Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

People just don't run up on individuals holding guns.

I don't believe that you have never watched the videos so I assume that you're lying in this statement in order to support your other lies and your racist agenda.
You never know what a jury will do....if they fail to give a just verdict based on the constitution of the United States I think a case of jury intimidation could be sought by the defense....we can not allow angry dumb people to threaten the outcome of our jurist prudence with violence for any reason....that should be punishable by prison terms....
We all know what justice means....its just that some people don't want justice.....they want to win....

Consider how many law-and-order types, self-proclaimed conservatives, Republicans, right-wingers, gun-rights supporters or others who have claimed not to be Democrats or leftists have given in to the mob mentality and are virtue signalling support for some sort of conviction of Rittenhouse - mostly for crimes they can't identify or haven't been charged - just to appease the mob. If it happens here, imagine how strong the pressure will be fore the jury.
I’m a conservative and I don’t want to see a place where we condone or encourage juvenile vigilantes to roam the streets acting as cops.
What’s the estimated time of day for inevitable all hell breaking loose?
They appointed completely inept prosecutors (so bad they have to be enemy action) and the judge is biased for the defense, it's obvious the intent is to acquit. The verdict was determined before the trial.ever started.
As the judge, himself, pointed out, he's biased for the Constitution. That's his job. You're too used to the judges going after Trump at every turn where they ignored the Constitution and just went after anything Trump said or did. You've seen so much of that in the past 5 years that you've totally forgotten how it used to be - how the left and liberals used to march in the streets to argue that it should be.
Age does matter. Juveniles do not have the same level of constitutional rights as adults. There's a reason for that.
Other than voting at 18, and age for holding Federal elected office, can you quote any age exceptions in the Constitution?
Other than voting at 18, and age for holding Federal elected office, can you quote any age exceptions in the Constitution?
The Supreme Court has made it quite clear that a juvenile does not have the same 2d amendment rights as an adult. A 17 year old is a juvenile.
I guess, I'm old school. You shouldn't be able to shoot people in the back and people that are unarmed and call it self defense.

Rosenbaum was shot in the hand first, the groin second, and as he turned and fell, Rittenhouse's trigger finger already in motion, he got the fatal shot in the back. Rosenbaum had run Rittenhouse down, chased him in the streets while Rittenhouse ran for his life to avoid shooting, then Rosenbaum knocked Rittenhouse down and tried to take his rifle away. That, of course, was a felony; a violent felony against Rittenhouse.

The other one that didn't have a firearm most certainly had a weapon. Many people have been beaten to death with a skateboard. Google it.
Rittenhouse wouldn't have agreed to the addition of the lesser included offenses if he thought his case was a slam dunk acquittal.

Rittenhouse didn't agree to it and the judge didn't say he'll likely allow it as another poster in this thread claimed. In fact, according to this article, the judge, rightly in my not-a-lawyer opinion, said he likely would not allow it. Self defense is self defense. If was self-defense in a murder 1 trial then it's self defense in a manslaughter trial.

After the defense objected, Schroeder said he was unlikely to allow the jury to consider the lesser charge because he thought a subsequent guilty verdict on second-degree reckless homicide would be overturned on appeal.
This blame game has been played by the right and it has been plsyed all my life and before. This guy drove in from out of town armed thinking he was going to defend citizens. So he came prepared to fight and came with his gun to shoot somebody. The car dealership he claimed to be protecting didn't want him there. All this is the result of a white officer shooting a black man in the back multiple times then lying about him grabbing a weapon. That officer did not get punished. Rittenhouse kills2 people and lies about self defense when he was armed and had all the defense he needed.

People just don't run up on individuals holding guns. You guys are all so good at quoting Dr. King as a diversion when white racism is called out, buut he said other words like these:

“ Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non¬-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity."

53 years later whites like many here still are not listening then you want to lecture somebody based on your purposefully ignoring the real cause of the problem.
the communist on the stand that was shot in the arm also brought a gun ! dont try to pretend that the marxist that have been looting and burning and yes killing havent brought guns to the fiery but peaceful protests ... heres a leftist commie toting a gun during their seizure of US territory in Seattle .
I agree with that but when you walk into a riot in a neighborhood carrying an AK-47 and start shooting, your victims damn well need to be threating your life or someone else. That does not seem to be the case with Rittenhouse. You can't go into a riot and start shooting people because you think they are threating your life or another persons. You have know they are.

Each of them absolutely were threatening his life when shot. The first was trying to take Rittenhouse's gun after having chased him down after having made verbal threats to kill him if he could get him alone. The second was beating him with a skateboard - a lethal weapon. The third pointed a gun into his face.

The problem here is that the BLM/Antifa movement are not used to having people fight back or even defend themselves. Three learned a lesson that night. Hopefully a lot of others remember that lesson as well.
Rittenhouse will probably be found innocence of the attack on Rosenbaum but I doubt he will be so lucky with the two he killed. Both appeared to be unarmed and one was shot in back.
Rosenbaum was the first killed. You should have at least some fundamental knowledge of the case and the truth before injecting your lies.
Because I can read the news.

Apparently you can't read the news. Your first post on the subject said that the judge would tell the jury that the prosecution's claim is valid but the news article you provided a link for said that the judge would tell the jury they can consider the prosecution's claim. Two completely different meanings.

You should go back and read the article again, looking up lots of words, and trying to understand before you post.
The Supreme Court has made it quite clear that a juvenile does not have the same 2d amendment rights as an adult. A 17 year old is a juvenile.
Do you believe everything the Supreme Court says? Since you've proven you have a reading comprehension problem I suppose you might have to believe them since you're unable to read and understand the Constitution by yourself.

Besides the fact that Rittenhouse was not in violation of Wisconsin law.
Rosenbaum was chasing him----threatened to kill him and others---and you think it wise not to be ready to fire? WOW!!

Pumpkin, basic firearms safety dictates that you do not put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to pull it. Period.

But you don't know that, because it's clear that when it comes to gun safety, you're as ignorant as they come...
Do you believe everything the Supreme Court says? Since you've proven you have a reading comprehension problem I suppose you might have to believe them since you're unable to read and understand the Constitution by yourself.

That's one of the more bizarre comments I've seen made in this thread.

When the Supreme Court speaks, whether you "believe" what the Court says is of no consequence. When the Court speaks, that's pretty much the last word...
Besides the fact that Rittenhouse was not in violation of Wisconsin law.

Sure he was...
Serious question: Do you just make shit up as you go along?

Rosenbaum never pointed a loaded anything at Rittenhouse, and the other guy he shot had a skateboard.

Stop lying.
I saw the video on Hannity. It ain't my problem if you and yours are too craven to man up to the truth which includes reality. You Demmies are lost in space with natratives sans proof. Plz stop making me tired with your trite drivel. Thx ahead of time.
There’s a significant development in this case.

The judge is going to instruct the jury that the prosecution’s stance that Rittenhouse

or provoked the confrontation with one of the men he killed is valid. This means that his claim of self defense for one of the killings is not a valid defense.

Legally one can not claim self defense if one provokes a confrontation.

It is quite possible that he can be acquitted of one of the killings, but found guilty on the other.
The JUDGE after the lib media tried to destroy him with idiotic claims of racism because he made a joke about ordering lunch and hoping that it was coming via the LA ships, gave the prosecution a bone and said that they can try to claim such...

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