Prophet Muhammad Birth !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 | [].avi.avi

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
[ame=]The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube[/ame]

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
[ame=]Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube[/ame]

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.
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Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God.

One down two to go.

Just got to clear up slavery and cruelty and you guys will be alllll done.

do you think you will need another 2000 years or so, or will 1000 more do?
Anthony Quinn Playing Mohammed! :lol:

A cheesy greek actor is allowed to portray Mohammed? And that's not a sin?
Btw, is there a 9 year old girl who follows Tony around the whole movie?
Prophet Muhammad started the message of Islam in Arabia at a time when human rights had no meaning, might was right and the society was entrenched in paganism. In this environment Prophet Muhammad taught a message of justice, peace, human rights, animal rights and even environmental rights as ordained by God, the One True Creator of all that is in the universe.

God has shown us in the character of Prophet Muhammad the model of a companionate person. He treated every one, friends and foe, man and woman, young and old, with kindness and respect.

Even when the pagan Arabs reacted to the message of the Prophet with extreme hatred he showed love and kindness.

Here are examples from the life of the Prophet .

Abu Huraira reproted:
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, was told, “O Messenger of Allah, pray against the idolaters!” So he said, “Verily, I was not sent to invoke curses, but rather I was only sent as a mercy

The Prophet Muhammad taught love, kindness and compassion to his people, and was seen to be the most loving, kind, and compassionate of all of them. The Quran mentions his kind and gentle behavior in these words: "O Messenger of Allah! It is a great Mercy of God that you are gentle and kind towards them; for, had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would all have broken away from you" (Quran 3:159).

There are many instances that show his kindness and gentleness, especially to the weak and the poor. Anas, who was his helper, said: "I served Allah's Messenger for ten years and he never said to me, 'Shame' or 'Why did you do such-and-such a thing?' or 'Why did you not do such-and-such a thing?'" (Bukhari, 2038).

Once he said to his wife: "0 'A'ishah! Never turn away any needy man from your door empty-handed. 0 'A'ishah! Love the poor; bring them near to you and God will bring you near to Him on the Day of Resurrection". He also went much further on to say: "Seek me among your weak ones, for you are given provision, or you are given help only by reason of the presence of your weak ones". (Rahman, Encyclopedia of Seerah, VOL. VIII, p. 151) God Almighty is Kind, and the Prophet imitated Allah's example in its perfection by showing kindness to his servants and all creatures without any regard for their beliefs, color or nationality. The Prophet said: "God is kind and likes kindness in all things" (Bukhari, 6601). - The Kindness of Prophet Muhammad (s)

The love and compassion of Allaah’s Messenger
for all kinds of creatures was not of the kind claimed by today’s ‘humanists’. He was sincere and balanced in his love and compassion. He was more compassionate than any other person. He was a Prophet raised by Allaah, the Creator and Sustainer of all beings, for the guidance and happiness of conscious beings - mankind and jinn - and the harmony of existence. Therefore, he lived not for himself but for others; he is a mercy for all the worlds.

“Indeed, in this [Quran] is notification for a worshipping people. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” [Quran: 21:106-107]

Prophet Muhammad visited a garden with his friends. In the corner was a very thin, weak and tired camel. As soon as the camel saw Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it burst into tears. The Noble Messenger immediately went to see it, stayed with it for a while, then he called on the owner of the garden and he scolded him and wanted him to take good care of the animal.

He, as an astounding message from God, embraced the humankind with a love that includes the all humanity and existences. Here, we see how His compassion goes beyond humanism as He taught us respect for all creation in the universe as God created it with the perfection of ecological balance, art, and wisdom. He modeled how animal rights are actually performed more than 1400 years ago. Let’s remember the Quran verses again:

We have not sent thee but as a (Messenger) to all mankind, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men know not. Chapter Sabaa 28
O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner,- Chapter Ahzab 46

The universal mercy of Prophet Muhammad | The Prophet of Mercy Website
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Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).



Umm Qirfa Fatima, daughter of Rabi'a, was a very old women when Zayd led an attack against her village. This old lady was capture and ordered to be killed. As cruel as it is to kill an old helpless woman, Muhammad's disciple had lost all feelings of human decency and ordered Qays b. Al-Musahhar to kill her.

Like cruel animals sporting with prey, Muhammad's warriors decided to rip Umm's body in two. They were getting excited, soon they would hear her cries for mercy, screams, and the sounds of her bones breaking inside her stretched out body. They grabbed her legs and tied each leg to a separate rope. They did not want to kill her first and then desecrate her body. They needed the screams, the breaking bones, the tearing flesh, and the hot pulsating blood flowing from her body to have a climax of sadistic pleasure. After the ropes were tied firmly and securely to two strong camels, they whipped the camels, driving them to pull with their greatest force. At first there were just the cries for mercy, and then the screams of unbearable pain. After that, the bones started to break and joints between bones pulled apart. Finally, the flesh and blood vessels tore apart and her frail body ripped in two. Their diabolic sport had no sense of modesty when they exposed her body to their prying eyes. Finally, the sadistic pleasure was over, and they had to untied the ropes from the camels that were pulling the two pieces of her mangled and bloody corpse.

Ripped Apart

What's merciful about this?
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 | [].avi.avi

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.

Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.
That is good to finally have a depiction of the life and message of Mohammad that Muslims actually approve. It's better than hostile rejections of other depictions, or banning images altogether which does not help.

The universal Message or Messiah, is the Message of "RESTORATIVE JUSTICE" which Christ Jesus embodies and represents for all humanity.

Anyone is "antichrist" (or false govt authority) who abuses the message of Mohammad and Quran (or the Bible or any other religion or even secular laws of govt) to preach "retributive justice" with revenge instead of correction with mercy and forgiveness

Anyone is a "false prophet" (or false religion) who abuses hate speech to spread division and war by "unforgiveness" which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of Healing Grace.

Anyone including Mohammad is a true teacher or prophet who brings about "restorative justice" by forgiveness, correction, restitution and healing of relations among people.

You can tell who is truly your neighbor in "Christ Jesus" by who brings unity in the spirit of "Restorative Justice" to establish Truth through Justice as God and Jesus represent.
That is good to finally have a depiction of the life and message of Mohammad that Muslims actually approve. It's better than hostile rejections of other depictions, or banning images altogether which does not help.

The universal Message or Messiah, is the Message of "RESTORATIVE JUSTICE" which Christ Jesus embodies and represents for all humanity.

Anyone is "antichrist" (or false govt authority) who abuses the message of Mohammad and Quran (or the Bible or any other religion or even secular laws of govt) to preach "retributive justice" with revenge instead of correction with mercy and forgiveness

Anyone is a "false prophet" (or false religion) who abuses hate speech to spread division and war by "unforgiveness" which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of Healing Grace.

Anyone including Mohammad is a true teacher or prophet who brings about "restorative justice" by forgiveness, correction, restitution and healing of relations among people.

You can tell who is truly your neighbor in "Christ Jesus" by who brings unity in the spirit of "Restorative Justice" to establish Truth through Justice as God and Jesus represent.
I honestly don't understand how you can attribute concepts such as "restorative justice" to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology invented by an Arab warlord.

There is no conception of restorative justice held by moslems Wha are are stuck fast in a bygone age of military conquests over the infidels from India to Spain, and a once relevant impact on world politics. The ideology is imprisoned by a violent and totalitarian mind-set that was perhaps relevant on the Arabian Peninsula fourteen centuries ago, but now brings only misery to those subjected to it. Through its adherence to an inflexible denial of any versatility of its religious dogma, the moslem world has stagnated since the Middle Ages and has been left behind in the opportunities for advancement and coexistence. Moslems were once, certainly, a fearsome and destructive military force. The mass transnational conquests that followed the death of their warlord "prophet" rivaled those of the Romans and the Mongolians.
That is good to finally have a depiction of the life and message of Mohammad that Muslims actually approve. It's better than hostile rejections of other depictions, or banning images altogether which does not help.

The universal Message or Messiah, is the Message of "RESTORATIVE JUSTICE" which Christ Jesus embodies and represents for all humanity.

Anyone is "antichrist" (or false govt authority) who abuses the message of Mohammad and Quran (or the Bible or any other religion or even secular laws of govt) to preach "retributive justice" with revenge instead of correction with mercy and forgiveness

Anyone is a "false prophet" (or false religion) who abuses hate speech to spread division and war by "unforgiveness" which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of Healing Grace.

Anyone including Mohammad is a true teacher or prophet who brings about "restorative justice" by forgiveness, correction, restitution and healing of relations among people.

You can tell who is truly your neighbor in "Christ Jesus" by who brings unity in the spirit of "Restorative Justice" to establish Truth through Justice as God and Jesus represent.
"Holy Spirit of Healing Grace"
Sounds like something you'd learn in rehab. :D
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 | [].avi.avi

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.

Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.

Can't you guys leave that crap out of one thread?
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 | [].avi.avi

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.

Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.

Can't you guys leave that crap out of one thread?

Because I have a appreciation for something called the truth. Unfortunately for Islam you can't candy coat Mohammads life.

They obviously also need understand that not all people share the same benevolent view of Mohammad and Allah that they do. They riot and kill an ambassador and can't understand why were upset. We are trying to tell them, We don't believe in your god or your prophet. You can't infringe on our rights to disagree with you.

I post what I post because Americans have this odd Idea that Allah is the same god JudeoChristians worship and he's not. I want Americans to know who Mohammad was, what he stood for and by supporting Islam they also support the acts of Mohammad to that end.

Muslims are immigrating to America by the boatload and will probably have culture shock like they have in many countires in Europe. Large Scale immigration of Muslims IMO is not in the best interest of Muslims or Americans. There are 50+ muslim countries in the world that they can turn to and live a much happier life in the way they are used to. Lets face it, if Muslims are this butthurt over a third rate film nobody would have cared about in the first place, are they a good fit for the Freedoms of America?

I have been called a pig and a whore on this board by one who I assume is muslim, for posting my opinion. Considering I have a mouth that would make the devil blush, I think I'm doing a decent job of not being overly nasty and trying to keep it to just debate.
Last edited:
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 |

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.

Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.

Can't you guys leave that crap out of one thread?

What guys?

Mohammad raped children, taught that it was fine if Muslims raped non Muslim married women and their children, and had no trouble breaking his promises. Anyone that wants to talk about the smeg eating pedophile is going to have to talk about the real person, not a glorified version of him that was perfect. If you don't like the truth go find a Muslim board that bans people who tell the truth.
Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.

Can't you guys leave that crap out of one thread?

What guys?

Mohammad raped children, taught that it was fine if Muslims raped non Muslim married women and their children, and had no trouble breaking his promises. Anyone that wants to talk about the smeg eating pedophile is going to have to talk about the real person, not a glorified version of him that was perfect. If you don't like the truth go find a Muslim board that bans people who tell the truth.

If Ancient Lion went into a thread about Christmas on Christmas and shit all over it, you and your Christian buddies would flip out.
Good old Mohammad. A real chip off the old block:
Genesis 16:12 - He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his.
Prophesy 6,000 years ago that we see the evidence of today.
One of his accomplishments that the Muslims are most proud of is lying.
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 |

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.

Fuck that smeg eating pedophile false prophet.

Anthony Quinn was a false prophet?
Go figure!

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