Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

Is that what you think? Kyle, as you so lovingly and grovingly call him, was the only criminal on the street that night. A trespasser from another state, illegally in possession of a firearm, illegally brandishing it, at the citizens of that neighborhood he was trespassing in.

Every one of those citizens that went after him, were legally, and heroically trying to stop an armed criminal from continuing a rampage of armed violence in their neighborhood. Even one of the citizens that was armed didn't want to kill him, and testified under oath to that fact.

It isn't self defense when a murderer is murdering those trying to stop him from committing murder.
If by some chance he is acquitted, the ATF should arrest him for crossing a state line, and obtaining a firearm by straw purchase, in the furtherance of a felony.

Lets see if a jury in a federal court in Illinois is as sympathetic as a rigged jury, with a rigged judge in a state court in Wisconsin.
None of what you have said is even remotely true.
Rittenhouse was not in illegal possession of a firearm as the judge has already ruled.
The firearm was not transported across state lines. It was not a straw purchase.

Kyle was not only eligible for a firearm permit in Illinois it had been applied for and delayed because of quarantines... otherwise he would have actually had one.
Rosenbaum was unarmed when he was shot by Rittenhouse. That's no longer in dispute.

Rosenbaum never made physical contact with Rittenhouse.

I'm not saying that the jury won't side with Rittenhouse. What I am saying is that it's difficult to support a self defense claim when the person you shot and killed was unarmed. If I were on that jury, that would be an issue for me...

No, every witness has stipulated that the pedo was trying to take Kyles rifle away.

That is justification right there.

If a bad guy tries to take a cops taser away that is grounds for lethal force to be used against the perp.
None of what you have said is even remotely true.
Rittenhouse was not in illegal possession of a firearm as the judge has already ruled.
The firearm was not transported across state lines. It was not a straw purchase.

Kyle was not only eligible for a firearm permit in Illinois it had been applied for and delayed because of quarantines... otherwise he would have actually had one.

18 U.S. Code § 924

Federal law doesn't give a rats ass what some fruitcake state judge thinks or rules on, and supersedes any ruling he makes.

I didn't say he took anything across the line.

That's the echo chamber in that empty space above your shoulders.

He obtained the gun in Wisconsin. Which he did not apply for. That's called a straw purchase shit for brains, and I assure you the ATF looks at it exactly like what it is, and that judge or jury can't do thing one to stop him from being arrested by the feds.

Prosecution in desperate last minute attempt to add charges....defense sparring. Libs frantically trying to nail him for something.....

In all honesty this whole thing could have and should have been avoided as both sides made some extremely poor decisions.

2 people are dead. Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment and a lesson learned, however, that lesson should not be that when his life was in danger he did anything wrong when he defended his life.

Hopefully snowflakes and liberals will learn:

1. That old adage, 'Don't want none? Then don't start none.'

2. Choosing to chase, attack, stomp, and try to kill someone armed with an AR-15 & you only have a skateboard as a weapon is dumb as hell & will most likely win you the Darwin Award.

What charges,if any,do you think he will be found guilty on?
I can site many high power attorneys who maintain that this Rittenhouse
Trial should never have been attempted.That it was a clear-cut case of
Self-defense.Yet,adding to the fumes were a lollygaging MSM who never even
bothered to get that facts in their feeble heads.They were driven,not unlike the way
the Dems were driven to Oust a sitting President with sheer Lies and a dopey
Dossier.Using what we now understand CLEARLY was Projection.It was Hillary and
the DNC who colluded with Russia to effect the outcome of a Presidential.
Then it was Joe Biden who was the one who offered { we have him bragging about it
on Video } of using a Quid Pro Quo.At a Council on Foreign Relations sit down
discussion.Trump did not even come close to using any Quid Pro Quo which became
the Impetus for his First Impeachment.
So we have Lies and Projection and Gaslighting as historic Proof.
Rittenhouse did not have to take the stand.But he vouu nteered.
Video Footage proves what he Testified to. Making this
Robert Lewis Stevenson quote appear to be little more than Childs Play.
" The cruellest lies are often told in silence. "
Not when Democrats are at work.Or Play.Or anything.
18 U.S. Code § 924

Federal law doesn't give a rats ass what some fruitcake state judge thinks or rules on, and supersedes any ruling he makes.

I didn't say he took anything across the line.

That's the echo chamber in that empty space above your shoulders.

He obtained the gun in Wisconsin. Which he did not apply for. That's called a straw purchase shit for brains, and I assure you the ATF looks at it exactly like what it is, and that judge or jury can't do thing one to stop him from being arrested by the feds.
According to testimony during the trial it wasn't Kyle's wasn't in his home, it wasn't stored at his residence, it was not by definition a straw purchase.
If he didn't cross a state line, get an illegal gun, and put himself in that position. None of it would be happening to him.

Put yourself in a bad position. Bad things happen to you.

If the rioters weren't trying to burn down the town where he works they wouldn't have died.
So the jury was dismissed until Monday. That gives the left two full days of harassment to secure a guilty verdict much like the Chauvin trial.
If he didn't cross a state line, get an illegal gun, and put himself in that position. None of it would be happening to him.

Put yourself in a bad position. Bad things happen to you.
Does it bother you that the judge disagrees with you?
Only a fascist such as yourself says that if police aren't there you must allow yourself to be murdered.
If he didn't cross a state line, get an illegal gun, and put himself in that position. None of it would be happening to him.

Put yourself in a bad position. Bad things happen to you.
So then what about the Rioters.Did any of them cross state lines.
Like what we witnessed all lSummer of 2020.Many { throngs of Antifa and BLM
Rioters masquerating as if Protestors } were either Bussed in or Flown-in.
What about the gun shot heard before Rittenhouse was run down and fell
to the ground.Who fired it and did that Person cross state lines and have a
legit gun permit.
Joshua Ziminski fired the first shot that night.He wasn't charged until early October
2020 with No weapons charges being brought ; just a Disorderly conduct charge.
Ziminski could have had a Felony Reckless Endangering Safety Charge,
Ziminski was charged on Oct. 9th with Bail Jumping and Obstructing/Resisting
Officer both a Misdemeanor.Again No weapons charges were forthcoming.
Was this Ziminski creep guilty of Unlawful posession of a Firearm ?
He and his wife both admitted He Had a Gun.
How comes more is not the be made of this.
So the jury was dismissed until Monday. That gives the left two full days of harassment to secure a guilty verdict much like the Chauvin trial.
We already have at least one reported Threat leveled at the Judge.
Plus some Black dude { Antifa/BLM ? } making it public that there needs
to be Photos taken of Jury Members.I think that would be a rather serious
unlawful act.There are laws concerning the secrecy of Jurors at Trial.
According to testimony during the trial it wasn't Kyle's wasn't in his home, it wasn't stored at his residence, it was not by definition a straw purchase.
Each state has varying laws as to Gun Possession.The AR-15 was not owned by
Rittenhouse but a friend.As long as that Friend was not a minor he could
according to Wisconsin law loan his weapon { Rifle } out.
There's a lot of Hunting done in Wisconsin.
Also Fishing { Ice Fishing } and Beer guzzling as seen in the popular
movie - Grumpy Old Men - { 1993 }
Keep in mind what Joe Biden as candidate said of Obama when running
for the Presidency in 2007/2008. " I guarantee you Barack Obama
ain't takin' my shotguns,so don't buy that malarkey."
I only had to watch about a half hour of the trial yesterday, to be able to conclude that it was a sideshow. The judge broke out in laughter at least three times during the part I watched.
By himself apparently and over his own jokes too!

I'm predicting that Kyle will walk with a slight smack on the wrist (suspended sentence) and the die will be cast for America to start the slaughter by gun.

How will Trump urge it on without being too obviously inciting violence?

Or will the situation become one of Trump being emboldened enough to throw all caution to the wind?
America's ducks are very nearly lined up now!

Kyle had just been chased down, hit with a skateboard twice, and stomped....he was in the middle of a fight for his life...and you say he should not have had his finger on the trigger?

Rosenbaum testified that Kyle SPARED HIS LIFE, that he pointed the AR-15 at him but DID NOT SHOOT because he was unarmed, that Kyle only shot when HE PULLED HIS PISTOL AND AIMED IT AT KYLE'S HEAD.

His testimony destroys your and the prosecution's claim / narrative.

If Kyle wanted Rosenbaum dead Rosenbaum would be dead. Kyle would have shot him before he drew his weapon.

That did not happen - Kyle fired in self-defense after his attacker pulled his weapon and pointed it at Kyle's head.
Uh oh, I need to get the names straight, because I have been using the wrong names concerning different events, but it matters not because the outcome is still self defense on Kyle's part.
I only had to watch about a half hour of the trial yesterday, to be able to conclude that it was a sideshow. The judge broke out in laughter at least three times during the part I watched.
By himself apparently and over his own jokes too!

I'm predicting that Kyle will walk with a slight smack on the wrist (suspended sentence) and the die will be cast for America to start the slaughter by gun.

How will Trump urge it on without being too obviously inciting violence?

Or will the situation become one of Trump being emboldened enough to throw all caution to the wind?
America's ducks are very nearly lined up now!
So you are Antifa or the like maybe ?? Bringing Trump into it suggest that you are.
Uh oh, I need to get the names straight, because I have been using the wrong names concerning different events, but it matters not because the outcome is still self defense on Kyle's part.
He got the names wrong... you haven't.

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