Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

"Relatively small civilian collateral damage"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Wow. No one's dying, people! All the video and images of the massive destruction is lies, says the guy who just signed up yesterday! :rolleyes:

Evidently the saying "the first casualty of war is truth" is very true.
"Relatively small civilian collateral damage"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Wow. No one's dying, people! All the video and images of the massive destruction is lies, says the guy who just signed up yesterday! :rolleyes:

Evidently the saying "the first casualty of war is truth" is very true.

Maybe you should go and fight for Hamas! better than talking so much?

Right all what you think is wrong?

Just saying! :dunno:
"Relatively small civilian collateral damage"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Wow. No one's dying, people! All the video and images of the massive destruction is lies, says the guy who just signed up yesterday! :rolleyes:

Evidently the saying "the first casualty of war is truth" is very true.

A recent video showed a Palestinian woman grieving over a dead body and loudly exclaiming "The Hamas PIGS did this!". She was immediately accosted by two men who put their hands over her mouth to silence her. They may have been Hamas supporters or they were concerned for her well-being and didn't want Hamas to execute her for making such a statement. Did you see it?
Maybe you should go and fight for Hamas! better than talking so much?

Right all what you think is wrong?

Just saying! :dunno:

I don't support Hamas or any terrorists. Maybe you should go and fight for the corrupt globalists who keep us in perpetual war, since you are cheerleading for them, while being completely oblivious to that?
I don't support Hamas or any terrorists. Maybe you should go and fight for the corrupt globalists who keep us in perpetual war, since you are cheerleading for them, while being completely oblivious to that?

You talk a lot in favor of the terrorists and against Israel that's for sure!:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Are you going to put another fake news emoticon here buttersauce I mean buttercup?:auiqs.jpg:
You talk a lot in favor of the terrorists and against Israel that's for sure!:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

I'm not the one one supporting the massive slaughter of innocent children, babies, women and elderly, I'm the one speaking against it, whether the victims are Israeli or any other nationality.

So you are either dense, or dishonest. My guess is both. Don't you have any selfies you need to take?
Did you feel the same resentment when Palestine Jihad supporters marched?

Who are you talking to? Me?

Pft. I don't give a flying shit about any of em. It's none of my business.

I'm American. I care about American problems. We have people struggling to decide whether to fuel their vehicles to get to work or to put food on the table for their families. And people are prioritizing a bunch of assholes in some foreign country who have been fighting among themselves for thousands of years? Get real.

I'm more concerned about all of the stupid assholes running interference as a matter of ''activism'' for the people in political power who want to mediate and manipulate the foreign crisis by moving it over here to the streets of America in order to justify slamming more nails into our Republic's own coffin.

More people should be concerned with that, in fact. Because that's precisely what they're trying to use it for if anyone is actually paying attention.

In the mean time, the same assholes who wanna stage a continuation of their thousands of years old fuckery over here are gleefully talking about how wonderful it would be to have new beachfront condos back there.

Jiminy fucking crickets. I weep for my country. You people are nuts. Truly.

Americans would do better to get their priorities straight.
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I'm not the one one supporting the massive slaughter of innocent children, babies, women and elderly, I'm the one speaking against it, whether the victims are Israeli or any other nationality.

So you are either dense, or dishonest. My guess is both. Don't you have any selfies you need to take?

Fake news winner! ^^^ :blahblah: :auiqs.jpg:
A recent video showed a Palestinian woman grieving over a dead body and loudly exclaiming "The Hamas PIGS did this!". She was immediately accosted by two men who put their hands over her mouth to silence her. They may have been Hamas supporters or they were concerned for her well-being and didn't want Hamas to execute her for making such a statement. Did you see it?

Yes, I've read that kind of atrocities too ....that Hamas did all that....all those crimes...against their own people.

I'm American. I care about American problems. We have people struggling to decide whether to fuel their vehicles to get to work or to put food on the table for their families and people are prioritizing a bunch of assholes who have been fighting among themselves for thousands of years. Get real.

I'm more concerned about all of the stupid assholes running interference as a matter of ''activism'' for the people in political power who want to mediate and manipulate the foreign crisis by moving it over here to the streets of America in order to justify slamming more nails into our Republic's own coffin.

More people should be concerned with that, in fact. Because that's precisely what they're trying to use it for if anyone is actually paying attention.

In the mean time, the same assholes who wanna stage a continuation of their thousands of years old fuckery over here are gleefully talking about how wonderful it would be to have new beachfront condos back there.

Jiminy fucking crickets. I weap for my country. You people are nuts. Truly...

Thank you for not being a dumb Establishment dupe, and for caring about liberty. Apparently that's rare these days, at least here at USLMB.
Thank you for not being a dumb Establishment dupe, and for caring about liberty. Apparently that's rare these days, at least here at USLMB.

Well. I live by a motto...

I would exoect the samw enthusiasm against pro Palestine protests.

And I would expect you to read what I said the first time, otherwise I wouldn't bother about with a bunch of keystrokes.

But I'll tell you what you absolutely can and should expect. You can expect that I control my arguments. Not you. And not anyone else.

And I've yet to see any of you demonstrate the courage to argue against any of them which I've presented.

Which I've concluded by observation is why folks seem to favor trying to control other people's arguments rather than present a valid argument against that which they've been presented.
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Simply question is. Why only today?

The pro Palestinian have been doing this for weeks.
Antiseptic propaganda…lmfao. Where would one find such propaganda?

Same old criticisms from warmongers. It’s all they know.

Peace sister. Not war!
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Says one who thinks it is really funny that Hamas sent 5000 rockets into Israel, that Hamas kidnapped hundreds of Israelis and Americas who were tortured, raped, held for ransom, who threatens Israel with hundreds of October 7ths
Says one who thinks it is really funny that Hamas sent 5000 rockets into Israel, that Hamas kidnapped hundreds of Israelis and Americas who were tortured, raped, held for ransom, who threatens Israel with hundreds of October 7ths
Why do you Israeli apologists always resort to lying?
Thank you for not being a dumb Establishment dupe, and for caring about liberty. Apparently that's rare these days, at least here at USLMB.
Americans know so little about the real history of their nation. Their taught a bunch of lies in state run schools and many can’t overcome the lies as they age and witness the lies first hand.

This woman should be a hero, but she’s unheard of by most.

Jeanette Rankin was the only member of Congress to vote against WWII, and had to have a police escort out of that sanctified temple of democracy afterwards. She noted that “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” She explained, in her unique fashion, “As a woman I can’t go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else.” Her courageous stance ruined her political career. Then, as now, it wasn’t popular to stand for peace. In my view, she is the greatest woman in American history, and should have her likeness on a fiat currency bill over Harriet Tubman or any other female. I’m confident that only a very small percentage of today’s dumbed down Americans have even heard of her.

The last war that America was justified in fighting was the War of 1812. Our shores were undeniably invaded. The White House was set on fire. They say that Dolley Madison saved the Gilbert Stuart painting of George Washington. Of course, they say a lot of things. Still, picture Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama doing something like that. I’m no literal pacifist. You have to defend yourselves and your family when you are being attacked. I don’t count the Pearl Harbor false flag. FDR might as well have been flying one of the Japanese planes himself. Every other war revolved around a dubiously perceived threat emanating from one of those “foreign hobgoblins” that the great H.L. Mencken so colorfully described.

War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else - LewRockwell

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