Prophet Muhammad Birth !

Yes you are deflecting, you made it sound like you were so confident of your claim that every Muslim country calls for the destruction of Israel and I said name them and back it up with sources. You made the claim and you're lying about it.

work and trade does not translate to peace or peaceful intent. You can have treaties and trade... right up to the moment of all out war.

I suggest you review what the president of iran has to say about isreal.

I know what Iran said. You claimed every Muslim country is calling for the destruction of Israel. Because I'm not a bitch ill let your false claim that you cannot back up whatsoever pass by...:cool: same applies for Israel

it many not be "official" policy... but IN MY OPINION.... EVERY muslim ME country wants israels destruction.....
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work and trade does not translate to peace or peaceful intent. You can have treaties and trade... right up to the moment of all out war.

I suggest you review what the president of iran has to say about isreal.

I know what Iran said. You claimed every Muslim country is calling for the destruction of Israel. Because I'm not a bitch ill let your false claim that you cannot back up whatsoever pass by...:cool: same applies for Israel

it many not be "official" policy... but IN MY OPINION.... EVERY muslim ME country wants israels destruction.....

Exactly your opinion. And facts speak otherwise. Israel can trade and work with Arab countries all they want. And I could say its my opinion Israel is ready to destroy those countries and do business only for the benefit of their people :cool:
I already told you I'm not for the Iranian government. They aren't honest upright and I'm angry with what's happening in Syria. But I believe in their right to self defense. If Israel can quickly destroy nuclear facilities and everything will be over in weeks. That's better. But Iran isn't Iraq and it is harder to find the locations and hit them. That's why Israeli leaders still believe in diplomacy right now. No of them justified a war yet. :)

Yes, we see your words "translating" what was said into what you "want" to be said.
I agree, they are not "honest upright". That is the problem with islam, too many use the teachings of deceit to deceive those that do not believe as they do (even among muslims). Those that deal with them, have no way of knowing which is honest and which is deceitful. Do you believe that the women have the right to defend themselves in the ME? Do you believe that the mobs that come and attack Christians or Jews (as blasphemers, that could be made up or not), should be killed by the attacked in self defence?


I'm not for the Iranian government, especially their spiritual leader stuff....I'm not sure what to expect. There is talk before the elections. There might not be anything that will happen. We ordinary people don't know that. And their reason is deterence, they haven't stated they want a nuclear weopon. But behind their statements it says...but the deterence is good for their nation. Petrodollar stuff, sort or how Saddam wanted. They might want to do's a long discussion. But they should have a right but obviously the international world doesn't recognize that. I don't see that much point in discussing it....near the elections or after is the time to discuss it.

Okay, this is what I understand from your post. You are not super spiritual in your islamic beliefs. Ordinary muslims are in the dark when it comes to their gov't (them why do they riot on demand). Who is Iran trying to deter? It appears they do want a nuclear weapon to deter an attack. Oil money for national protection (again from who)? They should have a right to have a nuclear arsonal when they are threatening others in the region (I see no other nation declaring they want every Iranian killed, and Iran destroyed). You don't want to discuss it, because it is bad timing? Is that what you were trying to communicate?
Do you understand politics at all? You don't understand the Middle East do you? No one will be involved and Iran is a Shia country and it would make Shia people angry. I'm not advocating war I'm anti war. I don't want a war. From logicis point of view he see's the war as inevitable. So I answered him from his POV. I don't want a war at all. And you make no sense at all what kind of bigoted statement is that? If Israel attacks Iran can respond. You make it sound like only Muslims don't want another war.

You have muslim leaders advocating the subjugation of the entire world to islam. You have people that have no interest in being subjugated.
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

Don't preach. Preach to other people as I know better than that. All your threads are anti Islam did you really expect me to somehow speak to you? Nope

Guess you aren't ready for those big boy pants!

BTW, how did I preach? I gave the options. I notice that you offer no options for "peace".
Yes, we see your words "translating" what was said into what you "want" to be said.
I agree, they are not "honest upright". That is the problem with islam, too many use the teachings of deceit to deceive those that do not believe as they do (even among muslims). Those that deal with them, have no way of knowing which is honest and which is deceitful. Do you believe that the women have the right to defend themselves in the ME? Do you believe that the mobs that come and attack Christians or Jews (as blasphemers, that could be made up or not), should be killed by the attacked in self defence?


I'm not for the Iranian government, especially their spiritual leader stuff....I'm not sure what to expect. There is talk before the elections. There might not be anything that will happen. We ordinary people don't know that. And their reason is deterence, they haven't stated they want a nuclear weopon. But behind their statements it says...but the deterence is good for their nation. Petrodollar stuff, sort or how Saddam wanted. They might want to do's a long discussion. But they should have a right but obviously the international world doesn't recognize that. I don't see that much point in discussing it....near the elections or after is the time to discuss it.

Okay, this is what I understand from your post. You are not super spiritual in your islamic beliefs. Ordinary muslims are in the dark when it comes to their gov't (them why do they riot on demand). Who is Iran trying to deter? It appears they do want a nuclear weapon to deter an attack. Oil money for national protection (again from who)? They should have a right to have a nuclear arsonal when they are threatening others in the region (I see no other nation declaring they want every Iranian killed, and Iran destroyed). You don't want to discuss it, because it is bad timing? Is that what you were trying to communicate?

I'm highly religious. And not being a fan of the Iranian government doesn't make me a fan of the Israeli government. Which is a Rightwing piece of shit
You have muslim leaders advocating the subjugation of the entire world to islam. You have people that have no interest in being subjugated.
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

Don't preach. Preach to other people as I know better than that. All your threads are anti Islam did you really expect me to somehow speak to you? Nope

Guess you aren't ready for those big boy pants!

BTW, how did I preach? I gave the options. I notice that you offer no options for "peace".

You pull up questions and answer for yourself. I'm not gonna speak about Islam with someone who is bigoted towards Islam and Muslims. You aren't gonna prove anything either. You can believe your logic all you want. But I'm not gonna waste my time
Don't preach. Preach to other people as I know better than that. All your threads are anti Islam did you really expect me to somehow speak to you? Nope

Guess you aren't ready for those big boy pants!

BTW, how did I preach? I gave the options. I notice that you offer no options for "peace".

You pull up questions and answer for yourself. I'm not gonna speak about Islam with someone who is bigoted towards Islam and Muslims. You aren't gonna prove anything either. You can believe your logic all you want. But I'm not gonna waste my time

Look at this post folks! This is exactly why there will never be peace with muslims! When you try to have a civil discussion, and get into the "uncomfortable" areas that cannot be defended by rational people, the muslim will shut down/act superior/call names, but above all will not consider anything that does not fit the brainwashing of islam. They will not admit to the truth when it is right in front of them. They will not admit that their "religion" sends out mixed signals and can be very deceitful, destructive, and deadly.

BTW, bigotry implies there is a better way, please explain a better way (if you can't even explain the relationship islam has with the rest of the world, I think that will be beyond your communication skills).
Guess you aren't ready for those big boy pants!

BTW, how did I preach? I gave the options. I notice that you offer no options for "peace".

You pull up questions and answer for yourself. I'm not gonna speak about Islam with someone who is bigoted towards Islam and Muslims. You aren't gonna prove anything either. You can believe your logic all you want. But I'm not gonna waste my time

Look at this post folks! This is exactly why there will never be peace with muslims! When you try to have a civil discussion, and get into the "uncomfortable" areas that cannot be defended by rational people, the muslim will shut down/act superior/call names, but above all will not consider anything that does not fit the brainwashing of islam. They will not admit to the truth when it is right in front of them. They will not admit that their "religion" sends out mixed signals and can be very deceitful, destructive, and deadly.

BTW, bigotry implies there is a better way, please explain a better way (if you can't even explain the relationship islam has with the rest of the world, I think that will be beyond your communication skills).

And of course the final step would be to declare victory for yourself. There isn't a point in addressing any topic with you since you will not think by logic rather your opinion. Nothing I say to you will change your opinion. I don't need to call you any names.
You pull up questions and answer for yourself. I'm not gonna speak about Islam with someone who is bigoted towards Islam and Muslims. You aren't gonna prove anything either. You can believe your logic all you want. But I'm not gonna waste my time

Look at this post folks! This is exactly why there will never be peace with muslims! When you try to have a civil discussion, and get into the "uncomfortable" areas that cannot be defended by rational people, the muslim will shut down/act superior/call names, but above all will not consider anything that does not fit the brainwashing of islam. They will not admit to the truth when it is right in front of them. They will not admit that their "religion" sends out mixed signals and can be very deceitful, destructive, and deadly.

BTW, bigotry implies there is a better way, please explain a better way (if you can't even explain the relationship islam has with the rest of the world, I think that will be beyond your communication skills).

And of course the final step would be to declare victory for yourself. There isn't a point in addressing any topic with you since you will not think by logic rather your opinion. Nothing I say to you will change your opinion. I don't need to call you any names.

I did not declare victory. Victory would having a muslim admit there are serious problems with Shariah law.
You are the one that ran away when I gave a list of options for peace in the ME. You made the statement that I thought war was unavoidable prior to that.
Yet when I presented a list of options where there would be no war, you offered nothing different, you did not disagree, you called names, and implied you were too superior to continue that discussion.
I invite you to explain to us, just how, there can be peace with muslims and any other religion that does not involve "subjugation".
Look at this post folks! This is exactly why there will never be peace with muslims! When you try to have a civil discussion, and get into the "uncomfortable" areas that cannot be defended by rational people, the muslim will shut down/act superior/call names, but above all will not consider anything that does not fit the brainwashing of islam. They will not admit to the truth when it is right in front of them. They will not admit that their "religion" sends out mixed signals and can be very deceitful, destructive, and deadly.

BTW, bigotry implies there is a better way, please explain a better way (if you can't even explain the relationship islam has with the rest of the world, I think that will be beyond your communication skills).

And of course the final step would be to declare victory for yourself. There isn't a point in addressing any topic with you since you will not think by logic rather your opinion. Nothing I say to you will change your opinion. I don't need to call you any names.

I did not declare victory. Victory would having a muslim admit there are serious problems with Shariah law.
You are the one that ran away when I gave a list of options for peace in the ME. You made the statement that I thought war was unavoidable prior to that.
Yet when I presented a list of options where there would be no war, you offered nothing different, you did not disagree, you called names, and implied you were too superior to continue that discussion.
I invite you to explain to us, just how, there can be peace with muslims and any other religion that does not involve "subjugation".

You are randomly bringing up different topics. You aren't clear enough to me. If you want my insight you can ask one question at a time and be clear. Don't cobble different things. If you want my insight I'm available. Each topic needs explaining
And of course the final step would be to declare victory for yourself. There isn't a point in addressing any topic with you since you will not think by logic rather your opinion. Nothing I say to you will change your opinion. I don't need to call you any names.

I did not declare victory. Victory would having a muslim admit there are serious problems with Shariah law.
You are the one that ran away when I gave a list of options for peace in the ME. You made the statement that I thought war was unavoidable prior to that.
Yet when I presented a list of options where there would be no war, you offered nothing different, you did not disagree, you called names, and implied you were too superior to continue that discussion.
I invite you to explain to us, just how, there can be peace with muslims and any other religion that does not involve "subjugation".

You are randomly bringing up different topics. You aren't clear enough to me. If you want my insight you can ask one question at a time and be clear. Don't cobble different things. If you want my insight I'm available. Each topic needs explaining

Do you think that Shariah is "all" good?
I did not declare victory. Victory would having a muslim admit there are serious problems with Shariah law.
You are the one that ran away when I gave a list of options for peace in the ME. You made the statement that I thought war was unavoidable prior to that.
Yet when I presented a list of options where there would be no war, you offered nothing different, you did not disagree, you called names, and implied you were too superior to continue that discussion.
I invite you to explain to us, just how, there can be peace with muslims and any other religion that does not involve "subjugation".

You are randomly bringing up different topics. You aren't clear enough to me. If you want my insight you can ask one question at a time and be clear. Don't cobble different things. If you want my insight I'm available. Each topic needs explaining

Do you think that Shariah is "all" good?

I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.
You are randomly bringing up different topics. You aren't clear enough to me. If you want my insight you can ask one question at a time and be clear. Don't cobble different things. If you want my insight I'm available. Each topic needs explaining

Do you think that Shariah is "all" good?

I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.

so what i am reading... you DO think it is good and the right thing..... just not now..but sometime in the future.


as i said before.... islam and shariah is about 4 thousand years behind the times. It needs to come up to speed with reality and the current century... just as the christians had their reformation so does islam.... not the other way round were we go back into time into fantasy. Some of it is good... most of it is bad in my opinion.

Do you think that Shariah is "all" good?

I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.

so what i am reading... you DO think it is good and the right thing..... just not now..but sometime in the future.


as i said before.... islam and shariah is about 4 thousand years behind the times. It needs to come up to speed with reality and the current century... just as the christians had their reformation so does islam.... not the other way round were we go back into time into fantasy. Some of it is good... most of it is bad in my opinion.


I explained everything above. And my religon says its not coming back till the end times. Final 40 years. So it won't back in our lifetime
I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.

so what i am reading... you DO think it is good and the right thing..... just not now..but sometime in the future.


as i said before.... islam and shariah is about 4 thousand years behind the times. It needs to come up to speed with reality and the current century... just as the christians had their reformation so does islam.... not the other way round were we go back into time into fantasy. Some of it is good... most of it is bad in my opinion.


I explained everything above. And my religon says its not coming back till the end times. Final 40 years. So it won't back in our lifetime

for you maybe not... but your breathern are giving a mighty damn fine act of it being back.

So i guess what you are also saying... is this whole muslim thing going on is just piss and shit disturbing.

then again... it is also written to lie to everyone about everything
so what i am reading... you DO think it is good and the right thing..... just not now..but sometime in the future.


as i said before.... islam and shariah is about 4 thousand years behind the times. It needs to come up to speed with reality and the current century... just as the christians had their reformation so does islam.... not the other way round were we go back into time into fantasy. Some of it is good... most of it is bad in my opinion.


I explained everything above. And my religon says its not coming back till the end times. Final 40 years. So it won't back in our lifetime

for you maybe not... but your breathern are giving a mighty damn fine act of it being back.

So i guess what you are also saying... is this whole muslim thing going on is just piss and shit disturbing.

I don't know every person in the world so :lol:. But it isn't necessarily gonna come back anytime soon I think my explanation was golden :)
Since you took out my opinion of options, here it is again:
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

You are randomly bringing up different topics. You aren't clear enough to me. If you want my insight you can ask one question at a time and be clear. Don't cobble different things. If you want my insight I'm available. Each topic needs explaining

Do you think that Shariah is "all" good?

I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.

Thank you! I can understand that you would think it needs moderized.

Keeping the questions simple:
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?
Since you took out my opinion of options, here it is again:
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

Do you think that Shariah is "all" good?

I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.

Thank you! I can understand that you would think it needs moderized.

Keeping the questions simple:
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?

I already told you it's your opinion and a rant that won't get an answer because its not a question. You're stating what you believe.

The last question is a wierd question....:confused:

Hey man you want to have a discussion on religon ill have one like i said but talking about the worst things people do that happen to be Muslims is childish. When I talk with you I don't randomly start listing things people did who happen to be Christian. That's weak
Last edited:
Since you took out my opinion of options, here it is again:
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

I believe at a time it was good and it worked. Today I don't see it as the always right thing because people are different nowadays and there are other ways to approach sentences. Court and jail is preferable and there isn't any full shariah followed anywhere except almost in Saudi Arabia but people there are very religous so it makes more sense there to me. Shariah isn't just about punishments, there are many things to it. Such as how you eat , how to greet people it's all called the "Sunnah". Following Sunnah is like a manner and moral code. Shariah isn't for this time. Our prophet even said at a point we won't follow it. Because people aren't at high religous expectations like at the beginning of Islam. And back then there weren't jails, etc. so it was a good system. Now it changed, and mainly it's because people aren't ready for it. So no at this time.

Thank you! I can understand that you would think it needs moderized.

Keeping the questions simple:
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?

I already told you it's your opinion and a rant that won't get an answer because its not a question. You're stating what you believe.

The last question is a wierd question....:confused:

Hey man you want to have a discussion on religon ill have one like i said but talking about the worst things people do that happen to be Muslims is childish. When I talk with you I don't randomly start listing things people did who happen to be Christian. That's weak

Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?

These are common "muslim" practices. I was asking if you thought it was "good". You told me you could answer "simple" questions. That is a fairly simple question.
Since you took out my opinion of options, here it is again:
Everyone is subjugated (converted or murdered) by islamic followers.

The people that do not want to be subjugated get ugly and make a big enough stain in the ME where the islamic "leaders" calm their butts down, and "act" like we can all get along (until they see weakness again).

The people that are not muslim "extremists" look at their religion (system of deceit, destruction and death) and decide to reform it, by taking all the violence out of it, and concentrating on worshipping their god. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

The people that are not muslim "extremists" read the Bible and see the quran is a twisted version of the OT with a writer like L Ron Hubbard taking over after that (a whole lot of words that can be taken many different ways), and decide not to follow a "faith" that has been "made up" by a reject from Mecca. Then they put on their big boy pants and tell the extremists to "chill".

It looks like the problem is the ME culture, where men listen to their particular chief/holy man/etc, and the women are not allowed to talk sense to men. How can it change as long as the men in the ME act like imature children running to a leader for every decision, and silencing anyone that has a different view?

Thank you! I can understand that you would think it needs moderized.

Keeping the questions simple:
Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?

I already told you it's your opinion and a rant that won't get an answer because its not a question. You're stating what you believe.

The last question is a wierd question....:confused:

Hey man you want to have a discussion on religon ill have one like i said but talking about the worst things people do that happen to be Muslims is childish. When I talk with you I don't randomly start listing things people did who happen to be Christian. That's weak

Do you think it is "good" to disable or remove body parts of children for sexual pleasure of others, or forcing sex to be painful for the pleasure of others?

These are common "muslim" practices. I was asking if you thought it was "good". You told me you could answer "simple" questions. That is a fairly simple question.

No they aren't common and there is no such thing as this in Islam. You need to backup your claims. And it's not a Muslim practice we don't have practices like that at all, even regular practices. Our tenets are simple and clear the main ones similiar to the 10 commandments. We practice Ramadan and Zakat(donations we must donate a certain percentage to those in need whether it be your poor cousins, people in Africa, or people in Syria for example. My Father donated 5,000 to Syrians who are displaced by the civil war. We don't really have any practices, Shia do one practice such as Ashura. We do Friday prayers and fasting is a must and Zakat and if you can do Pilgrimage one day. Those are the main tenets. Our Prophet most of the time only warned us of what to do. He mainly told us about how to be forgived and always ask God to accept us on the Day of Judgement.

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