Prosecutor who jailed the blind sheik states Sessions in no way comitted perjury....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew McCarthy is the former prosecutor who put the blind sheik, the muslim terrorist responsible for the first attack on the Twin Towers, in jail...

He states.....Sessions did not commit perjury....

For you assholes out there...that means...Sessions did not commit Perjury...

The Perjury Allegation against Jeff Sessions Is Meritless

Perjury is not inaccuracy. It must be willfully false testimony. Willfulness is the criminal law’s most demanding mens rea (state of mind) requirement. Prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the speaker knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally — not by accident, misunderstanding, or confusion — said something that was untrue, with a specific purpose to disobey or disregard the law. Therefore, when there is an allegation of perjury, the alleged false statements must be considered in context. Any ambiguity is construed in favor of innocence. If there is potential misunderstanding, the lack of clarity is deemed the fault of the questioner, not the accused.


You may be thinking: Sessions should have added, “When I said I had ‘no communications,’ I meant ‘no communications in the role of a Trump surrogate discussing campaign business’; I did not mean that I’ve never spoken to a Russian official.” It’s only natural to see it that way. But that is not how it works if we are considering a charge of perjury. In those circumstances, it was up to Franken to clarify matters, by asking a follow-up along the lines of, “To be clear, I am asking you whether you’ve had any contact whatsoever with Russian officials during the campaign, whether as a Trump surrogate, in your capacity as a U.S. senator, or under any other circumstances.”

Read more at: The Perjury Allegation against Jeff Sessions Is Meritless

Read more at: The Perjury Allegation against Jeff Sessions Is Meritless

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