Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

No, I am an adult who understands how war works.
Lol. War works???…LMFAO! You clearly know nothing about war.

War is a racket designed by the elite to benefit and empower them. This war is no different, but you’re blind to this fact.

You’re just a child. A babe in the Woods of War Lies.
Lol. War works???…LMFAO! You clearly know nothing about war.

I didn’t make any claims about war working or not. I said I know HOW war works. There will be collateral damage.

But since you bring it up, what is the alternative in this situation? It is beyond naive to believe that Israel can simply stop bombing and Hamas and Israel will become besties. It is the same ridiciulous idea this administration has with regards to China. Saying their strategies are naive is being far too kind. It is just plain stupid.
I didn’t make any claims about war working or not. I said I know HOW war works. There will be collateral damage.

But since you bring it up, what is the alternative in this situation? It is beyond naive to believe that Israel can simply stop bombing and Hamas and Israel will become besties. It is the same ridiciulous idea this administration has with regards to China. Saying their strategies are naive is being far too kind. It is just plain stupid.
Oh brother, is that absurd. War is legalized murder. It needs to be outlawed as murder is.

Please read this column. If you’re capable, it will greatly enlighten you.


War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else​

Americans never tire of violence and confrontation​

Nikki Haley screams, “Finish them off!” In other words, kill all the Palestinians. They’re all “terrorists” aren’t they? No one criticizes her. Rashida Tlaib makes some very reasonable comments, and she is censured by Congress. Funny, they usually love her anti-White rhetoric. Some controversial comments are more equal than others. RFK, Jr. sure sounds entirely different when the subject is Israel. Tulsi Gabbard threw aside her usual proclamations for peace and insisted that she, too, “stands with” Israel. Who doesn’t? Nobody in Washington, D.C. The old expression about identifying those really in charge, by who you’re not allowed to criticize, comes to mind here. There is no other conclusion that can be drawn.

But leaving Israel out of it, the American public continues to fall for the same stale propaganda that has been used since 1898. Well, really 1860. Lincoln was the first to call those opposed to war “appeasers,” and insinuate that by doing so they were working with the enemy. And there is always an enemy. You can’t have a war without one. Dubya wasn’t quite as poetical as Lincoln, but he echoed him with his “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.” America- love it or leave it, as they used to advise the hippies. Now the aging hippies basically advise the nonexistent “White Supremacists” to do the same thing. It’s a selective patriotic thing, you wouldn’t understand. But Winston Smith would.

It’s the warmongers who get remembered in the history books. George Washington certainly isn’t remembered for his Farewell Address, which is contradicted by every foreign policy decision made from the beginning of the twentieth century, with the exceptions noted earlier during the Kennedy presidency. We love the “Old Ironsides” types. The “Give ‘em Hell” types. Who remembers Henry David Thoreau, the originator of nonviolent civil disobedience? Those urging peace, and cautioning against war, are smeared as “appeasers.” Wussies, as they used to say. That’s probably an offensive term now, what with the whole fifty seven genders thing. But maybe “wussy” is one of those genders. Who knows? Can you name fifty six others?
War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else
I didn’t make any claims about war working or not. I said I know HOW war works. There will be collateral damage.

But since you bring it up, what is the alternative in this situation? It is beyond naive to believe that Israel can simply stop bombing and Hamas and Israel will become besties. It is the same ridiciulous idea this administration has with regards to China. Saying their strategies are naive is being far too kind. It is just plain stupid.
Yes….and remember, the HAMAS monsters said they will keep doing an Oct 7th over and over until all Jews are gone and Israel is eliminated.
Why do you Israeli apologists always resort to lying?
Because on my post expressing what Hamas did that forced Israel to retaliate, you put a funny icon as a response. So I'm lying? I don't think so.

You aren't alone in that. Leftist trolls often put that funny icon on a well thought out and informative post no matter who posts it if the leftist doesn't like it. Pathetic though that you see this war as funny.
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Because on my post expressing whatt Hamas did that forced Israel to retaliate, you put a funny icon as a response. So I'm lying? I don't think so.

You aren't alone in that. Leftist trolls often put that funny icon on a well thought out and informative post no matter who posts it if the leftist doesn't like it. Pathetic though that you see this war as funny.
I think we should have a rule that antisemites should not be allowed to call Jews, especially those with both Holocaust survivors and murdered two generations up, “Nazis.” It is the most offensive thing one can say to a Jew, and they do it to abuse and torment Jews. Despicable.
I think we should have a rule that antisemites should not be allowed to call Jews, especially those with both Holocaust survivors and murdered two generations up, “Nazis.” It is the most offensive thing one can say to a Jew, and they do it to abuse and torment Jews. Despicable.
I profoundly agree that's why they do it. But no, no rule against it. Let them expose themselves as the cruel, vile human beings they are so we know who we don't need to bother paying attention to anything they say.

It's just a word. And those still able to engage in critical thinking and intellectual honesty recognize their viciousness in using it as much as you do. But you know who you are and know they're just trying to get you to respond inappropriately so they can pile on even more. (You may have noticed they are organized and pile into these threads all together and speak pretty much in unison.)

Your (and my and all others that they attack) best defense is to stay focused, sensible, and refuse to be as low class as they are.
I didn’t make any claims about war working or not. I said I know HOW war works. There will be collateral damage.

But since you bring it up, what is the alternative in this situation? It is beyond naive to believe that Israel can simply stop bombing and Hamas and Israel will become besties. It is the same ridiciulous idea this administration has with regards to China. Saying their strategies are naive is being far too kind. It is just plain stupid.
You are far more patient than I am. I have decided all these people organized to promote anything left and attack anything sensible a) either deliberately misstate what we post or b) are terribly under educated and incapable of reading comprehension.

Either way I no longer have the patience to try to get them to understand. They honestly don't want to.

But you are absolutely right. This morning I watched and heard a 4 star retired general explain that if Israel stops now, Hamas and its allies will just regroup, rearm and plot more deadly terrorism against Israel and Americans--dozens of attacks on Americans and American installations in the middle east outside of Israel in the last few weeks--many injuries, one death.

Israel's best chance for peace is to completely destroy its enemy.

Every time we Americans have done that--fought the enemy to unconditional surrender or destroy the enemy--we have left countries that were no longer a threat to us or their neighbors, that became friends, allies, trading partners.

Every time we got war weary and just stopped fighting a war without winning it, we left enemies in our wake.

Israel is doing what it must to save thousands of innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives. But innocent lives are always lost in war. And those lives are on the heads of the one who demanded the war be fought. In this case that would be Hamas. Not Israel.
Being forced OUT of your home is a lot better than having Muslim savages break INTO your home and bake your baby to death in the oven, set your four-year old on fire and burn him alive, cut the arms and feet off your third child and have him bleed out in agony, rape your wife, and then stab you to death.
But, none of that ever happened. It was all orchestrated by the Netanyahu government to steal Palestinian land. The Palestinians are a peace loving people who only want a country of their own
But, none of that ever happened. It was all orchestrated by the Netanyahu government to steal Palestinian land. The Palestinians are a peace loving people who only want a country of their own
You are kidding. Please tell me you are kidding.

Video of those very things happening were shown to the House of Representatives yesterday and all, even the most hardcore woke Democrats, were horrified and even traumatized.

The Senate I think will see that video today.

Those that think what Hamas is doing are 'peace loving Palestinians who only want a country of their own' may be uneducable maybe?
You are kidding. Please tell me you are kidding.

Video of those very things happening were shown to the House of Representatives yesterday and all, even the most hardcore woke Democrats, were horrified and even traumatized.

The Senate I think will see that video today.

Those that think what Hamas is doing are 'peace loving Palestinians who only want a country of their own' may be uneducable maybe?
He’s kidding!!
He’s kidding!!
I was pretty sure of that which is why I didn't blast her (him?) But that kind of satire needs some kind of symbol indicating sarcasm because the malicious trolls will take it and accuse the member again and again of saying it as fact.
I was pretty sure of that which is why I didn't blast her (him?) But that kind of satire needs some kind of symbol indicating sarcasm because the malicious trolls will take it and accuse the member again and again of saying it as fact.
Yes….and there is a symbol, but it wasn’t used: /s

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