Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

That's not even remotely true...
That is incorrect...
There was a good 2 hours of testimony from the coroner about the stippling on Rosenbaum's hand...going back and forth between the prosecutor and Defense team about it...
Rosenbaum was grabbing the gun when Kyle fired his first shot...
The video evidence and the direct witness testimony of several people all claim the exact same thing...
Rosenbaum was chasing Kyle and lunged to grab Kyle's gun and Kyle shot him.
The action of grabbing the gun likely was the reason why sufficient pressure was applied to the trigger to pull it and fire the gun.
Basically Rosenbaum shot himself using Kyle's hand...the rest of the shots into Rosenbaum was all Kyle's because Rosenbaum didn't stop coming after Kyle.

The semi automatic gun fires very fast...three shots in 1½ seconds.

Then as Kyle was obvious in going towards the police the mob attacked Kyle...they didn't want him to surrender to the police...they wanted to kill him.

Personally I think that all those rushing up to Kyle and in persuit should be charged with attempted murder as well...but then again it's a corrupt DA...none of those truly guilty of crimes are going to be charged and the only truly innocent man is being vilified by the DA and the press.
The action of grabbing the gun likely was the reason why sufficient pressure was applied to the trigger to pull it and fire the gun.

Your entire argument falls apart into a spectacular pile of fail with this one sentence.

Now, the idea has been floated here that Rittenhouse was a responsible guy, trained in the use of his firearm, yadayadayada.

Well, in order for the trigger to have been pulled in the manner you state, Rittenhouse's finger had to have been on the trigger; no way it fires otherwise in the manner you suggest, correct?

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows that you don't put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot.

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows you cannot be ready to shoot until you've identified your target.

Basically, by saying that the gun fired in the manner you suggest, Rittenhouse had identified his target and was ready to shoot. If he had identified Rosenbaum as his target, then he intended to shoot Rosenbaum...
Your entire argument falls apart into a spectacular pile of fail with this one sentence.

Now, the idea has been floated here that Rittenhouse was a responsible guy, trained in the use of his firearm, yadayadayada.

Well, in order for the trigger to have been pulled in the manner you state, Rittenhouse's finger had to have been on the trigger; no way it fires otherwise in the manner you suggest, correct?

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows that you don't put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot.

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows you cannot be ready to shoot until you've identified your target.

Basically, by saying that the gun fired in the manner you suggest, Rittenhouse had identified his target and was ready to shoot. If he had identified Rosenbaum as his target, then he intended to shoot Rosenbaum...
And when Rosenbaum grabbed the gun it was his next to last fatal mistake and the end of suffering of untold number of children who had yet to be raped by him.

Prosecution in desperate last minute attempt to add charges....defense sparring. Libs frantically trying to nail him for something.....

In all honesty this whole thing could have and should have been avoided as both sides made some extremely poor decisions.

2 people are dead. Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment and a lesson learned, however, that lesson should not be that when his life was in danger he did anything wrong when he defended his life.

Hopefully snowflakes and liberals will learn:

1. That old adage, 'Don't want none? Then don't start none.'

2. Choosing to chase, attack, stomp, and try to kill someone armed with an AR-15 & you only have a skateboard as a weapon is dumb as hell & will most likely win you the Darwin Award.

What charges,if any,do you think he will be found guilty on?
Kyle did nothing wrong---and shooting violent criminals in the act is the RIGHT decision as it prevents them from victimizing others and serves as a deterrent to still more. No wonder crime is rising---everyone feels sorry and gives extra rights to the criminals. STOP IT!!
Your entire argument falls apart into a spectacular pile of fail with this one sentence.

Now, the idea has been floated here that Rittenhouse was a responsible guy, trained in the use of his firearm, yadayadayada.

Well, in order for the trigger to have been pulled in the manner you state, Rittenhouse's finger had to have been on the trigger; no way it fires otherwise in the manner you suggest, correct?

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows that you don't put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot.

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows you cannot be ready to shoot until you've identified your target.

Basically, by saying that the gun fired in the manner you suggest, Rittenhouse had identified his target and was ready to shoot. If he had identified Rosenbaum as his target, then he intended to shoot Rosenbaum...
Really? The Pedophile threaten to kill Kyle and the others all day long----it would have been stupid not to have the finger on the trigger ready to shoot. Kyle killed a pedophile--the world is a better place...
And when Rosenbaum grabbed the gun it was his next to last fatal mistake and the end of suffering of untold number of children who had yet to be raped by him.

Why are you dodging the points I've made?

The gun doesn't fire in the manner you suggest unless Rittenhouse's finger is on the trigger. That shows that he intended to shoot Rosenbaum before Rosenbaum ever touched the gun...
Please don't ever touch a firearm, as it's clear you know dick about gun safety...
Neither did Rosenbaum...which is why he is dead.
Rosenbaum had no problem with grabbing any weapon he could...he had earlier used a piece of chain from the flatbed trailer he had tipped over and set on fire while shouting death threats at Kyle.
Neither did Rosenbaum...which is why he is dead.
Rosenbaum had no problem with grabbing any weapon he could...he had earlier used a piece of chain from the flatbed trailer he had tipped over and set on fire while shouting death threats at Kyle.

Your version of what actually happened is so far removed from reality it's silly.

Rosenbaum was seen armed with a chain, but that was hours before any altercations. He didn't have the chain when he was shot.

And you're still avoiding the points I made in my post, but I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from a known coward...
Your version of what actually happened is so far removed from reality it's silly.

Rosenbaum was seen armed with a chain, but that was hours before any altercations. He didn't have the chain when he was shot.

And you're still avoiding the points I made in my post, but I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from a known coward...
Rosenbaum's lunge to grab the rifle immediately changes and removes your argument that Rosenbaum was unarmed...

He certainly demonstrated that he was capable of violence and was unhinged from sanity by the things he was shouting. Using derogatory racial epithets during a BLM protest clearly demonstrated that.

And what I am saying is coming directly from the video and witnesses to the shooting. There's is NO evidence that supports your position whatsoever...just like there's no evidence of the prosecuting attorney's position either.

I'm thinking that the jury returns very quickly on Monday with a not guilty verdict on all counts.
Laws are very clear...the instructions are going to make it even more so. Rosenbaum was a thug that did thug things...

What would have happened if Kyle had not shot him? What would have happened to Kyle's gun in Rosenbaum's possession? How many people would have died then?

Everyone is much more comfortable with Rosenbaum being dead than Kyle being dead.

Why was Kyle running to the police and away from the rioting? Why were the thugs trying to keep Kyle away from the police?
Rosenbaum was unarmed when he was shot by Rittenhouse. That's no longer in dispute.

Rosenbaum never made physical contact with Rittenhouse.

I'm not saying that the jury won't side with Rittenhouse. What I am saying is that it's difficult to support a self defense claim when the person you shot and killed was unarmed. If I were on that jury, that would be an issue for me...
The precedent you'd be setting would make it impossible for the police to do their jobs in the field or worse you would cause an officer to hesitate therefore getting him or herself shot and killed in the field. Obeying the officers command's would be the best start to not escalating events into dangerous situation's, and definitely not charging after someone holding an AR-15 in the dark as if you are going to hurt him would be another smart piece of information your brain should be telling you.
Your version of what actually happened is so far removed from reality it's silly.

Rosenbaum was seen armed with a chain, but that was hours before any altercations. He didn't have the chain when he was shot.

And you're still avoiding the points I made in my post, but I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from a known coward...
Did Rittenhouse know he didn't have the chain (i.e Rosenbaum could have picked it back up before he started the pursuit of Rittenhouse), otherwise for all Kyle would have known right ?

The Rosenbaum dude was acting very aggressive in the videos shown prior to his bout with Kyle.. It was as if he was looking for a fight the way he was carrying on in the crowds. So it could be that he saw Kyle as being a wet behind the ears kid with a big scary rifle, and thought that Kyle would blink if he was pressured in a situation, so he tried him.

Who knows really, but one thing is for sure, and that is that you don't chase after someone with an AR-15 as if you are going to hurt them, and possibly take that rifle from them if they aren't the aggressive one or they aren't committing any crimes like you are alledgedly there to do. It doesn't end well.... Now if they had evidence of Kyle being the agitator/ aggressor, as well as the attacker, then it would be different maybe, but that isn't the case. That's why the prosecutor made a fool of himself attempting to be super slimey when trying to prosecute Rittenhouse in the case. Making it up as he went became a crap show, and he (the prosecutor), ended up eating the sandwiches that he was making.
Your entire argument falls apart into a spectacular pile of fail with this one sentence.

Now, the idea has been floated here that Rittenhouse was a responsible guy, trained in the use of his firearm, yadayadayada.

Well, in order for the trigger to have been pulled in the manner you state, Rittenhouse's finger had to have been on the trigger; no way it fires otherwise in the manner you suggest, correct?

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows that you don't put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot.

Rittenhouse, being trained, knows you cannot be ready to shoot until you've identified your target.

Basically, by saying that the gun fired in the manner you suggest, Rittenhouse had identified his target and was ready to shoot. If he had identified Rosenbaum as his target, then he intended to shoot Rosenbaum...
Training is only good to a certain point, and then it is only held together or called upon in order to try and keep a volatile situation under a measure of control, but if an attacker is using tactics and method's of aggression against you that ends up taking you outside the box, then it's possible that you may be taken outside of your training for even a split second, otherwise because the attacker forced you to go there in order to preserve your life in the highly volatile situation. Cops are placed into these situations or life threatening scenario's many times, and the results are exactly the same. Best to obey orders when it comes to the cop's, and it best not to be out alledgedly trying to commit crimes, and then chasing after a person with an AR-15 in the dark as if you are going to hurt him. It doesn't end well.

Self defense should be the ruling, and everyone needs to sit back and learn why you don't participate in destructive riot's where one might be thinking to destroy property, and possibly also thinking to hurt innocent people during the event by looking for a fight, and especially so with someone who tries to protect the rights of the innocent during the event because law and order has failed on purpose.

Rosenbaum and the Rittenhouse family should be suing the city for allowing law and order to fail, and therefore creating the volatile situation in which their son's had went there for, otherwise wasn't it all because of that failure for which they went there ? Hmmmm.
Training is only good to a certain point, and then it is only held together or called upon in order to try and keep a volatile situation under a measure of control, but if an attacker is using tactics and method's of aggression against you that ends up taking you outside the box, then it's possible that you may be taken outside of your training for even a split second, otherwise because the attacker forced you to go there in order to preserve your life in the highly volatile situation. Cops are placed into these situations or life threatening scenario's many times, and the results are exactly the same. Best to obey orders when it comes to the cop's, and it best not to be out alledgedly trying to commit crimes, and then chasing after a person with an AR-15 in the dark as if you are going to hurt him. It doesn't end well.

Self defense should be the ruling, and everyone needs to sit back and learn why you don't participate in destructive riot's where one might be thinking to destroy property, and possibly also thinking to hurt innocent people during the event by looking for a fight, and especially so with someone who tries to protect the rights of the innocent during the event because law and order has failed on purpose.

Rosenbaum and the Rittenhouse family should be suing the city for allowing law and order to fail, and therefore creating the volatile situation in which their son's had went there for, otherwise wasn't it all because of that failure for which they went there ? Hmmmm.
The defense team has had a great that happens when you have a very strong case.

They would open Pandora's box just a bit...and as the Prosecutor went to cross examine the Defense's witnesses even more evidence would come out that strengthened the Defense's position even more...

You would have thought that the Prosecutor would have gotten the clue...Shut up and Don't cross examine the Defense's's not going to help and only make your position worse...

And ultimately the prosecutor has scuttled his own case.
Why are you dodging the points I've made?

The gun doesn't fire in the manner you suggest unless Rittenhouse's finger is on the trigger. That shows that he intended to shoot Rosenbaum before Rosenbaum ever touched the gun...

Kyle had just been chased down, hit with a skateboard twice, and stomped....he was in the middle of a fight for his life...and you say he should not have had his finger on the trigger?

Rosenbaum testified that Kyle SPARED HIS LIFE, that he pointed the AR-15 at him but DID NOT SHOOT because he was unarmed, that Kyle only shot when HE PULLED HIS PISTOL AND AIMED IT AT KYLE'S HEAD.

His testimony destroys your and the prosecution's claim / narrative.

If Kyle wanted Rosenbaum dead Rosenbaum would be dead. Kyle would have shot him before he drew his weapon.

That did not happen - Kyle fired in self-defense after his attacker pulled his weapon and pointed it at Kyle's head.
They got Rittenhouse to admit that he shot and killed an unarmed man.

That you're unable to recognize how damaging that could be tells me all I need to know about you.

Oh, and unlike you, I don't pretend to be a lawyer.

I bet when it came to killing Bin Laden you were terrorism expert, and when it came to masks and vaccines you became an immunologist.

Imagine all that, and still managing to remain a dipshit the entire time...
Just a big minutito. Each person he shot was photographed pointing a loaded gun at him. The prosecutor took advantage of his sad emotional state for which the prosecutor was sternly reprimanded by a judge famous for his no nonsense approach to prosecutors seeking a specific politically driven, untrue answer. I did see two instances of the judge reminding the overzealous lawyering the prosecutor was atttempting to turning the case into a leftist cause celebre. A courtroom is not ever to be used as a propaganda circus for ignoring true justice. The Democrats are desperate and have already gotten the unstable president to proclaim the defendant guilty without benefit of the trial's true outcome. Presidents have been impeached for less than perpetrating injustice the Deep State louses are using a seemingly mentally sick man for their propaganda to weaken the Second Amendment. The Democrats are becoming famous for ninnyhammering their every deceit into law overriding Constitutional freedoms of the common man. They are shoving their party into the teens for the distrust their chaotic antics beget. IOW their double sided footshoots are suiciding not just Hillary's rivals, they are bringing down the roof upon themselves, and it doesn't pay to shake and break pillars of the Constitution by a skag trio of Hillary, Nancy, and Maxine. In fact it is stupid.
That is incorrect...
There was a good 2 hours of testimony from the coroner about the stippling on Rosenbaum's hand...going back and forth between the prosecutor and Defense team about it...
Rosenbaum was grabbing the gun when Kyle fired his first shot...
The video evidence and the direct witness testimony of several people all claim the exact same thing...
Rosenbaum was chasing Kyle and lunged to grab Kyle's gun and Kyle shot him.
The action of grabbing the gun likely was the reason why sufficient pressure was applied to the trigger to pull it and fire the gun.
Basically Rosenbaum shot himself using Kyle's hand...the rest of the shots into Rosenbaum was all Kyle's because Rosenbaum didn't stop coming after Kyle.

The semi automatic gun fires very fast...three shots in 1½ seconds.

Then as Kyle was obvious in going towards the police the mob attacked Kyle...they didn't want him to surrender to the police...they wanted to kill him.

Personally I think that all those rushing up to Kyle and in persuit should be charged with attempted murder as well...but then again it's a corrupt DA...none of those truly guilty of crimes are going to be charged and the only truly innocent man is being vilified by the DA and the press.

Is that what you think? Kyle, as you so lovingly and grovingly call him, was the only criminal on the street that night. A trespasser from another state, illegally in possession of a firearm, illegally brandishing it, at the citizens of that neighborhood he was trespassing in.

Every one of those citizens that went after him, were legally, and heroically trying to stop an armed criminal from continuing a rampage of armed violence in their neighborhood. Even one of the citizens that was armed didn't want to kill him, and testified under oath to that fact.

It isn't self defense when a murderer is murdering those trying to stop him from committing murder.
If by some chance he is acquitted, the ATF should arrest him for crossing a state line, and obtaining a firearm by straw purchase, in the furtherance of a felony.

Lets see if a jury in a federal court in Illinois is as sympathetic as a rigged jury, with a rigged judge in a state court in Wisconsin.

Kyle had just been chased down, hit with a skateboard twice, and stomped....he was in the middle of a fight for his life...and you say he should not have had his finger on the trigger?

Rosenbaum testified that Kyle SPARED HIS LIFE, that he pointed the AR-15 at him but DID NOT SHOOT because he was unarmed, that Kyle only shot when HE PULLED HIS PISTOL AND AIMED IT AT KYLE'S HEAD.

His testimony destroys your and the prosecution's claim / narrative.

If Kyle wanted Rosenbaum dead Rosenbaum would be dead. Kyle would have shot him before he drew his weapon.

That did not happen - Kyle fired in self-defense after his attacker pulled his weapon and pointed it at Kyle's head.
I think you have the suspects confused.

Huber had a skateboard.
Grosskreutz had a handgun
Rosenbaum tried to grab Kyle's gun. But Rosenbaum was the first one shot. Huber was second and Grosskreutz was third.

Huber and Grosskreutz tried to kill Kyle so he couldn't get to the police.

Grosskreutz also later admitted on national television that he cycled his gun after trying to fire but the gun didn't discharge while aiming at Kyle.

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