Prop gun fired by Alex Baldwin on movie set loaded with ‘a live single round’, says Hollywood union

If it happened in New Mexico, all that Hollywood clout won't matter. There might even be real accountability. I won't hold my breath though.
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Wow, the plot thickens.

Start with who had motive. Who was the intended target? The director of photography or the Director of the movie?

LOS ANGELES — The gun that killed a movie cinematographer on an Alec Baldwin film set in New Mexico contained a single live round, a Hollywood union said in a memo to members, according to movie industry trade publications.

In the email that IATSE Local 44 sent to its members, the fatal shooting was described as an “an accidental weapons discharge” in which “a live single round was accidentally fired on set by the principal actor, hitting both the Director of Photography, Local 600 member Halnya Hutchins, and Director Joel Souza….

“Local 44 has confirmed that the Props, Set Decoration, Special Effects and Construction Departments were staffed by New Mexico crew members. There were no Local 44 members on the call sheet,” Secretary-Treasurer Anthony Pawluc said in the email, according to Variety and IndieWire.

Baldwin fatally fatally shot the cinematographer and wounded the director when he discharged the prop gun on a movie set in New Mexico on Thursday. The shot came in the middle of a scene that was either being rehearsed or filmed, the New York Times reported.
I reckon that ends the days where movie directors argue with Alec.

So when does Alec sue the NRA for damages?
Just know that New Mexico is soft on crime. I would be surprised if authorities do anything. Unless they get a lot of backlash. Then they will blame and railroad some non union local crew member.

Of course. John Landis got off after he killed Vic Morrow and two kids on the set of the Twilight Zone movie. Rich liberals don't have consequences in this country.
I reckon that ends the days where movie directors argue with Alec.

So when does Alec sue the NRA for damages?

Humour in tragedy. What more can we do from afar? I'm guessing Baldwin won't have any further problems with co-stars either, noone will be in the habit of upsetting him on set.
Still can't understand why it's being called a "prop gun". If it can fire live rounds its a gun. So that begs the question why in the hell is Hollywood using real guns?

If I remember correctly Brandon Lee was also killed on a set with a "Prop" gun.... The question is why are these guns loaded with live rounds if they're supposed to be loaded with blanks? Shouldn't the actors be responsible when they're handling weapons as everyone one else is?
When handled a weapon the first thing I do is open the breech and unload it to make sure it's safe while i'm handling it.
So let me get this straight, the union is claiming this happened due to non-union workers being used?
I'd just like to say that you folks insisting that Baldwin is a murderer are an ignorant pack of dipshits.

It was a fucking accident.

And I don't even like Alec Baldwin...

Can you really say an adult pointing a gun at someone and intentionally pulling the trigger is an accident?
I'd just like to say that you folks insisting that Baldwin is a murderer are an ignorant pack of dipshits.

It was a fucking accident.

And I don't even like Alec Baldwin...
You do understand that one can be held accountable for an accident they cause???
Brandon Lee was not killed by a live round. There was a bullet lodged in the barrel of the gun and the blank round behind it propelled the stuck bullet into Lee.

This incident was different. Baldwin aimed a gun at a person without knowing what was in the chamber. He's a murderer.
A good ol' boy Trump supporter named Bubba will be happy to have Alec for his new roommate!

Isn't karma pretty?
I bet Baldwin will say that since he unsafely used a firearm that nobody else in the US should be allowed to use one because, you know, they are sooooo unsafe.
I bet Baldwin will say that since he unsafely used a firearm that nobody else in the US should be allowed to use one because, you know, they are sooooo unsafe.

He already believed that, but this incident gives a lot of weight to the idea that mentally unstable leftists like Baldwin should not have access to firearms. He's a walking red flag.

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