Protest Against Trump's Arrest to Start Soon

Georgia Recording Law​

Note: This page covers information specific to Georgia. For general information concerning the use of recording devices see the Recording Phone Calls, Conversations, Meetings and Hearings section of this guide.

Georgia Wiretapping Law​

Georgia's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law for purposes of making audio recordings of conversations. Georgia makes it a crime to secretly record a phone call or in-person conversation "originat[ing] in any private place" unless one party to the conversation consents. See Ga. Code §§ 16-11-62(1), 16-11-66 (link is to the entire code; you need to click through to Title 16, Chapter 11, Article 3, Part I, and then choose the specific provisions). Therefore, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance. That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties.
Georgia Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project

Now what if that person in another state and the laws there are different? :aargh:
The protest in Manhattan today completely blew away your little January 6 narrative. The only incident that came close to violence was one drunk black guy who kept cursing and making an ass out of himself. Other than him, there were no leftist counter-protesters, so the protest was peaceful.
No Molotovs?

I'm disappointed.... :p
It is not a fact that it was leaked from the DA's office. You made that up.

You asswipes don't even know what "being on the defensive" means yet

But you'll find out.

You leftards are in deep shit. People hate your guts. And you stupid fuckers want to talk about making shit up? The kings of fake news, the queens of the lie?
Will they all look like idiots, fat and stupid?


yes it was leaked that he would be indicted, arrested and then have to be arraigned this week.

You're still lying. You posted 2 articles and neither one said he was getting indicted. They both said he could possibly be indicted. That's an obvious statement of just about anyone under a grand jury probe. Had there actually been a leak, the news would have been able to report definitively that he was getting arrested yesterday.
You're still lying. You posted 2 articles and neither one said he was getting indicted. They both said he could possibly be indicted. That's an obvious statement of just about anyone under a grand jury probe. Had there actually been a leak, the news would have been able to report definitively that he was getting arrested yesterday.
The articles are all clear 5 senior folks close to the matter leaked it
You've got the TDS bad. Seriously

Now go dig up a two month old thread and move it to some obscure area you little twat

Deflection - a psychological defense mechanism, which is essentially a way of protecting oneself from experiencing uncomfortable emotions like anxiety, pain, guilt, or distress,
You're still lying. You posted 2 articles and neither one said he was getting indicted. They both said he could possibly be indicted. That's an obvious statement of just about anyone under a grand jury probe. Had there actually been a leak, the news would have been able to report definitively that he was getting arrested yesterday.
That didn't stop CNN and all the other propaganda outlets from running with the story though, now did it?

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That didn't stop CNN and all the other propaganda outlets from running with the story though, now did it?

All they said was it was possible he could be indicted. That's the case for everyone under a grand jury probe.
Getting indicted would be the best thing to happen to Trump as that would almost guarantee he wins back the presidency in 2024.

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