Zone1 Proselytizing for the Devil: In the name of God.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I received a disturbing call last night.
My son calls me and talked about a friend and fellow competitive swimmer of his since grade school.
He is essentially missing. His family doesn't know where he is. Two of his siblings are frantically trying to find him.
His fucked in the head parents disowned him because he told them he was gay. They are very religious.
They kicked him out of the house with no place to go. He has not shown up at his job, nor anywhere else. He hasn't contacted any relatives or friends. His sister said he was terribly distraught when he left.
His name is Luke. He was always a really great kid, and I felt he was probably gay waay back. He was pretty effeminate. And not one single time did I ever have a moment of concern he hung around my son and his other swim friends. He has been to our house many times. Just an all around great kid. Always nice, always polite, always giving... a good person in every way.
I am furious.
And his parents are out of their fucking minds. This kind of absurd behavior is EXACTLY what makes and keeps non religious people OUT OF THE CHURCH.
And that is what I say his parents are working for the Devil in the name of God.
I received a disturbing call last night.
My son calls me and talked about a friend and fellow competitive swimmer of his since grade school.
He is essentially missing. His family doesn't know where he is. Two of his siblings are frantically trying to find him.
His fucked in the head parents disowned him because he told them he was gay. They are very religious.
They kicked him out of the house with no place to go. He has not shown up at his job, nor anywhere else. He hasn't contacted any relatives or friends. His sister said he was terribly distraught when he left.
His name is Luke. He was always a really great kid, and I felt he was probably gay waay back. He was pretty effeminate. And not one single time did I ever have a moment of concern he hung around my son and his other swim friends. He has been to our house many times. Just an all around great kid. Always nice, always polite, always giving... a good person in every way.
I am furious.
And his parents are out of their fucking minds. This kind of absurd behavior is EXACTLY what makes and keeps non religious people OUT OF THE CHURCH.
And that is what I say his parents are working for the Devil in the name of God.

Wrong, it also keeps religious people out of certain churches.
judging an entire religion by the actions of a few is ... you don't want to know what I think

It is not very enlightened.

and I 've noticed that those who do are A-ok with just about anything a non-religious person does are always criticizing what Christians do.. so that seems highly hypocritical...

as if everything the non religious do is fine, including the murder of children in the womb.. But not being a perfect Christian is totally unforgivable
judging an entire religion by the actions of a few is ... you don't want to know what I think

It is not very enlightened.

and I 've noticed that those who do are A-ok with just about anything a non-religious person does are always criticizing what Christians do.. so that seems highly hypocritical...

as if everything the non religious do is fine, including the murder of children in the womb.. But not being a perfect Christian is totally unforgivable I wasn't talking about me.
I was talking about the general population.
This is the kind of action that people outside of the church see, and think all manner of bad things about religious people.
I thought that was pretty clear in my opening post. I wasn't talking about me.
I was talking about the general population.
This is the kind of action that people outside of the church see, and think all manner of bad things about religious people.
I thought that was pretty clear in my opening post.
so why do people both in and outside the Church look so much at the faults or perceived faults of others and yet never seem to look in a mirror?

If people spent 1/2 the time they look @ others on looking @ themselves instead...

maybe life on Planet E wouldn't be so hellish
so why do people both in and outside the Church look so much at the faults or perceived faults of others and yet never seem to look in a mirror?

If people spent 1/2 the time they look @ others on looking @ themselves instead...

maybe life on Planet E wouldn't be so hellish
I see you are well imbued with the kind of attitude that turn people off.
I received a disturbing call last night.
My son calls me and talked about a friend and fellow competitive swimmer of his since grade school.
He is essentially missing. His family doesn't know where he is. Two of his siblings are frantically trying to find him.
His fucked in the head parents disowned him because he told them he was gay. They are very religious.
They kicked him out of the house with no place to go. He has not shown up at his job, nor anywhere else. He hasn't contacted any relatives or friends. His sister said he was terribly distraught when he left.
His name is Luke. He was always a really great kid, and I felt he was probably gay waay back. He was pretty effeminate. And not one single time did I ever have a moment of concern he hung around my son and his other swim friends. He has been to our house many times. Just an all around great kid. Always nice, always polite, always giving... a good person in every way.
I am furious.
And his parents are out of their fucking minds. This kind of absurd behavior is EXACTLY what makes and keeps non religious people OUT OF THE CHURCH.
And that is what I say his parents are working for the Devil in the name of God.
How old is this person?

If he's 18 then he should be able to make it on his own
I received a disturbing call last night.
My son calls me and talked about a friend and fellow competitive swimmer of his since grade school.
He is essentially missing. His family doesn't know where he is. Two of his siblings are frantically trying to find him.
His fucked in the head parents disowned him because he told them he was gay. They are very religious.
They kicked him out of the house with no place to go. He has not shown up at his job, nor anywhere else. He hasn't contacted any relatives or friends. His sister said he was terribly distraught when he left.
His name is Luke. He was always a really great kid, and I felt he was probably gay waay back. He was pretty effeminate. And not one single time did I ever have a moment of concern he hung around my son and his other swim friends. He has been to our house many times. Just an all around great kid. Always nice, always polite, always giving... a good person in every way.
I am furious.
And his parents are out of their fucking minds. This kind of absurd behavior is EXACTLY what makes and keeps non religious people OUT OF THE CHURCH.
And that is what I say his parents are working for the Devil in the name of God.

I am a Christian, and you are right. This is the behavior that keeps people out of the church.

I would say the parents are indeed religious, but not Christ-like. If he is a minor, I believe this is even illegal, kicking a child out with no place to go. Even if he isn't, it's cruel and unnecessary. As the homeowners, they DO have a right to set ground rules for their home, such as, no boyfriends sleeping over, etc. But you might see that in straight relationships too.

Prayers for Luke. I'm so sorry to hear about this.
judging an entire religion by the actions of a few is ... you don't want to know what I think

It is not very enlightened.

and I 've noticed that those who do are A-ok with just about anything a non-religious person does are always criticizing what Christians do.. so that seems highly hypocritical...

as if everything the non religious do is fine, including the murder of children in the womb.. But not being a perfect Christian is totally unforgivable

Two issues here IMO:

1. It is true that people expect Christians to be Paragons of Virtue in Everything. Most people who do this are the naysayers at any rate. They're the first to sniff at "being judgmental" and the first to judge. This is universal and perpetual.

2. But this case is different because it's a big one that lots of people see. It's not a punky mood, you forgot someone's birthday, you snipped at your husband, you don't give enough kind deference to terrible political opinions on internet forums (heh). You kicked your own kid out of the house with nowhere to go.
I am a Christian, and you are right. This is the behavior that keeps people out of the church.

I would say the parents are indeed religious, but not Christ-like. If he is a minor, I believe this is even illegal, kicking a child out with no place to go. Even if he isn't, it's cruel and unnecessary. As the homeowners, they DO have a right to set ground rules for their home, such as, no boyfriends sleeping over, etc. But you might see that in straight relationships too.

Prayers for Luke. I'm so sorry to hear about this.
He is 27 actually.
Everyone knew he was going through something. He quit his professional job in the medical field to be a life guard. Usually high school kids are life guards. He withdrew himself, not staying in contacts with his friends... he played this game, I don't remember what it is called, like Dungeons and Dragons, but not Dungeons and Dragons with my son and 3 or 4 others every week. Dropped out, didn't return his phone calls. He moved in back with his parents a month or so ago, nobody knew that he did. He had his own apartment. He stopped showing up at his lifeguard job also. There was something really troubling going on here. And instead of his parents realizing and seeing the obvious - he tells them he is gay and they kicked him out. His sister said they told him he is no longer their son.
It is so fucked up. This is a really good kid.
He called his sister a couple days ago, but wouldn't say where he is. I seriously doubt it is drugs. He needs help. He isn't the kind of kid that just drops out of everyone's lives and won't return calls etc.
He is 27 actually.
Everyone knew he was going through something. He quit his professional job in the medical field to be a life guard. Usually high school kids are life guards. He withdrew himself, not staying in contacts with his friends... he played this game, I don't remember what it is called, like Dungeons and Dragons, but not Dungeons and Dragons with my son and 3 or 4 others every week. Dropped out, didn't return his phone calls. He moved in back with his parents a month or so ago, nobody knew that he did. He had his own apartment. He stopped showing up at his lifeguard job also. There was something really troubling going on here. And instead of his parents realizing and seeing the obvious - he tells them he is gay and they kicked him out. His sister said they told him he is no longer their son.
It is so fucked up. This is a really good kid.
He called his sister a couple days ago, but wouldn't say where he is. I seriously doubt it is drugs. He needs help. He isn't the kind of kid that just drops out of everyone's lives and won't return calls etc.

A 27 year old is in dire straights after being kicked out of his parents' house?

C'mon man.

This man should be able to take care of himself. Sure he has shitty parents but by the age of 27 he should be self sufficient
He is 27 actually.
Everyone knew he was going through something. He quit his professional job in the medical field to be a life guard. Usually high school kids are life guards. He withdrew himself, not staying in contacts with his friends... he played this game, I don't remember what it is called, like Dungeons and Dragons, but not Dungeons and Dragons with my son and 3 or 4 others every week. Dropped out, didn't return his phone calls. He moved in back with his parents a month or so ago, nobody knew that he did. He had his own apartment. He stopped showing up at his lifeguard job also. There was something really troubling going on here. And instead of his parents realizing and seeing the obvious - he tells them he is gay and they kicked him out. His sister said they told him he is no longer their son.
It is so fucked up. This is a really good kid.
He called his sister a couple days ago, but wouldn't say where he is. I seriously doubt it is drugs. He needs help. He isn't the kind of kid that just drops out of everyone's lives and won't return calls etc.

Yeah something definitely going on. He needs help, obviously. Praying

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