Prophet Muhammad Birth !

Kind of like Jesus???

Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

i think the point was that to outsiders, it all looks the same in that regard.

Then such outsiders need to learn to overcome ignorance.

Seems like you Muslims revere your god's so called prophet as much as god himself.

Isn't that some kind of sin?

Kind of like Jesus???

Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

Did god make his son gay on purpose or was it a random mistake? :D
Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

i think the point was that to outsiders, it all looks the same in that regard.

Then such outsiders need to learn to overcome ignorance.


Ignorance? Ha! Spent a few years in the Christian religion. Read the post I quoted, you didn't get my point.
Mohammed woulda kicked Jesus' ass bigtime! :D

I am sure you are right....

mohommed= violent man preaching violent intolorant religion

jesus=peaceful man preaching peaceful tolerant religion
i think the point was that to outsiders, it all looks the same in that regard.

Then such outsiders need to learn to overcome ignorance.


Ignorance? Ha! Spent a few years in the Christian religion. Read the post I quoted, you didn't get my point.

No. I rejected it. There's a difference. If it LOOKS the same to an OUTSIDER when it is clearly NOT the same, then their impression IS based on ignorance.
Mohammed woulda kicked Jesus' ass bigtime! :D

I am sure you are right....

mohommed= violent man preaching violent intolorant religion

jesus=peaceful man preaching peaceful tolerant religion

None of them matter to you because you are Jewish. So Jewish people love kicking on Islam and Chrstisnity. But they will never talk about Judaism which
considers everyone else an animal and it's legal to kill animals
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I don't think anyone ment it as a personal attack on a Ancient Lion. That said give respect,get respect. Islam gives no respect to anyone who isn't Islamic. They trash the Jews every chance they get,scream about burning the Koran and yet burn bibles, In Pakistan they kidnap Christian girls, rape them, force them to convert. Their families never see them again. A Christian woman in Egypt tied to a bed,raped tortured and killed by Muslims and a cross rammed through her mouth. I could go on and on. Was it respect when they killed our ambassador?

Islam helped the jews against Christians many times in history. Christian were killing Jews and not allowing them to worship. Muslim in history did allow it. So don't be hypocritical of Islam and you are attacking every Islam related thread. What's your cause?

All examples I gave are recent, not in history or I could get into it much deeper. I'm talking about the here and now.

Because Americans are supporting and defending Islam but they know nothing about Islam. I want them to know what they are defending. If they think Mohammad was supposed to be a holy man. I want them to know there is nothing Holy about him. The Koran is not the word of God, it's the rantings of Mohammad an unholy murdering,pedophile and cruel war lord. I want them to know what to expect now that large groups muslims are immigrating to America. I don't want what happened in Europe to happen here where Muslims come in and block the streets praying,want to introduce Sharia law,and don't want to assimilate into our society but want us to follow theirs. I don't want them to bring their traditions like honor killings,marrying nine year old girls and over all ridiculous rules for women.

Most of all, if Muslims get insulted, and living in America you're pretty much guarenteed to get insulted,we have freedom of speech and don't hold back on our words. I don't want Muslims throwing hissy fits like the BS that happened last week in the Middle East in my home town. It's a crappy movie,the Koran at the end of the day is just a book, Barnes and Noble sells them for ten bucks. If somebody burns one, don't worry there are 1000's more where that came from, so get a grip and keep the peace.

Ok then say you are speaking of recent days. You made it sound like Muslims were punishing Jews. Not true at all. Muslims saved the Jews many times in history
Kind of like Jesus???

Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

Did god make his son gay on purpose or was it a random mistake? :D

And you think Christ was gay because.......................?
Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

Did god make his son gay on purpose or was it a random mistake? :D

And you think Christ was gay because.......................?

It fits her agenda.
Kind of like Jesus???

Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

Did god make his son gay on purpose or was it a random mistake? :D

To discuss that with you, one would have to accept your unsupported and rather stupid premise. You are far too much of a plodding ineffectual troll to be of any actual interest.
Hello everyone :)

In this days muslims remember the birth of the mercy to mankind, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him and his true followers to the day of recompense).

He was born at the month of Rabee' Alawwal, and I take this as a chance to present some gifts about him, i hope u like it.

1- The Message - The Story of Islam

It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad has seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)

Anthony Quinn
Irene Papas
Michael Ansara
Johnny Sekka
Michael Forest

Part 1 | [].avi.avi

Part 2 | [].avi

DivX Player

The full movie on Youtube:
The Message (MOVIE) - A Film On The Life Of Holy Prophet Mohammed(P.B.U.H).flv - YouTube

2- Muhammad Nabeena - song from
Muhammad Nabeena - YouTube

(The complete audio of the song, here:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. )


The islamic calender, begins with the month of AlMuharram, which coincide with the hijrah.
Giving reverence to a baby raping liar has to be the biggest sin.
Kind of like Jesus???

Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

i think the point was that to outsiders, it all looks the same in that regard.

i think the point is they are nothing alike. Jesus was not a pedophile, never attacked anyone, never lied, and preached nothing but love.
Mohammed was a pedophile prophet and it is not part of Islamic belief that the old scumbag was divine.

In the Christian religion, by contrast, it IS part of the faith that Jesus was both the SON of GOD and therefore Divine in his own right.

So, no. Not "kind of like Jesus."

i think the point was that to outsiders, it all looks the same in that regard.

i think the point is they are nothing alike. Jesus was not a pedophile, never attacked anyone, never lied, and preached nothing but love.

The pedophile rant has been disproved. Hadith says Aisha got married when her sister was 30 and she was 10 years younger. These are Islamic sources and that makes her 19-20

Muhamammad couldn't attack anyone moron his group was very tiny compared to the population and they were persecuted.

As for Jesus, Jesus was a great guy and one of the top human beings in the world.

And remember Muhamamd eventually had to guide a whole nation. So he had to teach them a lot more. And he was their final warning and tried his best.

Now are you gonna just ignore? Or are you up for a serious discussion?
i think the point was that to outsiders, it all looks the same in that regard.

i think the point is they are nothing alike. Jesus was not a pedophile, never attacked anyone, never lied, and preached nothing but love.

The pedophile rant has been disproved. Hadith says Aisha got married when her sister was 30 and she was 10 years younger. These are Islamic sources and that makes her 19-20

Muhamammad couldn't attack anyone moron his group was very tiny compared to the population and they were persecuted.

As for Jesus, Jesus was a great guy and one of the top human beings in the world.

And remember Muhamamd eventually had to guide a whole nation. So he had to teach them a lot more. And he was their final warning and tried his best.

Now are you gonna just ignore? Or are you up for a serious discussion?

There are Islamic sources that contradict the Islamic sources that say she was a child? You guys can't even keep your story straight, can you?
i think the point is they are nothing alike. Jesus was not a pedophile, never attacked anyone, never lied, and preached nothing but love.

The pedophile rant has been disproved. Hadith says Aisha got married when her sister was 30 and she was 10 years younger. These are Islamic sources and that makes her 19-20

Muhamammad couldn't attack anyone moron his group was very tiny compared to the population and they were persecuted.

As for Jesus, Jesus was a great guy and one of the top human beings in the world.

And remember Muhamamd eventually had to guide a whole nation. So he had to teach them a lot more. And he was their final warning and tried his best.

Now are you gonna just ignore? Or are you up for a serious discussion?

There are Islamic sources that contradict the Islamic sources that say she was a child? You guys can't even keep your story straight, can you?

There are a depends where you get your sources....sunni schools (hanafia, Maliki, shafi, hanbali) are known to be sources from certain writers of Hadith....some say different and some writers are not trustworthy. Shia Hadith writers will do anything to demonize Aisha and Muhamamd...from what I've seen she was 19-20. Will we know exactly? Im not sure it was very long ago
I bet Mohammed's birth wasn't a virgin birth like Jesus, and you'd have a hard time convincing anyone that there are any virgins in the arab world. :D

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