Protesters Don't Know What They're Protesting About

Trump's claim of doing more for black Americans than any President since Kennedy is nothing more than a propaganda talking point. It really is meaningless to everyone except his die-hard followers. The reality of a temporary employment surge became evident with the immediate disproportionate downward surge showing the weakness and illusion of the temporary surge. Claiming Trump has done more than Johnson, Clinton, and Obama is simply ridiculous.
YOU are who is ridiculous, The lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history is not a "temporary" thing. Who told you it was ? Some BSer on CNN ? Trump has achieved the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history not only for blacks, but also for Asians, Hispanics, and the disabled, and this has held up FOR YEARS.
You are in denial and delusional. What is the unemployment rate for blacks today?
I've seen a lot of middle age and older folks protesting. They are protesting against fascism.
More likely they are protesting against a clear case of police brutality, for which the cop faces a murder charge. Have you polled the folks to find out?
They are protesting injustice all the way around, inadequate public schools, income inequality, etc. the whole works.
Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Horse SHIT, Philando Castille followed every fucking rule that you're supposed to follow and was still murdered. Even the other freaking cop knew there was no freaking reason to shoot. Jesus Freaking Christmas, people like you are a part of the problem, why shitty cops who MURDER people because their inherently afraid for no conceivable reason can't he held accountable.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Self Defense of WHAT, where was the weapon he was going to use hurt them? Oh that's right, there wasn't one.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Horse SHIT they shot a drunk unarmed person because he tried to reach for his shorts? Get the hell out of here, it boggles my mind how much leeway we give police for doing a bad job at something everyone knows is dangerous. How the HELL you can so easily justify an unarmed man who wasn't a danger to anyone is again, PART OF THE DAMNED PROBLEM.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Now you're a liar too, Security implies a job or title that gives ol Zimmerman authority to follow someone. He was a stalker essentially, and somehow the kid that was probably scared somebody was following him, is dead without any repercussions.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.
Somehow you're hitting on the problem but not getting it.

Those "victims" were criminals. Point a gun at police get shot, good job officers.
And you just sound ignorant as hell, which one of those people listed pointed a gun at an officer? How many of them where even armed, One? Which he promptly told the trigger happy officer about like you're supposed to.

God you're a trash human, an utter and complete Trash Human.
This is another perfect example of the IGNORANCE that you get from the liberal university MISeduction + the liberal OMISSION media. The OP was clear. There is no basis whatsoever to contradict it.

1. Like YOU, Philando Castille didn't even have the foggiest idea of what the "rule" is. Just like you right here in this thread, he had no idea, that he was putting the cop in a position of fear for his life, with no way to defend himself (from a possible immediate gunshot at him in close proximity. You want the cop to risk being shot to death ? would that make you happy ? And concealment of a hand toward a gun-toting cop (pr civilian) is a death threat. YOU better learn that yourself, or you may wind up dead too. This is your opportunity to learn what your schooteachers never knew, and din't teach you, You're welcome.

2. IT DOESN'T MATTER if there was a weapon or not. You think the cop (Betty Shelby) should risk being shot, by the possibility that a gun will come out of the SUV window, and fire at her in less than 1 second ? WHY ? Why should she risk that to accomodate an erratic suspect who isn't following her advice ? (if he wants to stay alive)

3. "Unarmed" has nothing to do with it. At the time that the cop shot Daniel Shaver he had no way of knowing is Shaver was armed or not. Shaver (uneducated to the rules of police confrontation- just like all the rest of us), reached behind his body, The disappearance of his hand is signal to police to shoot. If they don'tin the next second they could be dead from being shot by the suspect. You don't get this > Or you're pretending to not get it, just because you don;t like the idea ? Tell you what. You our in the uniform and badge, and wear a gun, and go up against a suspect, and let's see how you feel about letting him put his hand in his jacket, or in a car window, or reach behind him with his hand out of your line of sight, and see what you have to say THEN Mr High & Mighty.

4. FALSE! I live in Florida and have been licensed to work in security here for years. What Zimmerman did, in no way conforms to Florida's stalking law. You don't know what you're talking about. And Martin is dead because he attacked Zimmerman, He didn't have to, He did that because that's just the kind f thug he was. When I worked security, I followed people at times, They sometimes asked me why I was doing that. They didn't attack me. There were no repercussions to Zimmerman because he shot Martin in self-defense, fully in conformance with Florida's self-defense law.
The only unjust actions here, was the arrest and incarceration of Zimmerman by Sanford Police (who originally didnt charge Zimmerman) after being coerced by Obama's running dogs, threatening riots if they didn't arrest Zimmerman.

Speaking on the day of Zimmerman's arrest, Al Sharpton said, "Forty-five days ago, Trayvon Martin was murdered. No arrest was made. The Chief of Police in Sanford announced after his review of the evidence there would be no arrest. An outcry from all over this country came because his parents refused to leave it there."[241][242] Jesse Jackson also referred to Martin as "murdered and martyred". And U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson (Dem.), who represents Martin's hometown of Miami, used the word "murdered" when she referred to Martin's fatal shooting.[243]

Obama, speaking to reporters on March 23 after federal investigators were deployed to Sanford, said, "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids, and I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this.... If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."[238]

You don't know what you're talking about regarding this either. You are one very mixed up individual, and you're completely oblivious to your ignorance, and distorted ideas.
You are in denial and delusional. What is the unemployment rate for blacks today?
This is really too much. You deny that the unemployment rate for blacks reached its lowest level in US history in Trump's first term, do you ?

As for "today" don't talk stupid. "Today" is irrelevant. Everything going on today, is a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and is totally aside from Trump's achievements. What a weak and lame ploy.

Black Unemployment >>

Data extracted on: June 9, 2020 (4:58:10 PM)

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id:
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American
Labor force status: Unemployment rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
Race: Black or African American


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They are protesting injustice all the way around, inadequate public schools, income inequality, etc. the whole works.
Why would they PROTEST inequality, when the inequality (Affirmative Action) benefits THEM ? If anybody should be protesting inequality, it is Whites and Asians (victims of AA).

I was a major victim of AA inequality myself, when I and other non-blacks were denied assistantships at Memphis State University. It changed my entire life after that, in which I have made 1/3 the money I would/should have, and this still affects me now in retirement, as my Social Security benefit rate is far below what it would have been, and should be.
Those "victims" were criminals. Point a gun at police get shot, good job officers.

I have no problem with dumb-asses who point guns at cops getting shot. I'd like to see a few NRA types get that treatment.

That said. Laquan McDonald wasn't pointing a gun at anyone.
Mike Brown wasn't pointing a gun at anyone.
Sandra Bland wasn't pointing a gun at anyone.
George Floyd wasn't pointing a gun at anyone.
This is a perfect example of what you get when your news media and universities are controlled by liberals. Even after it is explained to them (the OP did that), they still persist in contradiction. The programming of these robots goes deep.

Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand ? And if the guy you encounter who is your adversary somehow, reached into his pocket, you want to allow him the 1/2 second chance to shoot you ? You can do that. You might come out OK a few times, before you run into the wrong one, and then you're DEAD, with never knowing what hit you.

Okay, buddy, by that logic, if some cop shot you, hey, he was totally justified, because YOU MIGHT have a gun.
I've seen a lot of middle age and older folks protesting. They are protesting against fascism.
More likely they are protesting against a clear case of police brutality, for which the cop faces a murder charge. Have you polled the folks to find out?
They are protesting injustice all the way around, inadequate public schools, income inequality, etc. the whole works.
So, they're just mad about stuff. How many are protesting the lack of police presence in their neighborhoods, or the number of abortion mills in minority neighborhoods? Show me your polling results.
Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

Note: from the moment that a suspect's hands disappear, it takes him 1/2 second to pull out a gun and fire.
They are protesting a double standard of justice that has been in play longer than the USA has been in existence, MAGA or too much winning?

The Double Standard of Justice in America

"While Nathaniel Woods’ family prepares for his burial after Alabama Gov. Kay E. Ivey denied Woods the right to live despite knowing that he didn’t pull the trigger that led to the deaths of three police officers, Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr. a former Klansman and the last living convicted American terrorist — that led to the deaths of Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley and Denise McNair, four little Black girls killed at the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963, which fueled the Civil Rights Movement — will be up for parole again in 2021."
They are protesting a double standard of justice that has been in play longer than the USA has been in existence, MAGA or too much winning?

The Double Standard of Justice in America

"While Nathaniel Woods’ family prepares for his burial after Alabama Gov. Kay E. Ivey denied Woods the right to live despite knowing that he didn’t pull the trigger that led to the deaths of three police officers, Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr. a former Klansman and the last living convicted American terrorist — that led to the deaths of Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley and Denise McNair, four little Black girls killed at the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963, which fueled the Civil Rights Movement — will be up for parole again in 2021."
Liberals constantly harken back to the 1950s and 60s to retrieve civil right abuse. Public TV stations constantly run old black & white footage of civil rights struggles to inflame current day youth and arouse them (if not illegally incite them to riot).

But real issues like abortion clinics in black neighborhoods, killing millions of black people go unspoken about. Deaths of hundreds of blacks in big cities all over America, killed by other blacks hardly is noticed.

What also goes unnoticed is the killings of police officer (white and black), like Grand Forks, ND police officer Cody Holte, shot dead in cold blood by a black criminal, who had been arrested 20 times and shouldn't have been 1 foot outside a prison.

What also gets no publicity by "our" illustrious leftist media, is the millions of whites who have suffered their while life, from racist Affirmative Action discrimination against them, and continue to suffer from it even in retirement from severely reduced Social Security payments. Yeah there is a "double standard of justice", all right. The only question is, why aren't white people doing the protesting, and why aren't our elected officials standing up for what is right, instead of bowing down, or kneeling in submission to BLM thugs/terrorists ?
What also gets no publicity by "our" illustrious leftist media, is the millions of whites who have suffered their while life, from racist Affirmative Action discrimination against them, and continue to suffer from it even in retirement from severely reduced Social Security payments.
Millions of whites living in the US today are the beneficiaries of four hundred years of white supremacy. White Americans owe their prosperity to the genocide of native Americans and the enslavement of Africans; that is the historical foundation of ALL of your accomplishments.

You can easily find anecdotal evidence like Cody Holte's death, but that doesn't change the reality the Holte was a beneficiary of white supremacy and blacks like George Floyd and Eric Garner are its victims, or the fact Holte was the first Grand Forks officer killed in the line of duty since 1966.
Millions of whites living in the US today are the beneficiaries of four hundred years of white supremacy. White Americans owe their prosperity to the genocide of native Americans and the enslavement of Africans; that is the historical foundation of ALL of your accomplishments.

You can easily find anecdotal evidence like Cody Holte's death, but that doesn't change the reality the Holte was a beneficiary of white supremacy and blacks like George Floyd and Eric Garner are its victims, or the fact Holte was the first Grand Forks officer killed in the line of duty since 1966.
Millions of whites living in the US today are the victims of 55 years of black supremacy including affirmative action, still legal in 42 states, and even in the other 8 states that have bans on this racial discrimination, it is only partial. White Americans owe their victimization to the anti-white racism from both black and white liberals; that is the historical foundation of ALL of our lifelong damages$$$$$$.

Cody Holte in no way was any beneficiary of white supremacy, and the whole idea of that is simply preposterous, Rather than being a beneficiary of anything, Holte was a victim of the liberal practice of deranged leniency, that allowed his killer, Salahman Pendelton, to be free on the street after being convicted of a longggg string of crimes.

As for how many cops were killed in Grand Forks, a more relevant point is how many have been killed nationwide, and that is a much higher number than blacks killed unjustly by police. 1,582 just over the past 10 years.

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Millions of whites living in the US today are the victims of 55 years of black supremacy including affirmative action, still legal in 42 states, and even in the other 8 states that have bans on this racial discrimination, it is only partial. White Americans owe their victimization to the anti-white racism from both black and white liberals; that is the historical foundation of ALL of our lifelong damages$$$$$$
White Americans have been the principle beneficiaries of structural racism for longer than the US has existed, or can you explain this divide without acknowledging white $upremacy?

Anti-White racism is just another bogus charge designed to blame the victims of 400 years of white pride.

Systematic Inequality - Center for American Progress

"Decade after decade, black Americans have struggled to keep pace with their white counterparts and—despite momentous effort—continuously find themselves several steps behind.

"The data are clear: Even when African Americans pursue higher education, purchase a home, or secure a good job, they still lag behind their white counterparts in terms of wealth.

"Moreover, the disparities between white and black Americans can nearly always be traced back to policies that either implicitly or explicitly discriminate against black Americans.

"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, black mothers and children die at disproportionately higher rates than their white counterparts, regardless of their income levels.11

"Researchers have suggested that racism—which has produced segregated neighborhoods with fewer hospitals, higher rates of chronic illnesses, and unequal access to health care—is the main culprit.12."
As for how many cops were killed in Grand Forks, a more relevant point is how many have been killed nationwide, and that is a much higher number than blacks killed unjustly by police. 1,582 just over the past 10 years.
Police are trained and paid to deal with public safety, yet they are killing civilians at increasingly higher rates, and it's isn't only brown and black people being killed; there are a lot of white civilians killed by police, as well.

People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2020 | Statista

"Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 429 civilians having been shot, 88 of whom were Black, as of June 4, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004.

"Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 30 fatal shootings per million of the population as of June 2020."
White Americans have been the principle beneficiaries of structural racism for longer than the US has existed, or can you explain this divide without acknowledging white $upremacy?


Systematic Inequality - Center for American Progress

"Decade after decade, black Americans have struggled to keep pace with their white counterparts and—despite momentous effort—continuously find themselves several steps behind.

"The data are clear: Even when African Americans pursue higher education, purchase a home, or secure a good job, they still lag behind their white counterparts in terms of wealth.

"Moreover, the disparities between white and black Americans can nearly always be traced back to policies that either implicitly or explicitly discriminate against black Americans.

"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, black mothers and children die at disproportionately higher rates than their white counterparts, regardless of their income levels.11

"Researchers have suggested that racism—which has produced segregated neighborhoods with fewer hospitals, higher rates of chronic illnesses, and unequal access to health care—is the main culprit.12."
So all this you think is a good excuse for being the anti-white racist that you apparently are, right ? No, there is no excuse for pushing and supporting race-based Affirmative Action racial discrimination. None. And the fact that you do that makes you a baldfaced racist, plain and simple.

White Americans have been the principle victims of structural racism (Affirmative Action) for 55 years, or can you explain this divide without acknowledging black $upremacy?

Decade after decade, white Americans have struggled to keep pace with their black counterparts and—despite momentous effort—continuously find themselves TENS OF THOUSANDS of steps behind.

FOR EXAMPLE >> the James A Haley VA Hospital in Tampa , FL employs 16,000 people. Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Maintainance workers, Cooks, Clerical staff. I don't need "Researchers" from your leftist sources, to tell me what's going on. I AM the researcher. I have had 11 surgeries at James A Haley + dozens of liquid nitrogen treatments + cat scans, a PET scan, and a brocoscopy. I have walked the massive hallways there for 12 years, and been treated. I can SHOW you the racial makeup of the whole staff, top to bottom. It is about 50% black, 40% other dark-skinned minority (including many doctors from India), about 9% white women, and white males are between 1% and ZERO.

Don't believe it ? Go see for yourself. Bay Pines VA Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL is the same. I would be willing to bet every VA Hospital in America is that way.

The same way is the Tampa Workforce Office, and many other large government facilities.

In light of this eyeball REAL RESEARCH, I tend to disbelieve the "research" that tells us that blacks are doing so badly. I walk through the massive parking lots where all these black employees' cars are parked, and I see brand, new, shiny expensive cars that these employees own. Cadillacs, BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus, etc.

Proof is in the pudding (the Hospital, the clinics, the hallways, the parking lots)

One reason why blacks, as a whole, my not measure up too high economically, is because so many of them don't take advantage of their black privilege benefits, and don't apply for Affirmative Action business loans to start businesses, that they could have done ahead of whites, who aren't eligible for those loans.

Relatively few apply for college so as to jump to the front of the line in admissions and college financial aid. They are busy dealing drugs, prostituting, or just staying in bed until noon, living off their parents until they're 30. That doesn't help them to take advantage of their AA job hiring privileges, or the AA job promotions that would follow.

Anti-Black racism is just another bogus charge, designed to blame the white victims of 55 years of Affirmative Action Black Privilege.
As for how many cops were killed in Grand Forks, a more relevant point is how many have been killed nationwide, and that is a much higher number than blacks killed unjustly by police. 1,582 just over the past 10 years.
Police are trained and paid to deal with public safety, yet they are killing civilians at increasingly higher rates, and it's isn't only brown and black people being killed; there are a lot of white civilians killed by police, as well.

People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2020 | Statista

"Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 429 civilians having been shot, 88 of whom were Black, as of June 4, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004.

"Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 30 fatal shootings per million of the population as of June 2020."

No surprise. The rate of fatal police shootings would very likely be higher among blacks, since they are the race who commits by far, the most crime per capita, and thereby comes in contact with the police so much more often. And BTW, in these contacts with police, overwhelmingly it is black crime victims whom the police are there on behalf of.


Wanna talk about people killed by police, do you ? >>>

As for how many cops were killed in Grand Forks, a more relevant point is how many have been killed nationwide, and that is a much higher number than blacks killed unjustly by police. 1,582 just over the past 10 years.
Police are trained and paid to deal with public safety, yet they are killing civilians at increasingly higher rates, and it's isn't only brown and black people being killed; there are a lot of white civilians killed by police, as well.

People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2020 | Statista

"Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 429 civilians having been shot, 88 of whom were Black, as of June 4, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004.
There's a problem with your Statista source link. It seems to be contradicting itself.

On the one hand it says police "are killing civilians at increasingly higher rates,"
and says "the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing"

Too bad they used the word "only" That puts then in a position to show have to show a 100% status of their claim. It's not that at all.

By their/your own chart, we see a continuous DECREASE of "Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020" among Whites (457 to 399 to 370, and 2020 appear headed to another reduction,with only 172 in June.)

Among blacks the number DECREASED from 2017 to 2018 (223 to 209, and 2020 appears to be heading for a major DECREASE with only 88 so far in first half of this year.

Same exact thing with Hispanics, as the number DECREASED from 2017 to 2018 (179 to 148, and only 57 in the first half of this year.

Maybe you ought to try actually READING your links, rather than just copy-pasting them.

• 2017​
• 2018​
• 2019​
• 2020*​

• 2017​
• 2018​
• 2019​
• 2020*​

Additional Information
© Statista 2020
Show source

Additional Information
© Statista 2020
Show source
White Americans have been the principle victims of structural racism (Affirmative Action) for 55 years, or can you explain this divide without acknowledging black $upremacy?
Why hasn't White wealth declined over the past 55 years compared to black net worth?

Systematic Inequality - Center for American Progress

"Several key factors exacerbate this vicious cycle of wealth inequality.

"Black households, for example, have far less access to tax-advantaged forms of savings, due in part to a long history of employment discrimination and other discriminatory practices.

"A well-documented history of mortgage market discrimination means that blacks are significantly less likely to be homeowners than whites,3 which means they have less access to the savings and tax benefits that come with owning a home. "
Protest marches and rallies purposes will become more and more confusing as they transition from police brutality rallies and they change to general anti-Trump rallies.
Why hasn't White wealth declined over the past 55 years compared to black net worth?

Systematic Inequality - Center for American Progress

"Several key factors exacerbate this vicious cycle of wealth inequality.

"Black households, for example, have far less access to tax-advantaged forms of savings, due in part to a long history of employment discrimination and other discriminatory practices.

"A well-documented history of mortgage market discrimination means that blacks are significantly less likely to be homeowners than whites,3 which means they have less access to the savings and tax benefits that come with owning a home. "
First of all you can take that chart and throw it right out the window because I don't believe a word of it, (my VA Hospital example shoots it right out of the sky), and even if it was true, it wouldn't excuse the hypocrisy of crazy liberals, who amazingly go around advocating racial discrimination (Affirmative Action), while simultaneously, piously crowing about how bad racial discrimination is.

All this is just yet another example of the deranged mindset of liberals who condemn racial discrimination, while simultaneously, find it perfectly OK to racially discriminate as long as the beneficiaries are black, and the victims are white.

Make no mistake, Joe Biden is among these nutjobs, and this is just another reason why he must not be allowed to become president in 2021, or we will have a social catastrophe on our hands.

Another note about the chart - it is based on stock ownership ("Shares"). It's well known that among other cultural differences, blacks don't engage in the stock market like whites do. They have different ways of holding wealth, such as a home, expensive cars (Cadillacs, Lincolns, Lexus, etc), musical instruments, and gold jewelry. The chart you showed, emphasizes white household wealth, primarily.

PS - Center for American Progress is a totally biased, left wing laughingstock.

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