Prosecute The Race-Baiting Media Next...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
CNN and NBC were especially egregious in their biased Race-Baiting coverage of this sad incident. They had the man convicted before he received a fair trial. Their constant use of the fictitious term 'White Hispanic' was especially heinous. The man is Hispanic. But their 'Evil Whitey' mantra was what they decided to roll with early on.

This is possibly the most despicable & malicious example of Media Bias ever witnessed. I mean, CNN & NBC were right up front in your face with their obvious Bias. They made no attempt to hide it. How can they call themselves legitimate News Organizations? The People want News. They don't want this current propaganda fraud disguised as News anymore. Media Outlets like CNN and NBC should be ashamed of how they conducted themselves throughout this ordeal. It is a very sad indictment of today's American Mainstream Media.
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Score one for Zimmerman's bro. The man is damn impressive. Just watched him annihilate the two CNN dunces interrogating him. Their disappointed Lynch Mobber sentiment was so evident on their faces. But he completely destroyed them with logic & reason. Nice job.
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I think this trial mobilized people to realize and absolutely see the stink oozing from the race whores and pimps.
I think this trial mobilized people to realize and absolutely see the stink oozing from the race whores and pimps.

That could be. But i'm not sure. There are so many White Americans still suffering from their ingrained 'White Guilt' complex. They were so willing to lynch the man just because their White Guilt over ancient Slavery was so ingrained. They approached this thing with no logic or reason. They couldn't even accept the fact the man was not White. He was actually Hispanic. But that fact got in the way of their hysterical 'Evil Whitey' story. Media Outlets like CNN & NBC can no longer be considered legitimate News Organizations.
Will actual News Reporting ever return? Seems like the People want it. They're disgusted and worn out with today's embarrassing MSM.

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