Proof That The US Peaked During Ronald Reagan's Presidency


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Fitting indeed. I was just becoming politically aware in 1980 at 20 years young.

Glad I witnessed the best President anyone breathing today over ~25 has ever seen

On March 16, 1936, the government of the United States published the very first edition of the Federal Register.

President Roosevelt had been taking a lot of heat over the previous year; under his New Deal program, dozens of government agencies were passing new rules, regulations, and codes at an absolutely feverish pace.

It became impossible for anyone to keep track of them—even the other agencies within the government.

So in the summer of 1935 they created a new law requiring every executive agency to publish a daily, official record of their activities.

This official record was called the Federal Register. And it would contain a complete set of every rule, regulation, code, and proposal issued by each of the executive agencies.

The first edition was published on March 16, 1936. It was sixteen pages.

Every single work day since then, without fail, the government has published the Federal Register.

Its first full year (1937) contained a total of 3,450 pages. By 1942, the Federal Register had grown to over 10,000 pages.

It passed 20,000 for the first time in 1967. More than 30,000 in 1973. And more than 40,000 the following year in 1974.

The Federal Register exploded during the 1970s, in fact, touching nearly 90,000 pages by the end of the Carter administration.

During Reagan’s time, the publication shrank to under 50,000, only to rise again under subsequent presidents.

The longest edition ever published was logged at 6,653 pages in a single day, during the administration of Bush II.

President Obama has averaged nearly 80,000 pages per year, far and away the highest of any President in US history.

This morning’s edition, in fact, is a whopping 358 pages full of new rules, regulations, and proposals.

Did you read it? Neither did I. But as the old saying goes, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Proof That The US Peaked During Ronald Reagan s Presidency Zero Hedge
Blame lawyers, most of that stuff is clarification of existing regs that are the result of endless litigation and court challenges to regulation. Court decisions shape government regs as much as regulators do.
Yes, Ronnie Ray-Gun marked the beginning of America's decline. Glad you finally see that.
Actually, Carter did that by wrecking the economy with double digit inflation and his attempts to appease our enemies.
Yes, Ronnie Ray-Gun marked the beginning of America's decline. Glad you finally see that.
Actually, Carter did that by wrecking the economy with double digit inflation and his attempts to appease our enemies.
The inflation was caused by several factors, not just the grain embargo or the rising cost of gas due to Arabs being pissed off at the US, not to leave out the Persians...
Yes, Ronnie Ray-Gun marked the beginning of America's decline. Glad you finally see that.
Actually, Carter did that by wrecking the economy with double digit inflation and his attempts to appease our enemies.
The inflation was caused by several factors, not just the grain embargo or the rising cost of gas due to Arabs being pissed off at the US, not to leave out the Persians...
Best post ever....

I'll address your question......

The inflation under Carter was caused by a variety of factors, primarily the fact that Carter was incompetent when it came to understanding anything that had to do with the economy. As a matter of fact, we couldn't find a bigger idiot until we came across Obozo.

I'll address your question......

The inflation under Carter was caused by a variety of factors, primarily the fact that Carter was incompetent when it came to understanding anything that had to do with the economy. As a matter of fact, we couldn't find a bigger idiot until we came across Obozo.

Carter's Fed appointment Paul Volcker put in place the policies that were effective in bringing down inflation.
I'll address your question......
The inflation under Carter was caused by a variety of factors, primarily the fact that Carter was incompetent when it came to understanding anything that had to do with the economy. As a matter of fact, we couldn't find a bigger idiot until we came across Obozo.
Carter's Fed appointment Paul Volcker put in place the policies that were effective in bringing down inflation.
And we still didn't get it under control until we got Carter out of office. As a matter of fact, the economy played a major part in Carter's defeat when he ran for reelection.
Yes, Ronnie Ray-Gun marked the beginning of America's decline. Glad you finally see that.
Actually, Carter did that by wrecking the economy with double digit inflation and his attempts to appease our enemies.

Really? Reagan's solution to inflation was to gut the middle class and his solution to fight the commies was to arm the Jihadists.

Sound's like a doctor who treats your hangnail amputating your arm!

At the time, the bunch in Afghanistan wasn't a threat to us, just to the Russians. They went south when Clinton was in office (remember the first attack on the WTC?).

And please don't forget that your Idiot in Chief just likes to ignore the Jihaddies, and blame the Christians for stuff that happened centuries ago.

And actually, people did pretty well under Reagan once he got Carter's mess straightened out. That's why he served two terms.

At the time, the bunch in Afghanistan wasn't a threat to us, just to the Russians. They went south when Clinton was in office (remember the first attack on the WTC?).

And please don't forget that your Idiot in Chief just likes to ignore the Jihaddies, and blame the Christians for stuff that happened centuries ago.

And actually, people did pretty well under Reagan once he got Carter's mess straightened out. That's why he served two terms.
So you are OK with all the terrorist attacks by Muslim terrorist under Reagan because they were about politics and the Jihadist were about religion? Blame Clinton for the "Freedom Fighters" who got training and support that enabled them to morph into Jihadist under Reagan and just give a pass to the guys who gave birth to modern day terrorism under the watch and with actual support from Reagan.

As you stated, they were "Freedom Fighters" when we worked with them, and they morphed into Jihadists. They didn't even try to give us any trouble until Clinton was in office.

Blaming Reagan for what happened afterwards is like claiming Obozo is actively supporting ISIS because he supported the uprising in Syria that enabled them to get established, isn't it?

Sure you want to go there?
Actually, Carter did that by wrecking the economy with double digit inflation and his attempts to appease our enemies.

Ford didn't have double-digit inflation? Oh wait, he did. So Carter inherited an unstable economy.
But it sure got a lot worse under Carter.

And Carter sucked at foreign policy.

You have proof that it would have been any better under somebody different?

'sucked at foreign policy', such as the fake oil shortage?
Sure couldn't have been any worse.

And letting the Mullahs take over Iran and hold our people for 444 days does kind of fit the definition of sucked. And it happened while Carter did nothing. At least when Reagan took office, the Mullahs woke up and got the hostages on a plane and on their way home pretty damn quick.

And just think... If Carter would have handled the Iran situation better (such as by not turning his back on the Shah), we might not be having to handle the mess we have with Iran now.
Fitting indeed. I was just becoming politically aware in 1980 at 20 years young.

Glad I witnessed the best President anyone breathing today over ~25 has ever seen

On March 16, 1936, the government of the United States published the very first edition of the Federal Register.

President Roosevelt had been taking a lot of heat over the previous year; under his New Deal program, dozens of government agencies were passing new rules, regulations, and codes at an absolutely feverish pace.

It became impossible for anyone to keep track of them—even the other agencies within the government.

So in the summer of 1935 they created a new law requiring every executive agency to publish a daily, official record of their activities.

This official record was called the Federal Register. And it would contain a complete set of every rule, regulation, code, and proposal issued by each of the executive agencies.

The first edition was published on March 16, 1936. It was sixteen pages.

Every single work day since then, without fail, the government has published the Federal Register.

Its first full year (1937) contained a total of 3,450 pages. By 1942, the Federal Register had grown to over 10,000 pages.

It passed 20,000 for the first time in 1967. More than 30,000 in 1973. And more than 40,000 the following year in 1974.

The Federal Register exploded during the 1970s, in fact, touching nearly 90,000 pages by the end of the Carter administration.

During Reagan’s time, the publication shrank to under 50,000, only to rise again under subsequent presidents.

The longest edition ever published was logged at 6,653 pages in a single day, during the administration of Bush II.

President Obama has averaged nearly 80,000 pages per year, far and away the highest of any President in US history.

This morning’s edition, in fact, is a whopping 358 pages full of new rules, regulations, and proposals.

Did you read it? Neither did I. But as the old saying goes, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Proof That The US Peaked During Ronald Reagan s Presidency Zero Hedge

Not even close. The US peaked in 1949, that doesn't mean we can't peak again however.

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