Proof the protestors didn't incite shooter

It's not just the one incident of the "kill the cops", it's the entire atmosphere that the protesters have created.
PROOF. If they had been from the tea party you people would crapping your pants all over us

So your PROOF means jack nothing

And how about finding PROOF for Mrs. Palin and the Gabby being shot? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you couldn't be botherd. You let that stand and added to it.
Where is the voice from among the protestors taking a stand against violence and looting? Where is the concern and message from among politicians to come down on those who respond in anger as the wrong resolve? Simply responding through words like "we hear you" condones more than it sends a message of awareness and restraint. This, as well as the mainstream media searches to advertise their chosen central message of "black man killed a white man" only fuels the fire. There is killing on both ends of the spectrum. Gun violence doesn't discriminate, people looking to create a racial divide do.
Leave it to the liberals to circle the wagon around cop killers and protesters that is doing nothing but DISRUPTING peoples everyday lives

you make me ill. get your asses off this board and into the streets with them you believe the crap you post about them
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good article. these protester are now becoming a nuisance.

AND this says a LOT:

Mall of America Overrun by Protestors
Once you entertain the notion that social grievance entitles you to tread upon the rights of others, the difference between overrunning a mall and executing police officers is only a matter of degree.

Walter Hudson
December 22, 2014 - 6:07 pm

On the same day that two New York City police officers were gunned down execution-style by a perpetrator who explicitly cited the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner as his motivation, Black Lives Matter protesters in the Twin Cities overran the Mall of America in an organized trespass on private property. Protestors were warned days in advance that their planned demonstration was not welcome and would not be tolerated. Naturally, the protestors proceeded anyway.
Only 25 people were arrested. There should have been many, many more.
More links the protest at the Mall of America and the killings of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in New York than their occurring on the same day. The commission of rights-violating protest, its endorsement by many within the culture, and its toleration by lawful authorities invite an escalation of violence. Once you entertain the notion that a sense of grievance entitles you to tread upon the rights of others, the difference between overrunning a mall, blocking traffic on an interstate, burning down a business, and executing police officers is only a matter of degree.
Consider how protest organizers justified their behavior at the Mall of America, as reported by the St. Paul Pioneer-Press:

all of it here:
Mall of America Overrun by Protestors PJ Tatler
this was one of the comments with the article: How true is that. I believe the rest of the people have had ENOUGH of these people...GO HOME

If these people had any honesty or courage they would be protesting on the street corners where gang violence is prevalent. But no, it's easier and safer to harass the middle class.:thup:

Mall of America Overrun by Protestors PJ Tatler
It's not just the one incident of the "kill the cops", it's the entire atmosphere that the protesters have created.
A Constitutional atmosphere of the right to assemble and the right to free speech?

Why do wingnuts hate the Constitution?

When it starts INTERFERING with other peoples rights to LIVE than you have crossed that line.
Mall of America Overrun by Protestors
NOW you left wingnut should be out on the streets with them
Mall of America, Twin Cities and state of Minnesota are off my list.

Should have known better when Minnesota was the only state not swept by Reagan.

Should have known when the idiots of this otherwise lovely state elected mental case for Governor you know the phony so called wrestler Jesse Ventura who later had the gall to sue the widow of someone who was a far better person he could ever be.

Should have known when the insane fringe (sadly the majority in Minnesota) elected the never was never could be comedian fraud Al Franken for senator.

Should have known when this state elected the terrorist sympathizer Muslim for the Congress who insisted on saying his oath to office with his hands on the book that is the biggest promoter of hate and killing and violence

And yet I kept going back to the Gopher state.

No more. The only thing that will ever bring me back there are Virgil Flowers and Davenport. .
There was no 'case open' to begin with; the notion that anyone else besides Ismaaiyl Brinsley was responsible for the murder of both police officers is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Horseshit.....Hussein, Holder, Sharpton, DeBlasio......all the ugly voices in unison flicked the idiot's Bic....hate speech hiding behind pretend concern....all 4 of them should be arrested and charged as accessories.
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Progressives continue to display ( OP ) that they cant connect the dots.............

Here's the fallout and they are responsible.............another of the long list of examples of social engineering crap blowing up in their faces >>>>

The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association posted a memo with a similar message (bold for emphasis).

Starting IMMEDIATELY- At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the opinion of the patrol supervisor happens to be. IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest.
These are precautions that were taken in the 1970’s when Police Officers were ambushed and executed on a regular basis. The mayors (sic) hands are literally dripping with our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the first time in a number of years, become a “wartime” police department. We will act accordingly.

NY Police Officers 8217 Fierce Reactions to Shooting Reveal Exactly Who They Feel Is to Blame

Who's not winning???:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Bubbleland dwelling is ghey
As idea's fuck over the blacks!!! Mofu's cant get out of their own way.........

Urban blacks are going to pick up their phones and dial 911.......nobody is showing for a long, long time.

Their next call should be to all the progressive assholes who are fucking them over........
It's not just the one incident of the "kill the cops", it's the entire atmosphere that the protesters have created.
A Constitutional atmosphere of the right to assemble and the right to free speech?

Why do wingnuts hate the Constitution?
Burning, looting, blocking roads, and the right to murder isn't a constitutional right, you dumbass.
So...the actions of a small fraction, despite being very visible and bad, DO NOT reflect the character of the entire group???

Are you referring to protesters or police?

Here a time-lapse of the protests - there are 100,000 of them, easily:

and here's the "Kill the Cops" dopes on some side street:

There's maybe 30 people there.

Case closed.

Ya so,proof one way oth the other died with the shooter.
Only desperate people or very foolish ones would attempt an OP like this

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