Prop gun fired by Alex Baldwin on movie set loaded with ‘a live single round’, says Hollywood union

There are no facts in your video.


So fuck off...
you could not counter a single one so you obviously did not watch it so YOU fuck off butthurt loser. your such a stupid dumbfuck you dont even realise the majority of actors in hollywood are involved in child pedophile and child trafficking INCLUDING baldwin which proves he is an evil man you fag. :auiqs.jpg: would expect this kind of juvenile behavioutr out of someone who has his head up bill belicheats ass. :auiqs.jpg:
your the coward,you keep evading the facts in the video of mine in this post and how this post proves that Baldwin is indeed an evil person who does not think twice about murdering someone

He was sure a swell guy with his daughter
Sounded like a mental monster
How so? What evidence do you have that Baldwin knew there was a live round in the chamber? You think Baldwin is really that stupid?

The real question is how did a live round get in the chamber & who did it?

Balwin is an ahole, but he's no killer.

He is indeed a killer. He just killed someone. Whether he's a murderer or not is still open to debate, but he is a killer. Forever and always.
You have exceeded the board limit of asking the same bullshit question more than 5 times:2up:
AND proving what a coward he is that cant admit defeat and cannot address or refute facts in a video and just dismisses them proving he never watched it. he cant debate worth a shit,time to move on to the next idiot who believes he accidently shot her.
you could not counter a single one so you obviously did not watch it so YOU fuck off butthurt loser. your such a stupid dumbfuck you dont even realise the majority of actors in hollywood are involved in child pedophile and child trafficking INCLUDING baldwin which proves he is an evil man you fag. :auiqs.jpg: would expect this kind of juvenile behavioutr out of someone who has his head up bill belicheats ass. :auiqs.jpg:

You're seriously off the reservation...
He was sure a swell guy with his daughter
Sounded like a mental monster
what stupid fucks like canon cannot accept is the majority of actors in hollywood got to be famous as they are because hollywood is involved in child trafficking and pedophile and Baldwin is one of them so that alone peroves what an evil monster he is. that is why you never see mel gibson in movies anymore cause he has come and and exposed child pedophile and has said that most actors out there are in on it
AND proving what a coward he is that cant admit defeat and cannot address or refute facts in a video and just dismisses them proving he never watched it. he cant debate worth a shit,time to move on to the next idiot who believes he accidently shot her.
Participation ribbons and censoring of differing opinions leaves these people in a place where they can’t distinguish, and don’t want to, winning versus losing.
Look at the way they carry on with TDS. They cannot make part of themselves that Biden won.
Does she have a second job to pay the bills? She can't be doing much film work. Almost every working actor alive is a member of the Screen Actor's Guild. Their current membership is north of 163,000...
She does mostly casting for commercials and radio stuff I think. She’s a complete TDS moron and masked Covidian as well.
Participation ribbons and censoring of differing opinions leaves these people in a place where they can’t distinguish, and don’t want to, winning versus losing.
Look at the way they carry on with TDS. They cannot make part of themselves that Biden won.
I think you MEAN to say TRUMP won.only the deluded America hating commie lovers deny that reality. that was just a typo mistake of yours right?
I'm trying to figure out why Local 44 is running its mouth, considering the propmaster for "Rust" isn't a member of Local 44.

I also find it interesting that Local 44, which has not been in any position to examine the gun, has been able to conclude that it contained a live round...

Evidently the prop people in New Mexico ARE from 44. They have affiliates all over. And, they are trying to cover their asses, that's why.
I'm going to address this to your 23rd chromosome:

No, it's not. The accident occurs when someone doesn't prep the gun properly (that would be the responsibility of the prop master).

The investigation isn't over; probably far from it. We don't even know if there was a live round in the gun to begin with...
Yes we do. An eye witness and a union spokesman have said as much. One shot. Went through the first victim and then penetrated the second that was standing behind her.
I wonder what his training is in rendering a round inert. See, because most actors rely on a property master for stuff like that. That's why that person is the property master. He's responsible for every prop used in a movie, and is responsible for ensuring that each functions the way it was intended.

Last time I checked, Baldwin wasn't the property master...

Once again, it doesn't matter. No weapon, even if loaded with blanks, is EVER to be pointed at ANYONE, while on set. That is a rule that if broken is instant firing, and you won't ever work in the industry again. I was on set for a production once when the co-star of the movie pointed the revolver he was carrying directly at the star of the movie, the propmaster nearly tackled him to stop him from doing that.

That actor hasn't had an acting job since.
I'm going to address this to your 23rd chromosome:

No, it's not. The accident occurs when someone doesn't prep the gun properly (that would be the responsibility of the prop master).

The investigation isn't over; probably far from it. We don't even know if there was a live round in the gun to begin with...

Completely untrue. ALL actors, when being handed the firearm are instructed to aim 30 degrees away from the intended "target" because of safety reasons, and because the camera can't tell. This is at the least "Criminally Negligent Homicide".
Doesn't matter who prepped the gun, once he accepted it, he's responsible. The accident angle is BS, these victims weren't actors on the set, they were innocent bystanders.

The union said live round, or is this Grassy Gnoll Hollywood style?
:yes_text12::thankusmile: could not have said it better myself.are you aware of these facts below Rogue AI westwall

only an idiot would not put two and two together this was a murder committed by Baldwin,the fucking evil monster along with most the majority of actors in hollywood are involved in child trafficking and child pedophile and baldwin is one of them,that alone proves how evil he is and that he is evil enough to murder someone. that along does not prove he murdered that lady but it proves he IS evil and this video here DOES prove he murdered he dumbass.
How so? What evidence do you have that Baldwin knew there was a live round in the chamber? You think Baldwin is really that stupid?

The real question is how did a live round get in the chamber & who did it?

Balwin is an ahole, but he's no killer.

he is absolutely a killer you moron, he KILLED a woman. The only question is what crime, if any, will he face.

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