Prophet Muhammad Birth !

poor thing.... sucks when a girl gets the better of you doesn't it?

You're a girl? Lol if you didn't care you wouldn't respond ugly :lol::lol::lol:

Go cry some more whiner :lol::D

yes, you are very laughable. The only one crying and whining is you....

Keep bitching more. I speak with you with respect 5 posts in a row. Yet you kept insulting me. Then you tell me I'm whining. What a dirty heart you have

I'm done trying to be nice to you. No more nice guy
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You're a girl? Lol if you didn't care you wouldn't respond ugly :lol::lol::lol:

Go cry some more whiner :lol::D

yes, you are very laughable. The only one crying and whining is you....

Keep bitching more. I speak with you with respect 5 posts in a row. Yet you kept insulting me. Then you tell me I'm whining. What a dirty heart you have

I'm done trying to be nice to you. No more nice guy

another tough guy hiding behind the PM rule..... do not speak with public or private. You only think that you do. Anything not inline with your world view is disrespect.... very typical....muslim.... way of thinking.

yes, you are very laughable. The only one crying and whining is you....

Keep bitching more. I speak with you with respect 5 posts in a row. Yet you kept insulting me. Then you tell me I'm whining. What a dirty heart you have

I'm done trying to be nice to you. No more nice guy

another tough guy hiding behind the PM rule..... do not speak with public or private. You only think that you do. Anything not inline with your world view is disrespect.... very typical....muslim.... way of thinking.

Oh so now you want to somehow tell me you're not a bigot? You let it out good job

I was talking with logcial4u and you jumped in and said it fits my agenda somehow? What are you smoking? Think before you post or something

This has nothin to do with PMs in this thread I spoke with respect and patience for a few posts. You jumped in. I didn't ask you anything.
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Keep bitching more. I speak with you with respect 5 posts in a row. Yet you kept insulting me. Then you tell me I'm whining. What a dirty heart you have

I'm done trying to be nice to you. No more nice guy

another tough guy hiding behind the PM rule..... do not speak with public or private. You only think that you do. Anything not inline with your world view is disrespect.... very typical....muslim.... way of thinking.

Oh so now you want to somehow tell me you're not a bigot? You let it out good job

I was talking with logcial4u and you jumped in and said it fits my agenda somehow? What are you smoking? Think before you post or something

This has nothin to do with PMs in this thread I spoke with respect and patience for a few posts. You jumped in. I didn't ask you anything.

Again...the truth is not is the truth. To bad you dont like the truth of anything not inline with your(muslim) world view is disrespect......

i hate to inform you... but i can jump into any convo and comment on anything at any time i care to comment..... I am sure that logicial4u is not intimidated or annoyed by that.

you talked about respect and not insulting you.... at least i do my insulting in public. Unlike you...yes indeed, it does have to do with what goes on behind in PM.

Hi, you have received -34 reputation points from BecauseIKnow.
Reputation was given for this post.

Bigoted. Flawed anti Muslim logic.


Note: This is an automated message.
another tough guy hiding behind the PM rule..... do not speak with public or private. You only think that you do. Anything not inline with your world view is disrespect.... very typical....muslim.... way of thinking.

Oh so now you want to somehow tell me you're not a bigot? You let it out good job

I was talking with logcial4u and you jumped in and said it fits my agenda somehow? What are you smoking? Think before you post or something

This has nothin to do with PMs in this thread I spoke with respect and patience for a few posts. You jumped in. I didn't ask you anything.

Again...the truth is not is the truth. To bad you dont like the truth of anything not inline with your(muslim) world view is disrespect......

i hate to inform you... but i can jump into any convo and comment on anything at any time i care to comment..... I am sure that logicial4u is not intimidated or annoyed by that.

you talked about respect and not insulting you.... at least i do my insulting in public. Unlike you...yes indeed, it does have to do with what goes on behind in PM.

Hi, you have received -34 reputation points from BecauseIKnow.
Reputation was given for this post.

Bigoted. Flawed anti Muslim logic.


Note: This is an automated message.

How is that a Muslim view? I was responding to his POV that war is inevitable. And you jumped in and directly insulted me. Are you crazy!? It's all in you're head you bigot. Muslims can have opinions this isn't nazi Germany bigot girl

Don't talk about no truth. Truth is that's what you believe. That Muslims are irrelavant.
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Oh so now you want to somehow tell me you're not a bigot? You let it out good job

I was talking with logcial4u and you jumped in and said it fits my agenda somehow? What are you smoking? Think before you post or something

This has nothin to do with PMs in this thread I spoke with respect and patience for a few posts. You jumped in. I didn't ask you anything.

Again...the truth is not is the truth. To bad you dont like the truth of anything not inline with your(muslim) world view is disrespect......

i hate to inform you... but i can jump into any convo and comment on anything at any time i care to comment..... I am sure that logicial4u is not intimidated or annoyed by that.

you talked about respect and not insulting you.... at least i do my insulting in public. Unlike you...yes indeed, it does have to do with what goes on behind in PM.

Hi, you have received -34 reputation points from BecauseIKnow.
Reputation was given for this post.

Bigoted. Flawed anti Muslim logic.


Note: This is an automated message.

How is that a Muslim view? I was responding to his POV that war is inevitable. And you jumped in and directly insulted me. Are you crazy!? It's all in you're head you bigot. Muslims can have opinions this isn't nazi Germany bigot girl

Don't talk about no truth. Truth is that's what you believe. That Muslims are irrelavant.

War is inevitable... is not a muslim view when it comes to isreal? Really?

Considering every ME muslim run country has called for the death and destruction of isreal...that is rather a laughable statement you want to porport.

That opinion is not in my head but well recognized fact.

Do tell...where have i ever said that muslims cant have opinions? Unlike you...who have told me on many occosians to shut up and but out....... :lmao:
Again...the truth is not is the truth. To bad you dont like the truth of anything not inline with your(muslim) world view is disrespect......

i hate to inform you... but i can jump into any convo and comment on anything at any time i care to comment..... I am sure that logicial4u is not intimidated or annoyed by that.

you talked about respect and not insulting you.... at least i do my insulting in public. Unlike you...yes indeed, it does have to do with what goes on behind in PM.

How is that a Muslim view? I was responding to his POV that war is inevitable. And you jumped in and directly insulted me. Are you crazy!? It's all in you're head you bigot. Muslims can have opinions this isn't nazi Germany bigot girl

Don't talk about no truth. Truth is that's what you believe. That Muslims are irrelavant.

War is inevitable... is not a muslim view when it comes to isreal? Really?

Considering every ME muslim run country has called for the death and destruction of isreal...that is rather a laughable statement you want to porport.

That opinion is not in my head but well recognized fact.

Do tell...where have i ever said that muslims cant have opinions? Unlike you...who have told me on many occosians to shut up and but out....... :lmao:

Every Muslim country has a treaty with Israel and they work and trade together. Can you name those countries? The ones you claim their governments are calling for the destruction of Israel? Go learn a few facts. You facsist
How is that a Muslim view? I was responding to his POV that war is inevitable. And you jumped in and directly insulted me. Are you crazy!? It's all in you're head you bigot. Muslims can have opinions this isn't nazi Germany bigot girl

Don't talk about no truth. Truth is that's what you believe. That Muslims are irrelavant.

War is inevitable... is not a muslim view when it comes to isreal? Really?

Considering every ME muslim run country has called for the death and destruction of isreal...that is rather a laughable statement you want to porport.

That opinion is not in my head but well recognized fact.

Do tell...where have i ever said that muslims cant have opinions? Unlike you...who have told me on many occosians to shut up and but out....... :lmao:

Every Muslim country has a treaty with Israel and they work and trade together. Can you name those countries? The ones you claim their governments are calling for the destruction of Israel? Go learn a few facts. You facsist


then you are a bigger fool then you appear to be.

War is inevitable... is not a muslim view when it comes to isreal? Really?

Considering every ME muslim run country has called for the death and destruction of isreal...that is rather a laughable statement you want to porport.

That opinion is not in my head but well recognized fact.

Do tell...where have i ever said that muslims cant have opinions? Unlike you...who have told me on many occosians to shut up and but out....... :lmao:

Every Muslim country has a treaty with Israel and they work and trade together. Can you name those countries? The ones you claim their governments are calling for the destruction of Israel? Go learn a few facts. You facsist


then you are a bigger fool then you appear to be.

Deflecting, Name those countries that called for the destruction of Israel.
That's what I thought its been 10 minutes and she hasn't backed up her claim that all Muslim countries governments call for the destruction of Israel.
Every Muslim country has a treaty with Israel and they work and trade together. Can you name those countries? The ones you claim their governments are calling for the destruction of Israel? Go learn a few facts. You facsist


then you are a bigger fool then you appear to be.

Deflecting, Name those countries that called for the destruction of Israel.

not deflecting at all.... just amused at how much of a fool you are.


then you are a bigger fool then you appear to be.

Deflecting, Name those countries that called for the destruction of Israel.

not deflecting at all.... just amused at how much of a fool you are.

Yes you are deflecting, you made it sound like you were so confident of your claim that every Muslim country calls for the destruction of Israel and I said name them and back it up with sources. You made the claim and you're lying about it.
I already told you it's used as a deference and many translate it differently. But I'm not here to discuss Iran. A random Christian started bringing things up. And he allowed a response to an attack. You can support Israel all you want. It doesn't matter to me :cool:

Denial is not just a river!

I already told you I'm not for the Iranian government. They aren't honest upright and I'm angry with what's happening in Syria. But I believe in their right to self defense. If Israel can quickly destroy nuclear facilities and everything will be over in weeks. That's better. But Iran isn't Iraq and it is harder to find the locations and hit them. That's why Israeli leaders still believe in diplomacy right now. No of them justified a war yet. :)

Yes, we see your words "translating" what was said into what you "want" to be said.
I agree, they are not "honest upright". That is the problem with islam, too many use the teachings of deceit to deceive those that do not believe as they do (even among muslims). Those that deal with them, have no way of knowing which is honest and which is deceitful. Do you believe that the women have the right to defend themselves in the ME? Do you believe that the mobs that come and attack Christians or Jews (as blasphemers, that could be made up or not), should be killed by the attacked in self defence?

Denial is not just a river!

I already told you I'm not for the Iranian government. They aren't honest upright and I'm angry with what's happening in Syria. But I believe in their right to self defense. If Israel can quickly destroy nuclear facilities and everything will be over in weeks. That's better. But Iran isn't Iraq and it is harder to find the locations and hit them. That's why Israeli leaders still believe in diplomacy right now. No of them justified a war yet. :)

Yes, we see your words "translating" what was said into what you "want" to be said.
I agree, they are not "honest upright". That is the problem with islam, too many use the teachings of deceit to deceive those that do not believe as they do (even among muslims). Those that deal with them, have no way of knowing which is honest and which is deceitful. Do you believe that the women have the right to defend themselves in the ME? Do you believe that the mobs that come and attack Christians or Jews (as blasphemers, that could be made up or not), should be killed by the attacked in self defence?


I'm not for the Iranian government, especially their spiritual leader stuff....I'm not sure what to expect. There is talk before the elections. There might not be anything that will happen. We ordinary people don't know that. And their reason is deterence, they haven't stated they want a nuclear weopon. But behind their statements it says...but the deterence is good for their nation. Petrodollar stuff, sort or how Saddam wanted. They might want to do's a long discussion. But they should have a right but obviously the international world doesn't recognize that. I don't see that much point in discussing it....near the elections or after is the time to discuss it.
Deflecting, Name those countries that called for the destruction of Israel.

not deflecting at all.... just amused at how much of a fool you are.

Yes you are deflecting, you made it sound like you were so confident of your claim that every Muslim country calls for the destruction of Israel and I said name them and back it up with sources. You made the claim and you're lying about it.

work and trade does not translate to peace or peaceful intent. You can have treaties and trade... right up to the moment of all out war.

I suggest you review what the president of iran has to say about isreal.

not deflecting at all.... just amused at how much of a fool you are.

Yes you are deflecting, you made it sound like you were so confident of your claim that every Muslim country calls for the destruction of Israel and I said name them and back it up with sources. You made the claim and you're lying about it.

work and trade does not translate to peace or peaceful intent. You can have treaties and trade... right up to the moment of all out war.

I suggest you review what the president of iran has to say about isreal.

I know what Iran said. You claimed every Muslim country is calling for the destruction of Israel. Because I'm not a bitch ill let your false claim that you cannot back up whatsoever pass by...:cool: same applies for Israel
I didn't hate. I said if nuclear facilities are to be bombed(its seems like its inevitable). That's better than an all out war. Can you understand that? Or is to difficult?

its advocating war.... can you understand that? I am sure you want israel to make a move like that so the muslms can go bat shit crazy....again.

do you really think muslims would think its a good thing that isreal take out irans nukes? That muslims would not riot all over the world?

now...if i said israel should take out irans nukes...of course you would have viewed it as hating. :lol:

Do you understand politics at all? You don't understand the Middle East do you? No one will be involved and Iran is a Shia country and it would make Shia people angry. I'm not advocating war I'm anti war. I don't want a war. From logicis point of view he see's the war as inevitable. So I answered him from his POV. I don't want a war at all. And you make no sense at all what kind of bigoted statement is that? If Israel attacks Iran can respond. You make it sound like only Muslims don't want another war.

You have muslim leaders advocating the subjugation of the entire world to islam. You have people that have no interest in being subjugated.
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

its advocating war.... can you understand that? I am sure you want israel to make a move like that so the muslms can go bat shit crazy....again.

do you really think muslims would think its a good thing that isreal take out irans nukes? That muslims would not riot all over the world?

now...if i said israel should take out irans nukes...of course you would have viewed it as hating. :lol:

Do you understand politics at all? You don't understand the Middle East do you? No one will be involved and Iran is a Shia country and it would make Shia people angry. I'm not advocating war I'm anti war. I don't want a war. From logicis point of view he see's the war as inevitable. So I answered him from his POV. I don't want a war at all. And you make no sense at all what kind of bigoted statement is that? If Israel attacks Iran can respond. You make it sound like only Muslims don't want another war.

You have muslim leaders advocating the subjugation of the entire world to islam. You have people that have no interest in being subjugated.
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

Don't preach. Preach to other people as I know better than that. All your threads are anti Islam did you really expect me to somehow speak to you? Nope
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