clinton for having done much less)!
•Bob Barr (R-Georgia): the principal sponsor of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, has been married three (or is it now four) times. And at a party in 1992, Barr actually licked whipped cream off the breasts of two women, neither of them his current wife. Now that's family values!
•Bill Thomas (R-CA):
This 11-term Republican is chairman of the Ways and Means subcommittee on Health. In June, (2003?) the Bakersfield Californian reported that Thomas, who is married, was having an affair with health care lobbyist Deborah Steelman, who steered huge campaign gifts to Thomas' war chest. In an "open letter to friends and neighbors" (voters), Thomas did not deny the relationship, but said during his legislative career, " . . . Any personal failures of commitment or responsibility to my wife, family, or friends are just that, personal. I have never traded a public responsibility for a personal one and I never will."
•Dan Burton (R-Indiana):
The Chairman of the House Government Reform & Oversight Committee. He hates President Clinton so much that he publicly called him a "scumbag". Following an expose, Burton was forced to admit that he fathered an out-of-wedlock child, a fact he denied for years.
He has yet to admit, however, that during 38 years of marriage he has committed adultery with dozens of women, sexually assaulted others (including a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood), and kept mistresses on his campaign and public payrolls – to the tune of at least a half-million dollars.
•Charles Canady (R-Fl), Judiciary Committee member. A leading opponent of abortion, Canady lied to his constituents about his adulterous affair with Sharon Becker, which caused her divorce from Florida businessman Robert Becker.
•Dick Armey (R-Texas): as an economics professor before entering Congress, was accused of sexually harassing female students, according to the Dallas Observer.
•John Peterson (R-PA): has been accused of sexual harassment and hostile-work-environment claims by six women.
•Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho): one of first to condemn Clinton, admitted to having a six year extramarital affair with a married associate. The Spokane Spokesman-Review, but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed. (She has since divorced and remarried – no doubt with the Lord's blessing!-)
•J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma): has said "Character is simply doing right when no one is looking." Watts has tried to cover up his out-of-wedlock child.
•John Schmitz (R-Orange County, CA), former extreme right-wing Republican fathered two children by a mistress — a former student named Carla Stuckle whom Schmitz taught when he was a professor at Santa Ana College. One of these children was once admitted to an Orange County hospital with hair tied in a square knot around his penis so tightly that it was almost severed.
Congressman Schmitz' daughter, Mary Kay LeTourneau, made national headlines when as a school teacher, she was arrested twice for having sex and producing two children with an underage student of hers (beginning when he was only 13 years old).
•Don Sherwood (R-PA) Had a five year adulterous affair which only ended when his mistress sued him for physical abuse (and attempted murder?) in 2004.
•Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl, which produced a child.
•Donald "Buz" Lukens (R-OH) was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
•Ken Calvert (R-CA) said in 1998, "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." This is the same Christian Coalition ally, who was caught by police in 1993 receiving oral sex from a prostitute. His ex-wife also sued him for failure to pay alimony.
•Randy Cunningham (R-CA): In their corruption case, which resulted in a prison sentence of several years, Federal prosecutors also investigated allegations that Congressman 'Duke' Cunningham was periodically supplied with prositutes.
•Sue Myrick, Congresswoman (R-NC), describes herself as a "devout Christian." Yet she's divorced and now married to the man with whom some say she has admitted committing adultery when she and he were married to their prior spouses.
•Jim Bunn, (R-Oregon) With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then left his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll with a salary of $ 97,500.
•Ed Schrock, two-term republican congressman, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.
•Rep. Vito Fossela. (R-NY) another "family values" Republican lost his seat when it was revealed that he had fathered a child with a woman not his wife.
•[immorality:] Chip Pickering (R-Miss.) 's estranged wife claims in a lawsuit he had an affair that ruined their marriage while Pickering was in Congress and living in a Christian building for lawmakers on C Street, near the U.S. Capitol. Pickering, 45, was elected to Congress in 1996, retired in January and is now a lobbyist in Washington for Cellular South, the company that is owned by his mistress's family.
•On July 20, 1983, the House voted to simultaneously censure two members of Congress for sexual misconduct, the first time it had ever done so.
Dan Crane (R-IL) was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old female page.
Gerry Studds(D-Mass.) was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old male page.
Conservative Republicans try to get some kind of political advantage by treating these two cases as morally equivalent, or they speak only of the Democrat, Studds. But here's the rest of the story that they don't want people to know:
◦Repub. Crane was a married man at the time and a father of six young children, while Dem. Studds had been single at the time. As homosexuals, Studds and the page were not allowed to marry, but their relationship was so consensual that they had been together for ten years from the time of the original liason until 1983, when the "scandal" broke.
◦Neither of the two resigned from Congress; they both ran for re-election.
◦The Repub. Crane was defeated. The Dem. Studds was re-elected for 5 more terms for a total of 20 years.
•Robert Bauman (R-MD) was campaigning for his fourth term as a Maryland Congressman in 1980. A practicing Roman Catholic with a wife and child, he was one of the most vocal conservatives in a very conservative Congress. He regularly rallied for old-fashioned values and attacked all supporters of abortion and homosexual rights. His campaign looked rock-solid, before it changed overnight with a series of shocking revelations. The public learned that Bauman had been charged with soliciting sex from a 16-year old boy he picked up at a gay bar, and that he had been the victim of an extortion scheme by a man who claimed to have had a sexual relationship with him. This, combined with an alcohol problem (which did not seem to bother his fellow Congressmen before), doomed his political career.


•In the Fall of 2009, yet another conservative Christian Republican fell from grace. Assemblymen Michael Duvall of Yorba Linda, CA. made the mistake of bragging before a "hot mike" to a fellow legislator, about his sexual conquests with female lobbyists, at "the head table" of a legislative hearing room, . This champion opponent of gay equality was a married man with two children who had earned a 100% rating for good Christian family values organizations. Now, he's joined the cavalcade of disgraced hypocritical Republican former politiicians.
•Adelphia Communications Corp.: Donated large sums of money to some of the most conservative members of Congress. They are also the first cable company to offer hard-core adult movies to subscribers. [ Daily Kos: "Moral values" hypocrites take porn money ]
•Mike Bowers Former State Attorney General of Georgia, prosecuted the famous "Bowers vs. Hardwick" case, based on Georgia anti-sodomy laws. Admitted to a 10-year adulterous affair.
•Andrew Buhr, Republican politician, former committeeman for Hadley Township Missouri, was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
•Neil Bush, brother of George W. Bush, in a March 2003 divorce deposition, admitted repeatedly having sex with strange women who just showed up at his room while he was on an Asian business trip.
•Roy Cohn, continually condemned gays and gay rights. Was a closet gay who died of AIDS.
•Carey Lee Cramer, political consultant and producer of negative presidential campaign ads, convicted of molesting two young girls, one of whom lived with him, and was 8 yrs old; the other starred in an anti-Kerry commercial. political skullduggery.
•Lewis Libby, former Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. In 1996 published a novel containing bizarre sexual content, including bestiality and pedophilia.Full Details
•Bill O'Reilly Right-wing conservative talk show host on Fox News, sued for sexual harrassment by his producer. The suit included graphic details, including tape-recordings. O'Reilly's wife was pregnant at the time. O'Reilly settled and paid millions of dollars rather than have the details become public.
•Judith Regan, Conservative Republican writer and pundit has had several well-publicized affairs and marriages and divorces, and tried to publish a book by O.J. Simpson that wasn't even up to FOX's low standards.

nonsense, otherwise gingrich would be polling at 1%......

gingrich is a multiple adulter and even tried to justify it by claiming he cheated because he loved his country so much........

Because having an affair with a consenting partner is the same as taking advantage of women through power is totally the same.

oh, cheating on your wife is no longer sexual "misconduct".........

interesting stance.......
nonsense, otherwise gingrich would be polling at 1%......

gingrich is a multiple adulter and even tried to justify it by claiming he cheated because he loved his country so much........

Because having an affair with a consenting partner is the same as taking advantage of women through power is totally the same.

oh, cheating on your wife is no longer sexual "misconduct".........

interesting stance.......

Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.
Because having an affair with a consenting partner is the same as taking advantage of women through power is totally the same.

oh, cheating on your wife is no longer sexual "misconduct".........

interesting stance.......

Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.

got it.. you think adultery is appropiate sexual conduct......... does your wife agree with that view?
Wow you waited a whole nine minutes.

Actually no, I looked at the amount of views with no comment posted.

Not much to comment on. Cain's loss of momentum has little or nothing to do with the accusations against him and everything to do with his lack of foreign policy experience.

well, i think it also has to do with how poorly he responded to the accusations as well...... he completely let the situation control him and his campaign.......
Because having an affair with a consenting partner is the same as taking advantage of women through power is totally the same.

oh, cheating on your wife is no longer sexual "misconduct".........

interesting stance.......

Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.

What evidence do you have that Newt cheated on his spouse?
oh, cheating on your wife is no longer sexual "misconduct".........

interesting stance.......

Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.

got it.. you think adultery is appropiate sexual conduct......... does your wife agree with that view?

I said personal. The appropriateness of it is between the parties involved. And your concern for what my wife may think of what I think is really none of your fucking business. Typical liberal, putting your nose where it doesn't belong.
oh, cheating on your wife is no longer sexual "misconduct".........

interesting stance.......

Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.

What evidence do you have that Newt cheated on his spouse?

is this evidence enough?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is in the early stages of a presidential campaign, spoke in an interview with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network about his history of adultery and divorces.

Gingrich: Past Adultery ‘Partially Driven By How Passionately I Felt About This Country’ (VIDEO) | TPMDC
Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.

got it.. you think adultery is appropiate sexual conduct......... does your wife agree with that view?

I said personal. The appropriateness of it is between the parties involved. And your concern for what my wife may think of what I think is really none of your fucking business. Typical liberal, putting your nose where it doesn't belong.

so you believe no affairs of public officials should ever be revelaed, discussed or used to evaluate the politician?

and keep your panties unknoted, it was a hypothetical question.. i dont even know if you are married......

so you think edwards, wiener and craig should never have been forced out because of their sexual actions?
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got it.. you think adultery is appropiate sexual conduct......... does your wife agree with that view?

I said personal. The appropriateness of it is between the parties involved. And your concern for what my wife may think of what I think is really none of your fucking business. Typical liberal, putting your nose where it doesn't belong.

so you believe no affairs of public officials should ever be revelaed, discussed or used to evaluate the politician?

and keep your panties unknoted, it was a hypothetical question.. i dont even know if you are married......

so you think edwards, wiener and craig should never have been forced out because of their sexual actions?

Edwards was a fraud on every front. Weiner is just lucky none of his internet girls were underage. And Craig, was he the bathroom stall guy? If so he belongs in jail for soliciting sex in a public forum.
Yes, cheating on your spouse is a very personal issue. Enticing other vulnerable women to have sex because you hold a position of power and they want something in return is very problematic for a politician. The other is a fact of human nature.

What evidence do you have that Newt cheated on his spouse?

is this evidence enough?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is in the early stages of a presidential campaign, spoke in an interview with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network about his history of adultery and divorces.

Gingrich: Past Adultery ‘Partially Driven By How Passionately I Felt About This Country’ (VIDEO) | TPMDC

No. not even close. He never admitted to cheating on his wife. He said he had done things that were inappropriate. I guess you can spin that to mean whatever you wanted.

I'm sure you can find a quote os him admitting to his affair, if he actually did have an affair.

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