Prophet Muhammad Birth !

I already told you it's your opinion and a rant that won't get an answer because its not a question. You're stating what you believe.

The last question is a wierd question....:confused:

Hey man you want to have a discussion on religon ill have one like i said but talking about the worst things people do that happen to be Muslims is childish. When I talk with you I don't randomly start listing things people did who happen to be Christian. That's weak

Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?

These are common "muslim" practices. I was asking if you thought it was "good". You told me you could answer "simple" questions. That is a fairly simple question.

No they aren't common and there is no such thing as this in Islam. You need to backup your claims. And it's not a Muslim practice we don't have practices like that at all, even regular practices. Our tenets are simple and clear the main ones similiar to the 10 commandments. We practice Ramadan and Zakat(donations we must donate a certain percentage to those in need whether it be your poor cousins, people in Africa, or people in Syria for example. My Father donated 5,000 to Syrians who are displaced by the civil war. We don't really have any practices, Shia do one practice such as Ashura. We do Friday prayers and fasting is a must and Zakat and if you can do Pilgrimage one day. Those are the main tenets. Our Prophet most of the time only warned us of what to do. He mainly told us about how to be forgived and always ask God to accept us on the Day of Judgement.

Yes, muslims do this. There have been laws passed in this country to keep immigrant muslims from cutting up their young females. It is done to make sex painful for them as women. Do you think this is a good thing?

And yes, ennuchs are still being made. Muslim men in the ME have sex with BOYS. Do you think this is a "good" thing?

And they are "practicing" muslims. Simple questions.
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?
As I have stated before on other threads.

Female circumcision is an ancient practice that predates Islam.

It is not Islamic and has never been a part of Islam.

Yes, some muslims in Africa still engage in this tribal ritual.

But so do some Christian and Pagan tribes. :cool:
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?
As I have stated before on other threads.

Female circumcision is an ancient practice that predates Islam.

It is not Islamic and has never been a part of Islam.

Yes, some muslims in Africa still engage in this tribal ritual.

But so do some Christian and Pagan tribes. :cool:

Why aren't muslims stopping it? They will stone a person for another person saying they said something about the prophet, why wouldn't they stone people that do that to girls (or rape little boys)?

Cause in my view, if it is widespread, and you aren't doing anything to stop it, you are supporting it.
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?
As I have stated before on other threads.

Female circumcision is an ancient practice that predates Islam.

It is not Islamic and has never been a part of Islam.

Yes, some muslims in Africa still engage in this tribal ritual.

But so do some Christian and Pagan tribes. :cool:

Why aren't muslims stopping it? They will stone a person for another person saying they said something about the prophet, why wouldn't they stone people that do that to girls (or rape little boys)?

Cause in my view, if it is widespread, and you aren't doing anything to stop it, you are supporting it.

Sunni explained its a tribal thing. There is no such thigh as rape of children being legal. It's actually an immediate death penalty in most Muslim countries or jail in life. --it's not widespread, rape in those conflicts have nothing to do with Islam. And you need to back it up with links a bit. Not every Muslim can interfere with another country. But it's a tribal thing. It doesn't exist whatsoever in the religon is Islam and was never a practice
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?
As I have stated before on other threads.

Female circumcision is an ancient practice that predates Islam.

It is not Islamic and has never been a part of Islam.

Yes, some muslims in Africa still engage in this tribal ritual.

But so do some Christian and Pagan tribes. :cool:

Alright... how about this then..

Is it right for a woman who is raped to be stoned to death for adultery?
Is it right to hang someone who is gay?
As I have stated before on other threads.

Female circumcision is an ancient practice that predates Islam.

It is not Islamic and has never been a part of Islam.

Yes, some muslims in Africa still engage in this tribal ritual.

But so do some Christian and Pagan tribes. :cool:

Why aren't muslims stopping it? They will stone a person for another person saying they said something about the prophet, why wouldn't they stone people that do that to girls (or rape little boys)?

Cause in my view, if it is widespread, and you aren't doing anything to stop it, you are supporting it.

Sunni explained its a tribal thing. There is no such thigh as rape of children being legal. It's actually an immediate death penalty in most Muslim countries or jail in life. --it's not widespread, rape in those conflicts have nothing to do with Islam. And you need to back it up with links a bit. Not every Muslim can interfere with another country. But it's a tribal thing. It doesn't exist whatsoever in the religon is Islam and was never a practice

ok... lets go with straight from the clerics mouths....

How about the whole fatwa death call for individuals?
How about the breast feeding from a woman so you can talk to her alone?
Actually, we really don't care what your view is about anything concerning Islam or muslims. :cool:

We know, muslims dont care about any other view then a muslim one....which is a lagging behind a few centuries.
Lagging behind in what?

The bad behavior and lax morals displayed by the western nations??

Yes, to that we plead guilty as charged. :eusa_angel:

standard civil rights and respect for others.....

and you really should not be talking about bad behavior...... :lmao:
Anthony Quinn Playing Mohammed! :lol:

A cheesy greek actor is allowed to portray Mohammed? And that's not a sin?
Btw, is there a 9 year old girl who follows Tony around the whole movie?

Anthony Quinn was Mexican.
Why aren't muslims stopping it? They will stone a person for another person saying they said something about the prophet, why wouldn't they stone people that do that to girls (or rape little boys)?

Cause in my view, if it is widespread, and you aren't doing anything to stop it, you are supporting it.

Sunni explained its a tribal thing. There is no such thigh as rape of children being legal. It's actually an immediate death penalty in most Muslim countries or jail in life. --it's not widespread, rape in those conflicts have nothing to do with Islam. And you need to back it up with links a bit. Not every Muslim can interfere with another country. But it's a tribal thing. It doesn't exist whatsoever in the religon is Islam and was never a practice

ok... lets go with straight from the clerics mouths....

How about the whole fatwa death call for individuals?
How about the breast feeding from a woman so you can talk to her alone?

There aren't fatwas to kill indivuals. Al Qaeda can make up their own fatwas. That's not okay what they do. Some people try to declare their own fatwas but they can't decide that. Fatwas can be on anything they are rarely about killing. There is such a vast Muslim population so you will find things like that.

And I never heard the second one? What do you mean by that? I don't get it lol you pervert you completely made that up
Sunni explained its a tribal thing. There is no such thigh as rape of children being legal. It's actually an immediate death penalty in most Muslim countries or jail in life. --it's not widespread, rape in those conflicts have nothing to do with Islam. And you need to back it up with links a bit. Not every Muslim can interfere with another country. But it's a tribal thing. It doesn't exist whatsoever in the religon is Islam and was never a practice

ok... lets go with straight from the clerics mouths....

How about the whole fatwa death call for individuals?
How about the breast feeding from a woman so you can talk to her alone?

There aren't fatwas to kill indivuals. Al Qaeda can make up their own fatwas. That's not okay what they do. Some people try to declare their own fatwas but they can't decide that. Fatwas can be on anything they are rarely about killing. There is such a vast Muslim population so you will find things like that.

And I never heard the second one? What do you mean by that? I don't get it lol you pervert you completely made that up

So the Ayatollah Khomeini didnt put out a death fatwa on Salman Rushdie. Since when was that ass khomeini al queda?

ok... lets go with straight from the clerics mouths....

How about the whole fatwa death call for individuals?
How about the breast feeding from a woman so you can talk to her alone?

There aren't fatwas to kill indivuals. Al Qaeda can make up their own fatwas. That's not okay what they do. Some people try to declare their own fatwas but they can't decide that. Fatwas can be on anything they are rarely about killing. There is such a vast Muslim population so you will find things like that.

And I never heard the second one? What do you mean by that? I don't get it lol you pervert you completely made that up

So the Ayatollah Khomeini didnt put out a death fatwa on Salman Rushdie. Since when was that ass khomeini al queda?


Give a link. And he's a joke he's no person Iran declare him to be. He makes up his own ways. And this still one thing you could up with. And I said those aren't okay. Other than that you are doing more generalizing
There aren't fatwas to kill indivuals. Al Qaeda can make up their own fatwas. That's not okay what they do. Some people try to declare their own fatwas but they can't decide that. Fatwas can be on anything they are rarely about killing. There is such a vast Muslim population so you will find things like that.

And I never heard the second one? What do you mean by that? I don't get it lol you pervert you completely made that up

So the Ayatollah Khomeini didnt put out a death fatwa on Salman Rushdie. Since when was that ass khomeini al queda?


Give a link. And he's a joke he's no person Iran declare him to be. He makes up his own ways. And this still one thing you could up with. And I said those aren't okay. Other than that you are doing more generalizing

Grow up and get your own links.... google is your friend.

If you dont know basic things about what your religions does..... there is not much hope for you.

I agree... all clerics and their fatwas are jokes. That being said... joke or not... the crap they spew is followed by the nut case devote.
So the Ayatollah Khomeini didnt put out a death fatwa on Salman Rushdie. Since when was that ass khomeini al queda?


Give a link. And he's a joke he's no person Iran declare him to be. He makes up his own ways. And this still one thing you could up with. And I said those aren't okay. Other than that you are doing more generalizing

Grow up and get your own links.... google is your friend.

If you dont know basic things about what your religions does..... there is not much hope for you.

I agree... all clerics and their fatwas are jokes. That being said... joke or not... the crap they spew is followed by the nut case devote.

No. You do your own work that you made the claim. For all I know it could be bullshit. And I agree cleric that issue certain fatwas are stupid people who try to use their anger to kill someone. Islam doesn't have flexibility with idiots who decide they can declare their own fatwas. Fatwas are only declared by certain people and has to be approved. -- they also can be of many things. My religion doesn't allow to make fatwas to kill someone who you disagrees with. That's mad and thought of by very stupid and ignorant people who don't not represent the majority of the people. Same way Orthodox Jews don't represent the majority of Israelis. Our religion isn't decided by village idiots!
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Give a link. And he's a joke he's no person Iran declare him to be. He makes up his own ways. And this still one thing you could up with. And I said those aren't okay. Other than that you are doing more generalizing

Grow up and get your own links.... google is your friend.

If you dont know basic things about what your religions does..... there is not much hope for you.

I agree... all clerics and their fatwas are jokes. That being said... joke or not... the crap they spew is followed by the nut case devote.

No. You do your own work that you made the claim. For all I know it could be bullshit. And I agree cleric that issue certain fatwas are stupid people who try to use their anger to kill someone. Islam doesn't have flexibility with idiots who decide they can declare their own fatwas. Fatwas are only declared by certain people and has to be approved. -- they also can be of many things. My religion doesn't allow to make fatwas to kill someone who you disagrees with. That's mad and thought of by very stupid and ignorant people who don't not represent the majority of the people. Same way Orthodox Jews don't represent the majority of Israelis.

if you doubt me.... go look. I dare you.

it seems to me that islam and its clerics have a free hand in fatwas.... any odd whim that strikes them as a good thing goes.

And your religions DOES.... issue call for death fatwas on people they dont agree with.
Give a link. And he's a joke he's no person Iran declare him to be. He makes up his own ways. And this still one thing you could up with. And I said those aren't okay. Other than that you are doing more generalizing

Grow up and get your own links.... google is your friend.

If you dont know basic things about what your religions does..... there is not much hope for you.

I agree... all clerics and their fatwas are jokes. That being said... joke or not... the crap they spew is followed by the nut case devote.

No. You do your own work that you made the claim. For all I know it could be bullshit. And I agree cleric that issue certain fatwas are stupid people who try to use their anger to kill someone. Islam doesn't have flexibility with idiots who decide they can declare their own fatwas. Fatwas are only declared by certain people and has to be approved. -- they also can be of many things. My religion doesn't allow to make fatwas to kill someone who you disagrees with. That's mad and thought of by very stupid and ignorant people who don't not represent the majority of the people. Same way Orthodox Jews don't represent the majority of Israelis. Our religion isn't decided by village idiots!

to your edit.... your religion is decided by vilage idiots.
Grow up and get your own links.... google is your friend.

If you dont know basic things about what your religions does..... there is not much hope for you.

I agree... all clerics and their fatwas are jokes. That being said... joke or not... the crap they spew is followed by the nut case devote.

No. You do your own work that you made the claim. For all I know it could be bullshit. And I agree cleric that issue certain fatwas are stupid people who try to use their anger to kill someone. Islam doesn't have flexibility with idiots who decide they can declare their own fatwas. Fatwas are only declared by certain people and has to be approved. -- they also can be of many things. My religion doesn't allow to make fatwas to kill someone who you disagrees with. That's mad and thought of by very stupid and ignorant people who don't not represent the majority of the people. Same way Orthodox Jews don't represent the majority of Israelis. Our religion isn't decided by village idiots!

to your edit.... your religion is decided by vilage idiots.

Nope. Syrenn atleast put some effort in your post or post any information. Back up your claim or explain why you think that. I dislike that conservative lazy approach to religious discussions. :cool:
No. You do your own work that you made the claim. For all I know it could be bullshit. And I agree cleric that issue certain fatwas are stupid people who try to use their anger to kill someone. Islam doesn't have flexibility with idiots who decide they can declare their own fatwas. Fatwas are only declared by certain people and has to be approved. -- they also can be of many things. My religion doesn't allow to make fatwas to kill someone who you disagrees with. That's mad and thought of by very stupid and ignorant people who don't not represent the majority of the people. Same way Orthodox Jews don't represent the majority of Israelis. Our religion isn't decided by village idiots!

to your edit.... your religion is decided by vilage idiots.

Nope. Syrenn atleast put some effort in your post or post any information. Back up your claim or explain why you think that. I dislike that conservative lazy approach to religious discussions. :cool:

have another death threat fatwa....

molly norris.... now in hiding fearing for her life.

to your edit.... your religion is decided by vilage idiots.

Nope. Syrenn atleast put some effort in your post or post any information. Back up your claim or explain why you think that. I dislike that conservative lazy approach to religious discussions. :cool:

have another death threat fatwa....

molly norris.... now in hiding fearing for her life.

And? You keep listing the worse things you can find that random closet Muslims falsely insist on. You aren't making a point. Lots of people receive death threats for many many other reasons. You jump from religon to a random action. :cool:

And who was this "fatwa" by? An ignorant person
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