Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

Anyway. As I was saying. Seems like part of the plot is to move their problem over here. Which, I suppose may why these ''protests'' are being organized thus laying the groundwork for what is to come...

Former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative Danny Danon, insist that the West should take in all the Gaza refugees because it’s already let in millions of Third World migrants...

That op-ed, of course, written by former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative, Danny Danon.
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Anyway. As I was saying. Seems like part of the plot is to move their problem over here. Which, I suppose may why these ''protests'' are being organized thus laying the groundwork for what is to come...

Former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative Danny Danon, insist that the West should take in all the Gaza refugees because it’s already let in millions of Third World migrants.

Oh hell to the fuck no on that!
No, it was. I forgot what he kept saying, but it was bad enough that I put him on ignore, and I don’t do that very often at all.

Heh heh. You forgot. Right.

I'll tell you something. You can't find one instance of your infantile claim anywhere on this board.

I've been on here a long time, noob. People know me. They know my position on things.

That you and your loyal following have a tendency to raise an arbitrary victim status card and call someone a Jew hater whenever someone says something that doesn't follow along with the narrative you're trying to run doesn't validate your claim. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day.

But if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I really, really do not care what you think about me.

I think you're just upset because I don't kiss your ass like so many others do. You have an entitlement mindset, observably.
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If only you were capable of thinking on your own.
View attachment 858763

I ain't the one you're gonna be able to gaslight with some "Oh the poor innocent Palestinian people" bullshit.

They train their kids to wage jihad and kill Jews and be suicide bombers from the time they can talk. Fuck

right off with that shit. I researched that 10 years ago when Obama was president.

I can't think for myself but you parrot what the Gaza Minister of Health claims?

Pwahahahaha! :auiqs.jpg:
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Perhaps, but I have doubts it was anti-Jew brutal. Some people are equal-opportunity offenders.

Exactly. Thank You. I couldn't care less whether anyone is a Jew or not.

I speak as an American. And only as an American. Some folks seem to have a problem with that. But that is not my problem.
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Boo hoo. You bigots are getting called out for your Anti-Semitic shit.
Do I need to explain this extremely timely and prescient quote to you?
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
― Malcolm X
So no Gazan civilians are being killed in one of the most densely populated areas, no relentless bombing is going on, all the massive destruction we've seen is all lies, and the massive protests all over the world are all for no reason, because no one is being killed?


Sigh... Oh my word.

Again, this whole thing is so Orwellian.

I ain't the one you're gonna be able to gaslight with some "Oh the poor innocent Palestinian people" bullshit.

They train their kids to wage jihad and kill Jews and be suicide bombers from the time they can talk. Fuck

right off with that shit. I researched that up 10 years ago.

I can't think for myself but you parrot what the Gaza Minister of Health claims?

Pwahahahaha! :auiqs.jpg:
Yup….Palestinian children as young as 10 joined in with the Oct 7th butchering day, laughing as innocent Jews were tortured.

Are you referring to massive pro Palestine protests till today, much backed by Islamic lobbies???

I'm referring to the OP. I try to stay on-topic. I find nothing entertaining or fruitful about purposefully taking threads off-topic in order to divide and conquer. I don't do that ''peopling'' thing.

Did you not read the OP? As a courtesy, I'll provide a snippet from it from the first couple of paragraphs...

''The National Guard will be assisting local police on Tuesday as tens of thousands of people are expected to attend two large-scale demonstrations in the nation's capital, according to officials.

The first rally, the "March For Israel," is being organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and will begin shortly before noon, according to a permit filed with the National Park Service.''

Now. Placing that aside, having hopefully addressed your ''concern,'' I'd certainly be glad to provide my thoughts on any ''Pro-Palestine protests," If you'd return the courtesy of directing me toward them.

But I assure you that my conclusion will be the same. Problem. Reaction. Solution. That's the name of the game being played here. And it doesn't apear that the winning move will be good for the fabric of our Republic.

Ultimately they're all on the same team as it pertains to defeating American freedom. They're certainly being used as such. Why do you think they're moving and staging the turmoil over here to the streets of America? Duh.

It's been clear since they brought out troops at the Capitol when they were impeaching Trump that they want to create the ilusion that America is under seige for the purpose of justifying their continued assault on the civil liberties of the American electorate.

These recent goings on are, in my view, just a different carrot on the same stick being thrown out there for the very same purpose.

And like clockwork, Americans are going right along with it. Almost as timely as the folks in government calling for expansion of government and restrictions on the electorate's civil liberties. Much like what we got wit hthe Patiot Act, the last time they ran one of those ''unity'' gags.

People really need to wake up and pay attention to how this foreign 'crisis'' is being both mediated and manipulated.
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Did you feel the same resentment when Palestine Jihad supporters marched?
Regardless of that little survey was conducted by a pro palestine agenda driven person or not.
All that is trivial against the masses of Palestinians rejoicing on Oct 7/8. Ugly and sick
Yup….Palestinian children as young as 10 joined in with the Oct 7th butchering day, laughing as innocent Jews were tortured.

Horrible, and very disturbing....:(

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