Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

Racists used to say that all the time. None of them went to Harvard or became lawyers and Constitutional scholars.
Oh so you are saying that Harvard and such can get the racist out of you eh ? I call bullcrap on that one. It might give you the tools to be a more cunning and diabolical racist, but most of the time a racist is going to racist regardless of how refined or educated they might be. Grow up.
Is that what you think? Kyle, as you so lovingly and grovingly call him, was the only criminal on the street that night. A trespasser from another state, illegally in possession of a firearm, illegally brandishing it, at the citizens of that neighborhood he was trespassing in.

Every one of those citizens that went after him, were legally, and heroically trying to stop an armed criminal from continuing a rampage of armed violence in their neighborhood. Even one of the citizens that was armed didn't want to kill him, and testified under oath to that fact.

It isn't self defense when a murderer is murdering those trying to stop him from committing murder.
If by some chance he is acquitted, the ATF should arrest him for crossing a state line, and obtaining a firearm by straw purchase, in the furtherance of a felony.

Lets see if a jury in a federal court in Illinois is as sympathetic as a rigged jury, with a rigged judge in a state court in Wisconsin.
What is this; "

Because you at least tied or exceeded the most projections I have ever seen in one post. The narrative is not working, nor are the baseless accusations that belie little white fibbies. *yawn*

I have better things to do than sort which little Demmie fibbie gets the least outrage from the public at large. lol

As I said earlier, *yawn*
Just a big minutito. Each person he shot was photographed pointing a loaded gun at him.

Serious question: Do you just make shit up as you go along?

Rosenbaum never pointed a loaded anything at Rittenhouse, and the other guy he shot had a skateboard.

Stop lying.
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Rosenbaum's lunge to grab the rifle immediately changes and removes your argument that Rosenbaum was unarmed...

He certainly demonstrated that he was capable of violence and was unhinged from sanity by the things he was shouting. Using derogatory racial epithets during a BLM protest clearly demonstrated that.

And what I am saying is coming directly from the video and witnesses to the shooting. There's is NO evidence that supports your position whatsoever...just like there's no evidence of the prosecuting attorney's position either.

I'm thinking that the jury returns very quickly on Monday with a not guilty verdict on all counts.
Laws are very clear...the instructions are going to make it even more so. Rosenbaum was a thug that did thug things...

What would have happened if Kyle had not shot him? What would have happened to Kyle's gun in Rosenbaum's possession? How many people would have died then?

Everyone is much more comfortable with Rosenbaum being dead than Kyle being dead.

Why was Kyle running to the police and away from the rioting? Why were the thugs trying to keep Kyle away from the police?

For the third time, you continue to cowardly dodge the points I made in my post.

Your acknowledgment of your defeat is accepted. You're dismissed.
If he didn't cross a state line, get an illegal gun, and put himself in that position. None of it would be happening to him.

Put yourself in a bad position. Bad things happen to you.
Keep telling yourself that. The American people have caught onto the little leftists dirty tricks including the executive fakery, and the DNC is turning itself into the abandoned fossil it deserves to be with your own faithful getting sick of all the fake background noise that is shrinking your voter base. Keep up the arrogant shell games. At least the implosion of Marxism as a convenient power grab tool is on its way out so are Hillary, Nancy, Maxine, and Alexandria standing on the mounds of fakery with ratty little leafless branches waving their farewells to that pile of fake dossiers and two thousand page laws they are currently failing to pass on a pass-it-now-learn-what-you-voted-in-later gig. :rolleyes-41:
For the third time, you continue to cowardly dodge the points I made in my post.

Your acknowledgment of your defeat is accepted. You're dismissed.
I have directly answered your points... you just keep ignoring them... I can't help it if you seem to have a mental block that keeps you ignorant.
Serious question: Do you just make shit up as you go along?

Rosenbaum never pointed a loaded anything at Rittenhouse, and the other guy he shot had a skateboard.

Stop lying.

so it's OK however to light fires and beat the shit out of those purting them out.
They aren't ignorant, but they need the boogie man so they can attack anyone that is against their radical agenda's. Christian's, they know aren't tolerant of their radicalism, and most all Christian's are Republicans and conservatives, so they know who it is that they are targeting, and they know that's why they had to flip history in order to try and paint their enemies into a laundry list of categories even if they don't apply.
Sadfully The Church,Religion and God is now the latest boogeyman.
The New World Order is emphatic over demonizing those areas.
Instead of Truth and the American Way there exists The use of constant lying
and Unamericanism.Like the way the Nuclear Family is under attack.
Calling ones parents Mother and Father.Or Kids their true gender.
This is how Country's are " Transformed " in a fast track way.
Like the Communist Strategy used to take over Czechoslavakia as written
by Jan Kozak ... - And Not a Shot is Fired : How Parliament
Can Play a Revolutionary Part in the Transition to
Socialism and the Role of Popular Masses
Written between 1950 and 1955.

Prosecution in desperate last minute attempt to add charges....defense sparring. Libs frantically trying to nail him for something.....

In all honesty this whole thing could have and should have been avoided as both sides made some extremely poor decisions.

2 people are dead. Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment and a lesson learned, however, that lesson should not be that when his life was in danger he did anything wrong when he defended his life.

Hopefully snowflakes and liberals will learn:

1. That old adage, 'Don't want none? Then don't start none.'

2. Choosing to chase, attack, stomp, and try to kill someone armed with an AR-15 & you only have a skateboard as a weapon is dumb as hell & will most likely win you the Darwin Award.

What charges,if any,do you think he will be found guilty on?
When you shoot 3 people, one in the back and only one is armed, how can you claim self defense?
When you shoot 3 people, one in the back and only one is armed, how can you claim self defense?
You should have watched at least some of the case and you would see why.

There's an extremely strong case for self defense that even at this point the prosecutor recognizes (from his own expert witness)

Rosenbaum was shot in the back possibly while down or going down.
You should have watched at least some of the case and you would see why.

There's an extremely strong case for self defense that even at this point the prosecutor recognizes (from his own expert witness)

Rosenbaum was shot in the back possibly while down or going down.
I guess, I'm old school. You shouldn't be able to shoot people in the back and people that are unarmed and call it self defense.

Prosecution in desperate last minute attempt to add charges....defense sparring. Libs frantically trying to nail him for something.....

In all honesty this whole thing could have and should have been avoided as both sides made some extremely poor decisions.

2 people are dead. Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment and a lesson learned, however, that lesson should not be that when his life was in danger he did anything wrong when he defended his life.

Hopefully snowflakes and liberals will learn:

1. That old adage, 'Don't want none? Then don't start none.'

2. Choosing to chase, attack, stomp, and try to kill someone armed with an AR-15 & you only have a skateboard as a weapon is dumb as hell & will most likely win you the Darwin Award.

What charges,if any,do you think he will be found guilty on?
Rittenhouse wouldn't have agreed to the addition of the lesser included offenses if he thought his case was a slam dunk acquittal.

so it's OK however to light fires and beat the shit out of those purting them out.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I was replying to this comment by beautress:

"Each person he shot was photographed pointing a loaded gun at him."

That statement is 100% false. There's not a thread of truth in it...
I guess I'm old fashioned. you shouldn't be terrorizing neighborhoods,. lighting them on fire and stealing whatever you'd like.
I agree with that but when you walk into a riot in a neighborhood carrying an AK-47 and start shooting, your victims damn well need to be threating your life or someone else. That does not seem to be the case with Rittenhouse. You can't go into a riot and start shooting people because you think they are threating your life or another persons. You have know they are.
Well as soon as you can accurately explain what the color blue tastes like...
Kyle is innocent.

That remains to be seen.

You seem to think that shooting an unarmed man is no big deal.

The only reason Rosenbaum caught up to Rittenhouse is because Rittenhouse intentionally slowed down...

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