Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

You brought up something worth repeating, “They know better, but they use the bad to accomplish bigger things that they all want”. I would like to borrow your fine/tuning skills to pull out the crucial pieces to explore causative factors for the ongoing, allowed to happen openly, violence. Motive: you have stated a fact that cannot be disputed. People using an event to expand upon it for personal gain.

Blaming all cops for the corrupt ones has made it much less likely anything will improve. If the true goal for BLM is to be treated fairly by cops, separate criminals from the ranks. Allowing and encouraging continued violence “to get attention” as stated earlier by IM2 backfires, because violence begets violence particularly when a lax police station is “in charge” and does nothing to prevent it.

BLM started with Marxist leaders, go figure that we’re seeing the goals of chaos presented nightly. A plan to bring down the economy, to firmly set into place millions more to become dependent on our ineffective, floundering government.

If angry rioters plan on any long-term benefits, they will come up empty handed without enough food to go around. Since looters act out without worry, the origin of the problem lies with lack of effective consequences. I’m wondering what kind of consequences are needed for rioting thieves to learn that thuggery is not the way to get ahead in life. You called it Beagle and that’s the question that needs to be answered. Even thugs know to hang low to avoid jail time, but these looters and vandals don’t care because they are getting away with it. BLM seeks full payback for voting in Biden. Their agenda is not even economically feasible and certain members know this so they racially inflame the anger of their minions to continue the chaos, including Harris.
Glad to help, and glad that you can draw from my horrible Grammer exactly the points that I attempt to make. :)
There's thousands of your woke potentials, and their pic's upon the internet, so don't provoke those who are good at making comparison's that will then post what you might think are worthy candidate's as opposed too Kyles qualifications if were to try and join.. Oh and how about a link to where the military turned Kyle down if he tried to join ?
Surada is a babbling Marxist loon-tool.
Very well written link!
Sometimes this stuff appears to be written expressly for Trump. But they're not and they can be enlightening for the insects that slobber over him.

I know.. Its tragic and so obvious.
That's a very serious accusation and so thanks for bringing it up.
The outcome for Kyle personally is of little interest to me.
The repercussions coming out of the verdict is what will matter.
A guilty verdict of any consequence will mean will mean new efforts to make the point that white people with guns can commit murder...............

And a not guilty verdict will legitimize Kyle and thus legitimize the murder.

It's hard to imagine what will work best for the purpose of damage control.

I imagine, a brutally stern reprimand by the judge (feigned) that is made as much public as possible. Followed by something like a suspended sentence of 5 years, and a mandated period of psychiatric help to bring about reform in Kyle.
He's too dangerous to be allowed back in public.
Has he demonstrated any remorse or is her too far gone for that?
Wrong again, duck.
Glad to help, and glad that you can draw from my horrible Grammer exactly the points that I attempt to make. :)
You worded it perfectly. WHAT someone says far outweighs the hall monitor grammarian concerns lol I have 3 posters who come to mind who side-line posts bringing up some irrelevant word usage in posts. Lol They need a life and I am making this observation about all deflectors who use this as their “go-to” skillset or lack of I should say! They are the worst posters ever ha!
You never know what a jury will do....if they fail to give a just verdict based on the constitution of the United States

Was the jury decision to imprison chauvin against the cobstitution? Of course not. You over reaching if you think the constitution will keep that grub out if hail.

I think a case of jury intimidation could be sought by the defense....we can not allow angry dumb people to threaten the outcome of our jurist prudence with violence for any reason....that should be punishable by prison terms....

Punishable if he goes to jail? Is that what you call justice? Where s your constitution now your honour.

We all know what justice means....its just that some people don't want justice.....they want to win....

You blatant hypocrit. He killed two people after arriving there with a gun with the clear intent of using it but you say people don't want justice. Are you kidding. It's you fleas who are dismissing the seriousness of the charges because you want to win. Think about that dopey.
MINOR charges... levelled against Rittenhouse when he was a minor
Well - he will probably be found guilty of possession of a firearm when he wasn't old enough, but even that is not certain.

surada - you be on Ignore

I am opposed to "extra new charges" being added onto Rittenhouse's list at the last minute just because the prosecution realizes they are losing.

That's down in the flood - but I guess par for this prosecutor whose career should end with this trial.

It's actually a very common legal tactic...
The prosecution did a pretty good job when they got Rittenhouse to admit that he chose to use deadly force on an unarmed individual. That was harmful to the defense...
HaHaHa, I hope you're better at taking pictures than you are at lawyering, moron. LMAO. You just keep thinking Butch, that's what you're good at. ROFL
He is not a stupid kid but he is a kid....and kids make dumb mistakes...this one turned tragic....they should place the Mayor of Kenosha in the cell next to him for not putting a stop to the riots and controlling the illegal protests before they turned violent....
I just watched a Hannity rerun of Friday night and he had video pictures of victims #1, #2, and survivor #3 trying to kill Kyle Rittenhouse BEFORE he shot each one of them. All 3 of them were armed with loaded guns. In all 3 cases would have been killed if he hadn't shot each time he was threatened. The survivor testified he was going to kill Rittenhouse who noticed and shot and wounded him.
HaHaHa, I hope you're better at taking pictures than you are at lawyering, moron. LMAO. You just keep thinking Butch, that's what you're good at. ROFL

They got Rittenhouse to admit that he shot and killed an unarmed man.

That you're unable to recognize how damaging that could be tells me all I need to know about you.

Oh, and unlike you, I don't pretend to be a lawyer.

I bet when it came to killing Bin Laden you were terrorism expert, and when it came to masks and vaccines you became an immunologist.

Imagine all that, and still managing to remain a dipshit the entire time...
They got Rittenhouse to admit that he shot and killed an unarmed man.

That you're unable to recognize how damaging that could be tells me all I need to know about you.

Oh, and unlike you, I don't pretend to be a lawyer.

I bet when it came to killing Bin Laden you were terrorism expert, and when it came to masks and vaccines you became an immunologist.

Imagine all that, and still managing to remain a dipshit the entire time...
so you can tell me what is damaging in court while you claim you are not a lawyer.


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