Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

I saw the video on Hannity. It ain't my problem if you and yours are too craven to man up to the truth which includes reality. You Demmies are lost in space with natratives sans proof. Plz stop making me tired with your trite drivel. Thx ahead of time.

Calling me a "Demmie" simply because I'm not trying to suck Rittenhouse's dick like you are is stupid. I'm an Independent, leaning conservative. I voted for Trump twice. So go fuck yourself.

Show me video or a photo of Rosenbaum and/or skateboard boy pointing a gun at Rittenhouse.

You can't do it, but you're too big of a chickenshit to simply admit that...
It's going to be interesting to watch the trial today...
The lesser charges mostly have objections because if Kyle is not guilty of the greater charge the lesser charges don't make sense with the facts of the case.

The prosecutor didn't offer up any understanding of the gun charges on Friday...but the defense most certainly did with legal definitions and case law.

The prosecutor still has a huge mountain to climb with his "proof" of provocation by Kyle. It's a grainy photo at best that people have to get close to see...where the narrative the prosecutor has to tell is still unbelievable. Kyle has to switch hands going from a right handed to a left handed stance and believe that Rosenbaum had such concern for Ziminski that when Kyle left-handed ly pointed his gun at Ziminski Rosenbaum was provoked to attack Kyle.

That's the prosecutor's entire case that negates self defense...and he is going to argue that for 2½ hours non-stop.

And the prosecutor has no standing for the gun charges which are going to go the Defense's way.

So...since Ziminski was armed and then you have to apply the whole "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard for the Prosecutor's claims...

The big NG for KR.
He's biased for the defense.
Nope...not even.
He has remained's just that the prosecutor is doing a lousy job and is difficult to work with. He has tried several times to subvert the laws and rights of the accused, has come to court grossly unprepared, and has not made reasoned arguments.

It's almost to the point where I could do better...and I've never been to law school.

That's why the judge seems one sided...he isn't. It's just the defense team is organized and provides well written and extremely logical arguments...and has provided the court with lots of resources. (Including the Prosecutor's whole summation)
Nope...not even.
He has remained's just that the prosecutor is doing a lousy job and is difficult to work with. He has tried several times to subvert the laws and rights of the accused, has come to court grossly unprepared, and has not made reasoned arguments.

It's almost to the point where I could do better...and I've never been to law school.

That's why the judge seems one sided...he isn't. It's just the defense team is organized and provides well written and extremely logical arguments...and has provided the court with lots of resources. (Including the Prosecutor's whole summation)
Judge is biased for the defense. Whoever picked the prosecutor is biased to the defense, if they aren't just pretending to be that bad. These things aren't just a coincidence.
The fate of the shooter is of minimum importance compared to a non guilty verdict that will lower the bar on justifying murder.

Interesting too that two similar cases are in progress at the same time. Can the timing be arranged to coincide closely to give the effect of one or the other being of no importance.

Qanon and other bad actors are waiting impatiently for the prospect of a license to kill. IMO.

Self defense is not murder.
Judge is biased for the defense. Whoever picked the prosecutor is biased to the defense, if they aren't just pretending to be that bad. These things aren't just a coincidence.
You keep making unsubstantiated accusations.
And the party responsible for the prosecuting attorney's team is the DA who brought the original charges against Kyle to begin with...the assistant DA is prosecuting the case. He is as high as it gets that actually graces a courtroom like this.

But he is lousy at it...his assistant is even worse. It's ok to be fat...but fat and smelly/stinky and whiney and without logic?
The assistant DA looks like a Hitler wannabe...just a bit of a hairstyle change and a trim of the mustache and he would be picture perfect for asking "Where are the Jews hiding?"
Calling me a "Demmie" simply because I'm not trying to suck Rittenhouse's dick like you are is stupid. I'm an Independent, leaning conservative. I voted for Trump twice. So go fuck yourself.

Show me video or a photo of Rosenbaum and/or skateboard boy pointing a gun at Rittenhouse.

You can't do it, but you're too big of a chickenshit to simply admit that...
Zimenski had a gun, pointed it and shot at Kyle while Rosenbaum chased him.

Huber hit Kyle in the head/neck with a skateboard while he was down on the ground
Calling me a "Demmie" simply because I'm not trying to suck Rittenhouse's dick like you are is stupid. I'm an Independent, leaning conservative. I voted for Trump twice. So go fuck yourself.

Show me video or a photo of Rosenbaum and/or skateboard boy pointing a gun at Rittenhouse.

You can't do it, but you're too big of a chickenshit to simply admit that...
yet, the prosecution can't seem to make a case and continue to embarass themselves.

guess the gov should have hired you to do the prosecution.

Kyle should wear this on a t-shirt today for court....
Wrong on virtually every count. By your logic, every time a person fires his gun in self-defense, others should make the assumption that he's an active shooter and shoot him. Then, of course, the next layer of the onion would assume that those shooters are active shooters and shoot them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened more.

In this case, the guy who got his arm shot testified that he thought Rittenhouse was an active shooter. So I’m not sure how I’m wrong here, much less on every count.
You don't have a problem with the government putting a person through a trial - a trial where it is always a possibility that an errant jury might find them guilty, when the government knows the person committed no crime, just because people are dead?

I have a real problem with the government making politically-based charges and putting a person through a trial for their life, and then violating the Constitution and Supreme Court precedence over and over again to make the false charges stick.
That’s the way our court system works.

If you have a problem with it, then I suggest you write them an angry letter.
I’m a conservative and I don’t want to see a place where we condone or encourage juvenile vigilantes to roam the streets acting as cops.
Then charge him for that....not murder...this was self defense....
Farrakhan, Obama and the like are cut from the same cloth.
All 3 live or have lived in Chicago.The Place where Obama's
Library resides.A Huge monstrosity of a place.Don't forget Obama's
Very First Executive Order { EO 13489 } within 24 hrs.of being Sworn-in.
It basically sealed All Obams's personals.From his Kintergarten application to his
Mysterious travels in Indonesia with Mom and also His time at Columbia U.
Some have written that one year of Obama's Columbia { 2 years spent } was
absent.No true record of.Plus no one { according to Wayne Allyn Root }
who was in the same graduating class { 1983 } and also a Political Science major
wondered why no one at Columbia came forward to recount anyone named
Barack Obama as Candidate in 2008.Root emphatically stating ...
" Nobody remembers Obama at Columbia ".
Your point is very accurate. Had guns been outlawed and then Rittenhouse had put out the fire started by a communist revolutionary, the death count would have been one - with potential multiple causes: Beaten to death by skateboard, head kicked in on the pavement, and shot by a felon in possession of an illegal handgun.

Yes, the body count would be less but the wrong person would be dead.
If vigilante justice is discouraged with a lengthy sentence for Rittenhouse, there could be the desired effect of discouraging it in the same way the police have been somewhat tamed by the Chauvin verdict.
But regardless of the verdict, I can only see the opposite effect of enraging the gungoons even more.
That's America's ambition. To set the bar so low on self defense claims that even Chauvin's murder in broad daylight with video and several witnesses, can be allowed to happen.
Please demonstrate your rational basis for this claim.
That's one of the more bizarre comments I've seen made in this thread.

When the Supreme Court speaks, whether you "believe" what the Court says is of no consequence. When the Court speaks, that's pretty much the last word...

Sure he was...
Does the Supreme Court have the authority to change the Constitution? And, if not, how then do you account for when the Supreme Court reverses itself? Did the Constitution change? Did the Court change the Constitution? Or were they wrong in one or the other decision?

The Supreme Court does not define what is constitutional; the Constitution does that. The Supreme Court gives their opinion (almost always politically based as much or more than constitutionally based) on the Constitution. They do not create or change law; what they rule is NOT the law of the land. What they say is opinion and precedence, no more, no less.

And if you think Rittenhouse violated a law in carrying a gun, please quote the law he broke and how he broke it.

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