Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

you are keen on just being stupid.

Grow up.

14 Undeniable Signs That Donald Trump Is A Fascist
Many of these executive orders are borderline violations of civil rights. Donald Trump is the most dangerous man to ever been named President. Donald Trump is a fascist plain and simple and, using the 14 points of fascism, here's why.
14 Undeniable Signs That Donald Trump Is A Fascist
Many of these executive orders are borderline violations of civil rights. Donald Trump is the most dangerous man to ever been named President. Donald Trump is a fascist plain and simple and, using the 14 points of fascism, here's why.
Hypocrite! Dementia Joe signed more EO's in his first week than ANY other modern POTUS. That's what you get when you install a fascist regime illegally.
Grow up.

14 Undeniable Signs That Donald Trump Is A Fascist
Many of these executive orders are borderline violations of civil rights. Donald Trump is the most dangerous man to ever been named President. Donald Trump is a fascist plain and simple and, using the 14 points of fascism, here's why.
you are citing bullshit cause you think it's cute and I need to grow up.


meanwhile the courts have told Biden FUCKING AGAIN that he's overstepping legal bounds with vac mandates.

Yet you ignore that.


like the court jester dance of the stupid.
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You don't know the meaning of Fascist.. Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini.

Trump is a Nationalist and a Fascist.
Fascists do not bring efforts to reconcile a 5-thousand rift to a good end. The jealous Democrats made certain President Trump's generous gifts to peace on earth initiatives would end due to their wanton lust for power to the point of loading the polls with pernicious votes, many thousands of which were those of one person's handwriting and by different angles, illegal voting regulations changed unconstitutionally when democrats decided they needn't place change into their state legislatures. Those changes were made in haste in a lawless unconstitutional push by ¡¡¡cuckoo!!! cheating Democrats who hated President Trump's triumphant wins for the well-being and prosperity for the American people, one and all except for the clawing, lying control freak Hillary Clinton who took her character assassination guns to DC Town for thirty years of hateful spite against the American people who were once protected from power usurpers by the Constitution of the United States of America.
It doesn't matter, anytime in prison will get that stupid kid murdered. Cry babies don't make it in prison.
He is not a stupid kid but he is a kid....and kids make dumb mistakes...this one turned tragic....they should place the Mayor of Kenosha in the cell next to him for not putting a stop to the riots and controlling the illegal protests before they turned violent....
Great response, but you are wasting your breath on this one sadly enough. Good point about the bad cop's, because they're are individual cop's that are bad of course, but it's not a systemic problem like a part of these certain groups love to paint it as.

They know better, but they use the bad to accomplish bigger things that they all want.

The American justice system is suffering badly from this sort of thing, and if someone doesn't begin to stand back up on the principle's of fairness and equal justice under the law, then we as a nation of laws are toast. This two tiered system of justice being created now, isn't going to work, and it isn't working now.

The only way forward is to stop with the skin color bullcrap, and begin to judge everyone as individual's, and upon their character's just as Martin Luther King wanted it.

Sometimes it makes one wonder, otherwise that a percentage of the black race doesn't think that it can hold up to a higher standard, (otherwise when they have been in this "never forsake" your race no matter what they do as individuals type of thinking), and all because they feel as if the black population numbers game is what matters the most to them in their situation.

Also they (certain one's) don't see it right that any white's are qualified or worthy of judging a black person in a court of law or while out on the streets, because certain narratives pushed by certain black's is that the white man or white woman is inherited racist, and because of the white ancestry who had once enslaved the black's in America during the 1800s, then they absolutely have no rights to judge a black person after they were freed in America, and this runs all the way up to now.

Now we as white's disagree with the idea, because crime affects us all, so even though some black's think it not right that they have to deal with white's in this nation concerning criminal activity where black's are concerned, yet because we all live here together it's not practical to think in this way when all races are effected by crime regardless of race...

Otherwise if crimes are committed that affect us all, then yes we white police, as well as black's will be the one's arresting black's also, and then we as (judges black and white), will be judging black's in a court room if they commit crimes in America, just like every state in America does for all races in the same way.

So this idea that black's are someday going to be free from contact with white officers or black officer's in America when it comes to the justice system is an unrealistic view of America.

You brought up something worth repeating, “They know better, but they use the bad to accomplish bigger things that they all want”. I would like to borrow your fine/tuning skills to pull out the crucial pieces to explore causative factors for the ongoing, allowed to happen openly, violence. Motive: you have stated a fact that cannot be disputed. People using an event to expand upon it for personal gain.

Blaming all cops for the corrupt ones has made it much less likely anything will improve. If the true goal for BLM is to be treated fairly by cops, separate criminals from the ranks. Allowing and encouraging continued violence “to get attention” as stated earlier by IM2 backfires, because violence begets violence particularly when a lax police station is “in charge” and does nothing to prevent it.

BLM started with Marxist leaders, go figure that we’re seeing the goals of chaos presented nightly. A plan to bring down the economy, to firmly set into place millions more to become dependent on our ineffective, floundering government.

If angry rioters plan on any long-term benefits, they will come up empty handed without enough food to go around. Since looters act out without worry, the origin of the problem lies with lack of effective consequences. I’m wondering what kind of consequences are needed for rioting thieves to learn that thuggery is not the way to get ahead in life. You called it Beagle and that’s the question that needs to be answered. Even thugs know to hang low to avoid jail time, but these looters and vandals don’t care because they are getting away with it. BLM seeks full payback for voting in Biden. Their agenda is not even economically feasible and certain members know this so they racially inflame the anger of their minions to continue the chaos, including Harris.
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The judge ruled Friday to use the Defense team's instructions which includes their particular view of how the laws of Wisconsin reads for juvenile possession of a firearm....meaning that one minute past your 17th birthday and you are allowed to possess a rifle...
Still can't buy one but you can possess it.

While the lesser charges for various shootings will be considered...they are limited to two and they are likely going to be found "not guilty" because they were tailored to and stuck to two of the injured where they cannot possibly apply.

Kyle is going free unless there is an activist jury involved.
You brought up something worth repeating, “They know better, but they use the bad to accomplish bigger things that they all want”. I would like to borrow your fine/tuning skills to pull out the crucial pieces to explore causative factors for the ongoing, allowed to happen openly, violence. Motive: you have stated a fact that cannot be disputed. People using an event to expand upon it for personal gain. Blaming all cops for the corrupt ones has made it less likely anything will improve. If the true goal for BLM is to be treated fairly by cops, separate criminals from the ranks. Allowing and encouraging continued violence “to get attention” as stated earlier by IM2 backfires because violence begets violence particularly when a lax police station is “in charge”. and does nothing to prevent it. BLM started with Marxist leaders, go figure that we’re seeing the goals of chaos presented nightly. A plan to bring down the economy, to firmly set in millions to become dependent on our ineffective, floundering government. If rioters in general plan on long-term benefits they will come up empty handed without enough food to go around. Since looters act out without worry, the origin of the problem lies with lack of effective consequences. I’m wondering what kind of consequences are needed for rioting thieves to learn that thuggery is not the way to get ahead in life. You called it Beagle and that’s the question that needs to be answered. Even thugs know to hang low to avoid jail time, but these looters and vandals don’t care because they are getting away with it.
BLM would have you believe that black people's problems are due to systemic racism. However, this does not hold true when you look at successful black people who used hard work, honesty and a burning desire to succeed. It actually denigrates those success stories. When called on it, BLM turns to epithets such as "Uncle Tom" or "Oreo" to explain it. The problem is lazy people of any race will not succeed and they will always look for someone to blame.
The fate of the shooter is of minimum importance compared to a non guilty verdict that will lower the bar on justifying murder.

Interesting too that two similar cases are in progress at the same time. Can the timing be arranged to coincide closely to give the effect of one or the other being of no importance.

Qanon and other bad actors are waiting impatiently for the prospect of a license to kill. IMO.
This will send a message loud and clear to the militant Left: fuck around and find out.
BLM would have you believe that black people's problems are due to systemic racism. However, this does not hold true when you look at successful black people who used hard work, honesty and a burning desire to succeed. It actually denigrates those success stories. When called on it, BLM turns to epithets such as "Uncle Tom" or "Oreo" to explain it. The problem is lazy people of any race will not succeed and they will always look for someone to blame.
That is something that I’ve always found puzzling, although you’ve explained it well. Why criticize success, any success, when it’s done by the books without taking advantage of others or the system, and adds positive role models for kids? I don’t get it. That entire mindset blows me away and I’ve seen it within my own extended family. A person who enjoys complaining about how horrible everything is, the world has always been against her, although she is her own worst enemy with her self-fulfilling prophecy. I would almost say she finds comfort somehow in this futile routine, but what I do know is she’s a real PAIN to be around! Paraphrasing here but happened, “I had no other option but to get more in debt using credit cards so I could buy clothes”. Total mentality described by that statement alone. Poor dear, forced into taking “quick/easy” money with interest to go hog-wild shopping to “feel good about herself” knowing she was already in debt and felt worse.

So much easier to complain about other people, obstacles, the system, instead of using that energy to get a second job, commit to eating rice and beans on temporary basis until able to afford more, and do what it takes to get out of a rut. As you stated, some enjoy doing nothing yet complain constantly about everything to avoid admitting they’re just lazy.
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So basically we have to criminalize self defense? Obviously some people barely made it through law school and they have to give their opinions. I choose facts over progressive emotional response. The question is why this city had thugs misbehaving? Where are those hearings?
These are the same people who want to abolish cops, theft laws and prisons. Of course they want to criminalize self defense. Self defense is racist.
No. Why would you imply such a thing?
Just asking...I misunderstood your position for a moment.

It is the reason why Jesus got crucified versus Barrabis...

And if you believe in such things...a portent of doom for a nation...
That's a very serious accusation and so thanks for bringing it up.
The outcome for Kyle personally is of little interest to me.
The repercussions coming out of the verdict is what will matter.
A guilty verdict of any consequence will mean will mean new efforts to make the point that white people with guns can commit murder...............

And a not guilty verdict will legitimize Kyle and thus legitimize the murder.

It's hard to imagine what will work best for the purpose of damage control.

I imagine, a brutally stern reprimand by the judge (feigned) that is made as much public as possible. Followed by something like a suspended sentence of 5 years, and a mandated period of psychiatric help to bring about reform in Kyle.
He's too dangerous to be allowed back in public.
Has he demonstrated any remorse or is her too far gone for that?
That's a bunch of racist claptrap as is your stupid Marxist link.
14 Undeniable Signs That Donald Trump Is A Fascist
Many of these executive orders are borderline violations of civil rights. Donald Trump is the most dangerous man to ever been named President. Donald Trump is a fascist plain and simple and, using the 14 points of fascism, here's why.
Very well written link!
Sometimes this stuff appears to be written expressly for Trump. But they're not and they can be enlightening for the insects that slobber over him.

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