Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

I agree completely, but if there are other laws he may have broken he should be held accountable is all I am saying.

If he gets away 'scott-free' after this he will he extremely lucky.
Name a law that he broke. Surely if there are more than those charged the prosecution would have charged them. Do you know something that the prosecution, or we, do not know. Share.
Rosenbaum wasn't armed at all. Kyle Rittenhouse is a sniveling coward. TRump make a lot of low lifes feel like real men.
Rosenbaum had threatened to kill Rittenhouse for putting out a fire that the felon Rosenbaum had set. Then, trying to take Rittenhouse's gun, he got shot.

When someone tries to take your gun, it is reasonable to assume they intend to kill you with it and to defend your life accordingly.

When someone who has made a credible threat to kill you tries to take your gun, then it is even more reasonable to assume the person will kill you with your gun.

When a person chases you, while you're running away trying not to have a fight, and then tackles you and tries to take your gun, it is clearly self-defense.
I don’t have a problem with cases going to trial when three people get shot and two people die.

If anything, it will provide closure when they inevitably find Rittenhouse innocent on the bigger charges.

Anything else?

You don't have a problem with the government putting a person through a trial - a trial where it is always a possibility that an errant jury might find them guilty, when the government knows the person committed no crime, just because people are dead?

I have a real problem with the government making politically-based charges and putting a person through a trial for their life, and then violating the Constitution and Supreme Court precedence over and over again to make the false charges stick.
An AR15 is a long gun - I mean like a rifle, not a pistol. IF there are Wisconsin laws which make differeces in this - I would not know

An AR15 is almost identical to an M-16, which I fired in the Air Force.

The difference is the ability to be fully automatic - the AR15s can be illegally modified to get around this limitation - David Koresh's people in Waco regularly had their AR15s so modified.

Really? Were you at Waco and you saw fully automatic guns? Or do you just believe Janet Reno?

Prosecution in desperate last minute attempt to add charges....defense sparring. Libs frantically trying to nail him for something.....

In all honesty this whole thing could have and should have been avoided as both sides made some extremely poor decisions.

2 people are dead. Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment and a lesson learned, however, that lesson should not be that when his life was in danger he did anything wrong when he defended his life.

Hopefully snowflakes and liberals will learn:

1. That old adage, 'Don't want none? Then don't start none.'

2. Choosing to chase, attack, stomp, and try to kill someone armed with an AR-15 & you only have a skateboard as a weapon is dumb as hell & will most likely win you the Darwin Award.

What charges,if any,do you think he will be found guilty on?
There’s a significant development in this case.

The judge is going to instruct the jury that the prosecution’s stance that Rittenhouse

or provoked the confrontation with one of the men he killed is valid. This means that his claim of self defense for one of the killings is not a valid defense.

Legally one can not claim self defense if one provokes a confrontation.

It is quite possible that he can be acquitted of one of the killings, but found guilty on the other.
Absolutely not....but I am saying the mob is out to get him and may do so on some other charge added late or any other way they can.

That's not what you said in Post #1. You made a clear statement that he should be punished - but didn't offer any suggestion of a law he broke for which he should be punished.

Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment

It seems to me that you, and others, are doing exactly what Death Angel suggests: appeasing the mob. Virtue signalling. Joining the woke mob.
MINOR charges... levelled against Rittenhouse when he was a minor
Well - he will probably be found guilty of possession of a firearm when he wasn't old enough, but even that is not certain.

surada - you be on Ignore

I am opposed to "extra new charges" being added onto Rittenhouse's list at the last minute just because the prosecution realizes they are losing.

That's down in the flood - but I guess par for this prosecutor whose career should end with this trial.
They actually aren’t “extra new charges”. They are just being given the option of dropping the most serious charge and convicting on a lesser charge
There’s a significant development in this case.

The judge is going to instruct the jury that the prosecution’s stance that Rittenhouse

or provoked the confrontation with one of the men he killed is valid. This means that his claim of self defense for one of the killings is not a valid defense.

Legally one can not claim self defense if one provokes a confrontation.

It is quite possible that he can be acquitted of one of the killings, but found guilty on the other.

And you know this how?
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This case was lost when the judge said you couldn't call the people Rittenhouse murdered victims, but you could call them rioters and looters.

A warning to you right wingers, don't talk shit because those like you started this and when Rittenhouse gets off, don't cry about what you guys made happen.

Do not make Rittenhouse a hero. That will not end well.

How many Air Jordans or TVs do BLM members get when a white kid is acquitted of self defense for shooting two other white men?
When you shoot 3 people, one in the back and only one is armed, how can you claim self defense?
One was clearly attacking him, the second one was armed with a skateboard being used as a club and the third not only had a pistol, but tried to shoot Rittenhouse twice, cycling the action to eject a misfired round in the process. So yes, three clear examples of self defense.
The protestors all went home before dark day after day.. The locals kept wondering who all the whire guys with guns were.

You're an idiot. If the protesters had gone home before dark then who lit the fire that Rittenhouse put out? And if they were all home, then there would have been no one there to attack Rittenhouse for putting out the fire and no one would have been shot.
I agree with that but when you walk into a riot in a neighborhood carrying an AK-47 and start shooting, your victims damn well need to be threating your life or someone else. That does not seem to be the case with Rittenhouse. You can't go into a riot and start shooting people because you think they are threating your life or another persons. You have know they are.
Except nothing in this post is true.
He was running around in the dark with the boogaloo bois.. They didn't kill anyone.
So there's no friending or other connection between the accounts but the boogaloo boys are trying to take credit for participating in the killings? I find that very odd, that they'd confess to what might be seen as a crime. No, they weren't involved and they know there's no connection that can be proven but making the claim elevates their stature. I don't know enough about the movement or those particular actors to say their white-supremacist stature.
As the
One was clearly attacking him, the second one was armed with a skateboard being used as a club and the third not only had a pistol, but tried to shoot Rittenhouse twice, cycling the action to eject a misfired round in the process. So yes, three clear examples of self defense.
I just gave you the facts concerning the jury instructions the judge is going to hand down. If you have an issue with that, take it up with the judge.

This ruling strengthens the prosecutors case that for at least one of the killings, a claim of self defense is not a valid defense.

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